1. |
Re: Kalman s "Die Herzogin of Chicago" in NYC, March 22 (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Who is this Ruman? (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: LE HUNS OR LE GYPSY? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: LE HUNS OR LE MONGOLS ? (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
The English Patient swept the Oscars (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
59 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Place to sleep (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:_K=F6zvetlen_demokr=E1cia?= (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: RT765, the gutless bastard (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Hungarian WWW information FAQ (mind) |
268 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Bodrog/Bodrok? (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
50 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
FUGgERth HO Scale Models (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Re: 1956 jobbrol es balrol (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Re: Net.Scum site at dhp.com (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
84 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
80 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: Es az utolso *** SZABAD FORUM *** (mind) |
93 sor |
(cikkei) |
29. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
30. |
Re: Geza Gardonyi s Eclipse of the Crescent Moon ? (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
31. |
Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
32. |
Re: Romanians (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
33. |
Re: Who is a Magyar, what is a Magyar ? (Was: Istvannak (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Kalman s "Die Herzogin of Chicago" in NYC, March 22 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Do you know if there are any recordings of this interesting work?
+ - | Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sat, 15 Mar 1997 01:55:49 GMT, Dominus > wrote:
>Mindez szep. De eccer Jozsinak titulaltalak, s arra a fuled
>botjat se mozgattad, hogy "Je', honnan is tudja ez a pasas,
>hogy mi a nevem?"
Hmmm ... erre nem emlekszem. Viszont nem kell ennek a hircsoportnak a
propogalasat 100%-osan venni. Ugyanis nem mindenki kap minden cikket.
Az en szolgaltatom kulonosen sokat bajlodott a news serverevel az utobbi
>Ps: Do me a favour: When I post a joke, or something with a
>joke in it, please, send back a "HA-HA!" to me. If the joke
>is only so-so, a "he-he" will also do.
Well, this is not so much a joke as an irony: a guy posting under an
obvious pseudonym (Dominus) is getting inquisitive about the full name
of a fellow poster. Now I don't particularly care what pen name people
want to use, mind you, but I can't help noticing the irony.
Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP
+ - | LE BOOORING! was: Re: LE STUDIP PERSON! was: LE HUNS O (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (RT76
5) writes:
>Marina, come down baby.
>Be proud of your ancestors.
Hey, it took you this long to reply? Were you on vacation or something?
I am proud of my ancestors - I come from the wild - I come from women
and men who run with the wolves.
This is booring - could you possibly switch to another subject!?
People are beginning to fall asleep for heavens sake!
I got it! How about a discussion on the eternal life of the lightning bug!
In Hungarian it is talked about all the time: A cserebogar halhatatlansaga . .
In the mean time: go and fly a kite - pleaze . . . !
Marina WWWRW
+ - | Re: Who is this Ruman? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
RT765 wrote:
> Scooby Do, you could be the master of an inferior race. That is your RACE.
You should know, you come from one.
+ - | Re: LE HUNS OR LE GYPSY? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
RT765 wrote:
> Mister, I expected this from you.
> YOU are a MONGOL. Why don't you want to be proud of it?
> Do you think by fucking with the ROMANS (your MASTERS)
> you are going to go away with it?
> Even If you are backed by the barbaric GERMS or SLAVS, is not going to
Such intellect ! Such vocabulary! Your Momma
will be proud of you. You turned out just like your Popa.
+ - | Re: LE HUNS OR LE MONGOLS ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
RT765 wrote:
> My ancestors were around..., (Romans). It is not hard to analize it
> (anless you are a HUN backed by Austrians).
> The question is, where were your ancestors before 1000 AD?
> Oooooo, Baby..., didn't I got it OK ?.
Attila beat the shit out of the Romans 500 hundred years before that.
+ - | Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Andy Fear) writes:
>> Think you'll find that the ancient Persians got there first - the Celts too
>> indulged in trousers
I think the earliest use of trousers is pointing toward China but
probably was in use even earlier in the cold northern climates
and among nomads.
Mark Hubey ---------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | The English Patient swept the Oscars (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Nine Oscars, if I didn't miss anything. Including among them was the
best picture, best direction, best photography, best supporting actress
and so on. All well deserved, I should say.
Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 21:41:49 -0500 in article > post
ed to news.admin.net-abuse.misc, ISP_Ratings > wrote:
> Nick Sandru wrote:
> >
> > Something to add to my previous posting:
> >
> >> I have three confirmed 'kills' of net.scum pages and a probable one.
> >> ... My entry was
> >> particularily nasty and caused some trouble both to me and my
> >> employer, that's why I keep shutting the net.scum pages down.
