1. |
(2) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
66 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
(1) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
69 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: (3) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Words Play (Was: Re: Transilvania...) (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: SCM: Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
(3) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
157 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: az agressziv kismalac (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: (2) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
A kedvencem: Vampir az erdoben (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re- Cluj - ethnic compositi (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Cluj - ethnic compos. (2) (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Re: Requiem for Demszky... (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Re: Cluj-a historically genuine Hungarian town (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: (1) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Washington Folk Festival: supplement (6/1 - 6/2) (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
29. |
Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
30. |
Requiem for Demszky... (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | (2) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
-Real-time conversations with Internet ussers.
-Works with any Windows-compatible audio device.
-Voice-Activation feature and interactive display make conversation
-Features an easy to use interface and full on-line help.
-Real-time voice comression algorighm for efficient communications.
-Up to date listing of all on-line users running Internet Phone.
-Join or create topics for conversation with people from all over the
-Private topics for private conversations with family or with business
-Quick-Dial buttons give immediate access to Internet users.
-486SX PC - 25MHZ, 4MB (8MB recommended)
-An Internet Winsock 1.1 compatible TCP/IP connection
-(minimum connection: a 14,400 baud modem SLIP\PPP connection)
-Windows 3.1
-Windows-compatible sound card
For Full Duplex Audio, you also need the following:
-486 PC, 50 MHZ
-A Full Duplex sound card, or two standard sound cards.
Retail Price $69.99
Special Offer from Vocaltec: $49.95
MY OFFER: $17.95
(Software + Registration Code, and all you need to get started )
Make your checks or Money Orders payable to
3315 36th Ave. suite 3B
Astoria, NY 11106
New York - USA
Hurry!!! This offer is available for a limited time only!!!!!
For more info:
+ - | (1) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
VocalTec's INTERNET PHONE v. 3.2
Your passport to unlimited voice communication, the Internet Phone from
VocalTec offers you an exciting, fun and inexpensive way to talk to the
world. All you need to do is connect your PC to the Internet through a
TCP/IP conection, and you're ready to run!!!
IMPORTANT: Both parties must have PCs with soundcards, speakers,
microphones, VocalTec's Internet Phone software, and Internet
With a single click of the mouse, you can converse indefinitely with
people from countries and cultures around the globe. Say so long to
costly phone bills, "text chatting" and email, because VocalTec's
Internet Phone is the very first product to let you hear and respond to
what everyone on the Internet has to say!
The Software is free, however, you need a registration code to run the
Your registration code will be sent to you by E-Mail between 24-48 hours
(not including weekends) from the time you
submit the order. If you chose to have your registration code mailed to
you, expect it in 5 to 7 working days.
Remember, you have the option to download the software at:
http://www.vocaltec.com/down1.htm#release3 ; but don't expect too much,
since it's a 60 'seconds' trial.
Retail Price $69.99
Special Offer from Vocaltec: $49.95
MY OFFER: $17.95
(Software + Registration Code, and all you need to get started )
The first moment you enter your code, your
name/nickname/occupation-interests will be sent to Vocaltec's Yellow
Pages, where more than 50,000 + members are listed already.
( http://www.pulver.com/iphone/directory.htm )
Don't let pass this opportunity away!!! Order Now!!!!
Make your check or Money Order payable to:
3315 36th Ave. suite 3B
Astoria, NY 11106
New York - USA
Hurry!!! This offer is available for a limited time only!!!!!
For more info:
+ - | Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
() wrote:
>Igazan? Miert, szerinted mi a sajtoszabadsag? Az csak a veled
>egyetertoknek szol?
Mi a sajtoszabadsag? Teszemazt irok egy cikket egy ujsagnak es az
nem jelenteti meg, akkor nincs sajtoszabadsag?
Miert kellene a bp.-i intezetnek tamogatnia Odor ur levelezeset?
Mindenki irhat amit akar, de hogy a terjeszteshez kotelezo lenne
a felteteleket keszen adni, az nem tartozik a sajtoszabadsaghoz.
