Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: Srebrenica, an eerie reminder (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
2 Speak out For the Survival of Hungarians of Vojvodina (mind)  138 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: a pomegranate (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
4 Pas de Deux (punk group?) (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Budapest bridges / beer (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: a pomegranate (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
7 Internet Cafe in Prague (mind)  51 sor     (cikkei)
8 Tell me About Vojvodina (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: No (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
10 Ostrich meat - the cultural meat of the 90 s (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Srebrenica, an eerie reminder (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 () wrote:
>The news services just announced the latest Serb attrocity (war crime,
>really), supported by CIA spy photos taken over Srebrenica.  It shows
>what looks like two fresh mass graves, for about 600 bodies each, at the
>soccer stadium site where shortly before that about as many muslims 
>were held.
>Though the evidence so far is only circumstantial, but this kind of
>method and brutality ought to be familiar to Hungarians.  This is the MO
>how returning Yugoslav partisans executed about 50 thousand Hungarians
>in Voivodina in the last few months of 1944.  No doubt they were mostly,
>if not all, Serbs then, too.  It's a black mark on civilized Europe to
>let such things happen and go unpunished 50 years later. 
>Joe Pannon

Dear Joe,
Please let us know the source of your information concerning the murder of 50,0
00 Hungarians. 
Peter I. Hidas, Montreal
+ - Speak out For the Survival of Hungarians of Vojvodina (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hungarian Human Rights Monitor
Magyar Emberi Jogok Monitora 
113 Waniska Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M8Y 1R5, 
Tel/Fax:(416)259-0877, E-Mail:  

