1. |
Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
52 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: PowerBuilder in HU???? (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Czech sense of humor (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
A Tavasz Pulikutya ja (mind) |
121 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
c2.org promo: free Usenet access to French users (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
1,100 anniv. Hungarian festival (mind) |
66 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Official Name (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: The Folly of Revanchism (was Re: Autonomy for Trans (mind) |
77 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Cluj - ethnic composition (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
ha-ha-ha (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: SCM: Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transil (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
T. Kocsis > writes:
> In article > George Szaszvari,
> writes:
> >The Kolozsvar/Cluj difference
> BTW, does anybody know that how many Saxons are
> living now in Clusenberg ?
> Is it true that the Romanian version of the name Cluj is
> coming from the German name ?
> Tamás
Clusenberg????? Where did you find this name Tamas? Clusenberg?
I've been to that town about 12 times, I met romanians, hungarians
and saxons (actually the name *saxons* is a geographical-historical misstake)
but never heard this Clusenberg. Clausenburg was the german name, as
far as I know. But if you have some sources naming Clusenberg, please
let me know about it.
Otherwise the name Cluj is just coming from the phonetics of the
Claus-Kolozs....Just as Oradea, Hetiur, Shigisoara (spelling right?)
and so on.
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Olvasok,
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
> Nobody ever wrote about dismembering Rumania. This whole thread is about
> Erde'ly.(???)
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
NNTP-Posting-Host: sirius.lpm.univ-montp2.fr
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Xref: night.primate.wisc.edu soc.culture.magyar:16791 soc.culture.romanian:2336
In >,George Szaszvari wrote:
> [nonsense snipped]..
Just as sweet as honey...
> One's own experience is that good reference. Do you always need *higher
> authority* before you can decide for yourself the value of your own
> (or anyone else's) experience? Read my reply to Dan P. about Webster.
I have read your reply. That's why I replied to you. The experience proves
only what word is used but doesn't prove its corectness. You wrote there:
> Okay, let's call it Cluj (er, when I was there in '82 it was officially
> Cluj-Napoca, however nutty, for Romanian language speakers and Koloszvar
> for the Hungarian language speakers.) Webster doesn't prove anything...
> it had to use a name of some sort to describe the place and the current
> *official* Romanian name as used by the Romanian administration/bureaucracy
> is Cluj, fair enough;
As far as I know, dictionaries are made to check the correct (or recommended)
form for words in a certain language and to give some explanations on them. If
a dictionary doesn't contain the correct form for a word it is not a good one.
I knew that Webster is a good one, maybe I'm wrong.
Let's suppose that a Chinese wants to quote a city name in an English text.
He doesn't know anything about European issues, he wants only to spell a
word - then he checks in the dictionary. He finds there a form and he uses it
in the text. Using a good dictionary, he should be sure that he made no mis-
take. Do you agree with that?
BTW, the current official Romanian name is still "Cluj-Napoca" which is
somehow different by what Webster says - "Cluj".
> Checkmate!
Naaah, there is only one mate in two moves, the well-known 1.f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4++.
After the two moves from my previous post, there is even no check...
I'm still a busy man but I like Queen's Gambit. :-)
Marius Iacomi
+ - | Re: PowerBuilder in HU???? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Marin Ivezic > wrote:
>If you know any organization in HU using PowerBuilder please e-mail me.
We are not talking here about some body building steroid now, are we? ;-)
+ - | Czech sense of humor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>respondents in a recent opinion poll say they would accept a Czech-
>German declaration in which the Czechs admitted the "moral
>incorrectness" of the expulsion of some 3 million Sudeten Germans from
>Czechoslovakia after World War II if the Germans gave up property claims
>and compensated Czech victims of the Nazi regime.
Hey, those Czechs are not called Bohemians for nothing!
They are willing to admit they did something wrong if they don't have to
compensate their victims, but they themselves would get compensated!
I like it! I can already see what deal they are going to offer Mr.
Singer & Co. ... No wonder Bohemia was always miles ahead of the rest
of Central Europe in development.
+ - | Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Laszlo Katkits,
> But if you have some sources naming Clusenberg, please
>let me know about it.
