1. |
Re: Genealogy (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Genealogy (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Hungarian Lobby (HL) Letter campaign (mind) |
77 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Anti-Americanism, Bosnia (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Genealogy (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sat, 9 Dec 1995, Bob Stern wrote:
> I am also trying to learn more about the Hungarian roots of the STERN
> family. I believe that my grandfather, JAKAB STERN, was born in VECS in 1854.
> He was Jewish, but the Family History Center in the Mormon Church has no
> Jewish records from VECS. Does anyone know anything about the town of VECS?
> I think it is near Eger. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has any
> thoughts as to where I might find a birth record of my grandfather. And does
> anyone know of a Hungarian genealogy list to which I might post this?
> Many thanks, Bob Stern
One problem is: which Vecs? There were several, for instance: Marosvecs,
in Maros-Torda County, Transylvania. In Hungarian usage, the actual root
name of a settlement is often preceded by a locator-modifier; in the
above example, Maros is the name of the river on which the town is
located. Do you have any other information? County? Region? Closest
larger city?
Louis J. Elteto
Portland State University
+ - | Re: Genealogy (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Vecs is a small Hungarian village in Heves county.(There is another one in
Zemplen county. The one in Heves is near Kapolna.In the last century it was a
Catholic village with a population of 892 around 1835. Your relatives are
probably from the other Vecs situated in the Bodrogkoz on the left bank of the
Bodrog River. In the 1830s about 1/3 of the population of this village
consisted of Jews.They lived an active religious life until 1944 when they
were deported.
The name Stern is quite a common name amongst Hungarian Jews. To find your
ancestors names you should contact the Jewish Museum in Budapest, Dohany
Street,where most of the papers of the Jewish communities were deposited after
the Second World War. The name of a few famous Sterns is mentioned in the
Magyar Zsido Lexikon.
Peter I. Hidas, Montreal
+ - | Hungarian Lobby (HL) Letter campaign (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear Colleagues,
In order to minimize the demand on your time in sending E-Mail letters to
your political representatives, please find attached a few relevant addresses
and a letter format, which can be "individualized", by inserting your own
data in the lines which are typed in capital letters.
In the list I have also included Fax Numbers, because when churches
or organizations are attaching the signatures of a list of people to such
letters, it is more effective to send such signature and address lists by
At the time of our Iliescu campaign, the President took personal note
of the over 100 signatures of Columbia University students, which Tamas
Bollyky collected and faxed to him. Similarly, two weeks ago, it was very
effective, when after a Sunday service, one of the priests asked the
parishioners, to sign a letter to their Senator, concerning the language law.
I understand that similar lists of signatures been collected and faxed after
cultural events and scout meetings.
President Bill Clinton: fax: 202-456-2461
VP Al Gore: fax:202-973-2600
Senator Robert Dole: fax: 202-228-1249
Congressman Newton Gingrich: fax: 404-565-6398
Sen. Joe Biden: fax: 302-573-6345
Se. Daniel P. Moynihan: fax: 212-661-5150
Se. Richard Lugar: Fax: 317-226-5555
Se. Henry Brown: fax: 303-844-2600
Sen. James Jeffords: fax: 802-658-6001
Sen. Paul Sarbanes: fax: 410-962-4436
Se. Christopher Dodd (CHAIRMAN of Democratic party):
fax: 203-240-3470
Se. Paul Simon: fax: 312-353-4952
Sen. Charles Robb: fax: 804-441-3124
Sen. Larry Pressler: fax: 605-226-7471
Sen. Russell Feingold: fax: 414-657-7719
Sen. Paul Coverdell: fax:
(If you need the addresses of any other politicians or news organizations
anywhere in the world, please send me a note, giving your state and
The Honorable ....
Dear ....
..). Similarly to the 1.5 million American voters of Hungarian origin, I too
am concerned about the oppression of Hungarian minorities in Romania,
Slovakia and Serbia. I am particularly concerned about the ethnic cleansing
in Vojvodina, the discrimination in Transylvania and the establishment of the
"language police" in Slovakia.
Dear Mr. (PRESIDENT, SENATOR, CONGRESSMAN...) I would like to learn your
views on this matter and the steps you might take to help alleviate the
suffering of these Hungarian minorities. Specifically, I am concerned about
the newly passed "language laws", under which a Hungarian can be fined for
the equivalent of a year's salary, for the crime of speaking Hungarian.
There is no more basic human right, than the right to speak one's mother
tongue and the civilized world should not allow that basic right being
denied. I know, that a letter from you to either the President or the
Ambassador of Slovakia would help to change this situation.
Because the Hungarian-American voters would like to consider such issues as
this one in deciding which candidate to support in the 1996 elections, I
would like to ask for your permission to publish your response, if any, to
this letter, in the Hungarian-American press and media.
Respectfully yours,
+ - | Anti-Americanism, Bosnia (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am a very new reader of the Hungary list, I have just got familiar the
current topics discussed here. However there is one which seems interesting
enough to make my contribution. This is the 'Anti-Americanism' and the
UN mission in Bosnia.
About Bosnia. As far as I know this is a UN mission so not only
American, but also British, French and even German troops will take part of
it (not to mention the tiny East-Europian groups). So not only Americans will
risk their lifes and probably the costs will be shared, too (I think the
americans are not so stupid to pay alone). Moreover there were mainly Europian
troops in the former Yugoslavia in the last few years. So I think it is not
fair to say the Europians do not want to solve this problem. The United States
has obviously more chance to threat the Bosnian crisis. It is a superpower, it
can be considered as neutral (just because it has no real interest in the forme
Yugoslavia). Finally, before anyone says, that always the US has to solve
such problems, please wait for a while. The Bosnian problem is far more
complex than to be solved within sort time. I would not be surprised if the
UN mission failed, or it would take much more time than expected. Of course
I would not be glad if this happened.
About 'anti-americanism'. I have been in the US for a relativly short
time, but my impression is quite mixed. There is a lots of things that I like,
however some american behaveour can be really ridicoulus, like:
>About 50 years ago, a lot of very young boys from the United States died
>miserable, squalid deaths in places like the Coral Sea, New Guinea and
>Guadalcanal to make it possible for Aussies like Csaba to live like they
>do today.
>Americans learned a long, long time ago never to expect any thanks from
>ingrates like Csaba.
Oh, oh, oh! Let me explain something that Sam Stowe might not know.
As far as I know, the allied forces (mainly the Americans) were
quite 'cautious' in battle on the ground at least in Europe. So
untill the D-day, the main power of Germany (at least 60-70 % of the
Wehrmacht) was in Russia causing them further MILLIONS of casulties.
These soldiers (and civilians) died instead of GIs, probably not
less miserable way then those at Guadalcanal. Also, partly because
of this caution the nazis could peacefully execute more jews than
otherwise. Probably I do not have to explain how miserable way. Not
to mention the role of american leaders in the Russian occupation (or
influance, whatever you like) in Eastern-Europe.
So I do not say, that anyone should thank anything to others, this is
not a concern in politics, or wars, neither I want to neglect the american
contribution to the victory. But one should be much cautious with
statements like above.