Final Solution in Place
for the Dislodging of Non-Serb Population in Vojvodina 

Plea for the Survival of Ethnic Hungarians and 
other Nationalities in Vojvodina 

According to recent news reports and personal accounts reaching our Organizatio
n, the ethnic Hungarians and 
Croats of Vojvodina are being driven out from the towns and villages of their a
ncestral homeland in Vojvodina by 
the incoming Serb refugees from  Krajina. After their four years of reign and s
ubsequent defeat in Croatia, the 
Krajina Serbs are arriving into Vojvodina by cars, trucks and tractors without 
license plates. They are aided by the 
local right wing forces in staking claims to homes and property of the ethnic H
ungarians and Croats in Vojvodina, 
thus creating an additional wave of refugees of the dispossessed Hungarians and
 Croats of Vojvodina.
As of Wedensday, August 9, 1995 over 160,000 Krajina refugees have entered  Ser
bia proper and according to 
the information released by the  Red Cross of Vojvodina, on Tuesday August 15, 
1995- there were 64, 296 refugees  
in Vojvodina. János Vékás, Vice-President of the Democratic Community of Hungar
ians in Vojvodina (DCHV) has 
stated that by Friday, August 18, 1995 the number of refugees in Vojvodina has 
escalated  to  more than 73,000 
and still rising.
The intention of the Serb government is to use the flood of refugees as a tool 
to disperse or annihilate the 350,000 
strong ethnic Hungarian community of Vojvodina and the subsequent altering of t
he ethnic structure of the region.
The United States Department has already officially protested  against Krajina 
Refugees being  settled to Kosovo 
province, although the number of refugees destined for Kosovo was a only one te
nth of the number that flooded 
Vojvodina. We urge the State Department to correct  this inconsistency  as soon
 as possible and speak out against  
the genocide in Vojvodina. 
The Hungarians of Vojvodina were neither involved in the present war with Croat
ia, or Bosnia, nor did they side 
with any of the warring fractions of the region. They  did not take up arms to 
forcibly gain their independence, yet 
they still find themselves on the receiving end of the Balkan tragedy as the Se
rb government, under the pretext of 
aiding the refugees from Krajina, makes an all-out effort to complete the ethni
c cleansing in Vojvodina.
As we speak, the Krajina Serbs, many of them carrying arms, are cruising up and
 down the streets of towns and 
villages of Vojvodina looking for a house belonging to a Hungarian, or Croat to
 claim it as a bounty, or as a 
consolation prize for serving the cause of ethnic purification elsewhere. 
The Satement of the  Alliance of Hungarians in Vojvodina (AHV) resonates  the g
ravity  of the situation: "The 
AHV is receptive to  the suffering of the homeless, and it offers to help in an
y way it can. However,  the AHV 
opposes every action aimed against the forcible change  of ethnic balance and a
ltering of  the existing  population 
pattern in Vojvodina."
In support of our grave concern for Hungarians in Vojvodina allow us also to qu
ote from  Statement of the 
Democratic Community of Hungarians in Vojvodina  (DCHV) titled: The Hungarians 
of Vojvodina Are Facing 
the Greatest Danger to their Existence Ever. Part of it reads:  "behind the see
mingly spontaneous flow of events 
there is a centrally conceived sinister plan for the final solution of purging 
Vojvodina of its non-Serb ethnic 
population. More than fifty percent of the refugees are routed to Vojvodina, wh
ere they are welcomed by relatives 
and friends who also came to Vojvodina as colonists in 1945 mostly from the sam
e areas as the present refugees. 
The Serb government's  apparent reluctance to control the course of events, is 
in fact its silent consent for their 
action. The government simply  takes advantage of the momentum of the sudden in
flux of the refugees pouring into 
Vojvodina to dislodge other nationalities in Vojvodina." 
As taxpaying citizens of this country, we feel that such a preferred treatment 
of Krajina Serbs by Serbia proper 
should have international consequences in recognizing their status as refugees,
 especially in the area of honouring 
their claim for international aid from various western countries, including Can
ada and the United States.  The 
mission of Krajina Serbs in Vojvodina is to replay their  role as the enforcers
 of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Before you raise your concern for our lack of understanding for the displaced a
nd destitute, we ask you to place 
yourself in our predicament: 
As Canadian citizens we recognize the need to  aid all the victims of the war, 
but we are horrified at the prospect 
of our parents, brothers and sisters, and brethren in Vojvodina, having to face
 the reincarnated terror of the very 
same groups and individuals who have committed the most horrendous crimes again
st humanity in the twentieth 
The presence of Krajina Serbs in Vojvodina has nothing to do with accommodating
 helpless and destitute victims 
of the war,  since the allocation of such a large number of refugees contradict
s to the demographic and the  
economic reality in Vojvodina. The territory of Vojvodina is already the most d
ensely populated area in  Serbia 
proper, and it has an exceedingly high unemployment rate. In Subotica  and its 
vicinity, for example, the 
unemployment runs at 43%. The streaming of Krajina refugees to Vojvodina is a c
alculated  move by  the Serb 
government to dislodge  the remaining Hungarian and Croat population in Vojvodi
na. The humanitarian 
considerations are a mere  pretext for further ethnic cleansing of Hungarians a
nd Croats in Vojvodina.
According to P. de Azcarate, the Spanish born former director of  the Minoritie
s Question Section of the League 
of Nations (League of Nations and National Minorities: An Experiment (Washingto
n, D.C., 1945, 16-17) 
"Homogeneity never has been, nor ever can be, an ideal for the organization of 
human societies. On the contrary, 
diversity of mentalities, temperaments, aptitudes, ideas, beliefs, has always b
een rightly considered as a source of 
material and moral prosperity and strength in nations and states." 
Vojvodina flourished for centuries as a multicultural  tapestry of different na
tionalities and cultures. Croats, 
Germans, Hungarians, Serbs, Slovaks, Roma, Rumanians, Ruthenians, lived and pro
spered there side by side for 
centuries in relative  peace and harmony. 
We ask you in the name of civilizational values to speak out for the preservati
on of ethnic and cultural diversity 
of Vojvodina as a global and historical landmark.
Please raise your voice in the name of human dignity against  this  most hideou
s form of forcible expulsion of 
Hungarians, Croats and other nationalities of Vojvodina -  this potential model
 of mutual coexistence of different 
cultures and nationalities. 

Dated at Toronto, August 18, 1995
					Lajos Csoke - HHRM
+ - Re: a pomegranate (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Frank J. Holly ) wrote:
: Frank J. Holly - Lubbock, TX, USA
: P.S.  By the way  with the symbols  a'  I meant a letter a with a ' over 
: it.  This is pronounced in Hungarian as the Spanish "a"  or in English , 
: the "o" in the word rob.  a in Hungarian is pronounced as "u" in cut.

I think you've got this  wrong way round.

: Hungarians also use the Latin alphabet  but has double letters for 
: certain sounds such as cs, ny, ty, gy  and letter with "accents" or 
: double dots or double commas over them.
+ - Pas de Deux (punk group?) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Do they still exist (the two chunky girls with punk hairdos???) /
Anyone know the words to "Bye, Bye Sasha"?
What about Hobo Blues? 
Any new cool bands?
+ - Re: Budapest bridges / beer (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Chris. Gauvrit ) writes:

> (1) From a novel (I'm 15 and I don't want to die, Christine Arnothy) I had
> understood that before 1945 there was a bridge between the Lanc hid and
> the Margit hid. Is it true or did I misread ?

   All the bridges were blown up at the end of the war in 1944. The first
bridge to be built after the war was at the place you mention, near the
Parliament (Kossuth Bridge). It was meant to be temporary only, but it was
in use for several years until it was finally removed.
   As far as I know there was no bridge there *before* 1945.

