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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Isn't she lovely... ? was: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner o (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Sophistry (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
6 Keresem Blau Editet (Bonta Andrasnet) (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
8 Academic Request (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
9 Hungarian Real Estate Sales (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: About mr albu, general remarks (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  56 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Marina,Marina. (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Heidegger and Hungary Part 3 (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Academic Request (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: American Free Speech (mind)  89 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Marina,Marina. (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
19 Gossip, Hearsay, and Innuendo (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
20 Grammar lessons (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: To agent "Lup". (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
22 * Mr. Frajkor, School of Journalism, Carleton Univ. (mind)  81 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
24 Text of Agreement Between Hungary and Romania (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: Hungarian Real Estate Sales (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: USA Free Speech (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: American Free Speech (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
28 For A.Bereczky (was: Marina,Marina) (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
29 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
30 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  85 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Isn't she lovely... ? was: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner o (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>In article >  (Kristina
Szurek) writes:>>From:  (Kristina Szurek)
>>Subject: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L
>>Date: 30 Aug 1996 13:39:17 GMT

>>As a therapist, I deal with a lot of people that have various handicaps,
>>Calling people names, insulting people on the 'Net, leaving useless
>>messages (Mr. Lewinsky), are not very productive postings.
>>Remember, the 'Net is run by people, there is no governing body.
>>If this, or other, newsgroup deterriaorates to name-calling
>>and insulting, people will move elsewhere.

Well, here is posting of Ms. Szurek from other list:

>From:  (Kristina Szurek)
>Subject: Re: mR. A Albu - SMRDIS  CESNAKOM !
>Date: 30 Aug 1996 13:54:05 GMT

>Drahy pan Kokot Lewinski je mi luto ze nevies citat po Slovensky, ale
>Mr. Alban, ktory smrdi cesnakom, bol ten ktory propagoval nenavist
>a superioritu voci jednotlivcom a narodom, co je tak isto trestne.  Neviem
>odkial mas tie reci o fasizme, ale uz si pomaly zvykam na vsetky tie
>blbosti co sa rodia v tvojej gebuli.  Lepsie by si stravil cas keby si
>sa dal na kolienka a odprosil Slovensky narod za odpustenie.

>[Sorry to those that have to read this, I usually try to post productive
>postings, but Mr. Lewinski is communicating through insults on the 'Net.
>His intelligence is preventing him from understanding any other
>form of discussion.]

Isn't she a lovely loser?

+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Michael Hajovsky wrote:
> In >  writes:

( ... )

>> I am personally in process of locating members of the board of
>> trusties at University of Carleton, Ottawa. NAZI orientations
>> like his are to be isolated, curtailed and expelled from the
>> society.
>> A. Albu
> It's you again! Mr. Kanala and Mr. Frajkor are participating here in
> what is know as "Freedom of the speech", which is know here in USA as
> "First amendment to the constitution". For that you are threatening one
> of them with a personal harm and persecution. If one were to compare
> you to a nazi, it would be a genuine insult to all nazis. Does not
> Canada have anti-stalking laws? Just go away, and stay away, please.

Sure, in the USA, there is the "First Amendment". The concept of the Freedom
of Speech also exists in other countries accross the Free World.

But, Canada is not part of US and the propagation of fascism, national
and racial intolerance and spreading hatred is forbidden by the law.
So it is in many other countries. In Germany, a US hate-monger, editor
of neo-nazi publications has been recently caught, tried and convinced.
He had the bad idea to go there.

Whether this criminalising of expressions of hate philosophies is a
restriction of the absolute, idealised concept of the Freedom of Speech
is not the issue. The issue is that what Mr. Frajkor could do if he was
a member of a US university, he cannot do legally in Canada.

Mr. Frajkor has committed a number of illegal acts and it's correct to
bring his activities to the attention of whom it may concern.