I found this reference in the next book:
Magyar helységnévazonosító szótár
Szerk: Lelkes György
Balassy kiadó
Budapest 1992
The base of this dictionary in case of place-names of
historical Hungary is:
A Magyar Szent Korona Országainak helységnévtára 1913
(Ortsnamenverzeichnis der Staaten der Ungarischen
Heiligen Krone 1913)
BTW, the town was called Claudopolis in Latin.
the ethnic composition in 1910 was:
50 704 Hungarian
7 562 Romanian
1 676 German
371 Gipsy
124 Czech
107 Slovak
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, loomis > wrote:
>Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
>> Nobody ever wrote about dismembering Rumania. This whole thread is about
>> Erde'ly.(???)
^^^^^He', ez nem to"lem van, e'n nem ke'rdezdem hanem mondtam!
Este mikor be vagy ru'gva akkor lehet, de reggel jo'zanul ma'r nem annyira.
:-) ;->
+ - | A Tavasz Pulikutya ja (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A Tavasz Pulikutya'ja (Bali Brigitta uta'n szabadon)
A Pszeudopoe'zis Kira'lysa'ga't egy nagyko:vet sze'p de buta la'ny'val valo'
ka'ra'sze'letu" szexua'lis kapcsolat ihlette.
Dolina, u'gy tu"nik, hogy a pofika'dat televira'gozta a Pszeudopoe'zis
Korma'nybiztosa (ilyen hu:lye egy Sztrovacsek ez). Ahol csak hozza'm nyu'lsz
kiver a pattana's meg a libabo"r. Csupa ideg vagyok, agyilag zokni. Be van
dagadva a szemem. Kezeim alig la'tom, olyan messze szinlenek (a rumto'l lehet).
Karjaim valo'szinu"leg ko:ztem e's a kezem ko:zo:tt vannak, de ki figyel oda.
E'n vagyok a ro'zsa amin te leve'ltetu". Sza'lka vagyok a szemedben, to:visnek
a'lca'zva. E's ra'ada'sul me'g mindig nem unom a szexet. Ha majd kijo'zanodok
akkor tala'n u'gy irom hogy mi ketten, de az me'g messze van.
Ez egy iszonyatos tavasz volt.
Tavasszal a ho' elmegy a francba mint a megriasztott la'tszatko:lto"k. A mezo"n
sebesen folyik a ho'le', a fu" meg olyan zo:ld hogy csak na. Tavasszal a ho'
elhu'z a sunyiba, vagy ahogy Nyiregyha'za'n mondana'k: eltirpa'kol. Tavasszal a
Nap a Fo"no:k. Tavasszal itt egy fu"sza'll, ott egy fa sza'll. Ege'sz te'len
azt se tudtuk, hogy a Nap jo:n vagy megy. A Tavasznak nem kell ne'pszavaza's
hogy bejusson a Parlamentbe. Vajon a Tavasz egy ex kommunista uj szocialista
koalicio nyilas multtal a Zo:ld Pa'rt jelve'nye'vel? Egy fittyfene't. A Nap
mindenkire su:t aki nincs az a'rnye'kban. Te'len nem lehet tiltakoza'ske'ppen a
fu"be pisilni. Vagy me'gis? A tavaszban az a jo', hogy sok a vira'g. (Mi a fene
jo' benne? Ugyis elhervad! Vagy kisza'rad az asza'ly miatt.) Lehet, hogy az
a'prilisi eso" a havat siratja, e'n csak a siele'st sajna'lom. De legala'bb
su:t a Nap, meg latyak van. Na most nyomozhatna'nk hogy hol a fene'ben van a
ho' amikor nincs itt, de u'gyse mondom meg. Me'g o"sszel sem.
Sokra nem emle'kszem, de tudom hogy mego:leltelek a melle'kutca'ban. Cso'k is
lehetett, de arra ma'r nem figyeltem. Valakinek saccolni is kell, vagy belesni
a lyukon. A pszeudopoe'ta'k nem e'rtenek az emberi kapcsolatokhoz. Olyan messze
vannak a ko:lte'szetto"l mint elemi csapa's a szu:lete'snapi bulito'l. Selejtes
agyu' go:rbetoja'sok. Nem tudnak ellena'lni a kise'rte'snek, hogy marhasa'gokat
irjanak. Ez ment az agyukra a Ko:lte'szet Ko:zta'rsasa'ga'ro'l valo'
reme'nytelen a'lmodoza's ko:zben.
