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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: zero emission (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
2 FW: Japan Connects the Dots (mind)  170 sor     (cikkei)
3 re: CSA gazdasagok (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
4 meadows-rovat (mind)  101 sor     (cikkei)
5 koolaj es politika - erdekessegek (mind)  71 sor     (cikkei)
6 e-mail konferencia a diverzitasrol (mind)  78 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: zero emission (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> zero emission
> Kedves Mindenki!
> Ugy emlekszem, hogy iden januar elsejevel kellett eletbe lepnie
> Kalifornia Allamban annak a torvenynek, ami eloirta, hogy a forgalomba
> hozott autok 2 szazalekanak zero kibocsajtasunak kell lennie, azaz
> praktikusan elektromos autonak. Emlekszem, hogy a vezeto autogyarak
> eloszor minden kovet megmozgattak, hogy ervenytelenittessek a torvenyt,
> majd amikor belattak, hogy Kalifornia Allam - nagyon helyesen -
> hajthatatlan, akkor sorra jelentettek be, hogy meglesz az elektromos
> auto
> az eloirt hataridore.
> Kerdezem, hogy valoban eletbe lepett-e a torveny, es ha igen, akkor mik
> az elso tapasztalatok?

Nem kotekedes kedveert (vagy igen?), de a cimet ki kell egeszitenem:
zero local emission  vagy  zero road emission  vagy hasonlo.
Ha elektromos auto alatt akkumulatorral hajtott autot ertunk, akkor a 
"global emission" inkabb no. Gondolj utana az energiaatalakitasi, 
-atviteli, -tarolasi lancnak. Persze van mas lehetoseg is:
-- a villamosenergiat atom- vagy vizeromuben eloallitani (csak Vargha 
   J. ne lassa!),
-- akku helyett napelemet hasznalni.
Ez utobbinal nehany szaz negyzetmeter eleg ahhoz, hogy egy kis 
Polskinyi teljesitmenyt kapjunk atlagos nappali orakban. Ejjel meg ne 

Egyebkent nagyon is fontosnak tartom a "local immission" csokkentest 
a global rovasara (a Margit korutiakat nem vigasztalja, hogy 
vilagatlagban meg eleg jo a levego - analog kaliforniai utvonalat 
sajnos nem tudok mondani), csak nem szeretem a nagyon hangzatos, 
kisse felrevezeto elnevezeseket.

Egyebkent a kerdesre adhato valasz engem is erdekel.

Udvozlettel   Gacs Ivan
+ - FW: Japan Connects the Dots (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Sok szo esik i/otthon az alacsony szuletesszamrol. Noha az ember
hajlamos azt hinni hogy ennek pusztan anyagi okai vannak, a jelek
szerint Japanban osszefuggest keresnek az alacsony szuletesszam,
csokkeno termekenyseg es kornyezeti szennyezok kozott. Tud valaki
hasonlo magyarorszagi statisztikarol?


Laszlo Pinter
Program Officer
International Institue for Sustainable Development (IISD)
161 Portage Avenue East
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0Y4  Canada
Tel:  (204) 958-7715
Fax: (204) 958-7710

