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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Hungarian Festival in New Zealand (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
2 Need help with Translation (mind)  98 sor     (cikkei)
3 Why is Uralic not related to Altaic??? (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Hungarian broadcast information FAQ (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Right on schedule! (mind)  109 sor     (cikkei)
6 áéüö - In English, Please! (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: áéüö (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
8 OK Wally, you asked for it! (mind)  70 sor     (cikkei)
9 send yr email (sex pedofilyscandal in Belgium) (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Police Raids Against Roma (mind)  111 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: áéüö - In English, Please! (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: Why is Uralic not related to Altaic??? (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: áéüö (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: OK Wally, you asked for it! (mind)  121 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: áéüö (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Hungarian Festival in New Zealand (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The Wellington Hungarian Society in New Zealand is holding its second
Hungarian Festival from 1-3 November 1996.  The theme for the Festival
is 'Let's Connect' and aims to strengthen links between New Zealand and
Hungary, as well as celebrating the 1100th Anniversary of Hungary, and
the 40th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution.

Many activities are planned to allow New Zealanders to taste, see and
hear Hungarian culture in ats richness.  There will be a Food Week at
the Plaza Hotel preceding the Festival with the highlight being a
Charity Dinner with the proceeds going to Conductive Education.

One of the events planned is a video conference link-up between
Wellington and Budapest at a Business Breakfast.  We are struggling a
little to find someone in Budapest with video conferencing facilities.
Can anyone give me a pointer as to who might be able to help with a
phone, fax or email address.

Full details on the Festival are available at:


Paul Hellyer                      Internet: 
IBM New Zealand                   Phone   : 64-4-576 5652
Petone	                          Fax     : 64-4-576 5644          
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1708
+ - Need help with Translation (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

H E L P  !
I recently received the following letter from Budapest. Unfortunately, I do
not speak Hungarian and would be very grateful for any help in tranlating this 

If it is easier, a tranlation into German would also be welcome.

Please reply directly to 

Thank You very much.

H I L F E !

I habe vor kurzem den folgenden Brief aus Budapest erhalten. Da ich leider
kein ungarish spreche, brauche ich Hilfe und bitte um Uebersetzung in die
deutsche oder englische Sprache.

Bitte um Antwort direct an 

Mit herzlichstem Dank im voraus...!

> ========================================================================

Jogi es Igazgatasi Foosztaly
1053 Budapest, Kesckemeti U. 10-12.

Szam:  <ref.number>

<name & address> szam
alatti lakos karpotlasi ugyeben a Budapest Fovaros Karrendezesi
Hivatal 21-1795644-0300267/1994.  sz.  hatarozata ellen
eloterjesztett fellebbezes alapjan meghoztam as alabbi

                     H A T A R O Z A T O T:

Az elsofoku hatarozatot helybenhagyom.

Megkeresem az AEB Rt V. keruleti fiokjat (1051 Budapest Bajcsy Zs. 
ux 12.), hogy a jogosult reszere 306.000, Ft (azaz Haromszazhatezer
forint) neverteku karpotlasi jegyet adjon ki.

E hatarozat ellen tovabbi fellebbezesnek helye nincs.  A hatarozat
ellen annak kezhezveteletol szamitott 30 napon belul a Pesti
Kozponti Keruleti Birosaghoz cimzett, de a Budapest Fovaros
Karrendezesi Hivatalnal 3 peldanyban benyujtando keresettel lehet

                        I N D O K O L A S

A rendelkezesemre allo iratok alapjan a kovetkezo tenyallast
allapitottam meg:

A Budapest Fovaros Karrendezesi Hivatal <name> kerellmenek
helyt adott es 306.000, - Ft karpotlast allapitott meg reszere.

Az elsofoku hatarozat ellen fellebbezest nyujtott be <name>. 
Kerte a hatarozat felulvizsgalatat.

A fellebbezes nem megalapozott.