Ha egy ko:lto" valaminek a miniszterelno:ke volna, mi lehetne az a valami? Hagy
ne mondjam meg. Lehetne vajon az engedelmes ko:lte'szetkedvelo"k nemzete?
Lo'fu:tty. Esetleg lehet egy armada kardvira'ggal, de nem to:bb. Lehetne a
nemzeti himnusz egy szeretkeze's uta'ni hosszu' gyo:nyo:rteli so'haj? Akkor
tala'n to:bbszo:r hallgatna'nk. Vagy sze'nana'tha't kapna'nk a sok pollento"l.
Este eso" lesz, reggel meg harmat. (Hogy ez hogy a francba keru:lt ide?) Na
most beko:pi a Belu:gy a Polleneseket vagy csak szellent ra'juk. Hu:lye
mindenki lehet, de a pszeudopoe'zishez u'tleve'l is kell. De kinek? Aki nincs
bent, az kint marad. Kint a ba'ra'ny bent a nagyko". Vet. Ez ma'r olyan
fa'jdalmas, hogy a szu:net alatt ra' kell tu:zelni. Van valakine'l tarto's tej?
Nyugi. U'gy is e'n do:nto:m el, hogy kibe ko:to:k bele. Hukk! Hoppa', vigya'zz
Sztrovacsek, ne olvass annyi Rejto" ko:nyvet. Ki ke'ne rohanni a budira, de
himba'lo'zik a parketta. Ko:lto"ise'g ide, ko:lto"ise'g oda, oda .... oda ....
o...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
A fene'be, a pulikutya'ro'l meg elfeledkeztem.
In soc.culture.magyar #23045 (Brigitta) Bali wrote:
A Tavasz Politikaja
A Kolteszet Koztarsasagat egy dipoemata gyonyoru lanyaval folytatott
kereszeletu szerelmi viszony sugallta.
Delina, talan a te orcaid feherszirmu liliomok, a Kolteszet Helytartosaga
altal szentesitve. Erintesed helyen sebek pattannak ki rajtam, mint a tavaszi
rugyek. Testem rajongo idegek irattora. Szemeim orcoid vertanui. Kezeim a
tavolsag eretnekei. Karjaim a szerelem tovenyhozasa. Te vagy a rozsa, amin en
tovis. Paraszt vagyok szemeid uralkodohazaban. Vendege vagy szerelmi
vadonomnak. Irhatnam inkabb -- te es en, ilyen egyszeruen, hiszen mi lehet
tokeletesebb az igazan egyszerunel?
Ez egy tavaszi viszony volt.
Tavasszal a ho feloszlik, mint bosszus lazadok csocseleke. A mezon sebek
vannak a hoban, ahol a fu zolden verzik, ahol a fu nyiladozo szem. Tavasszal a
ho eltakarodik, v.o.:eng.nelk. tavozik. Tavasszal a Nap egy sikeres
gerillaharc vagy allamcsiny vezire. Tavasszal ujjaszuletik fu es szerelem.
Egesz telen at a husunk nem volt tudataban a napfeny zendulesenek. Soha nem
szavazza senki hatalomra a tavaszt. Vajon a tavasz egy totalitarianus
imperialista? A vorosbegyek pedig beszivargo idegen elemek, akik szabotaljak a
hokotrok csapasait es batoritjak a Zold Hatalmat? A tavasz elnezo allam, mert
valamennyi szinnek egyenlo eselyt ad. A tel egy-szinu rezsim. Talan mi
mindannyian azert szeretjuk a tavaszt, mert polgarjogot oszt a tulipanoknak,
az orgonaknak, a tularado viragzasnak, ami ongyilkos orommamorban szokell az
oszi hervadosba. A Nap vizsgalobiro es figyelmen kivul hagy minden
fellebbezest. Az aprilisi zaporok a gyaszolok konnyei, miutan a tel a ho
bitofajan kiszenvedett. A nyar a Nap bekelteto ajandeka, amiert az eroszak
ketes eszkozet hasznalta a ho eltuntetesehez. (A kormany visszavonult, hogy
resztvegyen a halottkemi vizsgalaton a tel napfennyel tortent megmergezese
targyaban.) Az Osz olyan szo, ami magaert beszel.
