1. |
Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Music to my ears (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Concrete Poetry -- What It Is (mind) |
42 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Call to/from Europe for as low as $0.31 per minute! (mind) |
84 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Call to/from Europe for as low as $0.31 per minute! (mind) |
84 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Nomen est omen? (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
calling Hungary for .42/min is a lie (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: subscibe hungary (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
the self-appointed impotentician Wally Keeler forgot to wipe his mouth after di
nner :
> [...]
> >> and iz that geny or liba?
> > ay thinck is lacka
> of mediocrity-caca
+ - | Re: Music to my ears (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
() wrote:
>From OMRI news:
>>... Adrian Severin, who is expected to become Romania's
>>new foreign minister, said the Hungarian community in Romania should
>>play a bridge-building role in relations between the two countries,
>>Nepszabadsag reported. He claimed he would prefer to see the two
>>countries admitted to NATO simultaneously, but if Hungary precedes
>>Romania, he hopes that Budapest will support Romania's integration
>>efforts. Romania needs good neighborly relations with Hungary rather
>>than reconciliation, he added. -- Zsofia Szilagyi
>What a difference in tone and attitude! I hope this is not as short
>lived as the hopes of Hungarians during the Romanian revolution and
>there won't be a repetition of Tirgu Mures, March 1990 in three months
>or so.
We're still obviously in the honeymoon stage. However, if the
Hungarians focus on how far they, and the whole country, will progress
in the next four years, rather than how far they, and the whole
country will still have to go, I don't think that they'll be
disappointed. At the very least, I'm certain that they'll consider
the democratic governemnt a great step forward from the Iliescu
regime's race baiting and political persecution.
+ - | Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
>In article >,
>willy, the canadian pseudo poet and artificial artist wrote:
>>slumming in SCM and posting mediocre come-backs. You've become a mediogre.
>>If you continue to cruise the information highway, I would advise that you
>>avoid the cul-de-sacaca's you often find yourself in.
>...said the speck of dust. Willy, you need a cerebral enhance-o-tron, you
>are so lame. So jejune.
Intelligent people know better than to waste their time responding to the
jejune. But then again, I was just trolling for the likes of you. Sucker!
>Go back to your pseudo republic of pseudo poetry (propp).
>This is a friendly warning from the friendly vital organ.
So nice to have you back and paying attention to the favourite subject
matter -- ME. I note that no one took up the offer to the former thread to
discuss YOU. BTW, there is no other subject matter than ME that you have
posted about the past month or so.
+ - | Re: Concrete Poetry -- What It Is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, . says...
>: Wally Keeler wrote:
>well eschews my wrods dear kelwall
>iz beton like koncrete
>oooor just another tegla in the wally?
> r
> i
> v
> e
> l
>and iz that geny or liba?
> z!
>clueless, (like always...)
>two for the road: hunky opens checking account and only writes checks in
>the amount of "eleven" dollars... same guy learns new word fromm "Cops" tv
>concrete, huh!
The Princeton Encylcopedia compilers are astute enough to know what it is;
obviously you fail to comprehend it. Your examples above fail even to mimic
the concept of concrete poetry.
.... takes its name from Guillaume Apollinaire's figure-poems (ideogrammes
lyriques, as he first called them) in his volume Calligrammes (1918). It has
been termed "both unique and non-unique, both avant-garde and historically
grounded" (E.E. George). While recognizing the personal quality in
Apollinaire's use of the form, one may cite in its background the subtle
metaphorical elements of the Chinese written character and, among others,
such historical precedents as Alexandrian figure-poems (technopaignia)
attributed to Simias of Rhodes, Theocritus, and Dosiadas; the Latin carmina
figurata; Rabelais' "Dive Bouteille"; George Herbert's wings; and the
mousetail of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
+ - | Call to/from Europe for as low as $0.31 per minute! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
BEAUFORT, SC 29902-9324
Dear International caller,
I hope you will find this information extremely useful. Typically, our FCC ap
proved program can
result in a savings of 20-70% over conventional carriers. We have many client
s who have saved over
$200 per month, or $2400 per year with our program. That is alot of money bac
k in your pocket.
Our rates to Europe are as low as $0.31 per minute! You can use this calling p
rogram in over 200
countries and principalities, and we also offer excellent domestic intrastate a
nd interstate
savings. Some examples: Australia $0.36, Japan $0.45, New Zealand $0.53, Alask
a $0.20, even
Anartica $01.63! We can accomplish this savings at no cost and no risk to you
, and with no change
in your current provider. Unlike similar programs, our company is quite unique
in that there are
no sign up fees, no connection fees, no surcharges, and no monthly minimums ass
ociated with our
service. You therefore have nothing to risk by giving our calling program a t
I hope you will find this information extremely useful. Typically, our FCC a
program can result in a savings of 20-70% over conventional carriers. We have
many clients who
have saved over $200 per month, or $2400 per year with our program. That is a
lot of money back in
your pocket. Our rates to Europe are as low as $0.31 per minute! You can use
this calling program
in over 200 countries and principalities, and we also offer excellent domestic
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interstate savings. Some examples: Australia $0.36, Japan $0.45, New Zealand $
0.53, Alaska $0.20,
even Anartica $01.63! We can accomplish this savings at no cost and no risk t
o you, and with no
change in your current provider. Unlike similar programs, our company is quite
unique in that
there are no sign up fees, no connection fees, no surcharges, and no monthly mi
nimums associated
with our service. You therefore have nothing to risk by giving our calling pr
ogram a try.