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Donella H. Meadows [SMTP:]
> Sent:	Friday, May 15, 1998 10:31 AM
> To:	
> Subject:	Japan Connects the Dots
>  South China Morning Post May  9, 1998 SECTION: News; Pg. 9 Low birth
> rate
> spurs research into  pollution BY BENJAMIN FULFORD in Tokyo BODY:
> Urgent
> research has begun into  environmental pollution,  prompted by fears
> that
> it may be responsible for Japan's rapidly shrinking birth rate.
>     "Our research has raised the possibility that one of the reasons
> for
> Japan's low birth rate is that there are more people who want to have
> children but cannot," said a government official involved in
> investigating
> the low birth rate. "The problem is we do not have enough data yet."
>     A government survey released on the May 5 Children's Day holiday
> revealed that Japan had the lowest number of children in its
> population
> since organised census-taking began in 1920.
>     The drop in the number of children was especially severe in the
> nought-to -three age range, the survey showed.
>     "We do not have any scientifically rigorous surveys showing that
> infertility is on the increase, but members of our association have
> reported a significant increase in the amount of infertile couples
> showing
> up for consultations," said  Dr Kazunari Ochiai, chairman of Japan's
> Gynaecological Association.
>     Dr Ochiai said there was a sharp increase in the amount of women
> with
> abnormalities and growths in the womb.
>     A recent survey also found that 33 out of 34 healthy men between
> the
> ages of 20 and 26 had sperm counts that failed to meet levels
> recommended
> as normal by the World Health Organisation, according to the study's
> author, Teikyo University
> >researcher Dr Shigeru Oshio.
>    Other surveys have also found dangerously high levels of the toxic
> substance dioxin in mothers' milk.
>     The experts all stressed that it would be premature to make a
> definitive link between  environmental pollution  and the shrinking
> birthrate.
>     They said that it was only one possible factor out of many that
> were
> behind  Japan's rapidly plunging birth rate.
>     Non- environmental  factors include an increase in women who do
> not
> want to  marry and a rise in couples who choose not to have children,
> they
> said.
>     Nevertheless, the Health and Welfare Ministry, the Environmental
> Protection Agency and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
> have
> all  started urgent research projects into the birth rate issue in
> recent
> months.
>     The  Environmental  Protection Agency will investigate soil and
> water
> samples from 400 locations in Japan in order to find out how pervasive
> environmental  hormones are in Japan.
>      Environmental  hormones are chemical substances that may affect
> fertility in humans and animals by mimicking the effects of natural
> hormones.
> Mainichi Daily News
> May  9, 1998, Saturday
> HEADLINE: Gov't unveils policy on hormone disrupters
>    Nationwide study planned on  environmental  chemicals
>    By Kimio Kamoshita Mainichi Shimbun
>    The Environment Agency has unveiled the nation's first
> comprehensive
> policy aimed at combating chemicals that affect animals' hormone
> balance.
>    The agency announced on Thursday that it will start a nationwide
> study
> on chemical substances that harm hormones. The hormones produce
> endocrine
> systems needed for reproduction as >well as other vital body
> functions.
>     Such chemicals, known as hormone disrupters, may damage living
> organisms from generation to generation, the agency warned.
>    The chemicals are also believed to cause low sperm counts and the
> deterioration of brain and mental facilities in humans.
>    The Environment Agency has been demanding an allocation of
> approximately
> 8.5  billion yen for the study of hormone disrupters in the fiscal
> 1998
> supplementary budget.
>    The agency further hopes that scientists and researchers from both
> academic and industrial fields will take part in the research.
>    A report released by a panel from the agency last summer named
> about 70
> different kinds of chemicals that were suspected to disrupt the
> hormonal
> systems of people.
>    According to an agency official, the new study will focus on the 70
> chemicals and their effects on the reproductive functions of fish and
> amphibians believed  to be the most vulnerable to hormone disrupters.
>    The study will also look at the relationship between hormone
> disrupters
> and the reproductive functions of humans.
>    The study includes analysis on sperm counts, defective sperm and,
> with
> the help of local governments, a nationwide survey on deformed babies.
>    It also aims to measure hormone disrupters in umbilical cords to
> check
> the extent of  pollution  in fetuses.
>    To support the comprehensive study, the agency plans to set up a
> research facility at the National Institute for Environmental
> Studies. The
> center will  develop easier and cheaper techniques for detecting
> hormone
> disrupters.
>    The government will host an international symposium on this issue
> in an
> attempt to make the techniques to detect hormone disrupters available
> to
> the international community at large.
> ===========================================================
> Miranda Holmes, Toxics Campaigner, Reach For Unbleached
> 1672 East 10th Avenue, Second Floor, Vancouver, B.C. V5N 1X5
> Phone: 604-879-2992 Fax: 604-879-2272
> ===========================================================
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+ - re: CSA gazdasagok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Bar amit az #513 Kornyeszben olvastam, nagyon
szimpatikus volt, hadd hangoztassam a ketsegeimet kicsit:
Az egesz nekibuzdulas arra emlekeztet, ami itthon
tort ki anno 7-8 eve a termofold-karpotlas soran. Egesz
eletukben varosban lako emberkeken tort ki az addig
sikeresen lappango foldmuveloi vervonal es teljesen komolyan
el tudtak magukat kepzelni parasztgazdakent. A gond
ott kezdodott, amikor pl. ki kellett volna koltozni falura,
ne adj isten tanyara - masszoval, mar elso lepesben fel
kellett volna adniuk az addigi tobbe-kevesbe kenyelmes
varosi eletmodjukat. Hogy hol itt a parhuzam a CSA farmmal?
Ott, hogy az a varoslako, aki eddig megszokta, hogy akkor
vesz deligyumolcsot, gorogdinnyet, egyaltalan barmit, amikor
megkivanja, nem fog ellenallni a szupermarketek kinalatanak
es esze agaban sem lesz megvarni a nyar kozepet, hogy
barackot ehessen, hanem elballag a boltba es megveszi a
Del-Amerikabol, Afrikabol, akarhonnan odaszallitott termeket.
Mindemellett allitom, hogy ez egy nagyon jo otlet,
a re'szesmu"vele's nevu valtozata regota ismert szerte a vilagban,
de udvozito megoldaskent hangoztatni eros naivitasra vall.


