Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Maplematika (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
2 Josvafon Teplektorral -kerdojel= (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
3 skin cancer= skin canser! (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
4 temakor: gy==Salamoni itelet= (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
5 Fermat (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
6 penzermek (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
7 keresem... (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
8 Debreceni talalkozo (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
9 Autovezetnografia-ra valasz (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
10 laptop erdeklodes (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
11 Fortran (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
12 Gabor, Koszi !!!!!! (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
13 repulojegy Amerikaba (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
14 Mathematica (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
15 Torokorszag, Sziria (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
16 Washington Post cikk (mind)  293 sor     (cikkei)
17 Kerdes (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
18 Kempingezes (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
19 Autovasarlas Europaban (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
20 USA kempingek (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
21 xxxMagyarSzerv (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
22 Tanmese (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
23 kanadai es mexikoi vizum (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
24 Washington - Boston (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
25 Nagyva=arosi te=nyek (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
26 ??? (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Maplematika (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hummmm... Well, lassuk be, hulyese'get  mondtam.  1990 ota eszerint
sokat valtozott a  vilag, hehe.  Merhogy  Steve Wolfram akkor  jart
nalunk  korteskoruton    a   CHPC-ben.    Ha'zon  belul  akkor  itt
Sun3/Sun4-esek  voltak,  s egyutt   probaltuk ki  rajtuk   a  friss
Mathematicat es Maplet.  Teny, hogy utobbit sokkal jobban szerettuk
(mondjuk  tevedhettunk  is aka'r).   Wolfram  tulkepp  azert   jott
hozzank, hogy kibeszelje a fejunkbol a  Maplet, ami azonban apriori
lehetetlen volt, mert  a userek fele  forditott egyetlen  kompjuter
algebrara alkalmas gepunk  egy Convex-220 miniszuper volt, amin nem
futott,  s asszem azota  se  fut a  Mathematica.  A RISC  akkoriban
talalodott fel,    nem is  szerepelt  kepben.    Hatarozottan   ugy
emlekszem, hogy a Mathematica workstation kategoriaju gepre eloszor
sun-on  kerult fel,  es senki, me'g  maga  Wolfram sem  tudta, hogy
mege`l-e majd  rajta.   A szituacio tehat az  volt, hogy a  Maple-t
eleve jobban szerettuk, az viszont biztos, hogy halozati gepen csak
Maple  futott, es  ez dontott.  Sietve megvettuk  a Maplet, s azota
kulonosebben nem is figyelunk a Mathematicara, olyannyira nem, hogy
most pont    annyira   kell  szegyelljem   magam, mint    amennyire
restellnem.  Ezek utan tulkepp erdekelne, hogy valtozott-e valami a
Mathematicaban. Mi a legutolso kiadasa a Wolfram konyvnek, vagy van
valami mas referencia  is?  Van-a a Mathematicanak halozati szerver
lisence-e  IBM-RS6000-re es SUN4-re,   vagy workstation gepeken  is
megmaradt a PC-szeru perszonalis uzemmodban?  Maradjunk abban, hogy
a Mathemticarol egy ideig csak kerdo mondatban ejtek szot, rendben?

Andra1s, neked majd kulon az adatszerkezetekrol.
             __o             -\<,
            -\<,  __________O / O
__Gabor____O / O
+ - Josvafon Teplektorral -kerdojel= (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Rezsoe!

Igen, voltam Josvafon, osszessegeben eletem soran talan egy egesz evet, ha nem
tobbet is ott toltottem, neha csillagaszok tarsasagaban, neha belekukucskaltam
Lajoska csillagaszati tavcsovebe, egyszer lattam egy hold vulkani kitorest,
jelentettek is, allitolag katalogusbe is kerultem, de be kell oszinten valla-
nom, hogy az eget ket (ill. 3) esemennyel kapcsolatban figyeltem:

1. ez titok
2. mielott lementem volna ejjel a barlangba dolgozni es vartam a tobbi
   lustat, hogy egyutt menjunk
3. mikor kijottem hajnalban a barlangbol es elnyulhattam a kellemes nyari
   ejjel az ude, illatos anyatermeszet oleben.

Magyaran a csillagok es egi mutyurok irant erdeklodo, de sajnos, fold alatt
bujkalo, saros, mocskos, agyagos barlangaszkent tartozkodtam Josvafon.

ERgyebkent szia, orommel udvozollek:   Cser Feri, alias cserenc
+ - skin cancer= skin canser! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Az alabbi idezetet a "Bangor-Anglesey MAIL" junius 30. szamaban talaltam
"ONCE again a Bangor University student has been successful in the WDA's
Technology Prize Competition.
 Alaistain Marsden developed a simple, novel and innovative device to measure
ultra-violet exposure of skin both on daily and on a seasonal basis.
 This will enable people to limit the time they spend in the sun so the risk of
skin cancer can be reduced."