A szerelmi ugy utolso romantikus gesztusa egy oleles volt egy jelentos fout
terelovonalan. Egy pillanatnyi csok elteritette a kozlekedest es magahoz
vonzotta a figyelmet. Idegen lenyeg voltak amit figyelmen kivul hagyott a
kozponti forgalomiranyitok grafikonja. Ok voltak a szemmertek a gepezetben.
Kemlelo-nyilasok voltak a valosagon. A kolteszet nagykovetei, de nem igazan
dipoematikusak. Ugy illettek a csond rejtelyebe, mint elemi csapas -- egy
tomeges autoszerencsetlenseg a Holt-Tenger kozepen. Ok voltak a
rendszerfejlodes gorbitett-gyurt-sodort-csonka selejtje. Lekuzd hetetlen
vagyuk tanitvanyai voltak. Ez volt az affer ami a lelkiallapot allamugyeive
valt a Kolteszet Koztarsasaganak kepzeleteben.
Ha egy kolto valaminek a miniszterelnoke volna, mi lehetne az a valami?
Lehetne vajon az engedelmes kolteszetkedvelok nemzetee? Esetleg a sz!nnel es
napsugarral folfegyverzett eros tulipanok nemzeti hadseregee? Lehetne a
nemzeti himnusz egy szeretkezes utani hosszu gyonyorteli sohaj? Vajon a
Viragportermelok Szakszervezete sztrajkot hirdetne magasabb napfeny-berekert
es gondosabban kimunkalt jarulekos juttatasokert? Ugymint enyhebb zaporok es
kiadosabb harmat? Okozhatna ez vajon nemzeti meghasonlast? Besugna-e a C!meres
Intellagens Agytroszt, hogy a Rovarok Viragporszall!to Szervezetebe szakadar
szelsoseges elemek szivarogtak, mint teszem azt a szellok? Na es hogy festene
a kulpolitikank? Csakis emigransokat fogadnank be alom-utlevellel? De mit
tegyunk a gyasz elol menekultekkel es a ketsegbeesesbol disszidalokkal?
Nagykoveteket kuldenenk szerte, hogy begyujtsek az elhagyatottakat? Alapitsunk
netan dipoemaciai kapcsolatokat a Fajdalommal, targyaljunk tuzszunetrol es
nyugodjunk bele, hogy nem lesz tartos? Leszunk-e kiszemeloi es valasztoi a mi
ellensegeinknek (a Kozhelyes Kozepszeruseg) egy verspiruett alatt, es
rohanunk-e utkozetbe a Koltoiseg Harci Indulojaval ajkunkon?
+ - | c2.org promo: free Usenet access to French users (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The following announcement may be of interest to some readers in France,
because c2 is one of the news providers carrying the hun.* hierarchy.
Note that I have no cennection with them other than being a customer.
Zoli , ,
keeper of Hungarian FAQ: <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
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Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 16:51:33 -0700 (PDT)
Berkeley, CA - Community ConneXion, Inc., today announced that it will
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their newsreaders at news.c2.net. People in other countries may also
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+ - | Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Laszlo Katkits) wrote:
> Since I do not have any of these books, and you don't quote them,
>just referring to them, I can only choose to believe you. I mean about
>the existence of this name Clusenberg. Does any of this references
>mention in what language is the town named so? Don't tell me it's
Castrum Clus (1213 fortification)------>Clusenberg !?!
Liviu Iordache
+ - | 1,100 anniv. Hungarian festival (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
To commemorate and celebrate Hungary's 1,100 year anniversary and
the 40 year anniversary of the 1956 revolution, 20 Hungarian
organizations in Chicago joined forces to plan a spectacular and
unforgettable event!
The endeavor was initiated by the members of the Chicago chapter of
the American Association of Young Hungarians (AAYH), whose goal was not
only to celebrate an anniversary, but to test our Hungarian community.
I am happy to say that all generations have responded with support
and enthusiasm, a tribute to our collective pride in our Hungarian heritag
A strong community is one that is unified and serves the needs of its
members. The Hungarian-American community is undergoing many changes
and sometimes seems fragmented, with an uncertain future. In planning
this event, the Chicago AAYH members have been successful in uniting
the community, giving them renewed hope for a bright future.
