Eladom megunt CD lemezeim
1CD Civilization 2,1CD Moto Racer,2CD Longbow 2,2CD IF-22Raptor,
1CD Tombraider 2,1CD Dark Reign,2CD Total Annihilation,1CD Imperialism,
1CD Age of Empires,1CD Screamer Rally,1CD Quake 2,1CD UBI F1,
1CD Myth the Fallen lord,1CD 7th Legion, 1CD F1GP 2,1CD F1 Manager 2,
1CD Network Q Rally,1CD Teletraszporttorp + Normality,1CD Touche Magyarul +
Theme Hospital,2CD Red Alert,2CD Broken Sword,1CD Flight Simulator98,
1CD Need For Speed 2,1CD Psygnosis F1,1CD Resident Evil,
2CD Screamer2,1CD Sega Rally,1CD Warcraft 2,2CD Imperium Galactica.
1CD TOCA Touring Car,2CD Jedi Knight,1CD Hexen 2,1CD Fifa98,1CD Redneck
Rampage,1CD NBA98,1CD Beasts&Bumpkins,1CD Seven Kingdoms
1CD Constructor,1CD Carmageddon,1CD Test Drive 4.1CD Alice Csodaorszagban
1CD Mano Angol.2CD Flight Unlimited 2,1CD Larry7,1CD Flying Corps,1CD Diablo
1CD 3rd Millenium,1CD Incubation,1CD Mano Nemet,1CD Heroes 2,1CD NFS2SE.
Eladom megunt jatek cdjeimet:
Dungeon Keeper Gold (1 cd, strategia, uj missziok, 3d kartya tamogatas!!!)
Fighting Force (1 cd, utcai verekedos, 3d kartya tamogatas)
Sid Meier's Gettysburg! (1 cd, strategia)
Ar : 1400 ft/cd
erdeklodni :
Udv--> Stalin
ui: van kimaradva egy full Hexen 2 CD-m, + rip jatekok rajta ugy 200 mega,
ha kell, akkor 2 nyers CDert odaadom.
Elado egy vegyes CD.
Streets of the SimCity, Sim Town, Diablo, Hellfire, SkiRace,Pro pool,
PodGold, Wild ride,Wrace3D, Screamer Rally, Mortal Trilogy
ara: 1200+posta.
Sziasztok !
>Hogy tudok .gz file-okat leszedni? A WinZip elvileg ismeri, de a
>Communicator sehogy nem fogadja el, ha uj application-kent beirom...
>HELP!!!!!!!! Regebben muxott, de mar nem emlexem, hogy csinaltam ;-(
Toltsd le a Wzinet95.exe-t a winzip hp.-rol. Ez egy
interface a Netscape (Explorer) es a WinZip kozott.
Mar a letoltes alatt ki is csomagolja a cuccost
(ha olyan formatumu, amit a winzip megesz, de gz-vel,
tar-ral tuti mukodik).