That Mr. Frajkor is continuing his lies (he has been frequently caught
when knowingly lying and continues doing it again), that he is knowingly
spreading them, that he is spin-doctoring the history, all that are
expressions of his intellectual, scientific and moral failures that may be
of interest to the Ethical Commission at his University. However, acts
against the Law are reprehensible and can be taken to a court.

Mr. Frajkor has committed within the last three weeks a considerable
number of mistakes. I have spent a couple of days reading the old
stuff and will document some of his lapsus.

Roman Kanala
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

: First of all, Miss Kristina Szurek is neither a professional nor a
: scholar.
Very nice intro :-) your ignorance is aparent from the very first line
of your posting.  An achievement of a Bachelor degree consists of
4 years of full-time studies which in my book is a scholar.
I have worked for various agencies throughout Toronto before (full
time) and during my studies (part-time, summers), and am currently
self-employed.  You may have doubts about me being a professional, but my
clients don't.

: This girl just obtained (June 1996) a Bachelor degree in Child
: psychology from York University
I do not know where you get your information from, but the information
is incorrect.

: she is not on the list
: of students anymore, she still seems to enjoy her privilege of using her
: E-mail account.
By default, many universities in Canada leave e-mail accounts open for
graduating students (times vary from 2-6 months, University of Waterloo,
University of Toronto, Seneca College, Ryerson College to mention a few).
This is done as a friendly guesture (something you know nothing about)
to allow students to sort things out, and also many students return
back for graduate studies, so it saves university some work in
disabling and enabling accounts.  My account is perfectly legal,
I don't know what your problem is.

By the way don't be so quick to assume my marital status and age.
Have you ever heard of adult students in schools?  I could be 50 for all
you know.  Oh, you probably never even went to school.

Why all this work Roman?  You are trying to find our more about me?
I'm flattered.  All the info you presented is publicly available, and
if you had sent me e-mail, I would have saved you half the time trying
to find out.

YES, I AM LOOKING FOR WORK.  Roman was right, currently I need
more clients (thank you for the 'Good luck' wishes, I need them).
If you have a child or adult, perhaps yourself, suffering from
head injuries, autism, developmental delays,... please contact me.
I can also send you a brochure outlining our services, we are located
in Toronto, Ontario.  Speak fluently English, Slovak and Hungarian.
Do you, Mr. Kanala, need some counselling or therapy?

Sorry, I didn't finish the rest of your posting, it got too boring.
Big words, no content....it's called BULL SHIT in our university
+ - Re: Sophistry (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
>        There is no way of getting anywhere with this discussion if you
>refuse to keep the facts straight. Churchill didn't have a chance to attack
>Hitler in the Balkans because the army brass (Eisenhower included) vetoed
>such a military move. He tried but he couldn't go against the wishes of his

Anyone who thinks that a full-scale Allied attack on the Balkans in
1943 was feasible doesn't understand the logistical problems that such
an operation would have incurred. The Allies didn't have the resources
at the time. Landing craft were in short supply. Where would the attack
have been launched from? Even if a beachhead could have been secured,
how would those forces have been supplied and reinforced? The Allied
attempt to accelerate their advance in the Italian campaign by landing
at Anzio-Nettuno was a fiasco (granted, the commander dilly-dallied,
allowing the Germans time to regroup) but in that situation, where
friendly forces weren't even that far away it was a risky venture
that boomeranged. Just imagine the problems with maintaining lines
of communications with a Balkan invasion. It was a non-starter. Even
with overwhelming air superiority the Allied invasions at Salerno (1943)
and Normandy (1944) from nearby bases were touch and go in their initial
stages. The Allied High Command looked at the Balkan possibility, among
others, and for very obvious reasons turned it down, rightly so.

George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * ARM Club * C=64..ICPUG * NW London CC
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  says...