A masodfoku eljaras soran az alabbiakat allapitottam meg:

A Budapest Fovaros Karrendezesi Hivatal a kerelemben szereplo
vagyontargyakat figyelembevette.  A kar merteket helyesen
allapitotta meg as 1991.  ev XXV. tv. 3. par. (1), (2) bekezdese es
a 13. par. (1) BEKEZDESE, VALAMINT A 92/1992. (vi.10) korm. 
rendelet 9. par. (2) bekezdese alapjan.  A kar osszegebol a
karpotlas mertekenek megallapitasa is helyesen tortent az 1991. evi
XXV. tv. 4. par. (1) es (2) bekezdese alapjan.

Az elsofoku hatarozat jogalap es osszegszeruseg tekinteteben is
megalapozott, ezert helybenhagytam as 1957. evi IV. tv. 66. par.
(1) es (2) bekezdese alapjan.

A penzintezet megkeresese a 104/1991. (VIII.3) Korm. rendelet 8.
par. (3) bekezdesen alapul.

A hivatal elejarasa a Kpt. 10. par. (1) bekezdesen, a jogorvoslat
a (3) bekezdesen alapul.

Budapest, 1996. augusztus 8.

Dr. Szilagyine Dr Dobo Eva 
foosztalyvezeto h.

A hatarozatot kapja:

1./ Budapest Fovaros Karrendezesi Hivatal iratokkal
2./<name & address>
3./ Irattar
+ - Why is Uralic not related to Altaic??? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hey there!

As you may or may not know, I've voiced my support for a Uralic-Altaic or 
even Turanian unity of languages on this newsgroup and others as well in 
the past... Despite the fact I've read many documents and books pointing 
to a common Turanian (even Sumerian) root to the Uralic and Altaic 
tongues, why do so many scoff at the concept? All of the books I've read 
about Uralic and Altaic languages state that the relationship between the 
two families is tenuous at best and must be considered carefully. Apart 
from that, they give few examples demonstrating the dissimilarity. Could 
someone show me a more substantial proof that disproves the Turanian or 
U-A unity? And more than just lexical differences!


Peter Chong
+ - Re: Hungarian broadcast information FAQ (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

+ - Re: Right on schedule! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Gyorgy Kovacs)wrote:
|Wally >sensed that he is loosing againg,
                                                             /      /
                                                         losing again
                                                  Alas, what can we expect
                                                  from a $19.95 education!

A ten-watt lightbulb is brighter than this student.

Wally Keeler > sensed that he is loosing againg,
and (returning to his usual insult-attack style) wrote:
>A mule in heat has more eloquence than you.

      *  (12 Oct 1996) *
      * Message-ID: > *
      * This is a great put-down...                *

Of course, given the responses of others to GK's come-backs in this thread
(inappropoetically subjected as Re: Right on schedule) we know who the real
loser is, however, GK is correct that I returned to my "usual insult-
attack style" But then again, I'm good at it, it entertains me, and
everyone needs a trivial pursuit once in a while and you are it.

Wally Keeler initially delivered this "great put-down":
>A mule in heat has more eloquence than you.

The Master of MacroMediocrity (Gyorgy KoVacuous) comes back:
|The only appropriate answer can be:
|False, but it has more brains than you. (Based on your posts.)

What incredible wit!!! NOT. What a zinger!!! NOT.
"...it has more brains than you." typical szar-chasm of an elementary school 
yard -- pre-sophomoronic level. Tsk tsk tsk.
You have about as much myopic insight into witty come backs as an 
orrSZARvu in a glass factory.

|And the only appropoetic answer:
|             ^^^^^^^^^^^\
|                         \ For the new ones: I borrowed that from Wally
|                          \ cause he keeps asking for it.