+ - temakor: gy==Salamoni itelet= (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Tippelok, sokat van mostanaban szo a Sydney-i ujsagokban arrol,
hogy szulok elraboljak sajat gyerekeiket elvalt vagy szetvalt partnereiktol.
Gyakori az, hogy az egyik fel lemeszarolja a gyerekeket latogatas alkalmaval.
Nemzetkozi bonyodalmak is voltak/vannak mikor pl. egyik orszag birosaga igy
itel, a partner megszokteti a gyereket, ker egy iteletet, ami ra kedvezo
sajat orszagaban, s a ket kormany egymast okolja ; ket kulonbozo biroi itelet
pont az ellenkezojet mondja.
Velemenyeteket szeretnem tudni, hogy lehetne ezt az allando problemat
valahogy megkozeliteni egyaltalan?  Hogy lehet a gyerekek sorsat eldonteni?
A biro, az allam? A gyerekek erdeke legyen a legfontosabb ( most ez a torveny
Ausztraliaban) vagy a szulok gyerekhez valo joga ervenyesul;jon? Bele kell
vagy lehet szamitani, hogy ki mit vetett egymas ellen? Hozzaszolasotokat
szivesen latnam, legalabb annyira eles vitara ca    van itt alkalom, mint
a feminizmus korul.
Mindenkit udvozol Varga Peter Sydneybol  
+ - Fermat (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Koszonom mindenkinek az informaciokat, meg vagyok nyugodva, hogy a dolog
kellokeppen ronda, es civilek szamara erthetetlen. Pedig olyan szep es
egyszeru tetel, de ugy tunik, sosem lesz belole vizsgakerdes.
+ - penzermek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Bocs, hogy nem i'rtam oda, de a tablazatban a forgalomban levo filleres ermek
szama nem szerepelt. A tablazathoz kapcsolodo cikkben Body Laszlo MNB elnok-
helyettes (?) kerdesre valaszolva kifejtette, hogy az MNB nem torekszik a fille-
rek bevonasara, csak akkor, ha a piac igenyli. (Bar nyilvan az uj filleresek
dragabbak, mint az ertekuk.)

Udv, es meg egyszer bocs: Szekely Balazs
+ - keresem... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves EastCoast tippelok segitsetek!

A KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. ovi-halozatnak a
2 Kyle St. Hampton, Va. 23666  cimen levo tagjanak a
TELEFONSZAMARA volna szuksegem.

Kerem, ha valaki a kornyeken egy megfelelo szinu Pages-ben
megtalalja, irja meg nekem :

koszonettel - takacs judit
(akit mar tobbrendben megtalaltak a TIPPen keresztul)
+ - Debreceni talalkozo (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Debrecenbol elszarmazott es nyaron/osszel hazatero TIPP-elok!

Borbely Janossal ) ugy gondoltuk,
hogy talan hasznos lenne ha osszel (Oktoberben) talakoznank a KLTE-n,
hogy megbeszeljuk tapasztalatainkat es azok esetleges hasznositasat.
Talan masokat kollegakat/hallgatokat is erdekene a dolog. 

Esetleg gyermekeink is talakozhatnanak, hogy ne felejtsek el az idegen

Akit erdekel a dolog, kerem irjon nekem illetve Janosnak.

Kover Akos, ATOMKI, Debrecen ( Augusztustol: )

University College London )
+ - Autovezetnografia-ra valasz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Nadasdy Zoltan (Feher Erika) ?!

Nagyon erdekes a tezeised :
> Mindent egyuttveve, ha fontolora vesszuk ki ellen autoznak a nepek,
> megkapjuk a nagy autovezetesi vilagvallasokat.

En viszont azert autozom, mert el akarok jutni valahova.
Es amikor kiteszem az indexem, akkor nem azert teszem ki, mert 
felek, hogy megbuntet a rendor, vagy mert igy tanultam a KRESZ-bol,
hanem a tobbi autosnak informaciot adjak a szandekomrol !!
Es ezt elvarnam viszont is.
(vagy lehet, hogy ez hulyeseg)

> Mellesleg annak, aki Budapesten rendszeresen vezetett, nincs az a new yorki
> dodzsempalya, vagy felsovoltai csucsforgalom, ami meglepeteseket okozhatna.

