1. |
Help: Missing Person (mind) |
39 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
E-mail szerelem (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Vers - Nektek (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Help: Missing Person (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
* *
* *
* *
An Englishman Chris Stangroom, about six foot high, 29 years old and with
A COMPLETELY BALD HEAD went missing from his hotel room in Budapest somewhere
between 26th July and 6th August. He was in holiday in Budapest and had been
talking about going to Rumania or Croatia for a few days, but it has just
been discovered that all his personal belongings are still in his hotel room.
Interpol has been informed, but maybe somebody in the INTERNET or FIDONET
community can help us with clues. You may have met Chris, he speaks only
English (and a bit of German) but is very friendly. He looks distinctive
because he is
young but completely bald (it is possible that he has very short hair by now).
If you met him, or even think you saw him in the streets please send us a
message; we need to know WHEN he disappeared. Please send e-mail to one of thes
I don't receive any Hungarian newsgroups so you MUST send it as e-mail,
don't just REPLY to a posting.
If you receive this message, please show to everyone you can and re-post it to
other forums or groups that people living in Budapest might read. His family
and friends are extremely worried.
Thank you for your help.
Simon Birrell
+ - | E-mail szerelem (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Peter:>Ne szeress bele senkibe e-mail levelezes alapjan!
>es ha megis sikerul?
>na akkor mi van????
Hat akkor remenykedni kell, hogy nem teszunk szert olyan elmenyre, mint
amilyent irt le a RANDI #212-ben.
Mellesleg en csak az oaltala idezett Murphy mondast alakitottam at az uj
idok igenyei szerint, nekem meg nem volt ilyen tapasztalatom, es csak kicsit
MOKAzni akartam. Tudom, hogy ez egy masik ujsag, de nem gondoltam volna,
hogy ilyen visszhangja lesz...
Kerekes Peter
+ - | Vers - Nektek (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Szabo Lorinc: Mindenutt ott vagy
Mindneutt ott vagy, ahol valaha
tudtalak, lattalak, szerettelek:
ut, orom, erdo Veled integet,
falu es varos, nappal s ejszaka
folyton idez, oszi hegy a tel hava,
vizpart s vonatfutty, s mindben ott remeg
az elso vagy, s a tarto orulet
huszonot kigyult tavasza, nyara.
Mindenutt megvagy: mint viragozon
boritod eletemet, friss orom,
frissito ifjusagom, gyonyorom:
minden mindenutt Veled ostromol,
de mindig feljajdul a halk sikoly:
e sok Mindenutt mindenutt Sehol! ....