u.i.: a farmer most is kifizeti a vegyigyarak 30 centjet es csomagol
valamibe es szallit is
u.i.2.: Alaszkaban mit termelnek a CSA farmok?
+ - meadows-rovat (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


We of the industrial culture pretty much accept the laws of physics.  We don't
waste time trying to make perpetual motion machines.  We don't expect water to
run uphill or gravity to go away.  These concessions to reality don't stop
progress, they just keep us, most of the time, from dead ends and disasters.

If only we'd develop the same respect for the laws of ecology.

Ignoring an ecological law has produced a problem summarized with some alarm in
the May 7 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.  The bacterium called
salmonella infects several million Americans a year.  Most of us just get a
stomach upset, but salmonella can kill the very young, very old, or
immune-compromised, unless it is knocked out by antibiotics.  The problem is
that a type of salmonella, called DT104, has become resistant to five common
antibiotics -- ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides and

In 1980 antibiotic-resistant DT104 showed up in less than one percent of
samples tested at the Centers for Disease Control.  Now it shows up in 34
percent.  It is even more widespread in England, where some strains show
resistance to six or seven antibiotics.

Why?  Many doctors and scientists, including an expert committee of the World
Health Organization, assume it's because we slosh around antibiotics
carelessly, especially in animal feed.  Raising cattle, chickens, and hogs by
the thousands in tight confinement invites the spread of infection.  So
antibiotics are routinely mixed into animal feed.  Forty percent of U.S.
antibiotic sales go to this purpose.

The ecological law being violated here is natural selection.  Expose salmonella
to an occasional medicinal dose of antibiotic, and you'll kill them.  Expose
them every day to a slight dose, you'll kill some.  The ones that survive will
be the most naturally resistant.  They will produce the next generation, which
will be even more resistant.  Keep using sublethal doses of antibiotic, and
you'll end up with resistant bacteria.  It's about as predictable as water
flowing downhill.

People who understand natural selection have been trying to stop routine
feeding of antibiotics for years.  European nations ban it, except for the U.K.
The New England Journal article says, "In the United Kingdom DT104 now appears
to be widely distributed in food animals, particularly cattle, and
investigations have associated infections in humans with eating pork sausages,
chicken, and meat paste and with contact with sick animals.  Investigations in
the United States have found associations between DT104 infections in humans
and the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products and direct contact with

Not to worry, say some technological optimists.  We can invent new antibiotics.
But evolutionary races with tiny, fast-breeding, stunningly adaptable creatures
such as bacteria and insects are about as winnable as perpetual motion machine
contests.  Pesticide companies should have learned that lesson long ago. 
Spraying the countryside with bug poison, like feeding animals antibiotics, is
just asking for resistant bugs.  More than 500 pest species have developed
pesticide resistance.

But we don't seem to learn.  A new round of ignorance about natural selection
is about to destroy not only one of humanity's best insect-control practices,
but one of nature's too.

A bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis -- Bt for short -- normally hangs out
in soil and on leaves waiting for a bug to eat it.  Different strains of Bt
infect different bugs, including cabbage worms, corn earworms, and Colorado
potato beetles.  In the bug's gut the Bt multiplies happily, makes a toxin that
kills the bug, and releases millions of offspring to go infect other bugs. 
Organic gardeners use Bt as a natural insect control.  It poisons nothing but
the insect that is its host.  Insects have not evolved Bt resistance, because
they're not exposed to Bt toxin until the Bt is inside them, by which time
they're goners.

Along comes Monsanto, snips out the bacterial gene that codes for the Bt toxin.
pastes it into the genes of potatoes, corn, cotton.  The genetically engineered
seeds command a high price, because every cell of the plant makes pesticide. 
When a potato beetle or cotton bollworm chomps a leaf, it ingests Bt toxin.