The "Magyar Nap: 1100 es 40 Ev", or "Hungarian Festival", will be held:
Saturday, June 15, 1996
4 to 9 p.m.
State of Illinois Building,
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Illinois.
You are all cordially invited!
For more information please write or call:
Andrea Stetz
4236 North Kedvale Avenue
Apartment #6
Chicago, IL 60641
> =============================================================================
Magyarorszag 1,100-adik evforduloja alkalmabol a chicagoi magyar
egyhazak es egyesuletek kozosen rendeznek egy magyar nap unnepelyt,
ami nepmuveszeti targyakkal, kulonbozo kiallitasokkal es unnepi
eloadassal lesz egybekotve.
A "Magyar Nap"-ot a chicagoi Fiatal Magyarok Amerikai Egyesulete
(AAYH) inditvanyozta, es orommel jelentem hogy sikerult belevonni a
chicogoban levo kulonbozo magyar szervezeteket, valamint magan
embereket, csaladokat is.
Egyuttmukodesunk kellemes es derulato fenyt vet a chicagoi magyar
kozosseg jovojere, es buszkek vagyunk arra, hogy sikerult egyuttesen
megszervezni ezt az unnepelyt.
1996 junius 15.-en, szombat delutan 4-tol este 9-ig tartjuk meg a
magyar napot:
State of Illinois Building
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Illinois
Mindenkit szeretettel varunk!
Tovabb felvilagositasert Stetz Andreanal lehet jelentkezni a fenti
cimen/telefonszamon (kozvetlen az angol szoveg alat talalhato).
+ - | Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, T. Kocsis ) wrote
: BTW, does anybody know that how many Saxons are
: living now in Clusenberg ?
What is Clusenberg ? The German name of Cluj is Klausenburg !
Regards, G.T.
+ - | Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, says...
>In article > Laszlo Katkits,
>> But if you have some sources naming Clusenberg, please
>>let me know about it.
>I found this reference in the next book:
>Magyar helységnévazonosító szótár
>Szerk: Lelkes György
>Balassy kiadó
>Budapest 1992
>The base of this dictionary in case of place-names of
>historical Hungary is:
>A Magyar Szent Korona Országainak helységnévtára 1913
>(Ortsnamenverzeichnis der Staaten der Ungarischen
>Heiligen Krone 1913)
Since I do not have any of these books, and you don't quote them,
just referring to them, I can only choose to believe you. I mean about
the existence of this name Clusenberg. Does any of this references
mention in what language is the town named so? Don't tell me it's
German...:-) Still unbelievable, to call a town *...BERG*, since it
means *HILL* and the town is actually situated in a valley and without
any hills around with name Clusen/Clausen/Kolozs or anything similar.
And on all material I've seen, the german name was Clausenburg.
If there is anything more to know about this issue, please let me know.
+ - | Re: Official Name (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article <news: >, George Szaszvari wrote:
>Comparing the use of Kolozsvar with New Amsterdam was not only absurd,
>but also very offensive, so I addressed it.
>What kind of answer did you really expect by repeating that accusation
>of *not realizing* [...]
I don't see anywhere in my post any "accusations".
Kolozsvár/Amsterdam, comparaison c'est pas raison, indeed.
For me it was just derisory, for you offensive, then it's
your right to address it. After all this is the rationale
behind dialog.
I thought we are trying to change some ideas and
reach together meaningful conclusions.
So, having read your previous posts on different
subjects, I thought (and, believe me, it didn't hurt -:)...)
that the effort you put in this might have been better
used towards more important issues.
And if you find anything wrong with my style, please
be more specific. I'm the first one to learn.
P.S. Anyway, did the poor guy that asked the original question get an answer ?
+ - | Re: The Folly of Revanchism (was Re: Autonomy for Trans (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (George
Szaszvari) wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
> >
> >>You really believe that any part of any country/nation-state that was
> >>annexed after WW1 had anything to do with what the inhabitants wanted?
> >>You only express yourself in terms of Romanian nationalistic interests
> >>and propaganda.