> >
> >The kook cabal gang (Grubor, Boursy & Co.) may scream their lungs
> >out with all their censorship and denial of free speech cries, that
> >will not change anything.
> Obviously--you oppose freedom of expression--you've made
> that quite clear--individuals such as yourself are
> extremely revolting.
Nick Sandru is a convicted child molester.
> >These web pages were meant to cause troubles to those listed
> >on them,
> Well you could say the same regarding the bulk of political
> pages on the right and the left--you're a sorry excuse for
> a human being.
> >they have caused me trouble
> I'm very glad.
Nick Sandru lost his job with Carl Bro. Kibo is happy.
> >and I had them shut down for this reason. And I will
> >shut them down again if Colin James III does not desist.
> >
> Your an asshole Nick--big time.
An impotent asshole. Check out my home page, asshole, and
look at your dossier.
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: NEWS FROM MONGOLIA (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
RT765 wrote:
> Subject: Looking for two Mongolian books.
To: RT765
I am touched by your kindness in providing me
with NEWS FROM MONGOLIA. Now I have an opportunity
to reciprocate in a small way.
A mutual friend just returned from Mongolia
and asked me to forward the following news
to you:
" Dear RT 765, I know you will be disappointed
but there is no message from your Momma"
+ - | Re: LE HUNS OR LE MONGOLS? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gabor try a good school.
+ - | Place to sleep (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I want to be spend my vacation in Hungary between 4 august and 15
august 1997 (and visit the Hungarian Grand Prix Formula 1 race), and I
am looking for a place to stay.
Do you know any youth hostels or do you have a spare bedroom, please
let me know.
Ronald Pijpers
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 26 Mar 1997 00:18:07 -0700 in article > p
osted to news.admin.censorship, Nick S Bensema > wrote:
> In article >,
> the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
> >
> >On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 21:41:49 -0500 in article > p
osted to news.admin.net-abuse.misc, ISP_Ratings > wrote:
> >> Obviously--you oppose freedom of expression--you've made
> >> that quite clear--individuals such as yourself are
> >> extremely revolting.
> >
> >Nick Sandru is a convicted child molester.
> Kathleen Turner has BIG FUCKEN TITS!
She does. Kibo likes big tits.
> Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the time we blurted out random alleged
> facts without backing them up. I'm sorry.
> >Nick Sandru lost his job with Carl Bro. Kibo is happy.
> Bob Dole just gained three points in the polls. Bob Dole is happy. And
> when Bob Dole is elected, Bob Dole will cut taxes 15%. Bob Dole does not
> talk in the third person.
> You referring to Kibo in the third person hints that you admit to not
> being him. Thppt.
Kibo is god. I is what I is.
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:_K=F6zvetlen_demokr=E1cia?= (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
En is a kiralysag mellett vagyok. Meg lehet kerdezni miert hivtak
vissza a Spanyolok a kiraly-t? Politikailag, gazdasagilag egyarant
elonyosnek bizonyult. A kozvetlen demokraciat illetoleg, az egy
varosnyi lakosag mellettmegoldhato. Csak meg kell nezni Svajc-ot. Ott
mindent nepszavazasra kuldenek. De ez nem megoldhato egy tobb milios
allamban. A kormany tul elvonnt es igy tul konnyen a media hatalmaba
On 16 Mar 1997 22:46:58 GMT, (Gilgames) wrote:
>Ami Clinto megvalasztasat illeti, en ugy gondolom hogy a media ugy dontott
>hogy Republican Kongresszus es Demokrata elnok az ami legjobban szolgalja
>az erdekeit, es ezert igy ettetek be nezoiket a valasztokat.
>Ami a kozvetlen demokraciat illeti, Hitler gyakorolta a kozvetlen
>demokraciat. Uralma alatt minden nagyobb donteset nepszavazassal dontettet
>el, altalaban 80 %-os jovahagyast kapott. Nem hiszem hogy ez lenne az
>En a magam reszerol a kiralysag mellett dontenek, aki kiraly legalabb
>annyiban erdekelt az emberek joleteben, hogy szeretne a hatalmat az utoda
>szamara is atadni. A tortenelem folyaman ez a fajta hatalom mindig stabil
>es hosszueletu volt szemben a kereszeletu demokraciakkal. A kiraly vagy
>arisztokrata szenator kevesbbe megvasarolhato az erdekcsoportok altal mint
>az elnok vagy egy nepkepviselo.