Actually you expoetriated it from Wally.
And you only deliver inappropoetic answers:

|                      ****************************
|                      * Practise that gold trick * 
|                      * You slimy old tick,      *
|                      * Flinstoneless lighter,   *
|                      * Airheaded fighter.       *
|                      *                          *
|                      * It would be big gain,    *
|                      * If you had half brain.   *
|                      * Eat watermelon,          *
|                      * Leave me please alone.   *
|                      ****************************

     DOGGEREL: Rough, poorly constructed verse, characterized by strong,
     monotonous rhyme and rhythm, cheap sentiment, triviality, and 
     lack of dignity. Northrope Frye (in The Anatomy of Criticism, 1957)
     has characterized doggerel as the result of an infinished creative
     process in which a "prose initiative" has never assumed the
     associative qualities of true poetry, revealing its failure in a
     desperate attempt to resolve technical difficulties through any 
     means which suggest themselves. [from the Princeton Encyclopedia of
     Poetry and Poetics, 1974, Princeton University Press]

The world is weary of the squandering of bandwidth on such crap from one GK 
who knowingly admits to not being a poet, has never been published by any 
third party, hasn't a clue about verbal creativity, nor the "associative 
qualities of true poetry" and finds it excrutiating to be reminded of such 
from one who has received such authentification as a poet. 

|                      ****************************
|                      * Practise that gold trick * 
|                      * You slimy old tick,      *
|                      * Flinstoneless lighter,   *
|                      * Airheaded fighter.       *
|                      *                          *
|                      * It would be big gain,    *
|                      * If you had half brain.   *
|                      * Eat watermelon,          *
|                      * Leave me please alone.   *
|                      ****************************

So how to grade such trash as GK's doggerel? 
What about a b-plus?
No, no, no, that would offer encouragement.
I think a b-anal would be more appropoetic justice.

In response to GK's b-anal post  (Balazs Boros) wrote:
|Why are Hungarians all so weird? :) They make the worst movies and
|tell the worst jokes... I'm Hungarian too btw before you flame me.

No, no, no, we can't say that about Hungarians. I know them as a fine 
creative breed, who have contributed much to the world. GK is a regretable 
anomoly -- a bit of debris that fell into the Hungarian gene pool.

 (Gyorgy Kovacs) replied:
|There are some Hungaians who are weird, but not more than in any other

The stench political correctness is overwhelming -- bring on the fumigrators 
and humiliators. 

That's enough of the "usual insult-attack" aka poetic justice, for now.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled intelligence.
+ - áéüö - In English, Please! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I, too, would love to type what little I know of Hungarian, using the correct 

Could the "solution" be translated/dictated in English, please?

As a note...  I am using Windows 3.1, with the News Xpress (newsx) reader.


> ======================================================================

 Subscribe to lists, online!
 Discographies I maintain:
> ======================================================================
+ - Re: áéüö (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Josef Sumegi) wrote:

>Lehet magyar betüket használni ebben a newsgroup-ban? Hogy néznek ezek
>ki nálad?

>Én a következö beállitást használom:

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>Köszönöm a válaszod!

>MVH: Josef S.


>"Framgĺng är inte att synas och höras utan att fĺ nĺgonting gjort."


En is szeretnem tudni,hogyan lehet magyar ekezetes betuket hasznalni
az Internet-ben.
Minden informaciot elore is koszonok.

Szegedy Sandor
+ - OK Wally, you asked for it! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

How pseudo-poets are born

Once upon a time and far in a distant place,
A little boy was born onto the human race.
Giving him a name was an easy decision,
They named him Wally 'cause he had walleye vision.

When he started to talk (as soon as the age six),
Everybody panicked, 'cause they understood nix.
When he meant to say chair, he blurted out - "Chore!",
And instead of 'boring' he said no more than 'bore'.

He could not remember the name of most items,
And had no idea where to put the hyphens.
And the greatest disgrace: he can't remember names!
His Momma sadly said: - "Surely he plays just games ... "

And one darned sad morning when his brain went ablaze,
He knocked over and broke his Mother's Chinese vase.
- "You killer!" she yelled than. After she was sorry.
When she knew that later comes the real worry.

When it came to studies (he had to be at school),
He said: "I won't go there! I'd rather be a fool!"
He was bad in science, was even worse in math,
Literature seemed to be the only suiting path.

