1. |
A Gabor@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu egy nagy cry (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
NBC es az olimpiai kozvetites (mind) |
211 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: softball (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
puhalabda (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Riporterek, megnyito, meg meg ami az eszembe jut (mind) |
42 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Ujabb magyar eredmenyek (mind) |
60 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Hogy is? (fwd) (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
XIV. Férfi Fôiskolás Kézilabda Világbajnokság (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Riporterek, megnyito, meg meg ami az eszembe jut (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | A Gabor@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu egy nagy cry (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
baby. (olyan mint egy savanyu uborka mert semmi
sem eleg jo neki)
Udv, Zoltan
+ - | NBC es az olimpiai kozvetites (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Egy baratom kuldte.
Ahogyan az itt szokas mondani: ROTFLMAO.
(Elnezest de nem volt idom leforditani.)
----- Begin Included Message -----
Did anyone catch the comments Bob Costas had when India marched
in during the opening ceremony ?
" I could say a lot of things about India", and he went on to say.
"One guy from India hold the world record for standing the longest time
on one foot".
Agreed we have our share of freaks, but this is not an olympics sport !
Did you notice how they zoom into the gold medalist's face, showing
all his/her pimples etc, when they could have at least shown who
the silver medalist were and put up their names.
The stuff below is a bit strongly worded, but sums it up quite well.
What do you all think?
> ----- Begin Included Message -----
> This kinda reflects a very popular feeling regarding the olympic coverage
> by NBC...This is a letter from a British Student here to her friend in UK.
> Helen,
> Right now we are suffering through American coverage of the olympics. Mark it
> beyond a joke. Aside from being extremely biased the commentary is horrid. It
> boring, offensive (Axel tries to be PC and call it culturally insensitive) an
> nauseating. We watch entire swimming races knowing only that Todd (Team USA!!
> is in lane 5 and that his wife is dying of cancer. We have come to the
> conclusion that you can't go to the olympics unless you have a) lost a close
> relative to breast cancer, b) your wife/husband is in a coma and c) you eithe
> had a baby within the last eight years or are making a comeback (having retir
> two weeks before).
> They have these little mini movies about the atheletes they usually show them
> when there is a race with no americans or if it's gymnastics and the chinese
> are preforming. If the little movie is about an American you hear about their
> dedicationand hard work, how they have a teddy bear named Fuzzy (she's just
> your average all American girl) and their mother, grandmother, or neighbours
> uncle is suffering from complications following an operation for an ingrown
> toenail and the gold medal is in honour of this poor sick
> person.
> If however the athlete is chinese then we hear about how at age seven the
> chinese government noticed her talent and her mother gave her up for the
> good of the nation. Yes the mother sacrificed her daughter (this is a quote)
> sent her 1500km away. Then we have a series of rhetorical questions
> "Does her mother know that little Mo Chee Wee Fan has a friend called Wee Mee
> Wong?" " Does she know who her daughter is, her fears etc?" " Does her mother
> know that Mo has a 200 sisters at her new school" And they drawl on and on
> like a funeral dirge. You hear a piano sadly plinking in the
> background.
> Meanwhile when you do see the chinese team you have never seen a happier,
> healthier looking bunch of girls. The Americans on the other hand look like t
> all need a dose of Prozac and suffer from bulimia. You can see STRESS written
> across their forheads and see their parents and you know they are living the
> dream of some maniac parent who never made it. Meanwhile Mo
> Chee's mother is busy bringing in the rice harvest and although she probably
> boasts about Mo's achievements she probably doesn't really care whether Mo
> was a gymnast or not and would love her just as much if she had an injury and
> would never tumble again.
> The American coverage brings out the worst on us. You sit with your friends a
> wish hateful shit on americans. We will them to drown, to trip, to break thei
> necks and hope that the fucking soft ball jams in their throats and
> chokes them.
> The fucking Dream Team is playing against Angola (no doubt we shall hear the
> tragic war stories of each of the Angolan players). We were watching
> gymnastics before but a few Americans fucked up and they are now unlikely "to
> medal" (yes, " medal" is a verb now) so the coverage has switched to this
> basketball game which the Americans are bound to win. We shall
> probably not hear a thing again about the men's gymnastics.
