Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: ORPHANAGES IN HUNGARY (mind)  46 sor     (cikkei)
2 --- HIX BULI hely es idopont --- (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: How Do You Say Happy New Year in Hungarian? (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
4 Petite Petard Balogh the DUNGarian (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, ple (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
6 How Do You Say Happy New Year in Hungarian? (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
7 Are they House-trained? Was: An answer for Wally Keele (mind)  44 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: "Great" Moravia" (was Re: meaning of Czech) (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
9 Hungarian and Transylvanian history page on WWW (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: ORPHANAGES IN HUNGARY (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...
>Hi all!
>I read recently that a British charity is sending aid to a
>Hungarian Orphanage.
>Does anyone know of the conditions in the Hungarian orphanages.
>Are things really that bad?
>Thanks for any info.

I visited an orphanage in Tornanadaska, right on the Slovakian border in 
October 1995. The orphanage is in a very beautiful castle, Hadick Castle I 
believe. The most amazing thing that I saw on my three-hour visit was the 
amount of love I saw for the children on the part of the staff. The children, 
who were about 2/3 Hungarian and 1/3 Roma, clearly reciprocated this love. The 
children were very well taken care of, as evidenced by their meals, clothing, 
and educational program. The orphanage had just received some computers from 
another European country.

The staff had made a considerable effort to keep the facilities in good repair 
over the years. There only seemed to be a few immediate problems, like a room 
(the computer room) that was filled with mold, which gave me a serious alergic 
reaction, and buckled flooring in several areas.

The larger problem is that the staff is hanging on by a thread. Funding has 
been cut quite a bit, and the future is not bright to even maintain their 
reduced level of funding. I was told some of the staff are not being paid, and 
that they are more or less volunteering much of their time. There is the 
problem, too, that with reduced staff and resources, maintainance and repairs 
of the castle are not being carried out properly, and the buildings are 
deteriorating. We discussed some ideas for raising money locally through 
various means, but this does not seem like a workable alternative to make up 
such a deficit.

The orphanage also places its older children in houses in the Village of 
Tornanadaska proper, to help integrate them into the community and teach them 
how to live on their own among the general population. I observed this system, 
too, and it seems to be working very well.

It would be a disaster to see this program and others like it in Hungary have 
to cease operations because of lack of funding. The children they serve really 
have no other alternatives.
+ - --- HIX BULI hely es idopont --- (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Itt a BULI helye es idopontja! VARUNK!

december 28 (csut), 18:00, Moricz Zsigmond Gimnazium
Budapest, 1025, II.ker, Torokvesz ut 48-54
beugro: tavaly 300 Ft volt, az iden is varhatoan 300-400 korul lesz,
        de remelhetoleg tudunk tamogatast szerezni a bulira,
        es akkor nincs beugro
eddig 400-an jelentkeztek!

Kerlek, hogy ha vannak olyan HIXes ismeroseid, akikhez ez a level
(utazasuk, vagy az egyetemek zarvatartasa miatt) mar nem jutott el,
ertesitsd oket a helyrol es az idopontrol.

Talalkozunk a bulin,
Jozsi es Kornel

+ - Re: How Do You Say Happy New Year in Hungarian? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


: If someone could tell me how to say (or write, actually) "Happy New
: Year" and any other winter season's greetings in Hungarian, I'd
: appreciate it.  If you could explain where the diacritical marks go,
: that would be nice,too.  If you can tell me,  you may be assisting me
: in getting a love affair going!
: It would be nice to know how to say:  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays,
: or even Happy Winter Solstice.
: from someone in love with a Hungarian who lives in California
 As far as I remember the slang "BUJE'K" - Boldog Uj E'vet Kivanunk !!
 However I don't find it very romantic to say.
 In your case you should just say "Boldog Uj Evet Kiva'nok !!"  since
 the one I have above is plural form.
 Good luck with your romance and remember that is't not always the 
 language but sometimes the quality of the gifts that matter   ;)
+ - Petite Petard Balogh the DUNGarian (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

From:  (Laszlo Balogh)
Subject: Re: FUNgarians to PUNgarians to DUNGarians
Date: 10 Dec 1995 17:21:29 GMT
Message-ID: >
References: >
> >

<PRRRZZZT> the sound of Lazslo's post as it enters the atmosphere.

Dr Laszlo Baloney wrote:
>Mrs. Budweiser:
>Looks like you belong to the family, aren't you. Besides, what can I do
>you for??? Unfortunately, I can't fix the cracks on your heel, that too,
>runs in the family!!!