He had one more problem, frequently telling lies,
Eating all the cookies, blaming it on the flies,
One of the neighbor's girls, whose name was Betty Ruth
Frequently knocked him out for not telling the truth.

After one of those knocks, he came back from coma
And had an idea (?), run to tell his Momma:
- "I will be a poet!" - "No you can't" - said Mother,
- "You have lousy spelling and you don't know grammar."

- "Your English and manners are so bad and novice,
Even foreign people surely will take notice.
Even if English is just their second language,
They will eat you alive wrapped up like a sandwich."

Then she thought a moment, took up a brand new stand:
- " If you keep writing stuff no one can understand,
Than it will be OK, and if you're caught lying,
You say 'Poets s'posed to!' That should take off flying!"

So he looked for a pen, sat down in a corner,
The darkness in his brain was without border.
And he started to write. Mere fourteen days later
These were the exacts lines you could read on paper:

"Theirz a hoarse in the muddle of a hOt sprrrrringgggg.
Guess it was a peacock. Left an ugly oil ring.
The monkey said: nothing .... So I spoke at the Mall,
And defended the gays who were not attacked at all!"

He wanted to sign it, but he forgot his name!
How can he live on, with such an ugly shame?
Suddenly remembered: Momma called him 'killer'!
Not knowing how that spells, he wrote: "Wally Keeler".

Disclaimer (opposite of dat claimer):

If these lines remind you of a man or nation,
Remember: it's the work of imagination.
Resemblance to someone is the true intention,
It will still let it be a great piece of fiction.

+ - send yr email (sex pedofilyscandal in Belgium) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

to: soc.culture.belgium
"save our children"
+ - Re: Police Raids Against Roma (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
 (Poetician1) wrote:

> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
>  (T.M.Lutas)
> >>When I was in Romania last (and from all indirect information I've
> >>received nothing's changed) whatever con games I saw were fall run by
> >>gypsies.
> Wally Keeler wrote: 
> >Sometimes, entrepreneurial initiative is seen by some as a con, especially
> >of those who are successful. 
>  (T.M.Lutas)
> |I'm talking honest to god three card monty games in a couple of local 
> |variants. These were no-gray-area cons that were designed solely to 
> |separate money from sucker. They also have the effect of making the 
> |perpetrators highly unpopular. And unlike high level theft, street 
> |theft is very visible, very immediate. The reaction to any group that 
> |partakes in it in higher proportions than their population is likely 
> |to be very negative without that reaction being racist. 
> Gypsies=con artists. And they partake in it in "higher proportions than
> their population." Is that so? And what is their definitive population? And
> what proportion partake in it? Is there any research that has presented
> conclusionary figures to support this contention or is it just that your
> nose is sniffy up another stinkbomb? Perhaps you are also suggesting that
> the sucker rate for ethnic Romanians is higher than other ethnicities.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised. Hey, look how long Ceausescu held out...


Gives out some detailed population figures including ethnic breakdown. 
Now what did you say gypsy crime was, 11%? Mr. Lapadatu has the gypsy 
population at 1.75%


Is a listing of the UN stats (IBM put it on the web). Gypsies are not 
listed in the population but if you assume all others besides the three 
ethnicities listed (romanian, hungarian, german) are gypsy, the gypsy 
population could not exceed 1.5%

Let's be generous and assume a 2% gypsy population, at 11% of all crime 
they are still over 5 times more likely to commit a crime than other 
ethnicities. In those proportions, I would feel that a little targetting 
would be smart law enforcement, not prima facie evidence of racism. 

>  (T.M.Lutas)
> >>While not scientific it's been my experience that whatever ethnic group is
> >>running the street con games has more than its share of criminals. Is it
> >>scientific? No. Is it a good indirect marker? Yes.
> And that applies equally to the Romanians conducting their rip-offs in
> hotels, outside hotels, and other places. Very interesting that have been
> focussing exclusively on the petty crime of Gypsies while ignoring the equal
> amount of petty crime of Romanians. Why is that? 