#>and insulting, people will move elsewhere.

        an unprofessional (but useful) advice from someone who is not
        a psychologist:

        1. do not admit kanala as your patient.   you will soon need
        2. do not think you can ignore him.   he will always find a
           slander or two to attract your attention.
+ - Keresem Blau Editet (Bonta Andrasnet) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Keresem Unokatestveremet szuletett Blau Edit, edesanyja Nagy Marika,
edesapja Blau Dezso (vagy Erno). Nagyvaradrol emigralt 1962-ben,
tudomasunk szerint Kaliforniaba, Bonta Andrasne neven.

Unokatestvere, Nagy Katalin Szilagysomlyorol (Erdelybol) keresteti.
Ha valaki ismeri, vagy gondolja hogy tud valamit rola, legyen szives
ertesitsen az alabbi e-mail cimen.

Elore is halas koszonettel,

Szabo Attila

E-mail:    vagy  
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  says...

#>recourse. Mr. Frajkor knows that I am a Slovak
#>Roman Kanala

        the underscored text is a public insult to all slovaks
        and slovakia.
+ - Academic Request (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I am writing a paper on striving for democracy in Hungary.  I would
really like some help as I cannot find any sources for the electoral
system in Hungary or the political culture....I would appreciate any
insight you could give me on the state of the democracy in Hungary and
what you think about it...please mail me at


*       Jason W. Miller                 International Studies           *
*       215 Bek Hall                                                    *
*       Grand Forks, North Dakota  58202-2001                           *
*       (701) 777-8459                                                  *
*        "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
*        is for good men to do nothing."                                *
*                                         -- Edmund Burke
*                * *
+ - Hungarian Real Estate Sales (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A friend with family members in Budapest is trying to help them sell an
apartment.  He has asked me to look for a local BBS (in Hungary) or a UseNet
location where he could post the listing for the apartment.  Is anyone aware
of a BBS or UseNet location he could use?
+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

(Michael Hajovsky) wrote:

>It's you again! Mr. Kanala and Mr. Frajkor are participating here in
>what is know as "Freedom of the speech", which is know here in USA as
>"First amendment to the constitution". For that you are threatening one
>of them with a personal harm and persecution. If one were to compare
>you to a nazi, it would be a genuine insult to all nazis. Does not
>Canada have anti-stalking laws? Just go away, and stay away, please.

Michael, perhaps you failed to notice that Carleton U is in Ottawa,
Ontario, not in Boston or Philadelphia. Consequently the First
Amendment to the US Constitution is of no relevance to anyone

[As an aside, it would be a good idea to actually read that amendment
because it guarantees _nothing_.  All it does is to prohibit the
federal Congress from passing a certain law.  It does no pass any such
injunction on any State authority and has no validity as against a
private person]

It may further interest you that Canada in fact has a few clauses in
its Criminal Code prohibitting the spreading and inticing of hatred
against identifiable groups.  I think that with little effort, Janosik
Frajkor's writings could easily qualify as hate propaganda.

But it is not really necessary to reach for the rather weighty
provisions of the Criminal Code.  Both Canada and Ontario also have
Human Rights Codes, where the onus of proof is lesser than under the
Criminal Code and under which Jurko Janosik could qualify even easier.

Freedom of speech certainly does not extend to the insults, libel and
plain ol' flaming that folks like K. Szurka and I. Gajdik had been
heaping on Roman here.

Sincerely, etc. etc.

Karl Pollak
Richmond, British Columbia
+ - Re: About mr albu, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  says...
#>I am personally in process of locating members of the board of trusties
#>at University of Carleton, Ottawa. NAZI orientations like his are to be
#>isolated, curtailed and expelled from the society. It is hard for me to
#>believe that a young generation could end up studding in a place as the
#>University of Carleton under Mr. Frajkor's guidance.
#>A. Albu

        mr albu, i wish you good luck, hoping that you will succeed in
        "locating" the trustees of carleton university (thay cannot be
        anywhere far from the university).   it would bring to their
        attention two important facts they might not focus on otherwise:

        1.      professor frajkor's profound and multi-faceted
        scholarship, as well as his exemplary moral integrity, which has
        been a stabilizing factor on this list, preied upon by
        self-invited impostors.