Szivesen megneznem azert, a nizzai csucsforgalomban esetleg.
(lasd hozzaszolasom a TIPP#1064-ben)

+ - laptop erdeklodes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Szeretnek sajat reszre egy egyszeru LAPTOPot venni, akar hasznaltat is.
Szeretnem ha halozatrol es toltheto akkurol egyarant mukodne, nem lenne
nagy es nehez. Itt-ott bevitt szovegfileok PC kompatibilisek, normalisan
atvihetok legyenek. Egy gyenge basic lehetoseg sem artana. Kulonosebb
tovabbi elvarasom nincs. Orommel fogadnak tippeket arrol, hogy egy laikus
mire ugyeljen vasarlaskor, kulonosen ha kez alatt veszi. Erdekelnek a
gazdasagos arak is, otthon (Magyarorszagon), az USAban,Olaszorszagban es
   Minden TIPPet elore koszonve, kellemes nyarat kivanok:
                                                        Nemetz Tibor
+ - Fortran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Zsoter ANdras irja:
+ - Gabor, Koszi !!!!!! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Aki emlekszik meg a kb. ket honappal ezelotti vitamra a tisztelt TIPP-elo
kozonseggel az bizonyara megerti, hogy mitol hizik a majam amikor ezt olvasom:

>............................................................  Es
>a paralel computing elotti szuperkompjuting: a vector gepek nagy
>futama (most lealdozoban mellesleg)  Fortran alapu, ui.  erdekes
>modon   a   Fortran a  legjobban   vektorizalhato   nyelv,  akar
>tobszazszor olyan gyors is lehet, mint a hasonlo C program. (Sot
>a jo fortran meg akar 20-50-szer gyorsabb,  mint  a benan megirt
>Fortran program.)

Zsoter Andras (Hong Kongbol)
Andras! Ebbol tovabbra is csak az latszik, hogy nem rtesz hozza...

Ledeczi Akos
+ - repulojegy Amerikaba (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Denverbe szeretnek utazni augusztus elejen Budapestrol repulovel. A leheto
 legolcsobb lehetoseget
keresem. Ha valaki tud nekem segiteni, akkor legyen kedves kuldjon nekem
 egy levelet. A cimem: . A MALEV ajanlata :72.000 FT.
Koszi: Kropf Hajnalka
+ - Mathematica (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A velemenyek tomege utan talan erdemes nehany tenyt is megnezni. Az alabbi
listat tegnap kaptam egy konferencian egy Mathematica repitol.

Single-User Systems:
- Macintosh
- Microsoft Windows

Multi-User Systems:
- DEC (RISC Ultrix, VAX/VMS)
- HP Apollo (680X0, RISC)
- IBM (RISC System/6000)
- MIPS (RISComputers and RISCstations)
- NEC (EWS 4800)
- NeXT (NeXT computers)
- Silicon Graphics (IRIS systems)
- Sony (NEWS RISC)
- Sun (Sun-3, SPARC-based systems)

Supercomputer Systems:
- Convex (C Series)

Educational discounts are available. Student versions are
available for Macintosh, MS-DOS, and MS_Windows.

Phone: 1-800-441-MATH

+ - Torokorszag, Sziria (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves TIPPelok!

    Aki a fenti ket orszag valamelyikerol turistaszempontbol
hasznos informaciot tud adni, az kerem irjon. (Kozlekedes,
arszinvonal, biztonsag, latnivalok, szallas...)
   Torokorszagbol elsosorban az orszag keleti fele erdekelne
(Gaziantep, Urfa, Nemrut Dag, Diyarbakir, Van, Dogubeyazit...),
Sziriaval kapcsolatban minden informaciomorzsa haznos (ott meg nem
   Ezenkivul tud valaki valami hiteleset a torokorszagi kurd
terroristakrol ill. ennek a veszelyerol? Mennyire kell ezt
komolyan venni (bombakat Londonban is szoktak robbantgatni), es
foleg hol?
             Minden informaciot koszonok:
                                 Jedlovszky Pali
+ - Washington Post cikk (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Talan emlekeztek, regebben erdeklodtem, kinek van valamilyen szemelyes
elmenye, tapasztalata a halozaton, amit szivesen megosztana masokkal.
Ime a cikk, a hetfoi Washinton Postbol (ezt nem az ujsagbol irtam be,
hanem E-mailen kaptam a szerzotol).