Odr ur elofizethet a szamos mo.-i internetszolgaltato
barmelyikenel egy kis nacionalista propagandaterjesztesre, es
senki nem szolhat egy szot sem. De miert kellene ingyen
biztositani ehhez neki a lehetoseget?
Hol van a tanyasi paraszt sajtoszabatsaga, akinel meg villany
sincs nemhogy internet. (Figyeljuk meg a demagogia hatasat a
konnymirigyekre e mondatban :)
Ebben az ertelmezesben sajtoszabadsaga csak annak, volna aki
rendelkezik egy ujsaggal. Adjunk tehat mindenkinek penzt egy
ujsag grundolasara?
Ha nem dolgoznek akademiai intezmenynel valoszinuleg en is
sajnalnam a penzt internetes elmenckedesre, de nem kiabalhatnek,
hogy ezzel vege a sajtoszabadsagnak.
Vegul teljesen komolyan nem szeretnem ha Odor ur eltunne a
"palettarol" es ez vonatkozik a Pellionisz et al. csoportra is.
A gyozelem teljesen erdektelen, a harc szorakoztato.
>Kulonben tenyleg jol tudsz magyarul! ;-)
Hat igen, az elozo levelben volt egy mondat, ahol "nem jottek
ossze" a ragok, szegyellem, de elkuldtem mielott elolvastam
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: (3) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
pls and enough.
Am I,
A Stroke of Luck or a Gift from God?
The Hand of Fate or Devil's Claw?
From Below or Saints above?
©Copyleft KrazyJas® 1996
+ - | Re: Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
(heringer) wrote:
>In article >,
>>In particular I can remember machines where the
>>coffee seller pulled down a handle to force the
>>water through the coffee. I think those machines
>>have class.
I cannot help but those arms are not to foce the water but for
timing. The machine has a continous steam pressure and this arms
are to let and to not let the steam go through the coffee I
You also have to consider the excelent skills of the ladies
making the coffee on those machines in mixing used and new
(or not that much used) coffee :)
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
() wrote:
>Mamma mia, is "lakatos" another of those words we borrowed from Romanian?
>And here I was thinking it was the other way around.
The most famous "Lacatus" I know is most probably, from an ethnic
viewpoint, neither Romanian nor Hungarian. But he is one heck of a
good soccer player.
>>And it's interesting to learn that Nadia Comaneci is a romanized Hungarian
>Actually, it's been a kind of rumor a long time that she was of Chango
>background with original name of Kemenes.
Yeah, but similar rumors claimed her as Russian or Ukrainian.
>Oh, BTW, ... we do consider the Changos of
>Hungarian (or rather Szekely) origin even though in their centuries old
>isolation they are at an advanced stage of assimilation.
Hmmm, I thought the Hungarian viewpoit is that Csangos were initially
Cumans. Therefore, Cuman----->Coman (common Romanian
name)---->Comaneci :-)
Liviu Iordache
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Dan Pop) wrote:
>The name of an ancestor
>was Lupu (a common Romanian name, derived from "lup", which is wolf in
>Romanian), then it was magyarized to Farkas, then Farkas was
>transliterated to Romanian as Farcas, because its owner was Romanian.
The Romanian Lupu was MAGYARIZED to Farkas (I guess all those agents
in charge of implementing the Apponyi Laws were using a pocket
edition of the Hungarian-Romanian dictionary ) but the Hungarian
Farkas was TRANSLITERATED into Romanian Farcas (why wasn't changed
back to Lupu? The pocket edition of the above mentioned dictionary had
been exhausted). Now, this is what I call argumentation! I like it!
Especially that subtle nuance: in the first stage is magyarization,
in the second one is plain transliteration.