That's yet to be established, remember? The point we were discussing is 
whether or not the crime rate of gypsies is over the romanian crime rate. 
Beyond that, is the targetting of the police to the gypsies greater, equal 
to or less than their crime rate? 

> >Not necessarily. Don't forget the Board Room con games of the
> >Securitate/Defence millionaires which have siphoned off millions from
> >Romania as opposed to the penny ante of the Gypsies
> |Political manipulation isn't handled by street cops or by mob justice in 
> |most cases. That (fortunately) should slow down quite a bit after the 
> |removal of most of the perpetrators as a result of the PDSR losing the 
> |elections. 
> Oh yes. SIMPLE politics. There is the political party of the bad guys and
> there is the party of the good guys. And yes, the party of the white hats
> will get elected and lo and behold, let the goof times roll. Gimme a break.

Constantinescu is getting elected to a great extent on the perception that 
he will run a more honest government. Will it be totally scandal free? 
Probably not, unfortunately, but that's why I said that the theft will 
likely slow down, not that it would stop. 

> |Of the universe of crime that is palpable to the average 
> |citizen minister so and so setting up an obscure regulation so that 
> |his goods escape customs duties may steal more than a three card monty 
> |game but it doesn't generate the fire, the passion of a foolish farmer 
> |who just gambled away the money he got for his last pig to some sharpies 
> |at the local flea market. 

> And the Iliescu regime has found this to be a convenient state of affairs.
> Gypsies are such convenient scapegoats -- the Romanian population would
> never dream of running to defend their civil rights, not Gypsy rights, civil
> rights.

Hey, I'm all in favor of civil rights. The problem that I have 
with Gypsy, Hungarian, and any other attempt at shaving off an ethnic 
group and fixing their civil rights only is that it undercuts the very 
essence of civil rights. Civil rights are general. They apply to everybody. 
The Iliescu government violates everybody's civil rights and if we are 
to fix this situation we need to focus on fixing everybody's problems not 
just one group or another's. 


The Romanian Political Pages               http://haven.ios.com/~dbrutus
Now available: The Romanian constitution in Romanian, an URL minder
Coming soon: An expanded Ilascu section, and victims of communism memorial!
These posts are not official PNT-cd policy unless specifically marked as such.
+ - Re: áéüö - In English, Please! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

One of the easiest ways I have used to place accents on words is using
the codes from character map for Times New Roman font.  For example, á
is "alt" and 0225.  This is useful especially for occasional use.  Make
a list and put it next to your computer. I have been using this system
and so far folks have been seeing the characters without a problem. 
Since I have an example in this text, that should be an answer in and of
itself - did it work on your reader? 

Visit my homepage!  http://mason.gmu.edu/~achassel/
+ - Re: Why is Uralic not related to Altaic??? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, Peter k Chong
> wrote:

> Hey there!
> As you may or may not know, I've voiced my support for a Uralic-Altaic or 
> even Turanian unity of languages on this newsgroup and others as well in 
> the past... Despite the fact I've read many documents and books pointing 
> to a common Turanian (even Sumerian) root to the Uralic and Altaic 
> tongues, why do so many scoff at the concept? 

I don't think the concept is scoffed at; rather it is regarded as
incapable of being satisfactorily treated using the evidence and methods
currently available.

> All of the books I've read 
> about Uralic and Altaic languages state that the relationship between the 
> two families is tenuous at best and must be considered carefully. Apart 
> from that, they give few examples demonstrating the dissimilarity. Could 
> someone show me a more substantial proof that disproves the Turanian or 
> U-A unity? And more than just lexical differences!

The only scientifically reliable method for demonstrating linguistic
relationship is the 'Comparative Method'. Using it requires a substantial
number of cognates from the basic inherited vocabulary of the languages to
be compared. Grammatical and phonological isomorphisms and 'similarities',
as well as shared cultural words can provide interesting clues but they do
not, without systematic sound correspondences in inherited vocabulary,
serve as demonstrations of common origin. Despite the sincere efforts of
many scholar working in the field, the few suggested Uralic-Altaic
etymologies do not show the degree of phonological systematicity we see
within the Uralic and Altaic families.