        2.      it would also open the trustees' eyes vis a vis your
        neurotic hunnic barking, mental lability, lack of respect of
        other people's opinion and a generally known vulgarity.

        the fact that you are under a microscope should not stop your
        outbreaks of rage.   they help slovakia more than anything else.
+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  (Karl Pollak) writes:

 > perhaps you failed to notice that Carleton U is in Ottawa,
 > Ontario, not in Boston or Philadelphia. Consequently the First
 > Amendment to the US Constitution is of no relevance to anyone
 > concerned.

Sorry to disappoint you, I have not failed to notice where Mr. Frajkor
ISP is, or that our Internet-would-be-censor, Mr. Albu is posting from
USA. But anyone from Ottawa, Bratislava, Havana or Tripoli should be
able to post his opinions on the Internet without the fear of being
harmed by nuts.

 > [As an aside, it would be a good idea to actually read that
 > amendment because it guarantees _nothing_.  All it does is to
 > prohibit the federal Congress from passing a certain law.  It does
 > no pass any such injunction on any State authority and has no
 > validity as against a private person]

You are 100 percent wrong. It simply means that there shall be law
abridging free speech by anyone, anywhere in the USA. It applies to all
50 states, all local governments, and it applies to the state where
self-appointed censor, Mr. Albu lives.

 > Freedom of speech certainly does not extend to the insults, libel
 > and plain ol' flaming that folks like K. Szurka and I. Gajdik had
 > been heaping on Roman here.

There is quite a large number of people here in thousands and thousands
of newsgroups who are heaping insults upon each other. Here in USA we
have also a newsgroups whose main purpose is to heap insults on the
president of USA. This is Internet. It is the land of anarchy. It is
also a great field for flakes and nuts who ran around trying to censor
everyone and everything they do not like. But they never acomplished
anything other than make fool out of themselves. And fortunately very
few people take them seriously.

Now, all crazies can go out and try to censor Mr. Frajkor and Mr.
Kanala and everything else they see. The only thing they can acomplish
is that both Mr. Frajkor, Mr. Kanala and other will have a good laugh
out of it. I am sure they are not shaking in fear. Flakes and nuts are
dime a dozen on the Internet.

I personally do not care what Mr. Albu or anyone else is posting. They
are free to post anything they wish (other than child pornography) but
when they go on a stalking crusade contacting people's employers and
trying to cause personal harm, then they become a menace.

Again this is Internet, if you do not like it, do not read it! Do
someting else with your time. Take up knitting or chess, or propagete
the return of communism. There would not be free speech, so that would
make the self appointed censors happy.

If you want to take up a crusade, work for the passage of something
resembling the first amendment into the Slovak constitution. God knows
they could use it.
+ - Re: Marina,Marina. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, ARPAD BERECZKY
> writes:

>.Have I made myself
>The Rambo Arpi.

As much as you can in your excruciatingly limited, mouth-breathing way.
Now, why don't you get back to your ultranationalist circle jerk over in
the Forum like the lady asked you to.
Sam Stowe

"I only use my gun
Whenever kindness fails..."
-- Robert Earl Keen
+ - Re: Heidegger and Hungary Part 3 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, Zoltan Szekely
> writes:

>Sam to me:
>> Let me be the first to assure you -- you aren't right. You're not even
>> close. If I might offer some career advice to you, I strongly urge you
>> to air these views in public, especially around the office. It's one
>> to pump this out over an Internet full of strangers. You do it in front
>> the people you work with and it will bring you major trouble in the
>> immediate way.
>> Sam Stowe

You don't believe me? I dare you to walk into the office Tuesday morning,
round up as many of your fellow grad students and departmental professors
as you can find and tell them your opinions on America, gays and lesbians
and Jews. Afterwards, you can write us and tell us here what happened.
Sam Stowe

"I only use my gun
Whenever kindness fails..."
-- Robert Earl Keen
+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 1 Sep 1996, Michael Hajovsky wrote:

> If you want to take up a crusade, work for the passage of something
> resembling the first amendment into the Slovak constitution. God knows
> they could use it.