How about this: Latin furca (fork)---->Romanian
Furcas---->transliterated into Hungarian Farkas---->romanized back to
Liviu Iordache
+ - | Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>Szemelyszerint en sajnalnam ha kitiltanak mert mindig jol
>szorakozom a bohosagain, de ennek, mar megbocsat, semmi koze a
Igazan? Miert, szerinted mi a sajtoszabadsag? Az csak a veled
egyetertoknek szol?
Kulonben tenyleg jol tudsz magyarul! ;-)
+ - | Re: Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, says...
>I remember from the time I was staying in Hungary
>about 5 years ago how there were 'Presszo' cafes
>I would be interested in buying one of those large
>Hungarian espresso machines designed for cafes that
>can handle a continuous flow of customers. Is there
>anyone out there who can help me out by finding the
>name and contact information of a company which
>makes these machines, or of someone who sells them.
>In particular I can remember machines where the
>coffee seller pulled down a handle to force the
>water through the coffee. I think those machines
>have class.
>Bill Smith
Why don't you go to Italian places, like Faema? They have the best
espresso machines.
+ - | Words Play (Was: Re: Transilvania...) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In news: , wrote:
>Mamma mia, is "lakatos" another of those words we borrowed from Romanian?
>And here I was thinking it was the other way around.
Recent research has proven that the word was used beginning with
the 5th century b.Ch. in Altai- Ural area. It was pronounced lhâkhő dűshoo
and at first was denominating the local sword dancer.
Time passed by and people noted that the word started to be used
by non-authorized persons, so they claimed rights upon it, and they won.
All what the rest of the world could do now (besides pulling their hair
off) was to sit back and watch how one of the oldest professions in the
world was being brought to ruin.
The altaian-uralese people noticed that too, but it was too late.
As often happens in this darwinian world, just the tamed version of the
sword-dancers survived. They were wandering in very small groups, sharpening
swords at the beginning, and after a while just sickles and scissors...
Yes, it was this sad...
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Liviu Iordache > wrote:
>The most famous "Lacatus" I know is most probably, from an ethnic
>viewpoint, neither Romanian nor Hungarian. But he is one heck of a
>good soccer player.
Yeap! I enjoyed watching him. Actually, when I was pointing to names
that sounded Romanized Hungarian names, my point was more general than
Dan picked up on. Even though the ones I mentioned may have been off
base (after all, I don't know Romanian), I'm sure people, like Matyas
could find genuine examples of Romanized Hungarian names, just as you
guys can find Hungarianized Romanian names. This is only natural with
intermixed ethnic groups.
>>Actually, it's been a kind of rumor a long time that she was of Chango
>>background with original name of Kemenes.
>Yeah, but similar rumors claimed her as Russian or Ukrainian.
I hope by mentioning it as a rumor, it's not taken as a blind belief.
>Hmmm, I thought the Hungarian viewpoit is that Csangos were initially
>Cumans. Therefore, Cuman----->Coman (common Romanian
>name)---->Comaneci :-)
That theory is new to me. I think the Kemenes -> Comenici
transformation is more plausible on the similarity of their sounding.
But again, we are talking here about unsubstantiated rumors, so it's not
worth to lose sleep over.
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
g > wrote:
>"Perseverare..., perseverare" (diabolicum ;-)
I'm trying, George, I'm trying ... But this Dan is so hard to please,
you know. When a glass is half full, he always sees it half empty. ;-)
He is not a good sport at all.
+ - | (3) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for $17. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Q: What is Internet Phone?
The Internet Phone software is a revolutionary product
that lets Internet users talk with each other in real-time. This is not a
text "chat" program: you can speak with other Internet users from all
over the world with your own voice!
Q: What is required to run Internet Phone?
We recommend using at least a 486SX PC with 25MHZ and 8MB
RAM. You also need Windows 3.1, and a Winsock 1.1 compatible TCP/IP
Internet connection. For audio, you need a standard Windows-compatible
audio board, a microphone and a speaker.
Q: Can I try the Internet Phone software?
Yes. You can try the Internet Phone software for FREE!
To receive your 60 second trial copy of the Internet Phone
software, you can FTP an evaluation version of Internet Phone from
ftp.vocaltec.com, with user name ftp.