In addition, we have no confusing rate schedule--you get the same rate 24 hour
s a day, seven days a
week! Don't be fooled by similar programs that only advertise their economy ra
tes. Our calling
program has low rates full time, not just during special periods. This feature
is very nice because
you can call whenever you like rather than waiting for the rates to be less exp
ensive. You are
billed in six second increments, unlike the major carriers which charge in one
minute increments.
For example, a one minute and one second international call from England usin
g one major US
carrier (you guess!) costs nearly $6.00 connection fee, $1.88 first min
, and $1.14 each
additional). The same call using A.C.I. costs about 34 cents!
Please fax the enclosed application with a valid credit card number to the n
umber listed
(include your return fax number). Or, you can mail it our office if time is no
t critical. Upon
receipt of this information, we should be able to provide you with access numb
ers within 24-48
hours. You may request more than one dialback number on your application if yo
u desire (one for
your office, one for work, etc.).
I've included some more detailed information and some extra forms for your fr
iends. Please
pass the word about our program on to others. With higher volume we should be
able to reduce rates
even further. I hope you will be very pleased with our program.
BEAUFORT, SC 29902-9324
FAX OR PHONE: 803-521-4345
+ - | Call to/from Europe for as low as $0.31 per minute! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
BEAUFORT, SC 29902-9324
Dear International caller,
I hope you will find this information extremely useful. Typically, our FCC ap
proved program can
result in a savings of 20-70% over conventional carriers. We have many client
s who have saved over
$200 per month, or $2400 per year with our program. That is alot of money bac
k in your pocket.
Our rates to Europe are as low as $0.31 per minute! You can use this calling p
rogram in over 200
countries and principalities, and we also offer excellent domestic intrastate a
nd interstate
savings. Some examples: Australia $0.36, Japan $0.45, New Zealand $0.53, Alask
a $0.20, even
Anartica $01.63! We can accomplish this savings at no cost and no risk to you
, and with no change
in your current provider. Unlike similar programs, our company is quite unique
in that there are
no sign up fees, no connection fees, no surcharges, and no monthly minimums ass
ociated with our
service. You therefore have nothing to risk by giving our calling program a t
I hope you will find this information extremely useful. Typically, our FCC a
program can result in a savings of 20-70% over conventional carriers. We have
many clients who
have saved over $200 per month, or $2400 per year with our program. That is a
lot of money back in
your pocket. Our rates to Europe are as low as $0.31 per minute! You can use
this calling program
in over 200 countries and principalities, and we also offer excellent domestic
intrastate and
interstate savings. Some examples: Australia $0.36, Japan $0.45, New Zealand $
0.53, Alaska $0.20,
even Anartica $01.63! We can accomplish this savings at no cost and no risk t
o you, and with no
change in your current provider. Unlike similar programs, our company is quite
unique in that
there are no sign up fees, no connection fees, no surcharges, and no monthly mi
nimums associated
with our service. You therefore have nothing to risk by giving our calling pr
ogram a try.
In addition, we have no confusing rate schedule--you get the same rate 24 hour
s a day, seven days a
week! Don't be fooled by similar programs that only advertise their economy ra
tes. Our calling
program has low rates full time, not just during special periods. This feature
is very nice because
you can call whenever you like rather than waiting for the rates to be less exp
ensive. You are
billed in six second increments, unlike the major carriers which charge in one
minute increments.
For example, a one minute and one second international call from England usin
g one major US
carrier (you guess!) costs nearly $6.00 connection fee, $1.88 first min
, and $1.14 each
additional). The same call using A.C.I. costs about 34 cents!
Please fax the enclosed application with a valid credit card number to the n
umber listed
(include your return fax number). Or, you can mail it our office if time is no
t critical. Upon
receipt of this information, we should be able to provide you with access numb
ers within 24-48
hours. You may request more than one dialback number on your application if yo
u desire (one for
your office, one for work, etc.).
I've included some more detailed information and some extra forms for your fr
iends. Please
pass the word about our program on to others. With higher volume we should be
able to reduce rates
even further. I hope you will be very pleased with our program.
BEAUFORT, SC 29902-9324
FAX OR PHONE: 803-521-4345
+ - | Re: Nomen est omen? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Marius Iacomi > wrote:
> > Joe Pannon wrote:
> > > So are Romanians also lumped in with them?
> > > After all, they are even more surrounded by Slavs than we are.
> > > (I.e., they only have one non-Slavic neighbor, we have two.)
> >
> >
> > Hehe, Joe, you forgot the Black Sea :-)))
> I'll mention it when it becomes a country, OK?
1. Black Sea is a neighbor and it's not a Slavic one (in original
you don't mention "neighbouring countries" or so); from a logical
point of view, the answer is correct.
2. Did you noticed the smiley after the reply?! :-)
Marius Iacomi
+ - | Re: Concrete Poetry -- What a Wally Thinks It Is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
AND Books wrote:
>>>>and iz that geny or liba?
Two-door Dimwit wrote:
>>>ay thinck is lacka
Poetician1 wrote:
>>of mediocrity-caca
>the self-appointed impotentician Wally Keeler forgot to wipe his mouth
>after dinner :
Omigod Mr Dimwit. This is quite a falling for you. You are well known in
soc.culture.romanian as being a better than average wit, yet here you are
slumming in SCM and posting mediocre come-backs. You've become a mediogre.
If you continue to cruise the information highway, I would advise that you
avoid the cul-de-sacaca's you often find yourself in.
+ - | calling Hungary for .42/min is a lie (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, johanna preiszner wrote:
>Do not believe TELCO advertisement. Thye charge the same as the others.
Maybe you can tell the exact rate that we charge if you are
so well informed? BTW, what is your source of information?
+ - | Re: subscibe hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I would like to subscribe.
my address is: