------------------------------------------ -- EZ A SZÁM CSAK TEXT FORMÁBAN LÉTEZIK -- ------------------------------------------ From contacts@phoenix.princeton.edu Fri Dec 7 23:03:29 1990 Return-Path: Received: from gargoyle.uchicago.edu by tartarus.uchicago.edu (4.0/UofC4.0x) id AA09308; Fri, 7 Dec 90 23:03:27 CST Received: by gargoyle.uchicago.edu from Princeton.EDU (4.0/1.14) id AA28308; Fri, 7 Dec 90 23:03:11 CST Received: from phoenix.Princeton.EDU by Princeton.EDU (5.61++/2.60/princeton) id AA14802; Sat, 8 Dec 90 00:02:23 -0500 Received: by phoenix.princeton.edu (4.1/1.105) id AA14592; Fri, 7 Dec 90 23:16:40 EST Date: Fri, 7 Dec 90 23:16:40 EST From: TIPP/FORUM Message-Id: <9012080416.AA14592@phoenix.princeton.edu> To: contacts@phoenix.princeton.edu Subject: M A H A L # 23 From RAVENserver Status: RO =============================================== Felado : h1380mag@ella.hu Beerkezett: Fri Dec 7 06:51:45 EST 1990 Temakor : Halozati ez-az - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Van egy jo hirem! A MAHALnak van devizaszamlaja. Barmily fura, de van. Ez az egesz - tegyuk hozza - Csanady Dani munkaja, aki kideritette (a jogi utvesztok kozott), hogy tulajdonkeppen nem szukseges az alapitvany a dev.szla-hoz es a szabad dev. forgalomhoz, az Egyesulet is jogosult erre, de ami a fontosabb, talalt egy olyan bankot, amelyik ezt el is hitte neki. Ugyhogy a dev.szla mar el. Legalabbis tegnapelott este Dani azt mondta, hogy masnap mindent elintez, es ha barmi kozbejon, felhiv. Nem hivott. (Persze ennek mas oka is lehet, de azert 99%, hogy minden OK.) Viszont Ft szla-nk meg nincs, mert Dani velemenye az volt, hogy azzal nem kell sietni, ui. a dev.szla-val kapcsolatban nincs jateklehetosegunk, ott a kondiciokban nincs rugalmassag; viszont a Ftszla-val kapcsolatban van, es azt mondta, meg var egy kicsit, hatha sikerul nagyobb kamatra megnyitni. Tehat: A bank neve: Inter-Europa Bank Rt. (1054 Szabadsag ter 15.) Kulfoldi partnerek es adataik (a IEB altal adott papirt masolom ide, ami helyenkent nehezen olvashato, ezert aztan a szlaszamok ellenorizendok; ez az o sorrendjuk!): Cur Country Bank Account No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USD USA Republic National Bank of NY, NY 608-204-471 DEM Germany Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 02.00.2037250.500 Frankfurt am Main CHF Switzerland Swiss Bank Corporation, Zurich PO-165,962.0 GBP UK 1/ Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 295087-0001 London 2/ Hambros Bank Ltd., London 475-018-00 ATS Austria Sanpaolo Bank (Austria) Ag., Wien 1 0055511.000 FRF France Banque Sanpaolo, Paris 899064D001 vagy??? 8990640001 ITL Italy 1/ Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 10/9052 97 Torino 2/ Banca di Credito di Trieste, Triest 50-11200 BEF Belgium Generale Bank, Brussels 291-11.26.113-40/001 CAD Canada The Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto 231-140-5 DKK Denmark Den Danske Bank, Copenhagen 3007 504136 NLG Netherlands 1/ San Paolo Bank, Amsterdam 255687-0014 2/ Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland N.V., Rotterdam vagy??? SEK Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stockholm 5201-85 695 70 FIM Finland Skopbank, Helsinki Convfim-account 00903219982076 NOK Norway Den Norske Bank, Oslo 7001.02.05938 ESP Spain Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 007112 ESB 2156 01 Madrid JPY Japan The Bank of Tokyo Ltd., Tokyo 653-0426563 XEU Italy Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 10/9052 197 Torino A mi szlaszamunk: 218-98567/1-90002379 (Ebbol a / elotti resz az IEB, az utani a mi szamunk) Ha tehat valaki penzt akar kuldeni a MAHAL szlajara, akkor azt megteheti ugy, hogy a fenti bankok egyikenek kuldi a penzt, no persze gondosan mejelolve azt, hogy ezt az Inter-Europa Bank szamara, a fent megadott szla javara kell elkuldeni. Csanady Dani azt az informaciot kapta az USA-ra vonatkozoan, hogy a NY-i bank Money Ordert 24 ora alatt jovairat, personal check egy honapig is eltart. Ezert az lenne a jo, ha valaki tudna gyujteni a personal checkeket, es aztan venne idonkent MO-t, es azt kuldene el a banknak. Lehet egyebkent, hogy a certified/cashiers check is eppolyan jo, de ezt meg ki kellene tudakolni. Mas orszagokra nezve nincs ilyen informacio, de valoszinuleg mashol is ugy mukodik, hogy az azonnal jovairhato papirt nagyon hamar elkuldik Bp-re, ahol az megjelenik a mi szlankon, mig a lehivando papirral elvacakolnak egy jo ideig. MAS: Nem kaptam semmifele valaszt arra a nemregiben feltett kerdesemre (vagy kaptam volna, csak elkerulte a figyelmememt?), hogy hogyan is all a regionalis csoportok szervezese. Ki hova, hogyan jelentkezik? Hozzam is erkezett par jelentkezesi ertesites, de azert az tul keves (foleg ha osszevetem a MAHAL-elofizetok szamaval). Szoval: valaki! Irj! MAS: Papp Gabornak: Azt mondhatnam: a jerevani radio jelenti: a hir igaz, de nem Kijevben, hanem Moszkvaban, nem Volgat, hanem Moszkvicsot es nem osztogatnak, hanem fosztogatnak. Bar, ki tudja! En a kovetkezo tenyeket tudom: Csanady Danival mar jo ideje beszelgetunk arrol, hogy KENE irni ilyen leveleket. KENE ilyen-olyan cegektol penzt szerezni arra, hogy a MAHAL ne fuggjon pusztan a barati szalak menten megszerzett dolgoktol, hogy mint szervezet tudjon funkcionalni. Minderre azert lenne szukseg, mert mukodo szervezetkent hatekonyabban tudna tevekenykedni az alapszabalyban lefektetett celokert. (Ha szukseges ezt bovebben is ki tudnam fejteni, de talan nem kell.) A fenti terv egyelore csak terv. Talan majd tenyleg meg fog szuletni egy ilyen tamogatast-kero level, amit aztan el lehet kuldeni sok (akar 500) helyre. En azt gondoltam, hogy ha majd megszuletik egy ilyen level, kiteszem ide a MAHALba, es akkor egy darabig el lehet gondolkodni rajta. Aztan meg elkuldeni. Na most az altalad irt esemenyrol, hogy mar el is ment 500 ilyen level en az egvilagon semmit sem tudok. Nagyon orulnek neki, ha konkret reszleteket tudhatnek meg a dologrol (vegulis a MAHAL Valasztmanyanak 3 tagjabol ketten nem tudunk rola es ez azert ciki). Legalabb annyit jo lenne tudni, hogy te honnan kaptad a hirt, ha ez nem titok. MAS: Felvettem a kapcsolatot a kinai halozat embereivel, idemasolok par levelet. Jo lenne valamit kezdeni ezzel a dologgal. Pl. tud valaki a kinain es a mienken kivul ilyesmi nemzeti hir/forum email halozatrol. Tkeppen jo lenne ezt elterjeszteni (ki-ki szolhatna a "nemzetkozi" kollegaknak), mert azt gondolom, hogy a mi szamunkra (hogy konkretan hogyan, azt nem tudom, de biztos gyorsan ki lehetne talalni par jo ervet; egyelore csak erzem) csak hasznos lehet, ha sok-sok ilyen halozat jon letre, amelyek esetleg aztan egymassal is kommunikalhatnanak. A baj az (ebbol a szempontbol), hogy majd minden nacio a sajat nyelvet fogja hasznalni, es igy a tobbi szamara elerhetetlen lesz. No persze a kinaiak (meg az ormenyek, heberek, arabok, stb) mas helyzetben vannak, mert a gepek altalaban csak a latin betuket ismerik es ezert ra vannak utalva a kozvetito nyelvre. Annyi nagyon jo lenne, ha a hiranyagok ekinteten meg lehetne szervezni valamifele kolcsonos "tamogatast". No persze, mint az a levelekbol kiderul, a kinaiaknal vannak sok idot aldozo onkentesek. Ime a levelek: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Wang: I read a copy of China News Digest of October 29 (on the new immigration bill) and I was delighted about the relevant information you and your staff collected and presented to the public. I am the secretary of the Committee of Hungarian Network, a newly founded organization targeted at supplying the Hungarian reading email public with various kinds of information on the one hand and the representation of the interest of that public on the other hand. We are in a stage of developing and learning, learning from the elder brothers. Currently we are circulating a few electronic newsletters written in Hungarian language. One of them is FORUM, a reader-written, auto-edited way of expressing opinions on current issues of Hungary related politics, economics, culture etc. An other one is called TIPP, similar to FORUM, full of practical questions and answers, hints on everything that may be of interest (visas, credit cards, cheap air tickets etc.) HUNET/MAHAL publish the news of the Network. HIRMONDO is a newspaper issued on M, W, F, edited and sent from Hungary. We are in the process of negotiations with Hungarian institutions that can help us in supplying the daily Hungarian related news to be distributed via email. Our present opportunities are highly limited though. Everyone in the Network, including myself, is a professional with her/his own job being independent of doing business in the Network. I would appreciate if you would be so kind as to write to me about the following points: 1. How did you build CND? Foundation and lauch. Problems to be solved about organizing, fund raising, staff recruiting. 2. How do you maintain CND? Financial management. News collecting. Staff. 3. Do you have any connections with similar international national-news distributors as yourself and if you do how could you summarize the the experiences that have been accumulated in that respect? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes and good luck to you as the editor of CND. Gabor Hanak, secretary of the Commitee of HUNET email address: h1380mag%ella@relay.eu.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gabor: China News Digest is strictly an electronic newsletter. That means we don't have to pay anything for printing or distributing. All of our staff work on a voluntary basis. Therefore we have little financial burden. I will forward your message to the past and current CND manager. They will be able to answer your questions better. Yongdong Wang ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gabor: It is so nice to hear from you! I am delighted to share our experience of e-mail news group with you. Now I will try to answer your questions below: 1). Organization and operation: Currently, CND had a main branch: CND-G, the news about mainland China , Taiwan and Hong Kong. It is published daily. Besides CND-G, we have three reg inal branch, CND-US, CND-CANADA, and CND-Europe/Pacific. The regional branches offer mainly news/info in particular to the readers in the regions covered. We also offer some service, like questions and answers about visa, tax ... to the people concerned. The regional news is no regular, but usually two packages per week. 2. CND starts from March 1989, with only a handful of Chinese students in US and Canada. Now it is a global e-mail news/info group with a readership of more than 7,000, mainly overseas Chinese students and scholars. Now we have about 50 member staff who work purely on voluntary basis to serve our readers. Most of us have never seen others, and we got to know each other only through our e-mail activities. The organization is also though e-mail. We have a board of about 10 members in the CND-ADMIN which is a consultation body for the manag er. The manager takes the responsibility to arrange the schedule for the staff to serve the duties as editors or other technical supporting personals. CND membership is open, anyone who are willing to serve is welcome to join us. We did run one ad in our CND news pacakge for recruiting new members. We got about 10 new people join in. The other members were attracted mainly through personal contacts of the existing members. 2. Finance: CND work is purely voluntary and no member is paid for his time to work for CND. So our budget is very low. In the beginning, our members paid out of their own pockets for the necessary expenses like postage, or phone bills. Now we got a grant from the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in US(IFCSS), and can reimburse such expenses. So far, the spending is only a couple of hundred dollars. Since we would like to remain voluntary, and no majo r spending is needed since nobody got paid for his time, there is no plan to make active fund raising in the near future. 3. News Collection: Our news monitors monitor most of the major newspapers and magzines for China related info and news. Also someone among them has access to the news from AP and UPI electronically. Other news sources include the monitoring of shortwave radio, like 'Radio Beijing'. This was about the news from China. For local news in US, Canada and Europe, our 'reporters', write down the interesting news in the local regions and send to the editor for publication. We also maintain good working relations with the Chinese student organizations in US and Canada, like IFCSS, to report their activities. We have no support from any agencies of Chinese government. 4. Connections with commercial news distributors: So far, we have only limited contacts with them. In some occassions we did get permissions from them for using the articles from their sources. So far, we have not heard any complains from them and no problem raised by them about the copyright problem. More efforts will be made in the future for more connections and coorperations with them. We do have some CND working documents for our members. if you are intereste d in reading them, I can send them to you. Some questions about your group: How much is your readership? Are they in Hungary or in other countries? Wha t is the e-mail networking status inside Hungary and other east European countr ies and USSR? Have you hear other e-mail group like yours and ours? Hope the above will help you. Keep in touch. Best Regards. Gang Xu for CND group e-mail: gxu@kentvm.bitnet cc: cnd-admin and Yongdong Wang ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Udv mindenkinek: Hanak Gabor =============================================== Felado : h1380mag@ella.hu Beerkezett: Fri Dec 7 06:51:48 EST 1990 Temakor : Valasztmanyanak 3 tagjabol ketten nem tudunk rola es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Van egy jo hirem! A MAHALnak van devizaszamlaja. Barmily fura, de van. Ez az egesz - tegyuk hozza - Csanady Dani munkaja, aki kideritette (a jogi utvesztok kozott), hogy tulajdonkeppen nem szukseges az alapitvany a dev.szla-hoz es a szabad dev. forgalomhoz, az Egyesulet is jogosult erre, de ami a fontosabb, talalt egy olyan bankot, amelyik ezt el is hitte neki. Ugyhogy a dev.szla mar el. Legalabbis tegnapelott este Dani azt mondta, hogy masnap mindent elintez, es ha barmi kozbejon, felhiv. Nem hivott. (Persze ennek mas oka is lehet, de azert 99%, hogy minden OK.) Viszont Ft szla-nk meg nincs, mert Dani velemenye az volt, hogy azzal nem kell sietni, ui. a dev.szla-val kapcsolatban nincs jateklehetosegunk, ott a kondiciokban nincs rugalmassag; viszont a Ftszla-val kapcsolatban van, es azt mondta, meg var egy kicsit, hatha sikerul nagyobb kamatra megnyitni. Tehat: A bank neve: Inter-Europa Bank Rt. (1054 Szabadsag ter 15.) Kulfoldi partnerek es adataik (a IEB altal adott papirt masolom ide, ami helyenkent nehezen olvashato, ezert aztan a szlaszamok ellenorizendok; ez az o sorrendjuk!): Cur Country Bank Account No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USD USA Republic National Bank of NY, NY 608-204-471 DEM Germany Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 02.00.2037250.500 Frankfurt am Main CHF Switzerland Swiss Bank Corporation, Zurich PO-165,962.0 GBP UK 1/ Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 295087-0001 London 2/ Hambros Bank Ltd., London 475-018-00 ATS Austria Sanpaolo Bank (Austria) Ag., Wien 1 0055511.000 FRF France Banque Sanpaolo, Paris 899064D001 vagy??? 8990640001 ITL Italy 1/ Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 10/9052 97 Torino 2/ Banca di Credito di Trieste, Triest 50-11200 BEF Belgium Generale Bank, Brussels 291-11.26.113-40/001 CAD Canada The Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto 231-140-5 DKK Denmark Den Danske Bank, Copenhagen 3007 504136 NLG Netherlands 1/ San Paolo Bank, Amsterdam 255687-0014 2/ Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland N.V., Rotterdam vagy??? SEK Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stockholm 5201-85 695 70 FIM Finland Skopbank, Helsinki Convfim-account 00903219982076 NOK Norway Den Norske Bank, Oslo 7001.02.05938 ESP Spain Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 007112 ESB 2156 01 Madrid JPY Japan The Bank of Tokyo Ltd., Tokyo 653-0426563 XEU Italy Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 10/9052 197 Torino A mi szlaszamunk: 218-98567/1-90002379 (Ebbol a / elotti resz az IEB, az utani a mi szamunk) Ha tehat valaki penzt akar kuldeni a MAHAL szlajara, akkor azt megteheti ugy, hogy a fenti bankok egyikenek kuldi a penzt, no persze gondosan mejelolve azt, hogy ezt az Inter-Europa Bank szamara, a fent megadott szla javara kell elkuldeni. Csanady Dani azt az informaciot kapta az USA-ra vonatkozoan, hogy a NY-i bank Money Ordert 24 ora alatt jovairat, personal check egy honapig is eltart. Ezert az lenne a jo, ha valaki tudna gyujteni a personal checkeket, es aztan venne idonkent MO-t, es azt kuldene el a banknak. Lehet egyebkent, hogy a certified/cashiers check is eppolyan jo, de ezt meg ki kellene tudakolni. Mas orszagokra nezve nincs ilyen informacio, de valoszinuleg mashol is ugy mukodik, hogy az azonnal jovairhato papirt nagyon hamar elkuldik Bp-re, ahol az megjelenik a mi szlankon, mig a lehivando papirral elvacakolnak egy jo ideig. MAS: Nem kaptam semmifele valaszt arra a nemregiben feltett kerdesemre (vagy kaptam volna, csak elkerulte a figyelmememt?), hogy hogyan is all a regionalis csoportok szervezese. Ki hova, hogyan jelentkezik? Hozzam is erkezett par jelentkezesi ertesites, de azert az tul keves (foleg ha osszevetem a MAHAL-elofizetok szamaval). Szoval: valaki! Irj! MAS: Papp Gabornak: Azt mondhatnam: a jerevani radio jelenti: a hir igaz, de nem Kijevben, hanem Moszkvaban, nem Volgat, hanem Moszkvicsot es nem osztogatnak, hanem fosztogatnak. Bar, ki tudja! En a kovetkezo tenyeket tudom: Csanady Danival mar jo ideje beszelgetunk arrol, hogy KENE irni ilyen leveleket. KENE ilyen-olyan cegektol penzt szerezni arra, hogy a MAHAL ne fuggjon pusztan a barati szalak menten megszerzett dolgoktol, hogy mint szervezet tudjon funkcionalni. Minderre azert lenne szukseg, mert mukodo szervezetkent hatekonyabban tudna tevekenykedni az alapszabalyban lefektetett celokert. (Ha szukseges ezt bovebben is ki tudnam fejteni, de talan nem kell.) A fenti terv egyelore csak terv. Talan majd tenyleg meg fog szuletni egy ilyen tamogatast-kero level, amit aztan el lehet kuldeni sok (akar 500) helyre. En azt gondoltam, hogy ha majd megszuletik egy ilyen level, kiteszem ide a MAHALba, es akkor egy darabig el lehet gondolkodni rajta. Aztan meg elkuldeni. Na most az altalad irt esemenyrol, hogy mar el is ment 500 ilyen level en az egvilagon semmit sem tudok. Nagyon orulnek neki, ha konkret reszleteket tudhatnek meg a dologrol (vegulis a MAHAL Valasztmanyanak 3 tagjabol ketten nem tudunk rola es ez azert ciki). Legalabb annyit jo lenne tudni, hogy te honnan kaptad a hirt, ha ez nem titok. MAS: Felvettem a kapcsolatot a kinai halozat embereivel, idemasolok par levelet. Jo lenne valamit kezdeni ezzel a dologgal. Pl. tud valaki a kinain es a mienken kivul ilyesmi nemzeti hir/forum email halozatrol. Tkeppen jo lenne ezt elterjeszteni (ki-ki szolhatna a "nemzetkozi" kollegaknak), mert azt gondolom, hogy a mi szamunkra (hogy konkretan hogyan, azt nem tudom, de biztos gyorsan ki lehetne talalni par jo ervet; egyelore csak erzem) csak hasznos lehet, ha sok-sok ilyen halozat jon letre, amelyek esetleg aztan egymassal is kommunikalhatnanak. A baj az (ebbol a szempontbol), hogy majd minden nacio a sajat nyelvet fogja hasznalni, es igy a tobbi szamara elerhetetlen lesz. No persze a kinaiak (meg az ormenyek, heberek, arabok, stb) mas helyzetben vannak, mert a gepek altalaban csak a latin betuket ismerik es ezert ra vannak utalva a kozvetito nyelvre. Annyi nagyon jo lenne, ha a hiranyagok ekinteten meg lehetne szervezni valamifele kolcsonos "tamogatast". No persze, mint az a levelekbol kiderul, a kinaiaknal vannak sok idot aldozo onkentesek. Ime a levelek: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Wang: I read a copy of China News Digest of October 29 (on the new immigration bill) and I was delighted about the relevant information you and your staff collected and presented to the public. I am the secretary of the Committee of Hungarian Network, a newly founded organization targeted at supplying the Hungarian reading email public with various kinds of information on the one hand and the representation of the interest of that public on the other hand. We are in a stage of developing and learning, learning from the elder brothers. Currently we are circulating a few electronic newsletters written in Hungarian language. One of them is FORUM, a reader-written, auto-edited way of expressing opinions on current issues of Hungary related politics, economics, culture etc. An other one is called TIPP, similar to FORUM, full of practical questions and answers, hints on everything that may be of interest (visas, credit cards, cheap air tickets etc.) HUNET/MAHAL publish the news of the Network. HIRMONDO is a newspaper issued on M, W, F, edited and sent from Hungary. We are in the process of negotiations with Hungarian institutions that can help us in supplying the daily Hungarian related news to be distributed via email. Our present opportunities are highly limited though. Everyone in the Network, including myself, is a professional with her/his own job being independent of doing business in the Network. I would appreciate if you would be so kind as to write to me about the following points: 1. How did you build CND? Foundation and lauch. Problems to be solved about organizing, fund raising, staff recruiting. 2. How do you maintain CND? Financial management. News collecting. Staff. 3. Do you have any connections with similar international national-news distributors as yourself and if you do how could you summarize the the experiences that have been accumulated in that respect? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes and good luck to you as the editor of CND. Gabor Hanak, secretary of the Commitee of HUNET email address: h1380mag%ella@relay.eu.