1. |
Kossuth and the drunk (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Corporate Citizen of the Week Award (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
1956 (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
A note of thanks (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Corporate Citizen of the Week Award (mind) |
69 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Conquest (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
44 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Kossuth and the drunk (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The following is drawn from Joseph Blunt Cheshire's 1930 book "Nonnulla:
Memories, Stories, Traditions, More or Less Authentic" published by The
University of North Carolina Press at Chapel Hill. Cheshire says N.C. Gov.
Graham used this story to great advantage during a peace convention in
Salisbury, N.C., in the spring of 1861:
"He said some of his friends among the Secessionists, who thus belittled
the horrors of war, reminded him of a story told him by General Kossuth,
the great Hungarian patriot. Kossuth was in America after the failure of
the attempted revolution in Hungary and was making a speech to a great
public gathering somewhere in the state of New York. He was urging upon
his audience their duty as American citizens to give their sympathy and
aid to all who strove for freedom in all countries however distant:
`Wherever an arm is raised in the cause of liberty, it should be upheld
and strengthened by the sympathy and aid of the great free Republic of the
West' or words to that effect. `You may say,' he went on, `that this might
involve your country in war. But what of that? Why should you fear the
thought of war? What is war? It is but a little word -- W-A-R; it has but
three letters.'
Here he was interrupted by a drunken man on the outskirts of his great
audience. `Mr. Kossuth, Mr. Kossuth,' cried the drunken man.
`Well, sir,' said Kossuth, pausing in his speech, `What is it, sir?'
`Mr. Kossuth, you say that war ain't got but three letters?'
`Yes, sir,' replied Kossuth.
`Well, Mr. Kossuth, Hell ain't got but four!'
Kossuth said that he was completely floored; and Governor Graham
counselled his friends among the Secessionists to mediate upon the drunken
man's answer."
Sam Stowe
Ceci n'est pas une sig
+ - | Re: Corporate Citizen of the Week Award (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Charles Mikecz
Vamossy > writes:
> Maybe it's time for my family
>to move also to a state that is not chocked by unions.
>Charlie Vamossy
Charlie, you're welcome to move to North Carolina. We hate unions. Just be
forewarned that outside of the Wake County, Chapel Hill City and
Mecklenburg County public school systems, the rest of our system of public
education is appalling in quality. I'd move to Chapel Hill if I were you.
They have the best public schools in the state. Be careful, though --
they're a bunch of liberal wierdos who like unions. No accounting for
taste, I guess.
Sam Stowe
Ceci n'est pas une sig
+ - | 1956 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear Group Members,
For months now I have been following all the counter-arguments started by
Pellionisz etal. (The six faces of Eve err.....Andras Pellionisz) about
what to call the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Speaking for myself it is a
matter of semantics. We revolted against the soviet rule,-- we wanted to
be free of them. We wanted our country back. It was short lived, we
revolted and than it was over, the soviets crushed our rebellion. Reading
some of the articles regarding '56 opened up a flood gate of memories.
What I remember through the windows of my mind," the experiences I had,
shaped my opinion about the events of '56.
I think, all of us have somewhat of a different view of those days. It
depends on where we were when it all started and how we spent those few
fighting weeks before it was all over.
I lived in Budapest than, near the National Theater (Nemzeti Szinhaz). I
was home that day (Oct 23, 1956) and went to one of my favorite places
after lunch, the Hirado (a movie house showing news-reals continuously.)
After staying in there about 3 hours I was walking out into the daylight
straining to see. Right in front of the Hirado I came upon what seem to me
a surrealist scene - - a man was standing on top of a flatbed truck,
surrounded by a growing crowd, yelling for the soviets to get out of
Hungary and to free the thousands of Hungarians still in soviet prisons.
The crowd cheered him on. This was happening in a place where even the
walls head ears!?
I could not believe what was going on and started to run towards home, on
the way I saw more of the same. I was in total shock and very excited.
That afternoon and evening, and during the following five weeks before I
escaped, I had incredible experiences, all occurred in the vicinity of the
old National Theater. All is etched in my memory for ever. The honorable
people, the not so honorable and the outright rats. The Russian soldier
who set in our living room, in one hand holding a live handgranade (in
case we turned on him) showing us photos of his children, then leaving
after many hours, wishing us good luck. The dead bodies under my window
covered with mace, some innocent people also killed because someone
pointed to them saying they looked like so and so who was a Communist. The
AVO officers who changed their uniform for the blue police uniform to try
to save their skin. The sniper on the roof of the building accross the
street.The man who fell on top of me when we all flew in the air and than
were slammed to the ground at the back of the Theater building, from a
bomb blast (from a cannon) coming from the direction of the Eastern Train
Station.(Keleti). The young man I have known so well, who with the help of
his uncle and others pulled down the statue of Stalin. People broke pieces
off the statue and I can still see this young fellow on a bicycle
"speeding" away while holding a piece of the statue high up in the air
with one hand, smiling.
I am stopping right here, forgive me for talking too much. It has almost
been 40 years of the day. The beat goes on.
A. Szucs/Pellionisz, I wish you would just shut up! Go out and play in the
+ - | A note of thanks (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
My sincerest thanks to Eva Balogh for keeping us informed of publicatio
s of
primary importance (to myself at least)and Zoli for his advice on Makkay's
If someone else has been left out I apologize, but I am forwarding this
before having collected my nightly mail.