If you see this as a perfect scheme for creating resistant pests, you
understand the law of natural selection.  Instead of occasional exposure to Bt
toxin, the pest encounters it throughout the growing season.  Inside of a
lethal dose, it gets a low-level one -- Bt-spliced cotton kills only 60 to 90
percent of cotton bollworms.  The ones that survive breed the next generation.

No one knows what will happen in nature if insect populations become resistant
to wild Bt.  Organic farmers are incensed that an ecology-deaf company is going
to wipe out one of their most effective natural controls.  

You'd think Monsanto itself would be worried, because Bt resistance will undo
its own gene-spliced products.  For awhile their scientists and executives
pretended to have a "resistance management plan," which most farmers and
entomologists saw as unworkable.  Now Monsanto spokespeople are admitting that
resistance is probable, but, says Erich Sachs, business director for
Yield-Gard, Monsanto's Bt-resistant corn, "Resistance is unlikely to happen
within five years, and within that time frame we'll offer new technology that
will further reduce the likelihood of resistance."

Trust us.  We'll have a perpetual motion machine any time now.  So we can go
ahead and destroy all these other machines that work just fine.

(Donella H. Meadows is an adjunct professor of environmental studies at
Dartmouth College.)
+ - koolaj es politika - erdekessegek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A koolaj mennyisegerol sokan vitatkozanak – egy biztos: mint minden nyersanyag 
ez is veges mennyisegu.  A carbon ciklusban felvetodo szen 
mennyiseg becsleset a Bolin Cook diagram mutatja.  Hubbert volt aki  a koolaj m
ennyiseget felbecsulte ugy az USA-ban mint a vilagon.  A harang 
gorben vetitette le a fogyasztott kolaj menniseget az ido fuggvenyeben.

A koolaj minosege, elerhetosege egyre romlik.  Kiaknazasahoz, szallitasahoz, de
sztillaciojahoz mindig tobb es tobb energiara van szuksegunk  
Ehhez meg hozzajarol a koolaj "fugitive" termeszete, a koolaj lelohelyek tavole
snek az ipari vilagtol es hozzajarul hogy mas orszagok kontrolaljak 
a keszletet.

Gever, Kauffman, Skole es Vorosmarty irt egy nagyon erdekes konyvet a temarol. 
A cime : Beyond Oil.
Az amerikai Riva  1995-ben az olaj keszletet 2,330 millio barrel-ra becsulte.  
A legfontosabb olaj lelo orszagok: Szaudi Arabia, Oroszorszag, 
Iraq, Iran, UAE, Kuwait, Venezuela, Mexico, Kina, Kazaksztan.

A kusza kozelkeleti helyzet egyik okozoja az arab orszagokban folyo olaj kiterm
eles..  A legendas Het Nover – a het legnagyobb olaj vallat 
gazdasag politikai manoverezese okozta az OPEC kialakulasat,es a 70-es evek ola
j valsagat.  Tovabbi problemak az irani krizist es a perzsa Gulf 
haborut is a kolajnak koszonhetjuk.  A Gulf haborut egyesek a 3. vilaghaborunak
 titulatak.  Az Exxon Valdez szinten a koolajjal kapcsolatosak.  Az 
utobbi ket krizis jelentos kornyezeti kart okozott.

Miert fontos az olaj?

Mert  szorosan osszefugg az energia szolgaltatassal:
1.	A koolaj alapu energia szolgaltatas az  ipari orszgok koltsegveteesenenk egy
 jelentos reszet kepviseli
2.	Az energia ar valtozas az orszgok kozotti gazdasagi megoszlast jelentosen be
3.	Energia tobb szempontbol fontos politikai kerdes
4.	A koolaj kitermelesenek idozitese fontos
5.	A nyersanyag eredetet illeto  problemeak is fontosak.

Milyen kozvetlen kornyezeti szennyezodeseket okoz az olaj?
1.	Global warming – az egyik legkomolyabb problema
2.	Tengerviz szennyezese – szallitas soran – mivel a ballaszt-ra hasznalt viz o
laj szennyezodese kb. 0.35% ami jelentos ha egy 10 millio barrel 
terfogatu hajot nezunk – es azt megszorozzuk az evi forgalmaval.
3.	Elemi ken, nitrogen es merkaptan szennyezodes az olaj finomitas soran igen j
4.	Szallitas alatt – olaj omles vagy szivargas keletkezik – az olaj szallito ha
lozat ma mar 20-30 eves es a foldalatti csoveket nem ellenorzik.
5.	Kitermeleskor segedanyagokat hasznalnak – kulonbozo vegyszereket es a felese
get lagunakba temetik vagy a foldbe injektaljak.  ( A 
statisztikai adatok az API kozlemenyekben talalhatok)

A masik problema az olaj felhasznalas hatekonysaga:
Az atlag motor hatekonysaga 30-40% - ma mar vannak generatork amik allitolag 50
 %os hatekonysaggal mukodnek.  Az idealis megvalosithato 
hatekonysag kb 70-75 % .  Talan hallottatok a Faktor Vier vagy Faktor Zehn Klub
-rol.  Nemetorszagban letezik – es a hatekonysag, gazdasagos 
felhasznalas novelesevel kapcsolatos.