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gabor: China News Digest is strictly an electronic newsletter. That means we don't have to pay anything for printing or distributing. All of our staff work on a voluntary basis. Therefore we have little financial burden. I will forward your message to the past and current CND manager. They will be able to answer your questions better. Yongdong Wang ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gabor: It is so nice to hear from you! I am delighted to share our experience of e-mail news group with you. Now I will try to answer your questions below: 1). Organization and operation: Currently, CND had a main branch: CND-G, the news about mainland China , Taiwan and Hong Kong. It is published daily. Besides CND-G, we have three reg inal branch, CND-US, CND-CANADA, and CND-Europe/Pacific. The regional branches offer mainly news/info in particular to the readers in the regions covered. We also offer some service, like questions and answers about visa, tax ... to the people concerned. The regional news is no regular, but usually two packages per week. 2. CND starts from March 1989, with only a handful of Chinese students in US and Canada. Now it is a global e-mail news/info group with a readership of more than 7,000, mainly overseas Chinese students and scholars. Now we have about 50 member staff who work purely on voluntary basis to serve our readers. Most of us have never seen others, and we got to know each other only through our e-mail activities. The organization is also though e-mail. We have a board of about 10 members in the CND-ADMIN which is a consultation body for the manag er. The manager takes the responsibility to arrange the schedule for the staff to serve the duties as editors or other technical supporting personals. CND membership is open, anyone who are willing to serve is welcome to join us. We did run one ad in our CND news pacakge for recruiting new members. We got about 10 new people join in. The other members were attracted mainly through personal contacts of the existing members. 2. Finance: CND work is purely voluntary and no member is paid for his time to work for CND. So our budget is very low. In the beginning, our members paid out of their own pockets for the necessary expenses like postage, or phone bills. Now we got a grant from the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in US(IFCSS), and can reimburse such expenses. So far, the spending is only a couple of hundred dollars. Since we would like to remain voluntary, and no majo r spending is needed since nobody got paid for his time, there is no plan to make active fund raising in the near future. 3. News Collection: Our news monitors monitor most of the major newspapers and magzines for China related info and news. Also someone among them has access to the news from AP and UPI electronically. Other news sources include the monitoring of shortwave radio, like 'Radio Beijing'. This was about the news from China. For local news in US, Canada and Europe, our 'reporters', write down the interesting news in the local regions and send to the editor for publication. We also maintain good working relations with the Chinese student organizations in US and Canada, like IFCSS, to report their activities. We have no support from any agencies of Chinese government. 4. Connections with commercial news distributors: So far, we have only limited contacts with them. In some occassions we did get permissions from them for using the articles from their sources. So far, we have not heard any complains from them and no problem raised by them about the copyright problem. More efforts will be made in the future for more connections and coorperations with them. We do have some CND working documents for our members. if you are intereste d in reading them, I can send them to you. Some questions about your group: How much is your readership? Are they in Hungary or in other countries? Wha t is the e-mail networking status inside Hungary and other east European countr ies and USSR? Have you hear other e-mail group like yours and ours? Hope the above will help you. Keep in touch. Best Regards. Gang Xu for CND group e-mail: gxu@kentvm.bitnet cc: cnd-admin and Yongdong Wang ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Udv mindenkinek: Hanak Gabor