1. |
Re: Freud snippets on religion (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Wine translation help needed... (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Hungarian Wine (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Hungarians and Blacks (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Hungarian Wine (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Hungarian Wine (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Media watch (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Freud snippets on religion (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >
"Charles" writes:
> --This is interesting to me, but I'll bet that the rest of the
> HUNGARY list has been given their delete keys a lot of exercise.
> Not much to do with Hungary, has it?
> der Dreckfink
Oh , please do not stop! It is too good to miss - and anyway the world is just
a global village, nem?
ivan koppel
+ - | Wine translation help needed... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Help, please! Is there anyone out there who can translate into English
this Hungarian wine, 'Egri Bikaver'? I should be most grateful, TIA.
+ - | Hungarian Wine (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Help, please! Is there anyone out there who can translate into English
>this Hungarian wine, 'Egri Bikaver'? I should be most grateful, TIA.
I believe this translates to 'Bull's Blood'... BTW Alexander the Great was
a big fan of Hungarian wines......marc
+ - | Re: Hungarians and Blacks (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> In general how do Hungarians look upon Africans and African-Americans? >I
would also like to know what they they think of interracial relationships?
Generally, in my humble opinion - and I find this sad to say because I really
like Hungary and my girlfriend is Hungarian - there is a tremendous amount of
prejudice against africans (of any nationality, including American) in Hungary.
I remember reading article after article on harassment of Nigerian exchange
students by Budapest police, etc. I would not want to spend any time in public
in Hungary with a brown face myself. This is not a problem among the
better-educated Hungarians, but then I wouldn't classify most of the Police (at
least the ones I observed) there as well-educated.
As for interracial relationships, well... imagine walking down the street
arm-in-arm with a white woman in Mongomery, Alabama in 1960 and you pretty much
have the picture.
+ - | Re: Hungarian Wine (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > "H. MARC"
> writes:
>>Help, please! Is there anyone out there who can translate into English
>>this Hungarian wine, 'Egri Bikaver'? I should be most grateful, TIA.
>I believe this translates to 'Bull's Blood'... BTW Alexander the Great was
>a big fan of Hungarian wines......marc
Well, yeah...but it means "Bull's blood from Eger"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stefan Gimeson UNet: | Let's build a nightmare-nation
Tunavagen 39 B660 | learn and work as never yet !
S-223 63 Lund Voice: (0)46-394280 / \ (XTCIZNRJ4U)
Sweden EU in '94 ! Vote YES!! / \ *Everything must GO!*
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ - | Re: Hungarian Wine (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> >I believe this translates to 'Bull's Blood'... BTW Alexander the Great was
> >a big fan of Hungarian wines......marc
OK, I'll ask. Tell us how AtG was a fan of Hungarian wines...
+ - | Media watch (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Greg said in connection with my mentioning that I had to look up five words
in an article by Gyo3zo3 Ma1tya1s:
>After that lead-in, you should've at least listed the five words... :-)
You are curious about the state of my vocabulary, aren't you? :) So, here
they are: (1) csa1pola1s; (2) megneszu2l; (3) sarabola1s. These were what the
dictionary considered "ne1pies." The fourth, which was designated as
antiquated, literary, was "figyelmez," e.g., "Ha az ember figyelmez a helyzet
ko2vetelme3nyeire." Not terribly difficult to figure out what it could
possibly mean, but it gives you an idea about the Mr. Ma1tya1s's writing
style. The fifth, which was Ma1tya1s's own creation, is "bizarre1ria," a noun
created from the adjective "bizarr."
>> In this situation Ma1tya1s would not
>> be surprised if one day the prime minister would announce the fight for 3
>> x 8.
I think he is referring to the early Marxists' demand for eight-hour working
days: eight hours of work, eight hours of leisure time, and eight hours of
Eva Balogh
+ - | ONLINE ORSZAGHAZ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
___MAGYAR ELEKTRONIKUS TOZSDE____________________________HU-ISSN_1216-0229
MET Copyright 1994. IV. evfolyam /volume
Koszontjuk IV.evfolyamanak ON-LINE UJSAGUNK olvasoit, a mai
szammal kezdjuk az oszi negyedevet, a parlament oszi uleszakanak
szeptember 26-30 -ig tarto parlamenti munka ismertetesevel.
Az Orszaggyules egesz heten ulesezini fog!
Szeptember 26-an, hetfon
GMT 14 orakor kezdodik az ules es a vita lezarasaig tart.
A tobbi napokon GMT 8 oratol 17 oraig tartanak az ulessek.