> Then there are the medal ceremonies or should i say lack of them. One of the
> nice things about the Olympics is being able to see the different
> medalist on the podium. You know the pride as their anthem is played, the
> tears etc. Well fuck that! We've had nothing but the bloody star spangled
> banner!! They don't show the medal ceremony unless an American has gotten
> gold. That way we can all clutch our hearts and sing "Oh say can you see".
> I'm telling you even when they get silver or bronze they don't show it. Well
> the part where the gold medallists anthem is played.
> Then there was the opening ceremony:
> African nation enters - "Well here's another of those small African nations
> with no hope of winning a medal".
> (Did it ever occur to them that the vast majority of the 600 and how many
> atheletes they sent have ab-so-lute-ly no hope of winning a medal!)
> Cuba enters - "Wonder how many of them will be going back to Havana"
> Iraq enters - " This is that country which we fought in the gulf
> war....suspected of using chemical weapons"
> China enters - " Well i wonder how well they will do this year..now that
> they've cracked down on the drugs" Bolivia enters " Yes here is bolivia...thi
> country was the last refuge of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"
> Then about the fantastic costumes in the opening ceremony." These costumes
> were made by Peter minshall who lives on a small island called trinidad where
> he makes them for the local carnival" Then at the end some paper doves are
> entire resume, where she got her inspiration from etc. Eight weeks!!!!!
> Minshall was making his costumes since last year!!! Over a year it took him.
> All the costumes were made in Trinidad. The main dancers and preformers were
> from trinidad, but we got more commentary on those stupid chrome pick-up
> vans!
> Helen i could go on and on. All romanians are described as hungry waifs, mind
> you the American gymnasts who are just as stunted are cute and bubbly. Chines
> athletes bear the weight of their nation on their shoulders the Americans are
> doing it for "Mom who died last year" or "my wife who almost died last year".
> "Since i was seven my dream was to win olympic gold" That's not their fucking
> dream!! Nobody dreams of that when you are seven for fuck's sake!!! you dream
> of icecream and playing with your friends the next day when you are seven. Th
> was obviously their parents dream!
> These Americans really haven't got a clue about the Olympics it's all gold
> medals for them or "medalling" as they say. They think they've got the human
> side covered when they show these little movies and tell us these stupid
> stories. it's so forced! just show us the races or whatever. Just tell me wha
> the gymnast is doing, what is that move called, how difficult is the routine
> compared to the other one. I don't want to know that he has a twin brother wh
> he speaks to every night. I don't need this information when he's in the midd
> of his iron cross on the rings!! When there is a race we like to know what i
> going on in ALL the lanes. we want sports commentary not fairy tales! The
> stories will make themselves. Show me a variety of sports and people from
> different countries winning. Forget the bloody medal count!
> This is seriously putting me off the Olympics... What i would do for some BBC
> coverage. OK they are a bit biased too (you do see an inordinate amount of
> equestrian events) they have to cater to their own, I don't blame NBC for tha
> although they take it to the max. but the BBC gives you proper sports coverag
> like they would cover any other meet. I mean when you see a horse race you
> expect racing commentary (..and as they approach the five furlonge mark it's
> Rum out in front with Nirvana close behind etc). We don't expect to be told w
> the fucking horse was like as a foal and what he eats for breakfast, and what
> his favourite colour is.
> With the BBC you see practically every medal ceremony. And they interview the
> winners at the end all of them, yes even if they are not british. And they
> tell you who is in each lane...yes even if it's only a heat. And the miracle
> of it all...no advertisements!
> Christine
> ----- End Included Message -----
----- End Included Message -----
----- End Included Message -----
+ - | Re: softball (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Gyerekek, konyorgom, mondja meg valaki, hogy mi az a softball.
Ugyanaz, mint a baseball, csak ezt holgyek es gyerekek jatszak,
kicsiben-nagyban. Konnyitett szabalyok, nagyobb labda, talan meg az uto is
nagyobb. De tobbet sajna en sem tudok rola.