Obviously, you're the biggest DUNGarian this side of the Danube. 
Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, ple (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The hatred you referred to in your mean spirited comment exists only in
your small mind. I traveled all over the world and what I experienced was
a respect for Hungarians and for the country of Hungary. Idiots like you
want to ignite hatred to build political power. Why is Rumania still a
totalitarian state and not a free country as Hungary? I think it is
because the current leaders deliberately fuel the national hatred and
"Mare Romania" idea. Shades of national dream of grandeour. A fellow named
Hitler and some others like him such as Antonescu did the same thing about
a half a century ago. They failed. I hope that the open border with
Hungary will open the eyes of the Rumanian people. They can see for
themselves what freedom can do for people. Democratic nations never
declare war on each other and once Romania becomes truly democratic there
wont be any reason to fear hostilities
Imre Szell
+ - How Do You Say Happy New Year in Hungarian? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

If someone could tell me how to say (or write, actually) "Happy New
Year" and any other winter season's greetings in Hungarian, I'd
appreciate it.  If you could explain where the diacritical marks go,
that would be nice,too.  If you can tell me,  you may be assisting me
in getting a love affair going!

It would be nice to know how to say:  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays,
or even Happy Winter Solstice.


from someone in love with a Hungarian who lives in California
+ - Are they House-trained? Was: An answer for Wally Keele (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hermes > wrote:
>On 16 Dec 1995, ImreS wrote:
>> The hatred you referred to in your mean spirited comment exists only in
>> your small mind. ....
>> totalitarian state and not a free country as Hungary? 
>Whoaw, look what a delusional bovine came out from under the net rocks !
>So, Romania is a totalitarian state with a coalition government, while
>DIG THIS MIRACLE, Hunagry where the COMMUNISTS won the last elections,
>and are now governing is a 'free country' ! That a boy ! I wander if 
>we saw a more twisted mind around here lately ?

>m. cristian

Perhaps M. Christian has not had a chance to read the lastest (12/16/95) 
issue of The Economist.  In an article entitled "Are They 
House-trained?"  it states:

"In Slovakia and Romania. the old anti-democratic bully is emerging in 
democratically elected leaders: Vladimir Meciar and Ion Iliescu are both 
roughnecks for whom opposition and minority rights are dirty words.  Mr 
Meciar is behaving especially badly to ethnic minorities and has been 
trying, with contested legality, to oust the lected president.  Both 
might be given the benefit of the doubt -- but the doubt remains."

The article, a couple of paragraphs down continues:

"Several top operators from the communist world, such as -- within the 
old Soviet Union -- Georgia's Edward Shevardnadze and Lithuania's 
Algirdas Brazukas have undergone sincere changes of heart.  The same goes 
for Hungary's Gyula Horn and probably Ukraine's Leonid Kuchma, now a 
strong economic reformer."

I wonder if M. Christian would add the reporters and editors of this 
London based, well respected news magazine to his list of "delusional 
bovines".  Perhaps he may find it a bit more productive to look in his 
own back yard.

Charles Vamossy
+ - Re: "Great" Moravia" (was Re: meaning of Czech) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Liviu Iordache) wrote:

>Actually,, "Great" Moravia, once assumed to be Moravia north of the
>Danube and Vienna,  has now been identified instead with the Burg of
>Morava located either on the Sava River (ancient Sirmium, present-day
>Sremska Mitrovica)  or on the Mures River (urbs Morisena, later called
>Maroswar, but known today as Cenad in Romanian)
>Liviu Iordache

If you are referring to Boba's theory, it has already been discredited
through linguistic and archeological evidence.  See the paper
by Henryk Birnbaum on Great Moravia, which was read several
years ago at the Slavists' conference in Bratislava and is published
in the volume containing the proceedings and papers from that
Few scholars today doubt that the political and religious 
center of Great Moravia was found near the present border of Moravia,
Slovakia, and Austria.  

Kevin Hannan
+ - Hungarian and Transylvanian history page on WWW (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Thanks to the dedication of Andras Szeitz and his collaborators, an
excellent history oriented home page exists on WWW for Hungary and
Transylvania.  It should serve as an excellent resource in the historic
debates that surface in regular intervals on this and some other news
groups (s.c.r.) and lists.

The Web pages are found in the following two addresses:

Kudos to Andras & Co. for the great job!

Joe Pannon