Jozsi. /HIX/
DAY                   MONDAY
SECTION               A SECTION
PAGE                  a01
LENGTH                 71 INCHES
DATE                  06/28/93
BYLINE                John Burgess
CREDIT                Washington Post Staff Writer
ART                      INFO-GRAPHIC,,michael drew; CHARTS
       It may be the world's most eclectic community: scientists and comic
  book fans, hunters and gun-control activists, prudes and pornographers,
  kindergartners and septuagenarians, computer hackers and their trackers,
  rock-and-rollers and classical musicians, Serbs and Croats.
       It is perhaps 15 million strong and growing fast -- Bill Clinton
  and Al Gore joined this month.
      Members almost never meet face to face. Scattered all over the
  world, they are bound together by a computer communications system known
  as the Internet. Ham radio operators use the airwaves; this new global
  tribe uses satellites, fiber-optic cables and desktop computers to trade
  a rich and varied flood of information.Much of it is brief "electronic
  mail" messages typed on computer keyboards. But increasingly the network
  is shuttling video footage, photos, government studies, novels,
  dissertations, music, sounds -- information of all kinds in the digital
  form that computers understand.
      "The size of the planet is no boundary to communications," writes
  Jeff Ashurst, a resident of Britain responding by E-mail to a
  Washingtonian's electronic query.
      Along the way, the Internet has evolved into a remarkable culture of
  remote intimacy, in which people convey love and contempt, excitement
  and boredom without ever laying eyes on each other.
      They rail at each other in electronic "forums" on subjects that run
  from genetic research to European elections. They jump to the aid of
  fellow network navigators who have a real problem, such as how to combat
  disease in Africa, or just need to know something -- a good hotel to
  stay at in the Thai city of Chiangmai, for instance.
      Occasionally, they meet in the flesh and marry.
      Laszlo and Andrea Kiss, for instance. They "met" on an Internet
  forum devoted to their home country, Hungary. From Japan, where he was
  conducting physics research, he transmitted to the forum a satirical
  essay on feminism; she, reading it from Purdue University, where she was
  working on a doctorate, responded with comments of her own.
      As Internet users often do, they then began exchanging electronic
  mail privately. Soon they discovered that they shared a deeply religious
  bent. They began courting -- sometimes 10 messages a day flew across the
      After exchanging    photographs    and $3,000 worth of phone calls,
  they decided to get married. "Everybody told me that we were mad,"
  Laszlo recalled. "... Without the Internet, it would not have happened."
  They now live in Sweden with their 5-month-old son and remain on "the
      Today the network is open to anyone who has a personal computer with
  a modem and communications software, a phone line and an account with a
  computer services company that is linked to the Internet.
      In the Washington area, these firms include PSI Inc. of Herndon,
  Digital Express Group Inc. of Greenbelt and UUNET Technologies Inc. of
  Falls Church. For the most basic type of connection, charges start at
  about $10 a month.
      To begin a session, the home user commands his or her computer to
  use the phone line to link up to a "host" computer at the services
  company. Messages typed on the home screen are sent over the phone line
  to the host, which in turn puts them on the network; incoming
  information is displayed on the user's screen.
      It is the closest thing yet to a functioning "information highway,"
  the digital conduit that theorists predict will one day allow any human
  anywhere to trade information effortlessly with any other.
      "The Internet may well be setting the model for the entire future of
  telecommunications," said Anthony Rutkowski, who heads the Reston-based
  Internet Society.
      Along the way it is demonstrating both the benefits and dubious
  byproducts that such a creation would bring. Laboratories, schools and
  companies give testimonials on how its instant communication has spurred
  learning and productivity. Yet at the same time, the network is getting
  clogged with mind-rot: lame humor, endless stream-of-consciousness
  musings and some of the hardest-core smut imaginable.
      The Internet was born in 1969 as a Pentagon experiment aimed at
  helping researchers trade information by computer. It continues to draw
  about $30 million in federal subsidies annually from the National
  Science Foundation, but most of its money comes from states,
  universities and many individual users.
      Traffic on the network has doubled in the past year. But as Stephen
  Wolff of the National Science Foundation notes: "There is no supreme
  deity in charge."
      Rather, the Internet is a confederation of about 12,000 small
  networks of linked computers, most of them at universities, government
  agencies and companies. Just as the postal systems of countries agree to
  trade letters, these member networks agree to exchange the modern
  equivalent, electronic packets of digital information.
        The Internet does not have its own private set of communications
  wires. Instead, it uses whatever is available. An ordinary phone line is
  likely to carry data out of the home. The links between the 12,000 small
  networks are typically big-bore circuits leased from a
  telecommunications company -- the data might travel over fiber-optic
  strands or satellites.
      The network is growing fast in part because it has banished the
  great demon of computer technology -- incompatible standards that make
  one machine unable to talk to another. Users address and transmit their