Amerikaban az olaj az egy legenda, de Magyarorszag se mentes az olaj problemakt
ol . Finnorszag  nem termel ki olajat ezert eleg sajatos 
olajgazdalkodasi politikaja van.  De errol talan Kovacs Kollega tobbet tud neku
nk mondani.

A koolaj kitermelese polarizalja a vilagot: Eszak-Del tengely alakult ki – esza
k az ipari orszagokat reprezentalja amig del a harmadik vilagot 
kepviseli.  Egyesek szerint a polarizacio az ipari orszagok energia hordozo nye
rsanyagok birtokolasat jelkepezi. A kornyezetgazdasagi problemak 
megoldhatoak lennenek ha az olaj arak tukroznek az enternaliakat.  De sajnos ez
 nem igy van. 

+ - e-mail konferencia a diverzitasrol (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Nagy csodalkozassal latom, hogy Magyarorszagrol senki nem vesz
reszt a most folyo e-mail konferencian a biologiai diverzitasrol.
Mivel az egesz csak olyanokat erdekelhet akik jol tudnak angolul
had masoljam ide a meghirdeto levelet eredeti formajaban angolul.

>From: "Mark J. Costello" > 
>Subject: News, and an Electronic conference, on Biodiversity and
>  Research

>1. A European Science Foundation study group has recently produced a plan
>for marine biodiversity research. It is available on the web at:
>2.  The Communication of the European Commission to its Parliament
>concerning how the Convention on Biological Diversity would be implemented
>by the European Union is available at
>This is a most important document and covers all sectors, including research.
>An email conference to discuss this communication will be starting soon (See
>point 4 below).
>3. The European Commission environmental research section of DGXII funded a
>Working Group on Research and Biodiversity (EWGRB) in 1997 which produced a
>report available on the world wide web. This report is being used to direct
>research funding on biodiversity in  Europe.  Information is available on
>the web at
>There was limited marine and freshwater input to this group. However it is
>still possible to contribute to its debate through an electronic conference
>which has led on from the EWGRB to start shortly (see point 4 below). I will
>be chairing the 'fisheries' section but the scope of this is as wide as we
>wish, i.e. all marine activities which may be affected by or may be effected
>by fisheries.  Offers of contributions are very welcome.
>4. An electronic conference to discuss biodiversity research needs is to be
>held from 4 May until 16 June 1998. One can participate by
>(a) joining an email discussion group (i.e. a 'listserver' where messages
>sent to a single address are automatically bounced back to all persons who
>have 'subscribed').
>You can subscribe to the email listserver by sending the message SUBSCRIBE
>BIODIV <first name> <surname> to , or through the
>web site (see below).  You will receive an automatic reply providing
>additional instructions.
>(b) visiting (reading) the web site <http://www.gencat.es/mediamb/biodiv>;
>and making contributions to the 'discussion Forum'  via this same web site.
>5. The European Commission Statistical Office in collaboration with the
>European Environment Agency has produced a suite of indicators of pressures
>on the environment covering all sectors.  A full list of the methodology for
>deriving each indicator is available at Eurostat indicators of pressure on
>marine and coastal biodiversity (http://www.telecom.es/tau/sheets.htm).
>good reading

A biologiai sokfeleseg kutatasa, vedelme a kornyezetvedelem egyik centralis
resze, otthon kivalo szakemberek vannak, jo lenne ha hallatnak hangjukat
a sok kutyauto burokrata mellett aki a billentyuket csepeli ezen az 
elektronikus ulesen. Meg nem keso jelentkezni!

Viking (HAJDU Lajos) http://home3.swipnet.se/~w-38259/lajos7.jpg    mailto: 
(es a  mirror, a magyar tanckedvelok internet klubja)
postacim: SVA Box 7073 S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
http://members.tripod.com/~Lajos_Hajdu    http://www.sva.se