133 Osburn Drive
phone and fax:61 6 2543636
+ - | Re: RT765, the gutless bastard (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Remeber, You are a HUN/
+ - | Hungarian WWW information FAQ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
URL: <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/web>
Version: 0.22
Soc-culture-magyar-archive-name: web
Posting-Frequency: every ten days
Archive-name: hungarian/web
Last-modified: 1996/10/27
Hungarian electronic resources FAQ
3. Interactive services
3.1 What's available on the World Wide Web
The following is the chapter recently removed from the main body of
the hungarian-faq. This is not yet completely re-edited for stand-alone
format, nor completing a collection of all important links has been
attempted. For more comprehensive WWW directories see, for example:
<http://www.hungary.com/hudir/>, <http://www.hungary.com/hudir/> or
This version 0.2 contains some aditional links not shown in 0.1,=20
see the HTML listing appended near the end of this document!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are using Hungarian interactive services from abroad (or vice
versa): please note that interactive Internet connections like WWW
may be very slow, even timing out during peak hours - try times of
lower network load when the response time is usually reasonable.
- ------------------------------
Subject: 3.1 What's available on the World Wide Web
This document you are reading now is hosted at
<http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/hungarian-faq/web>, and its directory
has a few other documents and several links to other sites of
The Hungarian Home Page is at
<http://www.fsz.bme.hu/hungary/homepage.html> with links to the
registered Hungarian www servers, including
- the Prime Minister's Office: <http://www.meh.hu> (overseas users
please notice that the use of the <http://www.hungary.com/meh/>
mirror is requested to cut down transatlantic traffic!)
- a weather forecast page (this is updated daily, and includes weather
forecasts, meteorological maps, and METEOSAT satellite images; this
page is in Hungarian)
- home pages of Hungarian cities (currently Budapest, Debrecen,
Miskolc, Pecs, Szeged), and of educational and other institutions=20
- a comprehensive list of Hungarian telnet services (e.g. library=20
databases), gopher and ftp sites (3.2). The content of almost all the=
Hungarian FTP sites is indexed and can be searched.
The Hungary Online Directory (HUDIR) is at
<http://www.hungary.com/hudir/> featuring a hierarchical
database of Hungarian online content worldwide. Currently it has links
in excess of 2500.
HIX has a WWW server in the USA: the URL is <http://www.hix.com>.
To check out fresh content, see <http://www.hix.com/friss2/>, which
gives you a comprehensive table of content for new material arrived in
the last 24 hours (which is typically in the order of 100-150 pages).
Besides back issues of its email journals, and a plethora of other
files in Hungarian and English, it offers an on-line English-Hungarian,
Hungarian-English dictionary (<http://www.hix.com/hix/szotar/> - its
European mirror is at <http://tpri6l.gsi.de/szotar.html>), and various
home pages and pointers to other sources. Partial mirrors located in
Hungary are <http://www.eunet.hu/eunet/hix/> (for the Magyar Narancs
archive), and <http://hal9000.elte.hu/hix/> (for some pictures, and
searching the Radir database - see below).
Hungary.Network - The GateWWWay to Hungary at
<http://www.hungary.com/> has a number of government, commercial and
organizational users listed.
TourInform is at <http://www.hungary.com/tourinform/> is the service
of the Hungarian Tourism Service, the official promotion agency of the
Hungarian Tourist Board. They offer practical information, maps,
broshures and even tours on video casette.
The Open Media Research Institute has a WWW server, available at
<http://www.omri.cz>. Available at this Web site are all back issues
of the Daily Digest, tables of contents for Transition, OMRI's
bi-weekly analytical journal, and information about OMRI's activities
and staff.
The World Wide Web server of Central Europe Today is at the URL
Find back issues of the Hungary Report on the World Wide Web at=20
<http://www.yak.net/hungary-report/> or <http://www.isys.hu/hol>.=20
The Hungary-Online archive is available from=20
<http://www.yak.net/hungary-online/> or <http://www.isys.hu/hrep>=20
as well.
There is a growing Hungarian resource directory at
<http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/>. [The same server also hosts a
"Hungarian Electronic Resources FAQ"<http://mineral.umd.edu/faq/>.]
There is a"Foreign Languages for Travellers"collection of essential
Hungarian expressions with English, German and French explanation,
complete with sound at
The American Association of Young Hungarians (AAYH) has its homepage
at <http://www.aayh.org/>.
A Hungarian church in Chicago has info at
The Gyorgy Bessenyei Teachers Training College (Nyiregyhaza) offers=20
some 3000 pages worth of database for Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county=20
(Eastern Hungary) as well as other goodies and general Internet help,
in both Hungarian and English: <http://www.bgytf.hu/>.
See also section 2.3 above, which covers
<http://www.siliconvalley.com/> and refers to other links as well.