  material by precise rules, or standards.
      In its simplest form, the "net" is electronic mail. A person types a
  message onto a computer screen, including the recipient's private
  electronic mail "address."
      The message flows over telephone or data lines to hub computers,
  which sort it using the address and send it on its way. It normally
  arrives in seconds. The addressee reads it on a computer screen and can
  reply in the same way.
      Since early this month, network users have been able to send their
  thoughts to President Clinton and Vice President Gore this way -- though
  White House staffers, not the two leaders themselves, scan the messages.
      The Internet also provides thousands of "bulletin boards,"
  electronic meeting places for people who share an interest. There are
  boards on computer programming, superhero comic books, DNA research,
  Iranian society and David Letterman.
      As with cork boards, people post messages for anyone to read. With a
  few strokes on the keyboard, other Internet users order their machines
  to link up to the bulletin board and transfer the messages posted there
  to their own screens for reading.
      With billions of bits of information flying back and forth, a
  vibrant electronic culture has sprung up. Friendships, feuds and
  collaborations form over the net. Network users may spend hours at their
  screens, checking bulletin boards, firing off E-mail. To add nuance to
  messages, people often use "smiley"  symbols. Many a stern statement on
  the Internet is followed by this symbol:  ;-)
     It is a semicolon, a hyphen and a parenthesis. Viewed with the head
  turned to the side, it resembles a winking face. It means "just
      Many messages contain purposeful information. Others are from people
  just having fun.
      Said Brett Berlin, an Alexandria technology consultant, "a lot of
  the traffic is people experimenting with communicating in new ways." It
  is much like ham radio operators chatting with someone who lives in a
  distant country they've never before reached.
      "I have made many friends on nearly every continent," wrote Russell
  Noble, an Internet user in Wollongong, Australia. "Next year I am
  planning a trip to the U.S.A. and many of the people I have mailed with
  are going to let me stay in their homes."
      But many Internet transactions are between person and machine. More
  and more, companies, government agencies and universities are putting
  their computerized data banks on line. That allows the network users to
  reach across the world and browse through what they find, then transfer
  it to their own machines.
      Libraries have put card catalogues on-line. Elsewhere, you can find
  the full texts of "Hamlet" and H.G. Wells's "The War of the Worlds."
      State Department travel advisories are available, as are the
  academic schedules of George Washington University and the surrender
  documents that ended World War II. Available too are countless computer
  programs -- the network may well be the world's biggest distributor of
      It seems that almost every day a new use is invented. One computer
  offers a song lyrics database: Type in a line from your home computer
  and the distant machine will search through its files and list all the
  songs it knows that contains those words.
      Much information on the Internet is "in the public domain," that is,
  not owned by anyone or protected by copyright. That helps lower costs,
  as people generally are paying not for the information itself, just for
      Each year, the transport becomes cheaper because of advances in
  digital technology. The network further reduces costs because, unlike
  the long-distance phone system, it does not establish a private two-way
  circuit between points.
      Rather, a message feels its way across the network on a one-way
  basis, slowing down during periods of congestion, but seeking out the
  fastest, lowest-cost route.
      In some cases, said Duncan Briggs of InterCon Systems Corp., a
  Herndon company that makes Internet software, "The message gets busted
  up and may go by several routes. It gets reassembled at the other end."
  The answer is likely to come back by yet another route.
      Data transmission is so cheap that people give no thought to whether
  the computer they're linking up with is across the street or around the
  globe. Either way, the cost to them is the same.
      Thus it is that Internet messages from Singapore to Malaysia, which
  are separated by just a mile of water, go first to the United States,
  then back to Malaysia.
      Typical of the traditional user is Scott Ramsay, a Washington area
  computer programmer. If he's stumped late at night over a software
  problem, he posts a cry for help on one of the world's hundreds of
  programming bulletin boards.
      "I come back and someone will have an answer," Ramsay said. It may
  be from Taiwan, from England, from the United States. To him that's not
  important -- the answer is.
      The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta use the Internet to stay
  in touch with outside researchers and to distribute findings. "Every
  worker at the CDC, except janitors, has a computer and electronic mail,"
  David Ross of the CDC told a recent conference. "We couldn't live
  without it. It lets us work."
      But the net has more than a few users after-hours. They flock to
  bulletin boards to argue over the motivations of soap opera characters,
  advise each other on shopping for a sailboat and exchange tips on
  antique firearms. Political junkies dissect Ross Perot's latest speech
  (the text will have been posted there), rock-and-rollers compare notes
  -- Nikko Suhonen, an Internet user in Finland, relies on it to stoke his
  passion for the Beatles.
      Serbs all over the world feud with Croats all over the world, by way