The freedom of speech (sloboda prejavu) is included in the Slovak

Peter Hakel
+ - Re: Academic Request (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 5:13 PM 8/31/96, Jason W. Miller wrote:
>I am writing a paper on striving for democracy in Hungary.  I would
>really like some help as I cannot find any sources for the electoral
>system in Hungary or the political culture....I would appreciate any
>insight you could give me on the state of the democracy in Hungary and
>what you think about it...please mail me at
>*       Jason W. Miller                 International Studies           *
>         *
>*       215 Bek Hall                                                    *
>*       Grand Forks, North Dakota  58202-2001                           *
>*       (701) 777-8459                                                  *
>*        "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
>*        is for good men to do nothing."                                *
>*                                         -- Edmund Burke
>*                * *
>                 *


Best wishes,

Peter I. Hidas

Hungarian Studies
Department Of Russian and Slavic Studies
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

+ - Re: American Free Speech (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

(Michael Hajovsky) wrote:

>  (Karl Pollak) writes:

> > [As an aside, it would be a good idea to actually read that
> > amendment because it guarantees _nothing_.  All it does is to
> > prohibit the federal Congress from passing a certain law.  It does
> > no pass any such injunction on any State authority and has no
> > validity as against a private person]

>You are 100 percent wrong. It simply means that there shall be law
>abridging free speech by anyone, anywhere in the USA. It applies to all
>50 states, all local governments, and it applies to the state where
>self-appointed censor, Mr. Albu lives.

OK, let's take a look at the text then:
   Article I
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
     religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
     the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
     people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for
     a redress of grievances."

Feel free to point out to me, where in that text it says ANYTHING
about State Legislatures or individuals.

>There is quite a large number of people here in thousands and thousands
>of newsgroups who are heaping insults upon each other.

True, but that does not necessarily make it right or legally

>This is Internet. It is the land of anarchy.

That is a problem with such an arrangement. if the organization is not
self-policing, sooner or later somebody else will assume the role of
Net-Cop.  We've already seen a few attempts, not surprisingly m in the
US Congress with their "Decency in Communications Act".

The more abuse there is on the Net, the more tempting it becomes to
the politicians to buy cheap votes by trying to rope in a world they
do not inhabit themselves and which they do not understand.

Just because their first really serious attempt did not suceed, does
not mean they are going to give up.

>It is
>also a great field for flakes and nuts who ran around trying to censor
>everyone and everything they do not like. But they never acomplished
>anything other than make fool out of themselves. And fortunately very
>few people take them seriously.

On the contrary.  I can give you a list of several people I know of
both in Canada and the USA who have been quite successfully removed
from the Internet for being abusive pests.

>I personally do not care what Mr. Albu or anyone else is posting. They
>are free to post anything they wish (other than child pornography) but
>when they go on a stalking crusade contacting people's employers and
>trying to cause personal harm, then they become a menace.

Well, put yourself in the shoes of the employer.  Let us suppose that
you are a medium sized company or organization who has spent a fair
amount of money on promoting a certain image in the marketplace. You
have gone to considerable expense to establish a presence on the net.
You provide your members/employees free access on your server.  Then
an employee starts to use his access to the Net to spread fascist

All of a sudden, your lofty ideals about Free Speech fly out the
window, your own image, reputation is being undermined from your own
site. Sayonara rogue user or possibly "here's your pink slip foolish
employee".  There is no appeal and you can take your First Amendment
and wallpaper your bathroom with it.

>If you want to take up a crusade, work for the passage of something
>resembling the first amendment into the Slovak constitution. God knows
>they could use it.

Neither Frajkor, nor Kanala live in Slovakia, so that plan of action
is rather pointless. In Frajkor's case, despite "RealSlovak
patriotism", the man cannot even speak or write Slovak properly.  But
both live outside of Slovakia (as do I) by choice.  To try to tell the
Slovaks who do live in their homeland how they should govern their own
affairs is just too absurd for words.

