1. |
Zoldek miatt kergek a marhak ? (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Kornyezetvedelmi Alap (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
allas amszterdamban (mind) |
52 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
posztdok lehetosegek Princetonban (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Zoldek miatt kergek a marhak ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Az oktober 7.-i Nepszabadsagban a prionok 1982-es felfedezeseert es a
kergemarhakor, ill. az annak megfelelo human szindroma kutatasaert kapott
Nobel-dijrol irnak.
Ennek soran az az allitas is olvashato, hogy a zoldek is felelosek
azert, hogy ilyen mertekben elterjedt a kor a marhaknal, ill. a human
populaciok veszelyeztetettsege ilyen nagy lett. Ugyanis a zoldek
nyomasara alacsonyabb homersekletu technologiaval allitjak elo azt a
huslisztet, amelyet a marhaknak adnak tapként, s amely vagohidon leolt
fajtarsaik maradekabol keszul. Emiatt a prionok (amely orokitoanyag
nelkuli, viszont konformacio valtozas utjan veszelyesse valhato, meg a
virusoknal is egyszerubb es ellenallobb strukturak) nem pusztultak el.
Ehhez azert annyit hozzatennek: ha a hokezeles olyan durva, hogy a
strukturalis feherjek, szenhidratok is elbomlanak, akkor legfeljebb egy
marek hamu marad, es azt meg a szegeny hulye marhak sem eszik meg.
Nekem olyan ismereteim vannak a dologrol, hogy a zoldek eleve a
huslisztes takarmanyozas ellen voltak - szegeny marhakbol ne csinaljunk
kannibalt. Nem arrol volt szo, hogy hogyan csinaljunk finom huslisztet az
eredetileg novenyevo allatoknak.
Kedves szakertok, mi a velemenyetek errol ?
Mellesleg: a zoldek a legjobb uton vannak afele, hogy egy-egy
tarsadalmi, okologiai problemaert oket vegyek elo bunbaknak. Aki nem
vette volna eszre, Bos-Nagymaros ugyeben Haga utan pontosan ez zajlik
. A problemak valodi felelosei - akik mellesleg mar eddig is
haszonelvezok voltak - tovabb manipulalnak.
Kobor Jozsef
+ - | Kornyezetvedelmi Alap (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kerdesem lenne, hogy ki tudna ertekezni nekem arrol, hogy jelenleg ill. a
jovo evi koltsegvetesben mekkora a kornyezetvedelmi alap osszege, esetleg
ez hany szazaleka a GNP vagy vmi hasonlo mutatonak?
Ehhez hasonlo adatokrol a halon hol lehet infot talalni?
Nem nagy kerdes, biztos sokan tudjak ra a valaszt, akkor ragadjanak
billentyut es irajanak!
Koszi, Szil.
+ - | allas amszterdamban (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
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Forwarded upon request of EYFA to ENVCEE-list members:
EEEP Training Position at EYFA Amsterdam
The Eastern European Exchange Program (EEEP) is a training program
which allows young environmentalists from Central and Eastern Europe
to work 3 months together with EYFA office in Amsterdam where they
will receive training in management, establishing contacts with
different organisations in Europe, and also learn about EYFA projects
and activities. In frame of the EEEP:
Winter Meeting, the same like Annual Meeting, is EYFA's annual general
assemble. These are the highest decision-making bodies, deciding on
general strategies and guidelines for the activities. WM is going to
take place in the first half of January 1998 in Prague.
During your stay in Amsterdam and Prague you will get practical
experience in networking, project and organisational management,
proposal writing, organising international meetings, computer
applications, preparing leaflets. You also will have access to the
EYFA's resources and can do some work on projects that benefit your
own NGO.
training period: november, december, january
training location: EYFA office in Amsterdam, Prague
... and EYFA will cover your travel costs, accommodation and daily
We are looking for interested person who:
- is a citizen from one of Central and Eastern European countries
- speak and write well English - be younger than 30 years
- have experience and interest in environmental activism
- is ready for any snow storm-either it is Dutch or Check one
Please, send an application letter, explaining your motives for
applying and expectations from the program, together with your
Curriculum Vitae BEFORE 12 OCTOBER 1997 to:
Liga Skujina, EEEP co-ordinator
EYFA, P.O. Box 94115, 1090 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel. 31 20 6657743, fax: 31 20 6928757, e-mail:
+ - | posztdok lehetosegek Princetonban (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>PEI Fellows Program
>Princeton University seeks four outstanding interdisciplinary scholars
>for the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) Fellows Program.
>One-year postdoctoral fellowships, with the possibility of renewal,
>will be offered in the following areas:
>> Clayton Fellow in Industrial Ecology - for research related to the
>balance of industrial activity and environmental stewardship;
> Cleveland H. Dodge Postdoctoral Fellow - for research on either
>population studies or environmental sciences;
> Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellow in Environmental Chemistry - for
>research on the bioinorganic chemistry of environmentally-important
> Harry Hess Fellow in Geosciences - offered by the Department of
>Geosciences, for independent research in areas that include
>biogeochemistry, surface processes and earthquakes.
>Successful candidates should have a Ph.D. in a relevant area of
>science or policy, and will have considerable latitude in defining a
>research program. Applicants should submit cv, three letters of
>reference, and research proposal not to exceed 600 words to Simon
>Levin, Director, Princeton Environmental Institute, Guyot Hall,
>Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-1003. Applicants may apply
>for more than one fellowship. Files will be reviewed beginning
>January 1, 1998 for appointment in Fall 1998.
>Further information on PEI is available at
>Princeton University is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity
>Princeton Environmental Institute
>25 Guyot Hall
>Princeton University
>Princeton, NJ 08544-1003
>(609) 258-3719