The following is a somewhat random working list, in HTML format,
of webpages of interest recently announced (which I haven't yet had
the time to check out or incorporate with further description):
<A HREF=3D"http://www.fsz.bme.hu/wn/">
"What's new in Hungary?" =09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://users.deltanet.com/~kingavp/">
<A HREF=3D"http://mason.gmu.edu/~achassel/index.html">
"Historical Text Archive, Hungarian Images and Historical Background"> =09=
</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://members.aol.com/kfa4kuvasz/index.htm">
"Kuvasz Fanciers of America" =09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.mkogy.hu/">
"Magyar Orsz=E1ggy=FBl=E9si Hivatal" =09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.nepszabadsag.hu/">
"Nepszabadsag Online"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.datanet.hu/szignum">
"Szignum Media Hirlevel"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.enet.hu/clients/bohemelet/">
"Bohemelet"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.hdsys.hu/">
"Az Apple Computer Magyarorszagon"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://silicon.terra.vein.hu/sci/intro.html">
"Utilapu Halozat - SCI Hungary"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.fornax.hu/napi/">
"Napi Gazdasag On-Line"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.mhirlap.hu/">
"Magyar Hirlap Ottlap"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.enet.hu/otherside">
"Other Side Magazin"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.bdtf.hu/konyvtar/sup/sup.html">
"A Savaria University Press Alapitvany honlapja"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://lingua.arts.klte.hu/summer/summer.htm">
"Debrecen Summer School"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.eunet.hu/median/ifered.html">
"Az elso magyar online internet-felmeres eredmenyei"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.enet.hu/jozsefattila">
"Jozsef Attila"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://WWW.iSYS.hu/remindme">
"RemindMe"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://WWW.iSYS.hu/nevnap/">
"Nevnap Emlekezteto"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://WWW.iSYS.hu/nameday/">
"Nameday Reminder"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.datanet.hu/primpress">
"Ujsag"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.datanet.hu/artnet/beauty/index">
"Virtualis Vilagszepe Valasztas 1996"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.fornax.hu/fmon/valuta/index.html">
"Valuta arfolyamok"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.fornax.hu/fmon/commod/batmenu.html">
"Budapesti Arutozsde napi statisztika"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.idg.hu/expo">
"Internet Expo Hungarian Pavilion"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.idg.hu/internetto/friss/netinform/">
"iNteRNeTTo, Budapest"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.kossuth.enet.hu/">
"Kossuth Radio"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://year1100.iif.hu/">
"Millecentenariumi rendezvenyek programfuzete"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.datanet.hu/szfold/szfold.htm">
"Szabad Fold hetilap"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.sch.bme.hu/~steve/e-mail.html">
"Kapcsolattartas e-mail utjan az Interneten"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.starkingnet.hu/bcc/internet_piac/">
"interNET PIAC"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.enet.hu/bpweek">
"Budapest Week"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.spiderweb.hu/jurix/jurix.html">
"Jurix jogszabalygyujtemeny a halon"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.iqsoft.hu/pages/h_hmj.html">
"HMJ - Magyar Gazdasagi Jogszabalyok Haromnyelvu gyujtemenye"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.inf.bme.hu/esatt_indis/docs_hu/rtdhun/hmj_e.html">
"HMJ - Hungarian Economic Rules of Law"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.tiszanet.hu/mszp/">
"MSZP Szeged"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.htbt.hu/">
"H.T.BT. Honlap"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.mav.hu/">
"A MAV Rt. www szervere"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.mav.hu/">
"Hungarian State Railways Co."=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.mek.iif.hu/">
"Magyar Elektronikus Konyvtar (Web felulettel)"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.uni-miskolc.hu:8080/SZOTAR">
"Angol-magyar, magyar-angol szotar"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.ikm.hu/">
"Ipari, Kereskedelmi es Idegenforgalmi Miniszterium"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.bankonekt.hu/translat/mfe.htm">
"Magyarorszagi Forditoirodak Egyesulete"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.bankonekt.hu/translat/mfe.htm">
"Association of Hungarian Translation Companies"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.InterWare.hu/">
"Szolgaltatasok az InterWare-nel"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.InterWare.hu/index.us.html">
"Services at InterWare"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://www.enet.hu/emiquint/">
"EMI Quint"=09</A> <P>
<A HREF=3D"http://emc.elte.hu/~ve/index.html">
"Vilagegyetem - Egyetemistak es foiskolasok ketheti lapja"=09</A> <P>
- ------------------------------
This work as a collection is copyright (1990-96) Zoli Fekete, and
parts are copyright of their respective authors. Please do not
redistribute substantial portions without contacting the maintainer.
Since February 14, 1996 this document is authenticated=20
by my secure public-key encrypted electronic signature=20
(see <http://www.ifi.uio.no/pgp> for details),=20
the public key for which is shown in the WWW link=20
and is also attached to the end of the text available via
'finger '!
