Hungarian-FAQ keeper wrote:
> Archive-name: hungarian/broadcast
> Soc-culture-magyar-archive-name: broadcast
> Last-modified: 1996/06/29
> Version: 0.82
> Posting-Frequency: every twenty days
> Many thanks go to Andy Vadasz and Peter Soltesz, who compiled much of
> the information shown here. This file is being maintained at the
> archive <>. A similar
> compendium is also available from the HAL archives
> <>
> <>,
> with more related material under <>.
> The programme by the Radio Petofi is available real-time simulcast via
> the Internet (the first such national broadcast according to them):
> <> (note that this adress is at
> '', signifying E-NET, which is distinct from '' where
> some other resources are to be found). That page has all the
> information needed to get the sofware handling the 'realaudio' format,
> or one can go straight to the source at <>.
> Realaudio format recorded broadcast segments for some HungarianRadio
> programmes are available thru <>.
> The homepage for Radio Budapest (the external service of Hungarian
> Radio) is at <> - they have a lot of textual
> information, including schedules and frequency tables for worldwide
> broadcast.
> Computer-readable Hungarian language broadcast material from the Voice
> of America is found under <>; they
> have other computer audio file formats for download beside realaudio as
> well.
> Here is a listing of Hungarian language broadcasts (as of 28 May
> 1996), collected by Peter Soltesz <mailto: >.
> Note that the Hungarian language broadcast of the Radio Free Europe
> (which was shown in the original version I posted) has been
> discontinued sometime in '95! Also, the Voice of America beam is
> transmitted from outside America and can't be received there (despite
> the earlier listing showing them with their nominal Washington, D.C.
> location). However their Web server makes computer-readable recordings
> available, as shown in the paragraph above. I dropped the VOA entries
> from here - for the full schedules see
> <gopher://> and for all the
> frequencies <gopher://>
> (these files can be accessed thru <> as well as from
> <>).
> <<< Text version of database file follows: >>>
> ID, Type, FREQ, City, ST, PROG, DAY, Time, Address, Tel, Fax
> KTYM , AM ,, INGLEWOOD , CA ,1,,,,,
> WVOF , FM ,, FAIRFIELD , CT ,2,,,,,
> WNDU , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
> WSBT , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
> WRSU , FM ,, NEW BRUNSWICK , NJ ,1,,,,,
> WCSB , FM ,, CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,
> WKTX , AM ,, CORTLAND , OH ,12,,,,,
> WKTL , FM ,, STRUTHERS , OH ,1,,,,,
> WIBF , FM ,, JENKINTOWN , PA ,1,,,,,
> WMZK , AM , 680 , DETROIT , MI ,1, FRI , 2100-2200 ,,,
> WNYE , TV , 25 , NEW YORK , NY ,0.5, SAT , 1500-1530 ,,,
> TCI , CABLE ,, WESTCHESTER County , NY ,,,,,,
> , AM , 1380 , NEW YORK , NY ,1, SUN , 1200-1300 ,,,
> WQRP , FM ,, DAYTON , OH ,3, SUN , 0900-1200 ,,,
> WNVC , TV , 56 , FALLS CHURCH , VA ,0.5, SAT , 0800-0830 ,, 1-703-698-9682 ,
> CKJS , AM , 810 , WINNIPEG, MANITOBA , CN ,0.5, SAT , 2000-2030 ,, 1-204-477
-1221 ,
> , FM , 105.9 , NEW YORK , NY ,2, SUN , 1200-1400 ,,,
> , SW , 25 m ,, PA ,0.25, TH , 1645-1700 ,,,
> TELSTAR , SAT , 22 ,, NA ,,,,,,
> GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, M-F , 1930-200 ,,,
> GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, SAT , 1730-1800 ,,,
> ASC-1 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0,,,,,
> VATICANA , SW ,,, IT ,0,,,,,
> CBN , SAT ,,, NA ,0,,,,,
> CBC , SW ,, TORONTO , CD ,,,,,,
> BBC , SW ,, LONDON , UK ,,,,,,
> , SW , 3250 , BIRMINGHAM , AL ,1, D , 0700-0755 ,,,
> ,, 830 , CLEVELAND , OH ,,,,,,
> DEUTSCHE W , SW ,,, GE ,0,,,,,
> WCPN , FM , 90.3 , CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,
> <<< end of database listing >>>
> Andy Vadasz <mailto: > posted the following:
> +In a May 14 message, I reported (in part):
> +
> +> their current 9870 kHz will change to 9840 kHz starting May.21. Not clear
> +>whether the change is for the entire 3 hour transmission (including
> +>Hungarian and English language programs).
> +
> +More recently the new arrangement has been posted on the "Radio Budapest"
> +webpage: To summarize. the North America beam
> +is broadcast on 9840 and 11870 kHz with the following breakdown
> +
> +Starting time (UTC) Language Beam orientation
> +00:00 Hungarian N.America East
> +01:00 English N.America East
> +01:30 Hungarian N.America West
> +02:30 English N.America West
> +
> +In my area (Northern Virginia) the first two segments have been fair to good
> +on 9840 kHz.
> - --
> Zoli , keeper of <>
> *SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
> *with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
> *excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
> Version: 2.6.2
> IV+ywX96CjfhHY7aw72zZqo78SkquEqHazdE+09oSW2MjnmECXUSunVsHED4detO
> X3yT4U7OMYJYcKERXqqONa5xs04Mk+dh
> =HSCs
> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----Jo napot kivanok,
En Csizmazia Gyula vagyok es szeretnem tudni
hogy Orlando-ban mikor es melyik alamason lehet
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