Q: What are the benefits of using Internet Phone?
The Internet Phone software is the easiest and least
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Phone doesn't incur any extra coast to your standard Internet account!
With a single mouse click, you can get in touch with other Internet
Phone users from all over the world. Whether you want to meet new
friends, make long distance business contacts or talk to your family
overseas, Internet Phone is for you.
Q: How much bandwidth does Internet Phone consume on the
The Internet Phone software uses a unique voice
compression algorithm to minimize bandwidth
consumption. Bandwidth usage is about 7.7Kbit of raw audio
data. By adding our VC Card voice
compression card, you can reduce bandwidth consumption to
about 6.72Kbit of raw audio data.
Q: Can I use Internet Phone to speak to more than one user
at a time?
You can only speak with one person at any one time.
Q: Can I make my own private conversations without
disturbance from other users?
Internet Phone provides you with "private topics" that
only you and your family, friends or business
associates can use. These topics are "unlisted", and can
be accessed only by the users that know about
them. In this way you can conduct your conversations
quietly, without getting calls from all the other
on-line users. When you only use private topics, your name
does not appear on the global list of on-line
users. Only users that know where to look can reach you.
Q: Are my calls safe?
Internet Phone sends and receives audio directly from the
other user, without going through the Internet
Phone server (the server is only used to let users locate
each other). This means that your Internet
Phone calls are very hard to trace.
Q: Can I work simultaneously with Internet Phone and other
Sure. Internet Phone was designed for multitasking: a
special dynamic icon and hot keys let you use
Internet Phone even when its window is minimized. You only
notice its there when someone calls or
when you need it.
Q: Can I run Internet Phone over a LAN connected to the
Yes. Consult your network administrator before installing
Internet Phone.
Q: How can I find other users that run Internet Phone?
The Internet Phone software connects to the IRC (Internet
Relay Chat) network, thus providing you
with a list of on-line users and topics of conversation.
It's just like a phonebook. Simply select a user
from the list and call him or her. You can also create new
topics and wait for others to contact you.
Q: What type of Internet connection is required to use
Internet Phone?
You need a TCP\IP Internet connection. The minimum
connection is a modem SLIP\PPP connection of 14,400 baud.
Q: How can I connect my PC to the Internet?
The easiest way to find out more about connecting to the
Internet is by contacting your local Internet
Service Provider.
Q: What is Winsock?
Winsock is the standard Windows TCP/IP programming
interface. It comes in the form of a DLL file
called WINSOCK.DLL which is provided with most TCP/IP
software packages.
Q: Which Winsock drivers were tested with Internet Phone?
The Internet Phone software worked successfully on
Microsoft's TCP/IP, on NetManage's Chameleon
and the Trumpet Winsock driver.
Retail Price $69.99
Special Offer from Vocaltec: $49.95
MY OFFER: $17.95
(Software + Registration Code, and all you need to get started )
Make your checks or Money Orders payable to
3315 36th Ave. suite 3B
Astoria, NY 11106
New York - USA
Hurry!!! This offer is available for a limited time only!!!!!
For more info:
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> >Hmmm, I thought the Hungarian viewpoit is that Csangos were initially
> >Cumans. Therefore, Cuman----->Coman (common Romanian
> >name)---->Comaneci :-)
> That theory is new to me. I think the Kemenes -> Comenici
> transformation is more plausible on the similarity of their sounding.
Just for fun, there is a town called "Comanesti" in the same area with
Onesti (birthplace of Nadia Comaneci). That shows that the root "Coman"
is rather common in that region - so it is more plausible to think that
Comaneci was derived from Coman than from Kemenes.
In fact, Nadia herself said a couple of times that the rumours were un-
> But again, we are talking here about unsubstantiated rumors, so it's not
> worth to lose sleep over.