+ - | Re: Corporate Citizen of the Week Award (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
You wrote:
>In article >, Charles
>Vamossy > writes:
>> Maybe it's time for my family
>>to move also to a state that is not chocked by unions.
>>Charlie Vamossy
>Charlie, you're welcome to move to North Carolina. We hate unions.
Just be
>forewarned that outside of the Wake County, Chapel Hill City and
>Mecklenburg County public school systems, the rest of our system of
>education is appalling in quality. I'd move to Chapel Hill if I were
>They have the best public schools in the state. Be careful, though --
>they're a bunch of liberal wierdos who like unions. No accounting for
>taste, I guess.
>Sam Stowe
>Ceci n'est pas une sig
Sam, we may just end up moving to North Carolina when we retire...
As far as teachers unions and the quality of education is concerned, I
don't see a lot of correlation. A community's willingness to spend
more on education through higher taxes has a lot more to do with it.
Higher educational and ongoing training requirements for teachers,
higher salaries for that recognize these requirements, higher spending
on computers, books, etc. -- these are the factors that truly determine
the quality of education. In addition, the emphasis the community
places on education, their expectations for their children and parents
willingness to participate, also counts a great deal.
Unions have little to do with it. True, they add a 10-15% to
compenation, and ensure great benefits, but they also shelter the
underperforming teacher, stand in the way of progress if that means
fewer staff (not necesarily teachers) or changes in work habits.
Westchester NY schools, many of which have a reputation for excellence,
are also good examples of union featherbedding, where teachers who
should have been fired a long time ago, sit around doing meaningless
work, because the union protects them. If we had no unions here, we
would have an even better educational system, and a lot less headaches.
As far as teacher's pay is concerned, it should be determined by the
market, just like any other profession's. I am sure that the Chapel
Hill school district pays more and gets better teachers than the
neighboring counties because they are willing to pay more for
excellence, not because they have a good union.
Charlie Vamossy
+ - | Re: subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Well, both George's are right - it's not the best thing to bother Hugh
when one can subscribe oneself via the LISTSERV, although naturally he'd
set it right when gets around dealing with it.
Unfortunately (despite my repeated requests to do so) Jozsi is not doing
nearly enough to clarify the distinction between the HIX gateway and the
list per se, and the problems caused by this are compounded by the
subscriber-only policy in effect for the list proper (which is a good
restriction IMHO, given the incredible amount of trash heaped on most
every open email lists these days).
On Thu, 27 Jun 1996, I&G Jalsovszky wrote:
>- >> He attempted to write to this list also, but was prevented access. (I
>- >> advised him to write to Hugh Agnew to fix this.)
> >
> >Wrong advice. He should have simply subscribed to this list and have no
> >more problems. For, to reduce unsolicited advertising, this list only
> >accepts contributions from subscribers, a change that was apparently made
> >before you joined.
> >
> >George Antony
- --
Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Well, both George's are right - it's not the best thing to bother Hugh
when one can subscribe oneself via the LISTSERV, although naturally he'd
set it right when gets around dealing with it.
Unfortunately (despite my repeated requests to do so) Jozsi is not doing
nearly enough to clarify the distinction between the HIX gateway and the
list per se, and the problems caused by this are compounded by the
subscriber-only policy in effect for the list proper (which is a good
restriction IMHO, given the incredible amount of trash heaped on most
every open email lists these days).
On Thu, 27 Jun 1996, I&G Jalsovszky wrote:
>- >> He attempted to write to this list also, but was prevented access. (I
>- >> advised him to write to Hugh Agnew to fix this.)
> >
> >Wrong advice. He should have simply subscribed to this list and have no
> >more problems. For, to reduce unsolicited advertising, this list only
> >accepts contributions from subscribers, a change that was apparently made
> >before you joined.
> >
> >George Antony
- --
Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Conquest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
HISTORIA is published in Hungary. For copies write to HELIR, XIII Lehel-u 10/a
Budapest, 1900, Hungary.
+ - | subscribe HUNGARY (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
wrote on Wed Jun 26 1996 in HUNGARY #711:
>Ference Novak wrote:
>> He attempted to write to this list also, but was prevented access. (I
>> advised him to write to Hugh Agnew to fix this.)
>Wrong advice. He should have simply subscribed to this list and have no
>more problems. For, to reduce unsolicited advertising, this list only
>accepts contributions from subscribers, a change that was apparently made
>before you joined.
>George Antony
No, Anto'ny druszam [my namesake], this seems to be the c o r r e c t
advice. I had subscribed before sending my contribution, and this
subscription had been confirmed:
>Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 05:47:19 -0400
>From: > (HIX reply to subs)
>To: >
>Subject: Re: your letter to HIX (help: )
>Sikeresen vegrehajtva: subs hungary
Then, on my rejected posting I turned to Hugh Agnew for help, receiving the
answer -
>Dear Dr. Jalsovszky,
>I received your inquiry about posting to the Hungary list at GWUVM. The
>likliest explanation for your problems is that you (I assume?) read the
>list via the HIX service. This is a relay-station, so you can subscribe
>to the list from HIX, but posting to will result in the
>message you forwarded to me. To post to the list you need to register as
>a subscriber at our "home" site, that is GWUVM.GWU.EDU. To do so, simply
>send an e-mail to:
>with this text:
>subscribe hungary Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name
If you can read my posting here, on HUNGARY, Novak Feri was right.