Unauthorized publishing in off-line media - such as printed, CD-ROM or=20
magnetic databases - is explicitly prohibited! =20
URL: <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/web>
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Posting-Frequency: every ten days
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Last-modified: 1996/10/26
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Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>=20
SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
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Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Darren "Kibo" Mckeeman ) asked of Grubor The False kibot:
: Excuse me.
: Could you add me to the Net.Scum list? I'd like to be on it.
-- Frater "Kibo" Frogalogus
+ - | Bodrog/Bodrok? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Can anyone help me obtain any information on the town Bodrog, or Bodrok?
Was a town of one of my ancestors, any and all help wold be greatly
appreciated. :)
Check out our homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/7347/
Diane Weightman
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Thu, 27 Mar 97 00:40:50 GMT in article > p
osted to news.admin.censorship, G. Dumitrescu > wr
> In article >
> "Nick S Bensema" writes:
> ...In article >,
> ...Nick Sandru > wrote:
> ...>Nick S Bensema ) wrote:
> ...>
> ...>> So you're not a kiddie porn smuggler.. you're counter-intelligence?
> ...>
> ...>I was contacted recently by someone who seems to know a lot on Grubor's
> ...>involvment with the Romanian intelligence agency in the 1980s and who
> ...>promised me some documents. They will be made available on a web page
> ...>when I get them.
> ...
> ...And he's TAKING OVER THE WORLD by posting annoying messages to Usenet and
> ...harassing you but not even getting you fired?
> ...
> ...I think the real enemy is this mouse I saw yesterday, in a large
> ...mechanical suit.
> Did you hear they had to close down Euro-Disney ? They found a mouse almost
> 6 feet long.
Nick Sandru used to dress up as Mickey Mouse and
expose himself from the window of the Carl Bro offices.
But no one could see his prick without a magnifying glass.
For more infornmation about Nick Sandru and his sexual pervenrsions,
please read http://www.dhp.com/~kibo/sandrun0.html
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
the one and only real true kibo wrote:
> Sorry, we DID NOT include Nick Sandru's collections of photographs of
> naked little boys riding toy trains, which got him fired from Carl Bro.
Excuse me.
Could you add me to the Net.Scum list? I'd like to be on it. I think an
entry under PAthological Liars is appropriate. You can link to my home
page at <http://www.slip.net/~darren>.
Additionally, could you include an 'Infamous and Destructive Hacker
Groups' link, and add the Cult of the Dead Cow
<http://www.lopht.com/~veggie> to it?
This is an invaluable tool -- I think everyone should be on this list.
Darren P. Mckeeman/WeaselBoy
Systems Administrator
Subversive Documentation Officer -- Cult of the Dead Cow
+ - | FUGgERth HO Scale Models (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am trying to purchased models of Hungarian protypes made by the
company FUGgERth. But I cannot find anybody who will sell to the me in
the USA.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks please post response.
+ - | Re: 1956 jobbrol es balrol (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Gondolom, hogy meg a Balogh Eva is elismeri, hogy a Bruno levele
>propaganda volt.
Nahat, Istvan, megint egyetertunk! Csak azt akarom hozzatenni, hogy
1989-ben, mikor Pesten jartam, kezembe kerultek Marosan Gyorgy
emlekiratai. Az volt teljesen ebben a stilusban, es nem hittem a
szememnek, hogy 1989-ben ilyen konyveket meg kiadtak! A formedvenyt nem
is birtam vegigolvasni, ment a szemtbe, ahova tartozott.
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
>Nick Sandru used to dress up as Mickey Mouse and
>expose himself from the window of the Carl Bro offices.
>But no one could see his prick without a magnifying glass.
Don't you mean a telescope? Because to use a magnifying glass you'd have
to climb up the building and examine it closely.
Kibo knows about physics, so he would know about these things.
+ - | Re: Net.Scum site at dhp.com (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 26 Mar 1997 16:56:27 GMT in article > posted to
misc.legal, Nick Sandru > wrote:
> Shawn Berry ) wrote:
> ...
> > You can send complaints and file 'cease and desist' orders to
> > and . Similarly, while we are on
> > the topic of Mr. Grubor engaging in electronic harrassment,
> In a few days I will put together the web page of "Securitate"
> (Romanian secret police) agent John Grubor, with scanned documents
> on his activity made available for everybody to download. You will
> see then who John Grubor really is and what he is good for.
meanwhile check out the net.scum page of the Carl Bro pedophile
Nick Sandru at http://www.dhp.com/~kibo/sandrun0.html
> --
> Nick Sandru - Railroad Signalling Engineer
> By including my name or any of my e-mail addresses in your web page
> or mailing list without my agreement or request you agree to pay a
> $1,000 fee for covering the expenses incurred by your action.