  of a Yugoslavia bulletin board. Other members of the two groups use the
  net to try to join hands -- peace activists in two cities in Serbia and
  Croatia use the Internet to stay in touch.
      Popular boards quickly become cluttered -- people who tap into one
  after a week's absence may find 200 new messages to wade through. If a
  board gets too busy, people often get disgusted and split off to start
  new ones. This is a prime complaint about the Internet -- too much
  information. Some people get hundreds of pieces of E-mail a day, far too
  many to read and respond to.
      As software technology advances and the data "pipes" become bigger,
  the Internet is going "multimedia," carrying pictures, video and sound.
  All are reduced to the ones and zeroes of "digital" computer language
  for the ride.
      City Hall in Wellington, New Zealand, has a computer that, among
  other things, stores children's artwork in digital form for the world to
  see. Responding to a distant typed command, it sends a stream of code
  that represents a picture. Using special software, which may well have
  been obtained from another Internet computer, the recipient can turn it
  into a full-color picture.
      From Arlington, Internet devotee and author Carl Malamud has set up
  "Internet Talk Radio." It is an hour and a half a week of professionally
  produced talk shows on technical subjects. It flows over the network to
  about 30 countries, decoded into sound by the computers it reaches.
  Others groups are using the network to send video signals.
      Because of the inherent anonymity the Internet can accord, the
  network has generated a vast sexual subculture as well. One bulletin
  board specializes in bondage, another contains reviews of bestiality
  videos. Still others provide a place where amateur writers post their
  efforts at hard-core adult fiction. And pictures scanned from adult
  magazines are increasingly there for the asking.
      Not surprisingly, the network has given birth to new forms of
  harassment. One woman recently found that a man was sending her
  unsolicited erotic pictures over the network.
      Given developments like this, the community is struggling to craft
  rules of use. It starts with common courtesy. Many network users try to
  get people to avoid the invective that physical separation seems to
  encourage whenever there's even a small disagreement. And to resist
  posting a message on a bulletin board that has nothing to do with the
  subject at hand. Anyone who does is likely to be "flamed,"
  Internet-speak for being the target of venomous E-mail.
      At issue too is the illegal circulation over the network of
  copyrighted material. Users aren't supposed to do it. Sometimes network
  operators back up their rules with technology: a campus computer that
  provides students a copyrighted on-line dictionary, for instance, may be
  programmed to slam the door to anyone trying to get access from
      But most Internet users turn thumbs down to any effort to control
  content. From its earliest days, the net has been a place where no idea
  or expression is too extreme, too daring to be denied exposure.
      The University of Michigan is taking what has become a standard
  approach. It doesn't censor. But it is rewriting its campus code of
  conduct to ask that students at least be considerate: If a student has
  been using a library computer to look at potentially offensive material,
  it should be cleared off the screen so the next person won't see it
       Brad Reese, computer director at George Washington University,
  said, "We have to face such issues as, can the parents of a 17-year-old
  student sue the university for creating a network over which pornography
  is available? ... At the same time, could another student sue us for not
  making it available, for violating his right to information?"
      For now, probably the main thing slowing the growth is that for the
  technologically uninitiated the network remains a less than welcoming
      "I think the Internet is cool," said Mark McCahill, a University of
  Minnesota software engineer who has done pioneering work in designing
  the Internet. "My mom and dad aren't so sure."
      Much of the information found there is highly specialized -- one
  bulletin board is for discussion of the field of geophysical fluid
  dynamics. And getting at the general interest material can be a
  challenge. The user must type a bewildering slew of arcane commands on
  the screen to "navigate."
      Publishing guidebooks to the Internet has become a cottage industry
  of sorts, but the fact of the matter is that no one has a full list of
  what's out there, just as no one knows all the restaurants to be found
  along all the roads of the United States.
      "I always have this feeling that there's more out there -- if I just
  knew how to get to it," said David Whip, an Internet user in Baltimore.
      Software engineers are working to simplify the search. Along the net
  they are placing   computers that act as directories, so that if you're
  looking for information on French cooking you can find which computer
  contains it rather than searching thousands individually.
      Companies are creating software to make the job of navigation easier
  -- InterCon, for instance, makes a program that lets a user explore with
  the basic commands of the Macintosh computer.
      But for now, the typical Internet user often is someone who enjoys
  the hunt as much as the catch, the type of person who bores friends with
  stories of tapping into a computer in Israel at 11:45 the night before.
  Or in Brazil, or South Africa, or Mexico.
      @CAPTION:HOW THE INTERNET WORKS  (Data from graphic was
      @CAPTION:A GROWING NETWORK  (Data from charts was unavailable.)
+ - Kerdes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