Thus, the problem of a possible relationship between Uralc and Altaic has
not been dismissed, nor is it scoffed at. Rather, it remains a problem
which is best regarded as unsolvable using the evidence and methods
presently available.

Eugene Holman
+ - Re: áéüö (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
| Peller Zoltan > wrote:
| >No, ilyen gyenge kifogassal ne is gyere :-) Jo ideje elerheto a 
| >multikey nevu szoftver, aminek letezik kereskedelmi es shareware
| >verzioja is. A memoriabol kb 5kb-ot (!) foglal, a billentyuelrendezesek
| >kiosztasok szeles skalajat ismeri. Es bonuszkent meg a nem standard
| >formazasu lemezeket is kezeli. Szoval szuper progi. Van Win3.1x ala
| >driver is hozza.
| Eloszor is, en nem hasznalok Win 3.1-et.
| Masodszor, en is lattam mar programokat, amik lehetove teszik a magyar
| ekezetes betuk beuteset, de ezek mind ugy mukodtek, hogy egy billentyu
| helyett legalabb kettot kellett beutni egy ekezetes betu
| megjelenitesehez. Az a masik billentyu altalaban Ctrl vagy Alt volt, de
| neha meg a Shift-et is hozza kellett adni.  Ilyesmit hasznalok az MS
| Word-del irt magyar levelekben, de utalom, mert ketszer annyi idot vesz
| igenybe, mint egy ugyanolyan hosszu angol level irasa, s eszem agaban
| sincs ezen a torturan atmenni a sokkal lezserebb Internet forumokon.
| Ha te szereted kinozni magad ilyesmivel, "be my guest".

JOzsi, aruld el milyen OS-t hasznalsz! Igerjuk hogy nem
hasznaljuk ellened. A legtobb billentyuzet atdefinialohoz
tenyleg ket gombot kell megnyomni, de nem ekezetes
betunkent, hanem ahanyszor oda es vissza akarsz valtani az
angol es a magyar billentyuzet kozott. (They remap your
keyboard)> A gond az hogy egy csomo program nem engedi az
ekezetes betuk hasznalatat, es kiszamithatatlan hogy mit
csinal veluk. NEkem peldaul Olivier uzenetei olvashatatlanul
jonnek at, de volt akinek az ekezetes betui egyenesen
hianyoztak, mas esetben pedig ekezetesen jelentek meg az
uzenetek,. Szerintem maradjunk ekezet nelkul vagy hasznaljuk
az a1 e1 o3 stb jelolest, esetleg a' e' o"-t irjunk az a

+ - Re: OK Wally, you asked for it! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

How flatteringly sweet to know that I had inspired this young man to spend 
such energy to make an attempt at the art of poetry. 

But since it was submitted for appraisal, we must be fair. Having had my 
shots last week I felt confident that I could read through it without 
consequence. Regretably, I can come to no other conclusion than that it 
contains an inordinate amount of toxic waste and post-nutritive disposal 
substance known as Doggerel.

        # DOGGEREL: Rough, poorly constructed verse,       #
        # characterized by strong, monotonous rhyme and    #
        # rhythm, cheap sentiment, triviality, and lack of #
        # dignity. Northrope Frye (in The Anatomy of       #
        # Criticism, 1957) has characterized doggerel as   #
        # the result of an infinished creative process in  #
        # which a "prose initiative" has never assumed the #
        # associative qualities of true poetry, revealing  #
        # its failure in a desperate attempt to resolve    #
        # technical difficulties through any means which   #
        # suggest themselves. [from the Princeton          #
        # Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 1974,        #
        # Princeton University Press]                      #

Therefore, by the power vested in me by the Poetariet of the Peoples 
Republic of Poetry, Gyorgy Kovacs, having achieved only a b-anal average, is 
hereby denied a Poetic Licence.