> >
> >Yes. The border revisions weren't always made because of the local
> >population's self-determination. (If they had been, there would have been
> >many more plebicites). However, the majority of Transylvania's population
> >was ethnic Romanian, and wanted unification with Romania. If it is really
> >necessary, I will repost the relevant passage that Macarthy wrote on the
> >subject. If you disagree with me, that is fine, but explaining *why* you
> >disagree with me would be more usuful than just asking if I believe what I
> >posted.
> So why did territories of near 100% Hungarian speaking/ethnic inhabitants
> go to Yugoslavia and (Czecho-)Slovakia? Austrian and German territories were
> also lost that have not been completely forgotten. Sorry, but anything
> justified on such grounds by any politician in the post WWI carve-up of the
> former Central Powers just didn't have anything to do with demographic
> *fairness*.
If you want to turn this into Hungary against all it's neighbor's fine.
I just think that if that is the case you shouldn't just be arguing it with
Romanians. I've added the appropriate groups so that they can argue the
merits as well of the various territory swaps...
> >let me state that no, Hungary doesn't have any official territorial claims
> >on Romania. However, in your own words, it does have "a few loud
> >irredentists", and that makes the Western powers a
> >little leary of accepting another Greek-Turkish type of conflict into the
> >EU and NATO.
> So now you're saying that a few unimportant (and unofficial) loudmouths
> influence western policy makers? Below, you yourself emphasize how unlikely
> an Hungarian-Romanian conflict is at this time. Make up your mind! You can't
> have it both ways (another one of those Usenet *heads you win, tails I lose*
> arguments!)
It isn't the loudmouths that make people nervous so much but the lack of
moderate response on the part of the majority. If Hungarians shout down
their loudmouths while Romanians shout down our own shameful examples
(Funar etc.) then the West will be less inclined to look at Transylvania
as Cyprus II. I've seen little evidence of Hungarian willingness to do this
(with a few encouraging counterexamples). I hope that recent events in
Romania (the lifting of CV Tudor's parliamentary immunity, the grand
party alliance against Funar) show that most Romanians are serious about
eliminating the extremists among us as serious political forces.
> > If Hungary wants to be admitted into Western institutions, it
> >is incumbent upon the moderates (who make up the vast majority of
> >Hungarians) to speak up in the face of the irredentists, just as, if
> >Romania wants to be admitted into Western institutions, it is incumbent
> >upon the moderates (who also make up the vast majority of Romanians) to
> >speak up in the face of the anti-Hungarian racists.
> I doubt that many, if any, moderates in either country speak out against
> those who would stir up trouble between Hungary and Romania, but your
> sentiment is shared here, anyway.
Creating just such an atmosphere where we do speak out against the
extremists and everybody in the world understands how marginal a force
these jokers are is just what we both need to do if we are ever to
regain our rightful place in the world of civilized nations.
Now available on the Romanian Political Pages
The only net copy of the Romanian constitution in Romanian
(I wonder why the government never put it on their sites?)
+ - | Cluj - ethnic composition (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tamas recently referred to the results of a
1910 census in Cluj as "the ethnic composition".
This is pure falsehood.
A census regarding ethnicity was never done in
Austria-Hungary. The only question that was posed,
and came close to that, was: "which language do
you know/speak best?". Considering the neglect of
Romanian education system in Transylvania up to
that time, even sincere answers of Romanian
ethnics would gravitate towards Hungarian.
I could also imagine that the secrecy of the
responses was not an issue at that time, and that
the census-taker did not have a multi-lingual
questions sheet.
Also remember that the vast majority of Jews
in Transylvania were Hungarian-speaking, and this
takes a big chunk out of the figures.
+ - | ha-ha-ha (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hallo hallo
Jelentkezzetek!!! Magyar nyelven szeretnek e-mail-ezni.
Minden erdekel amin lehet rohogni.
Udv mindenkinek
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transil (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Teutsch wrote:
> In article >, T. Kocsis ) wro
> : BTW, does anybody know that how many Saxons are
> : living now in Clusenberg ?
> What is Clusenberg ? The German name of Cluj is Klausenburg !
> Regards, G.T.
> And the Latin is Claudiopolis !Finally another one who uses the proper name;
no wonder with this name
-one could be from Kronstadt/Brasso/Brasov/Corona !
Regards , P.K.