Karl Pollak
Richmond, British Columbia
+ - Re: Marina,Marina. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>In article >, ARPAD BERECZKY
> writes:
>>.Have I made myself
>>The Rambo Arpi.
>As much as you can in your excruciatingly limited, mouth-breathing way.
>Now, why don't you get back to your ultranationalist circle jerk over in
>the Forum like the lady asked you to.
>Sam Stowe
>"I only use my gun
>Whenever kindness fails..."
>-- Robert Earl Keen
I have to agree with this statement>I read enough from Rambo in Forum,just
not to say anything,so He won't have another way to attack.This guy is good
for the Forum,but intelligence wise....?
+ - Gossip, Hearsay, and Innuendo (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Today's NY Times has a fascinating article about ex-agent Ben Fischer's
lawsuit against the CIA.  It has everything: "rumor, gossip, hearsay,
innuendo, shoddy journalism, selective leaks, and lethal backbiting".
It also has a number of Hungarian angles: a certain Mr Weber, "a legend
in the agency, a Hungarian official who defected to the Unites States
in the 1950, spied for the CIA throughout Eastern Europe during the cold
war and rose to the third highest slot in the agency's Soviet Europe
division".  Also the man Fischer's wife apparently had a torrid affair
with.  He may or may not have died in the arms of a prostitute in Budapest
in 1993, or, according to an alternative theory, he may have been murdered
by the KGB there.  Meanwhile, Fischer's wife pops up again, this time
"romantically attached to a former chief of Hungarian intelligence".  There
are also new tidbits on the Ames affair, and a "snitch fax" with senders
unknown, a touch that aficionados of past soap operas on this list will
surely appreciate.  The article can be read (for a few more hours at least)
at http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/news/national/cia-lawsuit.html.
Check it out.

Gabor Fencsik

+ - Grammar lessons (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 12:34 PM 8/31/96 EDT, The Rambo wrote:

>With friends like you,and your kind,who the hell needs enemies?By the
>way,why don't you mind your own business?

I hate to give all these grammar lessons to this guy (by the way, I had to
do it in the Forum also, he is an equal opportunity illiterate): in English
you are supposed to insert a blank after the comma.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Re: To agent "Lup". (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 10:57 PM 8/31/96 -0400, Aniko  wrote:

>What is this crapola, of Agent Lup anyhow?  Am I the only one sitting in the
>Please enlighten - Aniko.

Farkas in Romanian is Lup. The Rambo considers me an agent of the Securitate.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - * Mr. Frajkor, School of Journalism, Carleton Univ. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Some information that might be of interest to whom it may concern:

The new Chair of the Board of Governors at the University of Carleton
is Dr. Ivan Fellegi.

For more information, see the page at URL

Interview: Meet Dr. Ivan Fellegi, Chair of the Board

For the administrative organisation at the Carleton University
(may be out of date), see:


Also on the Carleton University gopher:

Officers of Instruction, as of July 1, l996

Out of 19 Professors and Associate Professors at the School of
Journalism and Communication, Carleton University, there is only one
with a BA degree (same level as Ms. Szurek's) and it is - Mr. George
Frajkor.  The rest have of course Masters and Doctorates.

Mr. Frajkor is signing his message with a baroque signature that states
he is at School af Journalism, that lead several contributors to express
their astonishment about his journalist qualities. In fact, this .sig
information is not correct. The correct name of the organisational unit
is "School of Journalism and Communication".

Moreover, Mr. Frajkor is not a journalist, but according to the gopher
information, he is specialised in "Animation and electronic techniques
in television".

Perhaps the explanation why he is displaying such a level of ignorance
of the basic rules of scholar work (yes, FACTS !) and astonishing lack
of just plain scientific ethics.

Mr. Frajkor is using the computer equipment of the University.

