1. |
Yiddish and Jews in Zemple'n County (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Yiddish and Jews in Zemple'n County (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: seek assistant/translator in Budapest (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: seek assistant/translator in Budapest (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
English speaking student needed in Budapest (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: daughter names and millenium names (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Keyser Soze (mind) |
57 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Keyser Soze (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
HUNGARY Petofi & Limonade Joe (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Yiddish and Jews in Zemple'n County (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Hidas wrote:
>I have some problem with your statistical sources concerning Bodrogkoz. The
> was heavily populated with Orthodox Jews. They spoke Yiddish and Hungarian.
>They are not part of your data-bank. Even if we consider them simply
>they should show up in religious groups.
I am afraid you are mixing up Zemple'n County with Ma'ramaros County, where
half the population was Yiddish-speaking. By the way, I may mention here that
the Hungarian censuses didn't recognize Yiddish as a separate language, but
considered it German. I may also mention that "Jewish" was not considered to
be a separate ethnicity (as it is not considered a separate ethnicity today)
but only as religious affiliation: "izraelita." So, let's go back to
Bodrogko:z or rather Zemple'n County.
Starting with Zemple'n County as a whole. The total population of the county
in 1910 was 342,730. Out of these there were 193,794 who spoke Hungarian,
9,749 who spoke German, and 92,943 who spoke Slovak. The number of Jews (by
religion) was 33,041. Thus, at least two-thirds of the Jews of Zemple'n
County used Hungarian as their primary langauge. (This calculation is based
on the most likely erroneous assumption that all 9,749 German-speakers were
actually Jewish whose first language was actually Yiddish.)
In the ja'ra's of Bodrogko:z the situation is as follows: 40,840 spoke
Hungarian, 66 spoke German. The number of "izraelita" was 3,259. All this
means is that the Jews of Bodgrogko:z spoke Hungarian overwhelmingly.
Eva Balogh
+ - | Re: Yiddish and Jews in Zemple'n County (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Jewish population of Bodrogkoz was double that of the national average.Who
was considered Magyar in 1910? What did the census takers ask? In the
of the 1910s you can be sure that you declared yourself Magyar if you could
convince the census takers. It was an honour to be a Magyar, but to be a Slovak
or Jew was not. Hungarian nationalism was not racist and assimilation was the
goal of many.
A similar situation exist in Canada. To get the true picture, the census takers
in 1991 asked not just nationality but the language spoken in the home. It
out that 2/3 of those who declared themselves Hungarian used English only at
home.In short, I do not consider the Hungarian census very reliable when it
comes to the nationality of those counted.
Peter I. Hidas, Montreal
+ - | Re: seek assistant/translator in Budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I should clarify my needs. I DO NOT need professional translations
services. I would prefer to hire a student with good English skills who
wants to earn a few dollars and get a free meal. My budget is somewhat
limited. Is $15/day and lunch too little to offer a student? What would be
a fair price? When I was in Moscow and Warsaw in 1993 and 1994, I was able
to hire students for approximately $10/day plus lunch. Perhaps this is a
bit low for current times. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
+ - | Re: seek assistant/translator in Budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm not looking for a professional translator. A student with good English
skills would suffice. Is $15/day to little for a student?
+ - | English speaking student needed in Budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I will be in Budapest from January 22 to January 26. I will be studying
local healthcare facilities. I need someone to assist me in translations
and getting around. My budget is somewhat limited, but I can offer $15/day
and will include lunch and local transportation costs. If you are a
student (or know of a student) with good English skills and would like to
practice speaking with a native American speaker, please contact me as
soon as possible. Thank you.
+ - | Re: daughter names and millenium names (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Shannon ,thanks for letting me know of your favorite Hungarian female name
- "Re'ka" The answer your question is that I am Hungarian,born shortly
after my parents escaped to U.S.A. in '56. My wife and I are expecting
our 1st in August. If my child ever asks me why she(or he) was given
her name I would like to tell her about a positive role model who had the
same name as her(or him). I found an abundance of male names but a dearth
of female names in my search through Hungarian History so far.
Of course my wife(originally from Ireland) will have to love the name our
child is given as well.
Jeliko, Marishka Rose was a pretty name to give your daughter . How
did her peers react to it while growing up?? I'll have to consider your
info that some of the famous Hungarian women were not actually born in
Hungary. I'll weigh that against their importance to Hungary .
Also thanks very much to Barnabas Bozoki for two of her favorites:
Sarolta, Sarolt (Charlotte, Caroline) & Ro'za, Ro'zsa, Roza'lia (Rose)
Everyone, I did realize that 1000 + 100 does NOT equal 2000 after I
posted my original message . So my child will be born at the start of
Hungary's 12th century and NOT 3rd Milly (G).