Marius Iacomi
+ - | Re: az agressziv kismalac (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
() wrote:
>Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>>Van ebben valami magyar, hatha valaki nem hallotta:
>>Az agressziv kismalac setal az erdoben es beleesik egy mely
>>godorbe ahonnan nem tud kimaszni.
>>Arra jon a nyuszi, meglatja es leszol neki:
>>- Szerbusz agressziv kismalac, varj mindjart hozok segitseget.
>>- Nem varok !
>Pretty funny! However, didn't you write in the HUNGARY list
>that you did not know Hungarian? This little story is in pretty
No, I do not write to lists, only to SCM but it may be taken over
by lists.
I am Hungarian (having a blue passport only or more precisely two
of them due to an administrative misstake). I was born an raised
in Hungary. Only the last 5 years I spent in Switzerland but
sooner or later I 'll go back home.
(I learnt all my English in Switzerland too, so accept my
apologies :)
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: (2) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"P.S." > wrote:
sigh.... ....
Am I,
A Stroke of Luck or a Gift from God?
The Hand of Fate or Devil's Claw?
From Below or Saints above?
©Copyleft KrazyJas® 1996
+ - | A kedvencem: Vampir az erdoben (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Van itt egy vicc amit nagyon szeretek es gyakran meselek
tarsasagban. Mindig erdekes megfigyelni, hogy mennyire
erthetetlen ez a tortenet demokratikus hagyomanyokkal rendelkezo
(A vicc heves taglejtessel a szereploket megjelenitve mondando)
Megy a vampir az erdoben es meglat egy farkast.
Homlokara csap, elovesz egy fekete noteszt, es hangosan betuzve
feljegyzi: "Holnap farkasreggeli!"
"Van valamilyen kerdes, megjegyzes?" fordul nyajasan a farkashoz.
A farkas remeg, teljesen halalravalt, csak nehezen tudja
kinyogni: "semmi".
Setal tovabb a vampir az erdoben es egyszer csak talalkozik a
Hatalmasat csap a homlokara, elokapja noteszet, es bejegyzi:
"Holnap medveebed!"
"Van valamilyen kerdes, megjegyzes?" kerdezi tularado
udvariassagggal a medvet.
"Semmi" nyogi remegve a medve.
A vampir tovabb setalgat es osszefut a nyuszival.
Homlokara csap, es megintcsak hangos narracio kisereteben jegyzi
fel: "Holnap nyulvacsora!"
"Van valamilyen kerdes, megjegyzes?" hangzik a szokasos kerdes,
mire a nyuszi remegve:
"Eeee... csak azt szeretnem kerdezni, hogy nem-e lehetne eeee...
"Miert is ne!" kozli a vampir vallat randitva, es egy lenduletes
mozdulattal kihuzza az utolso bejegyzest.
(Most lehet rohogni, de vigyazzunk, oldottan, szivbol!)
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re- Cluj - ethnic compositi (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tamas Kocsis has difficulties in comprehending
an entire message.
Here is the quote from Mr. Kocsis:
>It seems to me you did not get what Adrian exactly said.
>He said that who considered him/herself Hungarian but
>was of different (Romanian) origin was not Hungarian. I would
>not like to go into details on what kinda politics is that when
>someone wants to decide tha others ethnicity against their
>will. I don't think it was intentional he just not thought
>it over
Now here is the the entire relevant part of my original
>Tamas recently referred to the results of a
>1910 census in Cluj as "the ethnic composition".
>This is pure falsehood.
>A census regarding ethnicity was never done in
>Austria-Hungary. The only question that was posed,
>and came close to that, was: "which language do
>you know/speak best?". Considering the neglect of
>Romanian education system in Transylvania up to
>that time, even sincere answers of Romanian
>ethnics would gravitate towards Hungarian.
Should I explain it again?
Because the Hungarian authorities did not support
Romanian-language education, the Romanian population
did not have a fair chance of mastering their own
mother tongue while the Hungarian language was forced
down their throats, so volens-nolens they knew it
better. Since the question asked in the census was
"which language do you know/speak best?", even
sincere answers of Romanian ethnics would gravitate
towards Hungarian.