Mr. Frajkor has been caught deliberately spreading false informations
about listmembers (see a few recent articles in Slovak-L). Mr. Frajkor
is running a fascist mailing list. Mr. Frajkor is tolerating, approving
or even actively participating in deeds like defamation, expressions of
racial and national hate, calls for intolerance. For more details, look
in Slovak-L.

Regarding the the policies of computer use at Carleton, Cf.  URL

> Uses that fall under one of the following descriptions are, in
> general, not acceptable.
> ( ... )
> 3.  Uses that are considered by the ONet Management Committee to be
> malicious or unethical.
> 4.  Uses that violate federal or provincial laws.

Just thought this information might be of interest to the Internet

Roman Kanala
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 05:42 PM 8/30/96 GMT,Ms. Szurek wrote:

> An achievement of a Bachelor degree consists of
>4 years of full-time studies which in my book is a scholar.

Which is a scholar in your book? An achievement of a Bachelor degree? 4
years of full time studies? Something is wrong with your book.

>Big words, no content....it's called BULL SHIT in our university

Scholarly words.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Text of Agreement Between Hungary and Romania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Monday's Nepszabadsag publishes the full text of the agreement (in Hungarian).

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Re: Hungarian Real Estate Sales (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 03:34 PM 8/31/96 GMT,  Paul Kroekel wrote:
>A friend with family members in Budapest is trying to help them sell an
>apartment.  He has asked me to look for a local BBS (in Hungary) or a UseNet
>location where he could post the listing for the apartment.  Is anyone aware
>of a BBS or UseNet location he could use?

Try .

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Re: USA Free Speech (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  (Karl Pollak) writes:

> OK, let's take a look at the text then:
>   Article I
>    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
>     religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
>     the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
>     people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for
>     a redress of grievances."
> Feel free to point out to me, where in that text it says ANYTHING
> about State Legislatures or individuals.

It well established in case law and in Supreme court decisions. Just
borrow a copy of Black Law dictionary or a case law book from a
library, you can see it clearly. It is quite frequent occurance when
federal courts strike down a law of one state or another on the grounds
that it violates federal constitution. I will not go into this
discussion, but in order to answer you, I will make just one point.
Yes, the first amendment can apply also to individuals and to
employers. There were several cases where courts held that private
employers violated first amendment rights of employees when they tried
to restrict their religious freedom.

How someone who claims that states are no subject to the constitution
can be taken seriously?

As for the fear of spreading an ideology (whether fascism, or
democracy) by posting messages in a newsgroups, you are being
ridiculous. No one will become fascist just because he reads your or
someone else messages, just as no one will become hindu or a homosexual
from reading someone else's messages. Only a pitiful, deranged
individual would run to your boss crying that you said something he
does not like.  On the other hand, that is precisely what the Stb
informers did. Give me a break.
+ - Re: American Free Speech (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  (Karl Pollak) writes:

      >> Take up knitting or chess, or propagete the return of
      >> communism. There would not be free speech, so that would
      >> make the self appointed censors happy.
      >> If you want to take up a crusade, work for the passage
      >> of something resembling the first amendment into the
      >> Slovak constitution.

  > To try to tell the Slovaks who do live in their homeland how
  > they should govern their own affairs is just too absurd for words.

You are funny. It was addressed to you, not not to the Slovaks in their
homeland. The sarcasm was overwhelming. And you just did not get it.
How could you? After all, there was not the word "fascist" even once in
my entire message.
+ - For A.Bereczky (was: Marina,Marina) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Begging pardon of so great a man!

You wrote:
>By the way,how do you know, that I'm a Forum
>contributor? ...........
I read!

>Or are you one of this lists' parrots,faithfully repeating what you
I fly with my own wings!

>And finally let me
>tell you something:I'm not going to ask your or anybodys' permission to
>express my displeasure,or opinion about any metter.Have I made myself
>The Rambo Arpi.
If it pleases the gods....
Let it pass for what it is worth!