A keddi Miniszterelnoki felszolalas jogi ertelmezese korul a Haz bizottsag
nem ertett egyet. Az eddigi Orszaggyuleseken ilyen formaju felszollals meg
nem volt.
--Ha a keddi napot Vitanapnak tekintjuk akkor a Miniszterelnoknek irasos
eloterjesztest kellene adni a kepviseloknek.
--Ha napirend elotti felszolals, akkor a frakcio valszok miatt az egesz keddi
napi ules levezetesi nehesegekbe utkozik.
Igy a Hazbizottsag a kovetkezo megoldast valasztotta.
A beszed helyi ido szerint 9 orakkor kezdodik es 60 perces lesz.
majd a Frakciok kapnak szot. 30-30 percet, de ezt nem kell egyszerre
felhasznalniuk. A kezdo replika az MDF-e, majd koveti az SZDSZ, FKGP, KDPN,
FIDEX, es az MSZP vegul a Miniszterelnok zarszava zarja az ulest 13:30 -kor.
M M EEEEE TTTTTTT 1994. IV. volume /evfolyam.
M M M M E T HU ISSN 1216-0229
Kiado/Publisher: dr.Orczan, Zsolt L.
Foszerkeszto/ Editor Orczan, Csaba S.
Levelezesi rovat :
Parlamenti Modszertani Iroda
MET_________________________ ______________________MET
Feladó: (cikkei)
//////////////////////// ELLENZEKI VELEMENYEK ///////////////////////////
Az MDF sajtotajekoztatojarol...
Az uj koltsegvetesi torvenyben a javaslat szerint mar fejezetek kozott is
atcsoportosithatja a Kormany - mondta Szabo Ivan
Nem hatastalan amit az ellenzek elmond - allitotta Konya Imre, hiszen ugy
tunik, hogy az erofesziteseknek mar lathato az eredmenye. Ennek hatasara
szukseg lesz a valasztojogi vitaban a torvenymodositaskor. Ha mar ez a
valtoztatas elkerulhetetlen, jo volna, ha a koncenzusra valo torekves a tobbseg
reszerol is megnyilvanulna. Tobb esetben egyetertesre jutottak, de a ket
fordulos valasztas eltorleset kedvezotlennek talaljak.
A parlament munkajanak felgyorsult terhelese olyan kepet vetit a tarsadalom
ele, mintha nagy torvenyhozasi urt kellene hirtelen betolteni.
Veszelyt rejthet magaban az onkormanyzatok cimzett es celtamogatasi
rendszerenek megvaltoztatasa, hiszen ennek volt betudhato a hatranyos helyzetu
kistelepulesek felzarkoztatasa. Az ado 35 szazaleka, a illetekek magas hanyada,
es a gepkocsi adok teljes meghagyasa a telepuleseknek a gazdagabb kozsegeknek,
varosoknak leszkedvezobb. A celtamogatasi torvenyi szabalyozas
igervenyrendszerenek megszunese lehetetlenne teszi az alanyi jog
ervenyesuleset, azt a lehetoseget, hogy a mar elnyert tamogatast, ha a
koltsegvetes nem tudta teljesiteni, a kovetkezo evre atvihettek.
Kedden este bizottsagi ulesek lesznek, ezen idopont kivetelevel egesz ido
alatt dolgozik a jovo heten a parlament, akar ejszakaba nyuloan is.
Legfeljebb - folytatta Konya Imre - ha mar hagyjak is boven beszelni az
ellenzeket, nem figyelnek oda, legfeljebb hazamennek.
Szabo Ivan elmondta, hogy o inkabb a Media-hajo utjan vesz reszt
partja kepviseleteben. Mivel az ellenzeki felteteleket teljesitettek, (a
hajon bizottsagokba a partok altal kivant szemelyeknek reszere helyet adtak),
minden parlamenti ellenzeki part kepviselteti magat.
Nagyon sok tapasztalatot szereztek az ellenzek multbeli viselkeseserol mint
kormanyparti kepviselok - vette at a szot Konya Imre - de ok inkabb
A kultiralis Bizottsag megbizasabol Zsigmond Attila felkereste a Raido
elnoket, aki kerdesere megnyugato valaszt adotte: arra, hogy a vekielegitesek
osszege 74 millio forint ugynanaz a penz, amit korabban meghagytak.
Az is jo hir, hogy Sziranyi elnok ur nem kivan ujabb valtoztatasokat a
mediatorveny meghozatalaig.