I agree with you that the Romanians were mostly
village dwellers, but those who made it "to the big
city" were probably more educated and with at least
high school, where it's likely they have studied
in Hungarian, so the language they knew/speak best
was ...
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
To complete Mr.Marius Iacomi's brief reply, you will find in Maramures
county, too, an impressive lot of "Coman" names suggesting the dispersion
of the ancient Cuman (pecenegi) tribes. The same phenomenon around the
Bucharest city...
Cheers, Valerius M. Ciuca.
+ - | Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >, TU Vienna > writes:
>Ez egy altalanos tamadas a velemeny nyilvanitas szabadsaga ellen.
Micsoda rettenetes onteltseg kellhet ennek a mondatnak a leirasahoz!
Elvakult tulzas mar a gondolat lehetosege is, hogy az on szemelyevel
es/vagy irasaival kapcsolatban, keves Odor ur, _barmifele_ "tagasabb
kontextusba helyezes" ertelmes volna. Engedjen meg ennyi kritikat.
A dolog erdemi reszehez pedig (ha van neki ilyen): az, ha az on
(munkahelyi, hivatalos!) azonositojat uzembentarto intezet nem kivanja
a sajat eszkozeit az on rendelkezesere bocsajtani politikai nezeteinek
vilagga szorasa celjabol, az meg nem a vilag vege. Osszevetheto azzal,
mint ha kifogast emelnenek az ellen, hogy az intezet gepen, az intezet
nyomtatojan es fejleces levelpapirjan irna politikai hozzaszolasait a
nyomtatott sajto reszere. Doreseg azt gondolni, hogy akkor a maga
szemelyi jogai meg lennenek kurtitva. Menjen es hasznaljon mas
eszkozoket! (Teszi is, es igaza van.)
Nezzen mar magaba: ha maganak lenne egy gepe amin szamos felhasznalo
dolgozna, es kozuluk az egyik onnek es kollegainak a legmesszebmenokig
nem tetszo politikai haboksagokat lovellne ki a vilagba (pl. vadallat
kommunista, ahogy tetszik), akkor nem fordulna meg a fejeben a gondolat
hogy megkeri az illetot, ugyan faradjon at valami mas gepre, mas
azonosito ala???
A maga hagymazas orultsegeit rettenetesnek tartom. Es megis orulok hogy
joga csorbitatlan ezek kozzetetelere. Irjon csak, irjon!
udvozlet nelkul,
Nagy Peter
+ - | Cluj - ethnic compos. (2) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This is a follow-up to my previous response to Mr. Kocsis.
Again, the quote from him:
>It seems to me you did not get what Adrian exactly said.
>He said that who considered him/herself Hungarian but
>was of different (Romanian) origin was not Hungarian. I would
>not like to go into details on what kinda politics is that when
>someone wants to decide tha others ethnicity against their
>will. I don't think it was intentional he just not thought
>it over
[quote from my message presented later]
>This behaviour also has nothing to do with educational system.
>He later states and so contradicts to himself that the Jews
>considered themselves Hungarian.
Now here is the the entire relevant part of my original
>Tamas recently referred to the results of a
>1910 census in Cluj as "the ethnic composition".
>This is pure falsehood.
>A census regarding ethnicity was never done in
>Austria-Hungary. The only question that was posed,
>and came close to that, was: "which language do
>you know/speak best?". Considering the neglect of
>Romanian education system in Transylvania up to
>that time, even sincere answers of Romanian
>ethnics would gravitate towards Hungarian.
>Also remember that the vast majority of Jews
>in Transylvania were Hungarian-speaking, and this
>takes a big chunk out of the figures.
I've addressed the Romanian ethnics misunderstanding
in my previous message.
Regarding the Jews, the situation is crystal-clear.
A vast majority of them _spoke Hungarian best_ ,
in other words they were Hungarian-speaking.