LaLa (Imre Olajos, Jr.) _/ean /\/\ichel _/arre and -=\/=- angelis fan
WWW : http://homepage.interaccess.com/~lala | |
Home: (USA, Chicago suburbs -> GO BULLS!) |_/\_|_/\_
~~ []/\() ~~~~~~~~~~~ "Music should be free." /Vangelis/ ~~~~~~~~ /~~\ /~~\
+ - | puhalabda (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A softball a baseball puhitott valtozata. Szo szerint: nem a kokemenyre
tomott labdaval dobalodznak, hanem valamivel puhabbal (de ne szivacsra
gondolj). Amatorok es nok jatsszak puha labdaval a baseballt, allitolag
komoly ferfiember csak a kogolyoszeru labdaval csinalja, mint a Fintstone
csaladban a Fredi es a Beni. Tovabbi fontos elteres (mar akinek fontos, en
ugyan eletemben egyetlen baseball meccset sem lattam, amit csaknem
nehezebb meguszni mint a hamburger evest, de azert mindketto lehetseges,
szoval igy az sem tudom, kinek jo a vegen a 13-2), de hogy a sajat
szavamba ne vagjak), a ket baseball-varians kozott fontos elteres, hogy a
softball-ban a labdamenetet kezdo dobo jatekos csak alulrol dobhat, fej
folul tilos, es ettol eleg idetlenul neznek ki. (Velemenyem szerint a
baseballt barhogy kovetik el, mindenkepp idetlenul nez ki, ennek ellenere
sokan szeretik, ami rendjen is van, hiszen sokfele ember el a vilagon. De
az mar azert kicsit szertelensegnek tunik, ahogy a beach roplabdaval es
BMX biciglizessel kiegeszitve helyettesiti az olimpiai ottusat. Szo ami
szo, ez nem novelte a baseballhoz valo egyebkent is mersekelt
__o -\<,
-\<, __________O / O
__gabor____O / O
+ - | Re: Riporterek, megnyito, meg meg ami az eszembe jut (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> wrote:
> >
> > Hali
> >
> > Szegeny David Sandorrol nekem is van egy rossz elmenyem: a Tour de Fr=
> > utolso szakaszat kozvetitette, ami ugy zajlik, hogy kb. 140 km, az ut=
> > 40-et Parizsban egy korpalyantesznek meg 8 kort. Parizsig altalaban s=
> > aztan bent a varosban gyorsan mennek. Ezen a szakaszon Parizsba erkez=
> > mar megszokott 4 ficko. Mikor eloszor ertek az "utolso km" jlezeshez
> > Sandorunk azt mondta: a mezony engedi had elvezzek a pillanat dicsose=
> > mert az ossetettbe nem tudnak beleszolni. Aztan keresztulrobogtak a
> > celvonalon es mentek tovabb. Ekkor a riporter azt mondta: most nem eg=
> > ertem mi tortenik...
> >
> > Udv Gergi
> Van rosszabb!
> Nem tudom lattatok e a vizilabda kozvetiteseket. Ez a marha KNEZYJENO
> hihetetlenul ert a lehangolashoz, es legalabb annyit ert a vizilabdahoz
> mint en a relativitas elmelethez. Sajnalom, hogy annak idejen a Meszoly
> nem vagta jol szajba.
> Hellosztok!
> --
> Groszman Andras
> phone: (36) (06) 30 487077
Hello evribadi !
A megnyiton hangzott el a kovetkezo mondat Gulyas Laszlo szajabol:
"Most pedig Ecuador olimpiai sportoloi vonulnak be D=E9l Afrikabol (Sicc!=
Aki videora vette ellenorizheti !!
+ - | Ujabb magyar eredmenyek (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
10000m sikfutas:
16. Kaldy Zoltan
Szabadfogas, 68 kg: Forizs Janos kiesett
82kg: Dvorak Laszlo kiesett
Dania - Magyarorszag 27:22
A magyar csapat csoportmasodikkent kerult az elodontobe, ahol Del-Korea lesz
az ellenfele.
54kg: Kovacs Istvan - Olteanu (roman) 24:2
Kovacs mar a legjobb 4 kozott van.
