1. |
Re: Pen pals (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Pen pals (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
NATO ratification (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
NATO ratification (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Muska'tli - Geranium (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Pen pals (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Csaba", a member of the editorial staff of "Szabad Hetnap"
(Subotica,Szabadka- Vojvodina/Vajdasag- Serbia) is looking for New World
e-mail correspondents, as you can see from his message below. His English is
halting, thus wants to correspond in Hungarian. Rather than me sending him
others' e-mail addresses (which may not be welcome), could I ask recipients
so interested to contact him directly ? His e-mail:
>Kossz szepen elore is, nagyon halas vagyok. Emelett (ha nem vagyok nagyon
>ramenos) erdekelne barmilyen amerikai (magyar) E-mail cime is. Tudniillik
>egy vajdasagi lapnal dolgozom, es riportot keszitenenk az amerikaban elo
>magyarokkal. Elnezest, hogy igy Onre tortem, de egyelore ez az egyetlen
>Udvozlettel. Csaba CE
+ - | Re: Pen pals (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Csaba", a member of the editorial staff of "Szabad Hetnap"
(Subotica,Szabadka- Vojvodina/Vajdasag- Serbia) is looking for New World
e-mail correspondents, as you can see from his message below. His English is
halting, thus wants to correspond in Hungarian. Rather than me sending him
others' e-mail addresses (which may not be welcome), could I ask recipients
so interested to contact him directly ? His e-mail:
>Kossz szepen elore is, nagyon halas vagyok. Emelett (ha nem vagyok nagyon
>ramenos) erdekelne barmilyen amerikai (magyar) E-mail cime is. Tudniillik
>egy vajdasagi lapnal dolgozom, es riportot keszitenenk az amerikaban elo
>magyarokkal. Elnezest, hogy igy Onre tortem, de egyelore ez az egyetlen
>Udvozlettel. Csaba CE
+ - | NATO ratification (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Aug 1 Washington Post carried a column by Stephen S.Rosenfeld: "Taking
the U.S. for a Sucker ?" He quotes Sen.Joe Biden as being worried about
getting ratification in the US Senate. He sees the opposition made up from
the following groups: A. those "still hung up on Vietnam" wary of playing
the world cop, resentful of Europeans. B. mostly Western senators who want
to shift American focus from Europe across the Pacific D. the cost-
conscious. Biden is reputed to be the White House "point man" in the
upcoming debates.
Biden points out the US has been carrying disproportionate NATO burdens and
remedies are needed to "level" the field. Also feels that EU expansion is
slow, because current members' farmer constituents are afraid of new
competition. Thus some European countries view NATO expansion as a "poor
mans' EU" to satisfy the candidate countries' demand for "joining the West"-
at least temporarily. While some European countries have demanded a greater
voice in NATO management, their financial participation has meager.
"No action" now. Just background... Andy.
+ - | NATO ratification (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Aug 1 Washington Post carried a column by Stephen S.Rosenfeld: "Taking
the U.S. for a Sucker ?" He quotes Sen.Joe Biden as being worried about
getting ratification in the US Senate. He sees the opposition made up from
the following groups: A. those "still hung up on Vietnam" wary of playing
the world cop, resentful of Europeans. B. mostly Western senators who want
to shift American focus from Europe across the Pacific D. the cost-
conscious. Biden is reputed to be the White House "point man" in the
upcoming debates.
Biden points out the US has been carrying disproportionate NATO burdens and
remedies are needed to "level" the field. Also feels that EU expansion is
slow, because current members' farmer constituents are afraid of new
competition. Thus some European countries view NATO expansion as a "poor
mans' EU" to satisfy the candidate countries' demand for "joining the West"-
at least temporarily. While some European countries have demanded a greater
voice in NATO management, their financial participation has meager.
"No action" now. Just background... Andy.
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Alexander Szegedy wrote:
> >Felado : [Germany]
> >Temakor: Re: Turnip, rutabaga ( 16 sor )
> >Idopont: Sat Aug 2 11:59:35 EDT 1997 HUNGARY #1073
> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >
> >S or G Farkas wrote:
> >>
> >> At 06:47 AM 8/2/97 EDT, Hugh Agnew wrote:
> >>
> >> >What, then, is the Hungarian term for "carrot"?
> >>
> >> Sa'rga re'pa (yellow carrot), also, in Transylvania murok.
> >> >
> >> >And if it's "repa" (since "feher repa" is "white carrot"), then what
> >> >is the Hungarian term for "beet"?
> >>
> >> Ce'kla.
> >>
> >> Gabor D. Farkas
> >Prea bine!
> >Miklos K. Hoffmann
> >
> >=======================================================
> Just to set the record straight. Sarga repa is called in Transilvanya and
> the Felvidek, where I am from :MURKO not murok.
> With best regards
> Alexander>
I am not insisting at any price. Still, there are areas between
Erdely and Felvidek. E.g. Partium. They would understand both.
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
S or G Farkas wrote:
> At 09:59 AM 8/3/97 -0400, Alexander wrote:
> >Just to set the record straight. Sarga repa is called in Transilvanya and
> >the Felvidek, where I am from :MURKO not murok.
> Well, I never heard of murko, I can guarantee that in Kolozsvar and its
> neighborhood it is called murok.
> Gabor D. Farkas
Sorry! I misread it befor. I meant, of course murok in Partium.
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
At 09:59 AM 8/3/97 -0400, Alexander wrote:
>Just to set the record straight. Sarga repa is called in Transilvanya and
>the Felvidek, where I am from :MURKO not murok.
Well, I never heard of murko, I can guarantee that in Kolozsvar and its
neighborhood it is called murok.
Gabor D. Farkas
+ - | Re: Muska'tli - Geranium (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Aug 1, 7:41pm, Joe Szalai wrote:
> Subject: Re: Muska'tli - Geranium
> At 05:46 PM 8/1/97 GMT, Eva Kende wrote:
> <snip>
Joe Szalai wrote:
> The tulip may be present in Hungarian folk art, as it is in other folk art,
> because it's easy to draw and easy to recognize. Have you ever tried to
> draw a geranium. And, if you've tried, would others recognize it as a
> geranium?
> Joe Szalai
>-- End of excerpt from Joe Szalai
Neither the tulip nor the Geranium are native to Hungary. The tulip being
brought to Hungary by the Ottoman Turks. As for the Geranium, actually
Pelargonium is what you are refering to, is a native of South Africa. As to
rendering either one in folk art, neither will look picture perfect, Joe.
Historically speaking, the tulip has it's place in Hungarian folklore. Not so
the Geranium.
Neither the tulip or Geranium are American, Joe. ;-)
Bob Hosh
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #1073 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Felado : [Germany]
>Temakor: Re: Turnip, rutabaga ( 16 sor )
>Idopont: Sat Aug 2 11:59:35 EDT 1997 HUNGARY #1073
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>S or G Farkas wrote:
>> At 06:47 AM 8/2/97 EDT, Hugh Agnew wrote:
>> >What, then, is the Hungarian term for "carrot"?
>> Sa'rga re'pa (yellow carrot), also, in Transylvania murok.
>> >
>> >And if it's "repa" (since "feher repa" is "white carrot"), then what
>> >is the Hungarian term for "beet"?
>> Ce'kla.
>> Gabor D. Farkas
>Prea bine!
>Miklos K. Hoffmann
Just to set the record straight. Sarga repa is called in Transilvanya and
the Felvidek, where I am from :MURKO not murok.
With best regards