+ - Kempingezes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Eddig nekunk nagyon jo tapasztalataink voltak a kempingekrol. Olcsok, ta-
gasak - egy satorhely eleg nagy es meg kis pad asztallal is jar hozza es
mivel Amerikaban vagyunk barbeque sutovel. Mi altalaban a nemzeti vagy allami
parkokban levo kempingekben szalltunk meg ha lehet, bar ezeknel nem mindig
lehet elore helyet foglalni, de sok helyen nem is kell. A magan kempingek
kozul a KOA halozat jo, ezt mar probaltuk, ez egy picit dragabb, de meg mindig
olcso, itt aztan altalaban van kis uszoda, mosoda sokszor etterem stb. Ezek
egy kicsit hangosabbak voltak, mint az allamiak, az osszegyult tarsasag miatt,
de ez sem volt gond. Itt a hitelkartyakat is elfogadjak, az allami kempingek-
ben meg sima csekkel is lehet fizetni. Bar van ahol nincs gondnok, es a penzt
egy kisdobozba kell bedobni naponta.

 Egyebkent eppen szombaton indulunk egy haromhetes kempigezesre.

 Horvath Dezso, West Virginia.
+ - Autovasarlas Europaban (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tisztelt Tipp !

Egy baratom kert meg, hogy erdeklodjek Hollandiaban vagy Belgiumban valo
autovasarlas ugyeben. Osszel ter vegleg haza Chicagobol, es az emlitett ket
orszagban szeretne egy kis autot venni. Egy negyajtos Toyota Tercel, Suzuki
Swift, vagy egy 323-as Mazda korulbeluli ara erdekelne.

Ezenkivul valahol azt hallotta, hogy Europaban lehet amerikai aron, itteni
cegektol atszallitott autokat is kapni. Ha valakinek lenne errol tudomasa,
kerem, tudassa velem.

Szekanecz Zoltan
+ - USA kempingek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Nemeth Valentin kerdezett USA kempingekrol.

Nekem csak korlatozott osszehasonlitasi alapom van, mert annak idejen
B.Boglaron a vitorlaskolcsonzo melletti kempingben satoroztam sokat.
Elegge hozzaszoktam, hogy nemet turistakkal egymas gumimatracaba
verjuk a satorcoveket. Itt minden kempingben erdobe vagott szamozott
satorhelyek vannak, ahol sator, auto boven elfer, tuzhely, 8
szemelyes fa-asztal padokkal es a szomszedot nem is nagyon latod.
Eleg felelmetes, nehez hozzaszokni a maganyhoz. Mindez $10-$20
helytol fuggoen. Allami park (national park) olcsobb es ugyanolyan
kulturalt. Nem engednek be tobbet, mint ahanyan befernek, nehany
helyen (pl. Yosemite park, osfenyok kozott, medvekkel) honapokkal
elore le kell kotni a helyet, de ez ritka.

[A satram is annak idejen egy ketszemelyes orosz kivitelu sator volt,
ahova ket szemely csak ugy fert be ha egymas tetejen becsusztak. Ez
annak idejen elfogadhato megoldasnak tunt, mar nem emlekszem, miert.]

Minden allamnak van turista irodaja es minden falunak chamber of
commerce-e. Boldogan kuldenek brossurakat ha kersz, akar telefonon,
akar levelben.

Ha a baratod aki fozot akar vinni nem nagyon eros, akkor lehet verni.
Ez altalaban elbatortalanitja a versenyzot. Fozo helyett en egy doboz
gyufat ajanlok, minden satornal van grill. Fat viszont nem szabad
szedni az erdoben, es ami kicsit bosszantani szokott, hogy egy nyalab
faert $2-3-at elkernek.

Janos Jozsef
+ - xxxMagyarSzerv (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tisztelt TIPP-irok es -olvasok!

Bizonyara bennem van a hiba, de mindhiaba probaltam megszerezni a megadott
cimrol (nem merem leirni) az amerikai magyar szervezetek listajat. Ha
valaki nagyobb sikerrel jart mint en, legyen szives elkuldeni cimemre a

                     Elore is koszonom!

                                            (Asztalos) Zoli
+ - Tanmese (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Az oviban egyszer az autok kerultek szoba. Pistike kijelentette, hogy a
Trabant jobb auto, mint a Mercedes. Hiaba gyozkodtek a tobbiek, hogy a
Mercedes jobban gyorsul, hogy gyorsabban tud menni, hogy szebb es biz-
tonsagosabb, de mind hiaba, Pistike csak kototte az ebet a karohoz. Egy
ido utan a tobbiek osszemosolyogtak es azt mondtak:

"Jol van Pistike, igazad van."

Hogy hogy nem, vagy ket honap mulva Lajcsika kozolte, hogy az o papaja
szerint a Trabantban sokkal egyszerubb es olcsobb motort cserelni, mint
a Mercedesben. Meghallotta ezt Pistike es rogton lecsapott:

"Latjatok milyen hulyek vagytok, en mar ket honapja megmondtam, hogy
a Trabant jobb auto, mint a Mercedes!"

Itt a vege fuss el vele.

Ledeczi Akos
+ - kanadai es mexikoi vizum (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tisztelt vilagjarok!

A kanadai kovetseg telefonautomataja azt mondja, hogy a vizumhoz 
be kell mutatni egy ervenyes repulojegyet a kovetkezo celorszagba 
( ez az en esetemben azt jelentene, hogy vissza az usa -ba ). 
Meg tudna valaki mondani, hogy mi a helyzet, ha az ember busszal 
vagy kocsival akar atmenni? 
Masik kerdes: a magnoszalag ( mikrochip?? ) azzal fenyegetozik, 
hogy naponta csak korlatozott szamu vizumot adnak ki. Ez azt 
jelenti, hogy hajnalban oda kell menni sorbanallni ( New York -i 
kanadai kovetseg )? Ha igen, akkor tudja valaki, hogy hanykor 
erdemes odacovekelni? Nem tudom szamit-e, de hatha: j-1 vizummal 
vagyok egy eve az usa -ban. 