Ha ha ha.
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
>On 27 Mar 1997 04:45:17 GMT in article >
posted to news.admin.censorship, Gabor Dobay > wrote:
>> In > the one and only real true kibo
>> > writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >On 26 Mar 1997 00:18:07 -0700 in article
>> > posted to news.admin.censorship,
>> Nick S Bensema > wrote:
>> >> In article >,
>> >> the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 21:41:49 -0500 in article
>> > posted to news.admin.net-abuse.misc,
>> ISP_Ratings > wrote:
>> >> >> Obviously--you oppose freedom of expression--you've made
>> >> >> that quite clear--individuals such as yourself are
>> >> >> extremely revolting.
>> >> >
>> >> >Nick Sandru is a convicted child molester.
>> >
>> >> Kathleen Turner has BIG FUCKEN TITS!
>> >
>> >She does. Kibo likes big tits.
>> >
>> >> Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the time we blurted out random
>> alleged
>> >> facts without backing them up. I'm sorry.
>> >
>> >> >Nick Sandru lost his job with Carl Bro. Kibo is happy.
>> >
>> >> Bob Dole just gained three points in the polls. Bob Dole is happy.
>> And
>> >> when Bob Dole is elected, Bob Dole will cut taxes 15%. Bob Dole
>> does not
>> >> talk in the third person.
>> >
>> >> You referring to Kibo in the third person hints that you admit to
>> not
>> >> being him. Thppt.
>> >
>> >Kibo is god. I is what I is.
>> >
>> >I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
>> >Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the
>> coolest
>> >way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
>> >
>> >Version: 2.6.2
>> >
>> >iQCVAwUBMzm3calPvImbzLKZAQE+7gP+MML4Rg0EqeMEBBnqn5x3Lf693mHCmTQK
>> >TjkDzJ5Rq4Ruu0t3WgDqJG5obJwM4WfAxbfVEUFTNl3+wbdqTkHkFMfPVb59zkSd
>> >W5XxZHjgMplot6Lc9+owOB5/hx/ee8H3o6z5z5pkzga5TsDOXdWlYxEo6PPbNxlK
>> >FTLKiHy6aZk=
>> >=gAsl
>> >-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> You people make a lot of us sick.
>You people make a lot of us sick, fuckhead.
>I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
>Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
>way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
>Version: 2.6.2
Not trimming quotes makes everyone sick.
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 27 Mar 1997 04:45:17 GMT in article >
posted to news.admin.censorship, Gabor Dobay > wrote:
> In > the one and only real true kibo
> > writes:
> >
> >
> >On 26 Mar 1997 00:18:07 -0700 in article
> > posted to news.admin.censorship,
> Nick S Bensema > wrote:
> >> In article >,
> >> the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 21:41:49 -0500 in article
> > posted to news.admin.net-abuse.misc,
> ISP_Ratings > wrote:
> >> >> Obviously--you oppose freedom of expression--you've made
> >> >> that quite clear--individuals such as yourself are
> >> >> extremely revolting.
> >> >
> >> >Nick Sandru is a convicted child molester.
> >
> >> Kathleen Turner has BIG FUCKEN TITS!
> >
> >She does. Kibo likes big tits.
> >
> >> Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the time we blurted out random
> alleged
> >> facts without backing them up. I'm sorry.
> >
> >> >Nick Sandru lost his job with Carl Bro. Kibo is happy.
> >
> >> Bob Dole just gained three points in the polls. Bob Dole is happy.
> And
> >> when Bob Dole is elected, Bob Dole will cut taxes 15%. Bob Dole
> does not
> >> talk in the third person.
> >
> >> You referring to Kibo in the third person hints that you admit to
> not
> >> being him. Thppt.
> >
> >Kibo is god. I is what I is.
> >
> >I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
> >Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the
> coolest
> >way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
> >
> >Version: 2.6.2
> >
> >iQCVAwUBMzm3calPvImbzLKZAQE+7gP+MML4Rg0EqeMEBBnqn5x3Lf693mHCmTQK
> >TjkDzJ5Rq4Ruu0t3WgDqJG5obJwM4WfAxbfVEUFTNl3+wbdqTkHkFMfPVb59zkSd
> >W5XxZHjgMplot6Lc9+owOB5/hx/ee8H3o6z5z5pkzga5TsDOXdWlYxEo6PPbNxlK
> >FTLKiHy6aZk=
> >=gAsl
> >-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> You people make a lot of us sick.
You people make a lot of us sick, fuckhead.