The answer they had to give to the census question
was therefore "Hungarian", but this does not make
them Hungarian ethnics. There is no contradiction
in my message, and there is no statement such as
"the Jews considered themselves Hungarian".
+ - | Re: Requiem for Demszky... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Kadar Gyorgy > wrote:
| Lectoris Salutem!
| (I support this idea, that is we could celebrate the 1100 years
| anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian State with the festive selection
| of solemn music on June 29
| and Mr. Demszky and friends could celebrate the coming end of his
| miserable reign with a mourning mess (without mass) on 30 June).
| May God bless us all... kadargyorgy
| PS. I declare that I deeply love Mozart's music...
Thank you for that declaration. Actually Mozart's requiem is
one of my favourite pieces, and I am sorry I won't be around
on the 29th to listen to it. It sounds like the plan is
similar to the performance of Beethoven's 9th a few years
ago. What I fail to understand is how the comment in
parentheses is relevant, or what do you have against
Demszky's role as the mayor of Budapest that would prompt
you to add a comment of such style and vulagarity.
+ - | Re: Cluj-a historically genuine Hungarian town (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
g > wrote:
>And what the heck had they looked for in some parts of that Turkish fiefdom hu
Maybe they looked for Turkish babes?
+ - | Re: Feljelentok es provokatorok (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >, () writes:
>Remelem a
>kovetkezo valasztason egy valodi, jobboldali kormany kerul hatalomra,
>s bepotolja az MDF kormany tortenelmi mulasztasat, s akkor az ilyen
>szemtlada besugok olyan helyre kerulnek, ahol nem arthatnak tobbet.
>Pannon J.
Bennunket meg a Magassagos mentsen meg az olyan eszement szivarok
vergozos elkepzeleseitol, mint a tieid, draga Jozsi. Te, ugy tunik a
fentiek alapjan, eleg siman dutyiba vagy a bitora ("ahol nem arthatnak
tobbet", gratulalok!) vagnal mindenkit, aki nem pont a te fuledbe
Milyen furcsa! hogy a demokracia tobbek kozott eppen attol az ami, hogy
olyan alakok szolasszabadsagat garantaljuk, akik ezt - ha hatalomra
kerulnenek - tolunk javareszt megvonnak.
Nagy Peter
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Dan Pop) writes:
>"Lacatus" is locksmith in Romanian
Yes, its origin is the Hungarian word 'lakatos'.
| Wolf Rackebrandt | | http://www.snafu.de/~lupus/ |
+ - | Re: (1) INTERNET PHONE v 3.2 Software Registration for (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"P.S." > wrote:
I don;t think pp like your idea of advertising this way.
Don't u know where to post?
This is SCS mind U.
Am I,
A Stroke of Luck or a Gift from God?
The Hand of Fate or Devil's Claw?
From Below or Saints above?
©Copyleft KrazyJas® 1996
+ - | Washington Folk Festival: supplement (6/1 - 6/2) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jun 1 Sat/ 2 Sun
Washington Folk Festival at Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo MD. =20
500 dancers, storytellers, musicians, and craftsmen=20
representing cultures from around the world.=20
The Hungarian Tanc Haz will be from 4PM to 5PM on=20
Sunday(6/2); Washington based Tisza Ensemble will
provide live music and imporvisational dances, as=20
well as Tisza members will teach basic dance steps;
Sponsored by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington.=20
The event runs noon to midnight on Saturday and `noon to=20
6 pm on Sunday. =20
FFIC (301) 492-6282.=20
=C1rpad F=E1bi=E1n Kov=E1cs
WWW : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~kovacs
personal email :
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dan Pop wrote:
> Who borrowed the word from whom is irrelevant. The point is that Lacatus
> and Lacatusu are Romanian names (related to a Romanian common noun)
No. And NO!!! You are wrong!!! Lacatus is just the fonetic of LAKATOS,
there LAKAT means lock and the (o)s means *the one who does* /very approximativ
Just as ASZTALOS means carpenter, there ASZTAL means TABLE, and BA'DOGOS and
VASAROS and some hundred more. DO NOT TRY TO SAY, that the Roman language uses
the same.... If you don't really know, please don't say it. Then it will not hu
> that can be easily found all over Romania, hence using them to "prove"
> the romanization theory is plain stupid.