Mexiko: tudja valaki, hogy ok mit kernek a vizum kiallitasahoz 
( dokumentumokra, fenykepre gondolok ), es mennyibe kerul? 

Meg nehany kevesbe fontos kerdes mindket vizumra vonatkozoan, 
de hatha veletlenul ezeket is tudja valaki: kb. mennyi ido 
alatt kapja meg az ember ezeket a vizumokat, ott kell-e 
hagyni az utlevelet ( lehet-e esetleg parhuzamosan intezni 
oket ), es csak az utlevel tulajdonosa adhatja-e be, vagy 
esetleg megbizott is, ill. lehet-e postan intezni? 
Vegul: mennyi a maximalis repulesi sebessege a toketlen fecskenek? 
( Bocs, ezt csak levezeteskeppen irtam ide, hogy egy kicsit vidamabbak 
legyetek ). 


+ - Washington - Boston (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves TIPPelok! Tudna valaki augusztus vegen szallast adni a fenti ket
varosban vagy kozeleben?
Orosz Ferenc
+ - Nagyva=arosi te=nyek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves TIPPelok!

Egy szornyen atlagos es unalmas temaban kernem azok velemenyet akik 
hajlandok ilyen kerdesekre valaszolni. 

Julius vegen - augusztus elejen ket hetre latogatoim erkeznek otthonrol,
es kocsival szeretnenk harmasban vegiglatogatni nehany nagyvarost a 
keleti parton. Olcso motelekben (vagy hasonlo muintezetekben) szeretnenk
megszallni az uton. A kerdes: tud valaki olyan moteleket (stb...) 
Boston, Washington es New York kozeleben amelyek 
   a) olcsoak (ezt nem kell magyaraznom)
   b) normalis, kocsival bejarhato tavolsagra vannak a fenti varosoktol 
      (mondjuk max 30-50 kilometerre)?
(New York eseteben egy bel- kul- vagy elovarosi, de azert metrohoz kozeli 
hely talan meg egy fokkal jobb is lenne.)

Termeszetesen megprobalhatnek cimeket keresgelni innen-onnan, de 
szivesebben valasztanek olyan helyeket amelyekrol mar van valakinek
tapasztalata. Ha jol sejtem akkor nem en leszek az elso a vilagtortenelemben 
akinek ehhez hasonlo problemai tamadnak.

Minden informaciot maximalis koszonettel fogadok. A valaszokat a sajat 
cimemre kernem. 

Elore is koszonettel,

Levai Geza
+ - ??? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Temakor: USA Campingas
A valasztek oriasi, kulonosen azoknak, akik csak egy satort szeretnenekek
leverni. A helyarak allamok szerint valtozok, de talan lehet altalanositani:
kb. 6-10 dollar a helyber egy satorra az allami parkokban, egy napra. Van
olyan allam (pl. Wisconsin), ahol a "kulfoldieknek" (ertsd: nem Wisconsinbol
jovok) reszere dupla a lakber. New York allamban, ahol en lakom, nem szamit
ki kicsoda, ugyanaz a ber. Aki lakokocsival akar campingezni, az arak maga-
sabbak, mert viz, villany, szennyviz, szemetgyjto stb. szolgalat is benne
van. Ha tudnam az orszag melyik videke erdekel jobban, tudnek pontosabb
informacioval szolgalni. Talan a legokosabb, ha megszerzed a AAA (American
Automobile Club) "Camp Book" fuzetet a kivant tersegre (pl. Southeastern,
Northeastern, Midwest, stb.). Ebben helyseg szerinti ABC sorrendben talalhato
minden allami, vagy privat park, amelyik hirdetni ohajta magat (ez majdnem
teljes), benne terkeppel es suritett informacioval. Egy pelda:
Florida, Everglades National Park, Flamingo Campground, 295 hely, nyitott
egesz evben, ara 4 dollar nyaron, 7 dollar nov-apr kozott. Homestead-tol DNy-ra,
a 9336-os uton megkozelitheto. Zuhany, csonakazas, horgaszati lehetoseg. Maximum
30 napra lehet lefoglalni, de dec. 1 es marc. 31 kozott csak 14 nap a maximum
tartozkodasi ido. Tel: 305-247-6211. Es ilyen van tobb ezer
A rezsot nagyon ajanlom, mert az etkezes nagyon olcso annak, aki hajlando
elkesziteni, ettermekben sokkal dragabb. Egy hutodobozt is "melegen" ajanlok.
Ha pontosabb segitseget szeretnel, irj a cimemre. Nagy Lali, Rochester, NY