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
the one and only real true kibo > wrote:
>On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 21:41:49 -0500 in article > pos
ted to news.admin.net-abuse.misc, ISP_Ratings > wrote:
>> Obviously--you oppose freedom of expression--you've made
>> that quite clear--individuals such as yourself are
>> extremely revolting.
>Nick Sandru is a convicted child molester.
Kathleen Turner has BIG FUCKEN TITS!
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the time we blurted out random alleged
facts without backing them up. I'm sorry.
>Nick Sandru lost his job with Carl Bro. Kibo is happy.
Bob Dole just gained three points in the polls. Bob Dole is happy. And
when Bob Dole is elected, Bob Dole will cut taxes 15%. Bob Dole does not
talk in the third person.
You referring to Kibo in the third person hints that you admit to not
being him. Thppt.
+ - | Re: Es az utolso *** SZABAD FORUM *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan, nyugi. Fuggetlenul attol, hogy kinek van igaza
ilyen stilusban nem lehet kommunikalni. Velemenyem szerint
az ilyen fekezetlen kopkodo stilus okozta a SZABAD osszeomlasat.
Istvan Lippai ) wrote:
: > wrote in article
: >...
: > Alig hogy feladtam a SZALON regen vart elmultarol szolo recenziomat,
: > maris latom, hogy a SZABAD FORUM is erre a sorsra jutott.
: Nem tudom mennyire fogom hianyolni a SZABAD FORUM-ot. Ti akik mar tobb
: mint egy eve leveleztek ezeken a listakon, talan megszoktatok es
: elfogadjatok nemelyik ember hihetetlenul vad magyar ellenes kijelenteset.
: Az olyan kijelenteseket amiket FORUM es HUNGAY-n olvastam idonkent, sohase
: hallottam azoktol a magyaroktol akikkel az utobbi 40-evben amerikaban
: talalkoztam. Meg 45-56 kozott Magyarorszagon is csak kommunista vezetok
: beszeltek igy.
: Meg azt is megertem ha becsuszik a listakra egy ket mocsok kommunista es
: ocsmanykodik. A kommunistak azert kommunistak. Azt nem tudtam megerteni,
: hogy Ti akik tobbnyire joerzesu magyarok vagytok, ezt tobbnyire minden
: felhaborodas nelkul elturtetek.
: A magam reszerol inkabb ne legyen magyar temalyu lista, ha azokat magyar
: ellenes mocskolodasra hasznaljak.
: Istvan
: **************************************************************************
: Subject: Ahogy en lattam az Oktoberi Esemenyeket 1956-ban
: wrote in article >...
: > Mintha ma lenne, emlekszem. Keso este jott apam haza a Marx-Karoly
: > Kozgazdasagi Egyetemrol. Oda o mint esti-hallgato jart.
: Oda csak a mocskos kommunistak jartak akik azt tanultak, hogyan lehet a
: magyar nepbol minel tobbet kicsavarni a maguk es orosz gondnokuk reszere.
: Mocskos hazaarulok. Nem csoda, hogy az uzetenetenek a tobbi resze se mas
: mint mocskos kommunista, magyar ellenes propaganda.
: > A nehany haznyira tolunk laktak noverem egyik osztalytarsanak szulei.
: > A mama 55-ben vagy 56 elejen kapott nehany evet sikkasztasert. Oktober
: > utolso napjaiban nehany hetig otthon volt. Emlekszem, mikor meselte:
: > Teherautora raktak, es felhoztak oket Budapestre.
: Tipikus mocskos kommunista propaganda. 'Az ellenforradalom a bunozo elemek
: muve volt.'
: > A berhaz kapuja allandoan zarva volt. Kint lovoldozesek. A hazbeliek
: > mindegyike attol felt, hogy a "nemzetorok" betorik, vagy szetlovik a
: kaput.
: A nemzetoroktol csak a kommunista gyilkosoknak kellet felni.
: > Egyszer, amikor kint voltunk lattam egy "nemzetort" aki nagyon a villany-
: > oszlophoz tamaszkodott. Csak orditott es lot a levegobe.
: Nem latjatok a szabadsagharcosok gyuloletet ennek a mocsok szemet embernek
: a leveleben?
: > Az ablakbol lattam, mikor az ATEX Majakovszkij utcai uzletebol a nep
: > hordta ki a veg szoveteket. Novemberben a kornyeken csak szetlott
: kirakatu,
: > kiuritett uzletek maradtak.
: Meg tobb kommunista propaganda es hazugsag. A magyar szabadsagharc tiszta
: volt. Ha loptal, fosztogatattal, akkor az eleteddel jatszottal. Nem
: turtuk el. Nem latjatok, hogy ez a mocsok a testvereiteket,
: szomszedaitokat, honfitarsaitokat akarja gyalazni a kommunista
: hazugsagjaival?