> >> There are plenty of examples of ethnic Romanians
> >>named Farcas or Farcasu or Farcasiu, the best known being Dumitru Farcasu.
> >
> >And what does that word mean in Romanian? For "Farkas" means "Wolf" in
> >Hungarian and is a very common family name.
> You didn't follow the argumentation, did you? The name of an ancestor
> was Lupu /SNIP/
Why? Why was the oroginal name Lupu? You just state it! How can you
state that everyone with name Farkas or Wolf or Ulf were Romanians with
the name Lupu? And later magyarized or germanized or swedishized or what
ever. Your statement is completely ungrounded.
> Dan
+ - | Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 31 May 1996 wrote:
> >The most famous "Lacatus" I know is most probably, from an ethnic
> >viewpoint, neither Romanian nor Hungarian. But he is one heck of a
> >good soccer player.
> Yeap! I enjoyed watching him.
How abouth the Dacian "wolf-cub" Ladislau Boloni :-), the one who ended
the story of Dino Zoff?
> I'm sure people, like Matyas
> could find genuine examples of Romanized Hungarian names,
I know personally someone calld Istvan by his parents but Stefan in his
birth certificate (by transliteration, of course).
> >Hmmm, I thought the Hungarian viewpoit is that Csangos were initially
> >Cumans. Therefore, Cuman----->Coman (common Romanian
> >name)---->Comaneci :-)
> That theory is new to me. I think the Kemenes -> Comenici
> transformation is more plausible on the similarity of their sounding.
Isn't Kemenece purely Hungarian meaning something related to "oven"? In
any case, is a very subjective sound similarity.
> But again, we are talking here about unsubstantiated rumors, so it's not
> worth to lose sleep over.
Yeah, but maybe you are a Sonics' fan and since the Bulls will trash them
very soon you'll need something to keep you busy until the pain subsides
Liviu Iordache
+ - | Requiem for Demszky... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Lectoris Salutem!
I read in the newspaper yesterday (Magyar Nemzet) (in parentheses
there are explanations, added by me, KGy):
The "Union of Hungarian Symphonic Orchestrae" turned to Gabor
Demszky, Chief Mayor of Budapest with an open letter, in which they offer
a free concert to the (public of the) capital on the occasion of the
millecentenary (1100 years anniversary of the Hungarian presence in The
Carpathian Basin).
"We have learnt - write the leaders of the orchestrae, assembled
in the Union - that on the occasion of the closing of the Budapest festive
ceremonies and of the presentation of the renovated millenary group of
historical monuments (milleneumi szoboregyuttes ujjaavatasa) there would
be the festive concert performing
Mozart: Requiem
in the Heroes' Square (Ho"so:k tere'n) on the 30th of June. The member
orchestrae of the Union of Hungarian Symphonic Orchestrae are ready
to contribute to the dignified celebration of the outstanding historical
anniversary with a concert fitting to the unique occasion by performing
opuses of Erkel, Liszt, Bartok and Kodaly.
For the performance of this concert the Union will create a representative
ensemble selected from the member orchestrae, which - with regard to the
anniversary - will n o t require a n y r o y a l t y."
The union proposes in the letter that the performing stage - to be
set up anyway by 30 June in the Heroes' Square - should be built up by
the City one day earlier and should be left to the disposal of the
selected ensemble.
(I support this idea, that is we could celebrate the 1100 years
anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian State with the festive selection
of solemn music on June 29
and Mr. Demszky and friends could celebrate the coming end of his
miserable reign with a mourning mess (without mass) on 30 June).
May God bless us all... kadargyorgy
PS. I declare that I deeply love Mozart's music...