Would you like to receive penpals from all around the world? Have your name
published in the frequently read Online Penpal Magazine. Our magazine is
read by over 500 people daily. These people are of all ages, come from
countries around the world, and are looking for penpals like you.
The price for each submission is $15 US dollars a month. To have your name
published in the Online Penpal Magazine, just complete the following order
form and mail it to: Penpals, P.O. Box 731013, Ormond Beach, FL 32173-1013 USA
1. name:
2. postal address:
3. e-mail address:
4. are you male or female?:
5. birthdate: (month/day/year)
6. hobbies and interests:
7. languages spoken:
You must provide a postal address or an e-mail address (preferably both, but
it is your choice). If you do not want your birth year to be printed, just
let us know. But, you must complete it above so that we can place your
information in the correct area.
8. how many months would you like your information to be published?:
9. total amount due ($15 US dollars for each month):
You can enclose a check or money order payable to Penpals. US cash and
unused US postage stamps are also acceptable.
Please mail your completed order form and payment to:
P.O. Box 731013
Ormond Beach, FL 32173-1013