: > Sokan csomagoltak. Ismeroseink, a hazbeliek, iskolatarsaim szulei.
: > Az emberek csak attol feltek, hogy lezarjak a hatarokat. Vagy, hogy az
: > uton kifosztjak oket, de a Kadartol, a pufajkasaktol, az oroszoktol
: senki.
: Persze, ha mocskos hazaarulo, gyilkos kommunista voltal, akkor az
: oroszoktol nem feltel.
: Tudom, hogy vannak koztunk kommunistak akik ha tudnak is magyarul de
: gyulolik a magyar nepet es az 56-os szabadsagharcosokat. Ez a mocsok
: 'Bruno' talan a legkirivobb peldaja ezeknek. O olyan amilyen. A patkany
: azon nem tudd valtoztatni, hogy patkany. Ezt megertem.
: Azt nem ertem, hogy ti akik magyarnak mondjatok magatokat, ezt elturitek
: egy so nelkul!
: Istvan
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Tue, 25 Mar 1997 05:25:07 -0400 in article
-1-75.ziplink.net> posted to news.admin.censorship, Ed Foster
.net> wrote:
> In article >, the false kibo >
> aka John Grubor, disbarred lawyer and ex-felon, wrote:
> > You can find a lot more about Nick Sandru and his sexual perversions
> > at URL http://www.dhp.com/~kibo/sandrun0.html
> The link's not there, bonehead. One gets the message "File Not found
> The requested URL /~kibo/sandrun0.html was not found on this server."
> Does this mean the you really are afraid of him and are doing some
> self-censoring or are you simply incompetant? Don't everyone answer this
> at once :-)
Why thank you Ed for pointing this out. Some of the html files ended up
in a wrong subdirectory. You know I'm not a Unix expert like you guys...
I fixed it - now you can take a look at Nick Sandru's home page.
Sorry, we DID NOT include Nick Sandru's collections of photographs of
naked little boys riding toy trains, which got him fired from Carl Bro.
I am the only true <A HREF="http://www.dhp.com/~kibo">Kibo</A>.
Finger me for my PGP public key. Check out my home page for the coolest
way to vote on new newsgroup proposals or to issue Usenet cancels.
Version: 2.6.2
+ - | Re: Geza Gardonyi s Eclipse of the Crescent Moon ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
While I can't point you to a US book store where you
maybe able to purchase this book, the following information
should be helpful:
Eclipse of the Crescent Moon
Title of the original: Egri Csillagok (1901)
English translation George F. Cushing, 1991
ISBN 963 13 3372 8
Published by Corvina Books, Budapest
Vo:ro:smarty ter 1, Hungary 1051
Good luck,
+ - | Re: Net.Scum List (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Darren Mckeeman > wrote:
>the one and only real true kibo wrote:
>> Sorry, we DID NOT include Nick Sandru's collections of photographs of
>> naked little boys riding toy trains, which got him fired from Carl Bro.
>Excuse me.
>Could you add me to the Net.Scum list? I'd like to be on it. I think an
>entry under PAthological Liars is appropriate. You can link to my home
>page at <http://www.slip.net/~darren>.
<sigh>. I never thought I'd say this and mean it, but...
>Additionally, could you include an 'Infamous and Destructive Hacker
>Groups' link, and add the Cult of the Dead Cow
><http://www.lopht.com/~veggie> to it?
Also add the PLA homepage at http://www.peak.org/~bueno/pla.html (These
guys are EVIL, although I'll admit they're incredibly K00L!!11!)
>This is an invaluable tool -- I think everyone should be on this list.
Soon everyone will. My guess is in about two days he'll have it shortened
to just say "People who aren't Gruboursy" and save himself lots of time.
I don't think those two have ever shown any respect for anyone other than
each other, that is, Boursy, Grubor, and . In fact, I doubt
they've even used Usenet for anything other than slapping people around
and gratifying their God complexes, except perhaps for Boursy who made an
insane attempt at practicing Kibology with some weird thing about the word
"nettiquette" being spelled "Beeble", and not realizing that it wasn't
funny and pretty much wouldn't be, ever.
+ - | Re: Romanians (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (RT76
5) writes:
> If I look around:
> In Romania I See ROMANS, Gypsies, Germs,Huns,etc.
have you ever been in Hungary? (or in Romania?)
El Diablo
+ - | Re: Who is a Magyar, what is a Magyar ? (Was: Istvannak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (RT76
5) writes:
> This must be a fancy way to say that you and your ancestors were HUNS.
> Remember, you are a Barbarian by blood.
and who are you? little son of a king? or who the fuck?!
crazy american.
El Diablo