"Ce monde est plein de fous."
+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...
> Dear Roman Kanala,
> Thank you for your eloquent posting of August 30, 1996. It is extremely
> clear the dilution  Mr. Frajkor is suffering of.
> I am personally in process of locating members of the board of trusties
> at University of Carleton, Ottawa. NAZI orientations like his are to be
> isolated, curtailed and expelled from the society. It is hard for me to
> believe that a young generation could end up studding in a place as the
> University of Carleton under Mr. Frajkor's guidance.
> A. Albu

Mr. Albert Albu,

as I wrote to you following your scandalous call for ETHNIC CLEAN-UP of
Slovakia it would be better for you as Romanian to stay out of this. You
suggested to ship all the Slovaks somewhere to Siberian woods - which is
not your original invention, nonetheless it is hatemongering ethnically
oriented. In spite of Mr. Kanala lengthy treatise on Slovak fascism I am
still not convinced it's not you and Mr. Kanala who are fascists over here.
You wrote to me, you did not understand Slovak and as some portion of the
problem is discussed in Slovak over here you should stay out of that
including your sweet suggestions of termination of Slovak permanent "visa"
in YOUR new Europe.

Yours Sincerely

Peter Kmet
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Aug 30, 1996 17:42:27 in article <Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of
Slovak-L>,  (Kristina Szurek)' wrote:

>:Mr. Kanala

>Kristina Szurek

>: First of all, Miss Kristina Szurek is neither a professional nor a :
>Very nice intro :-) your ignorance is aparent from the very first line of
>posting.  An achievement of a Bachelor degree consists of 4 years of
>studies which in my book is a scholar. I have worked for various agencies

>throughout Toronto before (full time) and during my studies (part-time,
>summers), and am currently self-employed.  You may have doubts about me
being a
>professional, but my clients don't.

Dear Ms Szurek

Congratulations,  obtaining a BA degree is without doubt an achievment at
York University.  And
I have no doubt that it was a hard work.  When you get out into a real
world you will most likely
find out that the word professional,  in the field of psychology, means
somebody who has a Master
degree or a Doctorate.   These people, once they prove that they are
competent, are issued
licences that allow them to practice and arrive to conclusions or
diagnosis.  To protect the
general public, these licences can be revoked.  In the real world you will
also find out that the
word scholar is reserved for professionals who distinguished themselves
more than others by
studying a lot, publishing scientific papers, books and who have proven
themselves.  This
distinction is given to them by their peers in the field.
For all  these reasons I think that Mr. Kanala was right in his
observations on your use of
words professional and scholar.   In fact, had you been a licenced
professional and made
a "professional advice' in a public forum, as you did in your previous
post, your carrier
would probably be over.  By no means I am suggesting that you should not
take pride in
your important work.  I only sincerely hope that you are taking a totally
different approach,
when working with these unfortunate kids, than the one that you exhibit

>: This girl just obtained (June 1996) a Bachelor degree in Child
>: psychology from York University
>I do not know where you get your information from, but the information is


Incorrect?   Are you denying the very Bachelor degree that you were so
of a minute ago?    Is it not a fact that on June 25, 1996 you have
advertised yourself on usenet in misc. kids and crossposted the message
in numerous related newsgroup fora with the following: " I have just
from York University with the Bachelor degree (BA) in Psychology...".
And you made it known already that you specialize in child behavior.
You seem to be confused now about your credentials.
Maybe you should go back to York University and consult preferably with
some Associate Professor with a BA degree as to what kind of diploma is
really hanging on your wall.   If you decide to go back to school, it will
have some real advantage.  Yes, then you will be able to keep your E-mail
address past the six month period.

>Sorry, I didn't finish the rest of your posting, it got too boring. Big
>no content....it's called BULL SHIT in our university dictionary.

Ouch!!!   What a finish    You don't mean York University!  But then, you
not have any other university (using your words) in your book.
Sorry, but you  blew it completely.

Paul Zapletal