3. Martinek Janos
6. Hanzely Akos
23. Sarfalvi Peter
108+kg: 8. Stark Tibor
Ferfi szorf misztral:
40. Gadorfalvy Aron
18. Haranghy Csaba, Komm Andras
Finn dingi:
26. Litkey Farkas
Arany(4): Rozsa Norbert, Egerszegi Krisztina, Czene Attila, Kiss Balazs
Ezust(3): Guttler Karoly, Ferfi kardcsapat, Csollany Szilveszter
Bronz(6): Imre Geza, Egerszegi Krisztina, Szalay Gyongyi, Feri Attila,
Kovacs Agnes, Martinek Janos
4.hely(7): Kovacs Ivan, Guttler Karoly, Navarrete Jozsef,
Noi parbajtorcsapat, Noi torcsapat, Sike Jozsef,
Ferfi vizilabdacsapat
5.hely(5): Kovacs Antal, Nagy Timea, Adrian Popa, Csak Jozsef, Ferfi torcsapat
6.hely(6): Hormay Adrienn, Ferfi parbajtor csapat, Berzicza Tamas,
Ferfi 4X200 vegyesvalto, Inancsi Rita, Hanzely Akos
Ponttablazat (7-5-4-3-2-1):
1. Uszas 38 pont
2. Vivas 31 pont
3. Atletika 8 pont
4. Sulyemeles 6 pont
5. Torna 5 pont
Ottusa 5 pont
6. Cselgancs 4 pont
7. Sportloveszet 3 pont
Vizilabda 3 pont
9. Birkozas 1 pont
Osszesen: 104 pont
Kerekes Peter
+ - | Hogy is? (fwd) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Az ESPNET-en irjak egy NBC-vel foglalkozo cikk vegen:
>>The Bob Costas quote of the week: During Thursday night's telecast, he
said it about the Hungarian swimmers: "They're kicking bootie from here to
Ez mit jelent??
REFFY Balazs
+ - | XIV. Férfi Fôiskolás Kézilabda Világbajnokság (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Sportbaratok!
Nyiregyhazan kerul megrendezesre 1996. december 27- 1997. januar 7.
kozott a XIV. F=E9rfi F=F4iskol=E1s K=E9zilabda Vil=E1gbajnoks=E1g.
Az erdeklodok bovebb informaciot a=20
cimen talalnak.
Bodi Antal
+ - | Re: Riporterek, megnyito, meg meg ami az eszembe jut (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> wrote:
> >
> > Hali
> >
> > Szegeny David Sandorrol nekem is van egy rossz elmenyem: a Tour de France
> > utolso szakaszat kozvetitette, ami ugy zajlik, hogy kb. 140 km, az utolso
> > 40-et Parizsban egy korpalyantesznek meg 8 kort. Parizsig altalaban semmi,
> > aztan bent a varosban gyorsan mennek. Ezen a szakaszon Parizsba erkezve
> > mar megszokott 4 ficko. Mikor eloszor ertek az "utolso km" jlezeshez
> > Sandorunk azt mondta: a mezony engedi had elvezzek a pillanat dicsoseget,
> > mert az ossetettbe nem tudnak beleszolni. Aztan keresztulrobogtak a
> > celvonalon es mentek tovabb. Ekkor a riporter azt mondta: most nem egeszen
> > ertem mi tortenik...
> >
> > Udv Gergi
> Van rosszabb!
> Nem tudom lattatok e a vizilabda kozvetiteseket. Ez a marha KNEZYJENO
> hihetetlenul ert a lehangolashoz, es legalabb annyit ert a vizilabdahoz
> mint en a relativitas elmelethez. Sajnalom, hogy annak idejen a Meszoly
> nem vagta jol szajba.
> Hellosztok!
> --
> Groszman Andras
> phone: (36) (06) 30 487077
Hello evribadi !
A megnyiton hangzott el a kovetkezo mondat Gulyas Laszlo szajabol:
"Most pedig Ecuador olimpiai sportoloi vonulnak be Dil Afrikabol (Sicc!)"
Aki videora vette ellenorizheti !!