<<műszakilag hogyan oldották meg a rengeteg vĂz porondra juttatását,
ott tartását, és elvezetését?>>
Torteneszek vitatkoznak rajta,hogy
#1 Rosszul emlekszunk a csatak helyere,nem volt eleg nagy ahhoz,
hogy a csatahajok mozogni tudjanak.
#2 Azokutan a csatak utan kesobb atepitettek a Colosseumot,a vizszigetelheto
resz eltunt,mast tettek a helyere.
Angolul kovetkezik: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colosseum
<<This has been the subject of some debate among historians; although
the water would not have been a problem, it is unclear how the arena could
have been waterproofed, nor would there have been enough space in the arena
for the warships to move around. It has been suggested that the reports
have the location wrong, or that the Colosseum originally featured a wide
channel down its central axis (which would later have been replaced by
the hypogeum).>>
Udv.: Tamas