> Felado : [Hungary]
> Utobbi idoben sok webhelyen (foleg szexsite-okon :))) hasznalnak
> hitelkartyaszamot annak ellenorzesere, hogy betoltotte-e a delikvens a
> 18/21 eletevet. Ebbol engem az az algoritmus erdekelne, hogy egy
> kartyaszamrol hogyan lehet eldonteni, hogy ervenyes kartyaszam. Masik
> erdekes dolog, hogy hogyan lehet vagy lehet-e (csak ugy) ervenyes
> kartyaszamot generalni.
Mivel az arhivumban nem lattam valaszt a kerdesre... TomCat/Abaddon
// FormChek.js - This is a set of JavaScript functions for validating
// input on an HTML form. Functions are provided to validate:
// - credit card numbers
// 18 Feb 97 created Eric Krock (c)1997 Netscape Communications Corp.
function checkCreditCard (radio, theField) {
var cardType = getRadioButtonValue(radio)
var normalizedCCN = stripCharsInBag(theField.value, creditCardDelimiters)
if (!isCardMatch(cardType, normalizedCCN))
return warnInvalid(theField,iCreditCardPrefix+cardType+iCreditCardSuffix);
else {
theField.value = normalizedCCN
return true
} /* ===============================================================
Credit card verification functions
Originally included as Starter Application 1.0.0 in LivePayment.
20 Feb 1997 modified by egk:
changed isCC to isCreditCard
added "AMERICANEXPRESS" as equivalent of "AMEX"
FUNCTION: isCreditCard(st)
INPUT: st - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number passes the Luhn Mod-10 test.
false, otherwise ===================================== */
function isCreditCard(st) {
// Encoding only works on cards with less than 19 digits
if (st.length > 19)
return (false);
sum = 0; mul = 1; l = st.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
digit = st.substring(l-i-1,l-i);
tproduct = parseInt(digit ,10)*mul;
if (tproduct >= 10)
sum += (tproduct % 10) + 1;
sum += tproduct;
if (mul == 1)
// Uncomment the following line to help create credit card numbers
// 1. Create a dummy number with a 0 as the last digit
// 2. Examine the sum written out
// 3. Replace the last digit with the difference between the sum and
// the next multiple of 10.
// document.writeln("<BR>Sum = ",sum,"<BR>");
// alert("Sum = " + sum);
if ((sum % 10) == 0)
return (true);
return (false);
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isVisa()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid VISA number.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 4111 1111 1111 1111 (16 digits) ================= */
function isVisa(cc) {
if (((cc.length == 16) || (cc.length == 13)) &&
(cc.substring(0,1) == 4))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ==============================================================
FUNCTION: isMasterCard()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid MasterCard.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 5500 0000 0000 0004 (16 digits) ================= */
function isMasterCard(cc) {
firstdig = cc.substring(0,1);
seconddig = cc.substring(1,2);
if ((cc.length == 16) && (firstdig == 5) &&
((seconddig >= 1) && (seconddig <= 5)))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isAmericanExpress()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid American Express.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 340000000000009 (15 digits) ===================== */
function isAmericanExpress(cc) {
firstdig = cc.substring(0,1);
seconddig = cc.substring(1,2);
if ((cc.length == 15) && (firstdig == 3) &&
((seconddig == 4) || (seconddig == 7)))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isDinersClub()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid Diner's Club.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 30000000000004 (14 digits) ====================== */
function isDinersClub(cc) {
firstdig = cc.substring(0,1);
seconddig = cc.substring(1,2);
if ((cc.length == 14) && (firstdig == 3) &&
((seconddig == 0) || (seconddig == 6) || (seconddig == 8)))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isCarteBlanche()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid Carte Blanche.
false, otherwise ===================================== */
function isCarteBlanche(cc) {
return isDinersClub(cc);
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isDiscover()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid Discover card.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 6011000000000004 (16 digits) ==================== */
function isDiscover(cc) {
first4digs = cc.substring(0,4);
if ((cc.length == 16) && (first4digs == "6011"))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isEnRoute()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid enRoute card.
false, otherwise
Sample number: 201400000000009 (15 digits) ===================== */
function isEnRoute(cc) {
first4digs = cc.substring(0,4);
if ((cc.length == 15) &&
((first4digs == "2014") ||
(first4digs == "2149")))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is a valid JCB card.
false, otherwise ===================================== */
function isJCB(cc) {
first4digs = cc.substring(0,4);
if ((cc.length == 16) &&
((first4digs == "3088") ||
(first4digs == "3096") ||
(first4digs == "3112") ||
(first4digs == "3158") ||
(first4digs == "3337") ||
(first4digs == "3528")))
return isCreditCard(cc);
return false;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isAnyCard()
INPUT: cc - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is any valid credit
card number for any of the accepted card types.
false, otherwise ===================================== */
function isAnyCard(cc) {
if (!isCreditCard(cc))
return false;
if (!isMasterCard(cc) && !isVisa(cc) && !isAmericanExpress(cc) &&
!isDinersClub(cc) && !isDiscover(cc) && !isEnRoute(cc) &&
!isJCB(cc)) {
return false;
return true;
} /* ===============================================================
FUNCTION: isCardMatch()
INPUT: cardType - a string representing the credit card type
cardNumber - a string representing a credit card number
RETURNS: true, if the credit card number is valid for the particular
credit card type given in "cardType".
false, otherwise ===================================== */
function isCardMatch (cardType, cardNumber) {
cardType = cardType.toUpperCase();
var doesMatch = true;
if ((cardType == "VISA") && (!isVisa(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "MASTERCARD") && (!isMasterCard(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ( ( (cardType == "AMERICANEXPRESS") || (cardType == "AMEX") )
&& (!isAmericanExpress(cardNumber))) doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "DISCOVER") && (!isDiscover(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "JCB") && (!isJCB(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "DINERS") && (!isDinersClub(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "CARTEBLANCHE") && (!isCarteBlanche(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
if ((cardType == "ENROUTE") && (!isEnRoute(cardNumber)))
doesMatch = false;
return doesMatch;
} // END FUNCTION CardMatch()