Are there any celebrations being planned in the NY/NJ area.
Czifra Janci- I agree with your claim of Hungarian Americans being
splintered apart in our area. I remember when we used to get together
at the Garden State Arts Center all the time.
There should certainly be enough interest to stage a Hungarian day there
every five years, dont you think.
I wonder if the Finns in the area would join us in a "Finno-Ugric" day
instead of joining up with "Scandinavian Day"???
+ - | Re: Keyser Soze (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Stowewrite ) wrote:
: No, he wasn't Turkish. I saw the movie. Verbal's story about Keyser Soze,
: which is shown as a dream sequence-like flashback, supposedly takes place
: in Turkey, but he specifically notes that Soze is Hungarian. The survivor
: picked up out of the bay after the ship explodes (the guy in the hospital
: bed that the FBI agent rushes to question) is very clearly speaking
: Hungarian.
Hi, I'm the guy who began this thread. Someone later corrected me on the
point of Soze's ethnicity -- I had originally asserted that he was
Hungarian. The respondent said that Soze was part German and part
Turkish. I specifically remember the "part-German" part from the movie,
but I was confused on the latter half. Now, since you're reasserting
that he was part-Hungarian, I am wondering again. Can you tell me
briefly what part of or line in the movie you think might answer this
question with certainty?
The guy who responded to me also expained that Soze is a Turkish word
which means "interested in words." Coupled with Keyser, which according
to him is a town in Eastern Turkey, but which also obviously resonates
with meaning in German, the name Keyser Soze might actually mean "King of
Words." A fitting break-down given the thematic concerns of the movie,
and the layered quality of its script-writing as well.
: The thing about a Hungarian criminal mastermind operating in Turkey is one
: of the subtle clues the movie's director gives you that Verbal's tale
: isn't quite all it's cracked up to be. Those of us who know anything about
: Hungary would have known that something wasn't right about Verbal's story
: of Soze's rise to fame. After all, how likely is it that a Hungarian gang
: would wind up starting the equivalent of the Gallo War in Istanbul? I sat
Forgive me, but what's the Gallo War?
: bolt upright in the seat at that point in the movie and whispered to my
: wife that Verbal was either making all of this up or the screenwriter
: needed to take a refresher course on geography. The screenwriter's only
: mistake was assuming his American audience would pick up on the
: unlikelihood of Soze's Turkish adventure. It was too subtle for an
: American audience, just like the detail that Soze's lawyer/henchman
: Kobayashi was South Asian (Pakistani or Indian) when Kobayashi is a
: Japanese surname.
I also can't remember Verbal mentioning that Kobayashi was South Asian,
but I began to hear the unreliable narrator warning bell when the actor
who played this ostenisbly Japanese lawyer proved to be patently white.
Many of my countrymen would be hard placed to identify
: where Mexico or Canada is on a globe, much less Hungary, Turkey or Japan.
: Sam Stowe
Isn't this the truth.
John P. Pagano
+ - | Re: Keyser Soze (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
John P. Pagano ) wrote:
: Stowewrite ) wrote:
: : No, he wasn't Turkish. I saw the movie. Verbal's story about Keyser Soze,
: : which is shown as a dream sequence-like flashback, supposedly takes place
: : in Turkey, but he specifically notes that Soze is Hungarian. The survivor
: : picked up out of the bay after the ship explodes (the guy in the hospital
: : bed that the FBI agent rushes to question) is very clearly speaking
: : Hungarian.
Along these lines, I'd also like to ask you what the guy was saying
during that scene. It's one of the dramatic high points of the movie,
and being a language-nerd, and totally ignorant as far as Hungarian goes,
I can't resist asking. The guy in the hospital keeps saying this one
word in particular, "mamertas," over and over. That, and something that
begins with an "l" -- something that sounds like "lakun." Do either of
these words mean "devil" or "death"? What actually is the Hungarian word
for "devil"? Thanks for your time.
John P.
+ - | HUNGARY Petofi & Limonade Joe (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Yesterday Hungary : Petofi's mother was Slovakian ...
I just wonder how nice she was speaking Slovakian, because she
passed the Hungarian language more than perfectly to her son.
Our beloved Slovakian and Romanian brothers and systers can very
very sorry they can not understand Petofi's verses .
By the way, if the blood is so mixed, who is Meciar?
May be he is Lemonade Joe ? That was a movie, the younger 56 people
may not remember, since it was played in Hungary in the 60's. But
the Indiana Jones is really an other story ...
Dr. Dr. K.S.