+ - Re: a pomegranate (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"Frank J. Holly" ) writes:
> Dear M:
> Pomegranate (seedy apple) as you probably know is native to Southwest 


   This is undoubtedly a fascinating subject, but why would you want to
post the same message a total of 9 (count them: 9) times???

+ - Internet Cafe in Prague (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


I'm the systems administrator to what is about to be a pretty interesting
place here in Prague. I would like to get in touch with people in the
region that are doing similar things.

I enclose the official press release, but am eager to give more details,
and ask questions..



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Opening in the Autumn, the Terminal Bar will add another dimension to
Prague9s reputation as one of Europe9s major cultural centres. The  impact
of the Velvet Revolution and the demise of Communism in the Czech Republic
has created an environment that is thirsty for new ideologies and
technologies. Against this backdrop, the Terminal Bar will give exposure
to the culture and concepts which are pushing at the borders of convention
by providing:

Comprehensive public access to the Internet and E-Mail
Magazines, fanzines and small press
Discussions, seminars and lectures
Screenings of contemporary low budget  films
Online services & web pages
Czech/English cross cultural magazine
Database library facilities
Coffee and bar

The Terminal Bar will house, under one roof, all the current strands of
media which represent the underground and alternative scenes. Those
involved are committed to making available information that isn9t readily
available to the general public for reasons of obscurity, radicality or

+ The Terminal Bar s.r.o.                             +
+ First Internet Cafe in Eastern Europe   +
+ Staromestske Nam. 19                              +
+ Prague 110 00 - Czech Republic             +
+ Tel.Fax: +42.2.262253                              +
+ - Tell me About Vojvodina (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hi, I am Atsushi, again.
I have several questions about the Hungarians in Vojvodina.
First of all, can you tell me whether it is true that the Hugarians call
this region in northern Serbia "Vajdasa'g" in the Hungarian language?
In other words, do people call the region "Vajdasa'g" in TV for example?

My second question is that:
  According to the recent news from Hungary, some Hungarian politicians IN
SERBIA complained about the Hungarian Government not well-considering
about the Hungarians. I would like to know general attitude of the
Serbia's Hungarians towards the Hungarian government? I don't believe that
they want to "integrate" with Hungary for better treatment, but do they
have somewhat negative image towards the Hungarian government? Or what
about Hungary's Hungarians' attitude towards Serbia's Hungarians
especially in Vojvodina. I think at the beginning they were very
sympathetic towards the Hungarians ouside Hungary who are severely
discriminated. In micro-level, that is to say, in the views of average
Hungarian citizens, (not from the Hungarian government's view) what are
general opinions about the Hungarians outside Hungary. It is a common
phenomena for the people in democratic countries to have little interests
in politics in general. Will this case fit the same way? Are they not
interested in these issues really in Hungary? Or, on the contrast, is it
as a hot issue as O.J. Simpson cases in the United States?
	Atsushi :)
+ - Re: No (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> NNNN           NNNN          OOOOOOOOOOO           !!!!!!
> NNNNN          NNNN         OOOOOOOOOOOOO         !!!!!!!! 
> NNNNNN         NNNN        OOOO       OOOO        !!!!!!!!
> NNNNNNN        NNNN       OOOO         OOOO        !!!!!! 
> NNNNNNNN       NNNN      OOOO           OOOO       !!!!!!
> NNNN NNNN      NNNN      OOOO           OOOO       !!!!!!
> NNNN  NNNN     NNNN     OOOO             OOOO      !!!!!!
> NNNN   NNNN    NNNN     OOOO             OOOO       !!!!
> NNNN    NNNN   NNNN     OOOO             OOOO       !!!!
> NNNN     NNNN  NNNN      OOOO           OOOO        !!!!
> NNNN      NNNN NNNN      OOOO           OOOO        !!!!
> NNNN       NNNNNNNN       OOOO         OOOO         !!!!
> NNNN        NNNNNNN        OOOO       OOOO           !!
> NNNN         NNNNNN         OOOO     OOOO            !! 
> NNNN          NNNNN          OOOOOOOOOOO            
> NNNN           NNNN           OOOOOOOOO              :=) 

> -the defiant one

Personal thing, ain't it?

+ - Ostrich meat - the cultural meat of the 90 s (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The cultural meat of the 1990's is now available.

Ostrich meat is a red meat. It has less fat than turkey
or chicken and it is very low in both cholesterol and calories.

We have wide selection of meat available for immediate delivery
together with birds of all ages and Ostrich eggs.

Shipments can be arranged world wide as our meat is both
EC & USDA approved.

Birds and eggs are also available for import and export into
all countries of the world including
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Email or call for details.
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