   P     __   __   __ ___    __           __   __       __   __    P
   O    |__) /  \ |    |  | /  '   |   | /  ' |   |\ | /  ' |      O
   E    |    |  | |--  |  | |      |   | |    |-- | \| |    |--    E
   T    |    \__/ |__  |  | \__,   |__ | \__, |__ |  | \__, |__    T
   Y                          _________________                    Y
   P   NAMBER: 422-902-510   /                 \  VOID WHEN USED   P
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---------- forwarded message -------------------------------

From:  (Gyorgy Kovacs)
How pseudo-poets are born

Once upon a time and far in a distant place,
A little boy was born onto the human race.
Giving him a name was an easy decision,
They named him Wally 'cause he had walleye vision.

When he started to talk (as soon as the age six),
Everybody panicked, 'cause they understood nix.
When he meant to say chair, he blurted out - "Chore!",
And instead of 'boring' he said no more than 'bore'.

He could not remember the name of most items,
And had no idea where to put the hyphens.
And the greatest disgrace: he can't remember names!
His Momma sadly said: - "Surely he plays just games ... "

And one darned sad morning when his brain went ablaze,
He knocked over and broke his Mother's Chinese vase.
- "You killer!" she yelled than. After she was sorry.
When she knew that later comes the real worry.

When it came to studies (he had to be at school),
He said: "I won't go there! I'd rather be a fool!"
He was bad in science, was even worse in math,
Literature seemed to be the only suiting path.

He had one more problem, frequently telling lies,
Eating all the cookies, blaming it on the flies,
One of the neighbor's girls, whose name was Betty Ruth
Frequently knocked him out for not telling the truth.

After one of those knocks, he came back from coma
And had an idea (?), run to tell his Momma:
- "I will be a poet!" - "No you can't" - said Mother,
- "You have lousy spelling and you don't know grammar."

- "Your English and manners are so bad and novice,
Even foreign people surely will take notice.
Even if English is just their second language,
They will eat you alive wrapped up like a sandwich."

Then she thought a moment, took up a brand new stand:
- " If you keep writing stuff no one can understand,
Than it will be OK, and if you're caught lying,
You say 'Poets s'posed to!' That should take off flying!"

So he looked for a pen, sat down in a corner,
The darkness in his brain was without border.
And he started to write. Mere fourteen days later
These were the exacts lines you could read on paper:

"Theirz a hoarse in the muddle of a hOt sprrrrringgggg.
Guess it was a peacock. Left an ugly oil ring.
The monkey said: nothing .... So I spoke at the Mall,
And defended the gays who were not attacked at all!"

He wanted to sign it, but he forgot his name!
How can he live on, with such an ugly shame?
Suddenly remembered: Momma called him 'killer'!
Not knowing how that spells, he wrote: "Wally Keeler".

Disclaimer (opposite of dat claimer):

If these lines remind you of a man or nation,
Remember: it's the work of imagination.
Resemblance to someone is the true intention,
It will still let it be a great piece of fiction.


-----------------end of forwarded message-------------------------------
+ - Re: áéüö (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Ettol fuggetlenul meg mindig fenmaradt az ekezetes betuk beutesenek
> komplikaltsaga, ami lelassitja az irast egy QWERTY rendszeru
> klaviaturan. Viszont ha lenne egy igazi magyar kiosztasu keyboard-om ...
No, ilyen gyenge kifogassal ne is gyere :-) Jo ideje elerheto a 
multikey nevu szoftver, aminek letezik kereskedelmi es shareware
verzioja is. A memoriabol kb 5kb-ot (!) foglal, a billentyuelrendezesek
kiosztasok szeles skalajat ismeri. Es bonuszkent meg a nem standard
formazasu lemezeket is kezeli. Szoval szuper progi. Van Win3.1x ala
driver is hozza.


       PELLER Zoltan       |          
----****<<<< Always look on the bright side of life ! >>>>****----