1. |
Re: Mr Laws & Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Tokes - Csurka : What connection? (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Recognizing unfairness (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: "Szegyelem 101-edszer" (mind) |
95 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!" (mind) |
67 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!" (mind) |
78 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Wally succumbs to verbal diarrhea (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
57 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Update! WWW guide to cheap flights. The WWWanderer. (mind) |
101 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Recognizing unfairness (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Giftpackages to Hungary (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
51 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, please (mind) |
412 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Mr Laws & Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dan Pop ) wrote:
> In > () writes:
> >Not that I disagree with you main point that a seprat transylvania as Wally
> >was referring to is unrealistic. But, I do disagree with this point. The
> >very nature of eastern europe and europe as a whole is one of sepratism.
> Of Europe as a continent, yes. Of most European countries, definitely not.
> The only countries that fell apart were the two federal states with a
> multinational structure in Eastern Europe (I'm omitting the USSR, which was
> an empire, not a country). The internal cohesion of the other European
> countries is as good as anywhere else, even in multinational countries
> where the various nations aren't on very good terms, like Belgium or,
> to a smaller extent, Switzerland.
> Dan
> --
> Dan Pop
> CERN, CN Division
> Email:
> Mail: CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
I cant say that I disagree with you seeing as other than romanian I
have not yet had the chance to visit the rest of europe, and can only
speek from what I have read.
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally asks:
: Are you Canadian at all or just over here to suck a bit of good economy
: because your original Romanian mothers milk is too sour? Huh?
Vlad Romascanu replies:
| This reminds me the question "Are you a true American ? On which side
|are you ?". Were your colonizing ancestors true Canadians ? Did they come
|here because they were willing to become Canadians? No, Wally, they
Blanket statements like this are highly inaccurate and you know it. My
"ancestors" came from all over the world. Many of them came because they
were sick and tired of the same old crap crap crap from their native lands
-- the dictatorshits & wars & interethnic hatreds. Many more than you think
were quite willing to become Canadians (or Americans).
Vlad wrote:
| No, Wally, I am now both Canadian and Romanian, even if I don't
|have the citizenship yet. Legally, I am not Canadian, but now I am both
|of them.
You are only Romanian. You are not Canadian. Simple as that.
Vlad wrote:
| And to answer your question, YES, I did come here for a beter
|economical situation, and not because 'of the War [in Romania]', or
|because of 'religious conflicts which tear all the Eastern Europe', or
|other reasons. Oh, yes. People ask me: 'Why did you come here ? Because
|of the War ?'. And in the philosophy book, under a nice picture of a
|demolished library in Sarajevo, it is written "...religious wars that
|tear all the Eastern Europe'. Yes, Wally. Your ancestors came to Canada
|for a better (economical) life, or just to change it. So did I. So did
|the Irish. And so did the French.
Except that the vast majority of them became Canadians and didn't treat
their host country as a doormat like you do.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Tokes - Csurka : What connection? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Just a minute ago I answered a posting which tried to present the figure
of Bishop Laszlo Tokes as that of an anti-romanian propagandist. However, I
had no idea about the claimed membership of Tokes in the party leaded by
Mr. Csurka (MIEP, if I recall it correctly). Any contribution on this
subject is welcome, I suppose that readers of the scr/scm from Hungary
could confirm/infirm this allegation.
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
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+ - | Re: Recognizing unfairness (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dorin Ungureanu > wrote:
>You will notice that although britanica mentions both schools of thought
>on this issue, they only expand on the theory which holds true the fact
>that the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people occurred in Dacia, and that
>this process was finished by the time the Hungarians showed up in Transylvania
>Also the assimilation of slavic people is mentioned in this text. That explai
>the existence of slavic words in the Romanian language.
with your nice last name (!) I expected something else from you.
What you showed to me looks like the Encyclopedia editors lifted much of
that stuff from Romanian history books. Just like the authors of
various travel books, etc. I hope you really don't think that
encyclopedist do their indpendent research on stuff they put into those
volumes. They just compile things and edit it.
+ - | Re: "Szegyelem 101-edszer" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Legyen szabad egy oreg embernek kijavitani az itt talalhato sok-sok teves
allitast ???????
2. Az első zsidótörvény nem 1936-ban volt, hanem korábban, sokkal
Absolut tevedes !!!!! Semmifele zsidotorveny nem
volt 1938 elott !
Az elso zsido torvenyt a magyar Parlament ( amit zsidotorvenynek
neveznek..) 1938-ban hozta es a amsodikat, mely sokkal sizgorubb volt (pl.
zsido nem lehetett katonatiszt stb 1939-ben )
Az elso zsido torveny sem volt olyan "lagy": allami alalsokbol
kitettek a zsido VALLASUAKAT ( a II zsidotorvenyben mar a szarmazast is
bizonyotani kellt, nagyjabol a nurnbergi torvenyek modjan- de annal sokkal
enyhebbek voltak a kovetelesek: aki 1919-elott attert annak ( omaga)
utodai nem szmaitottak zsidoknak, es meg sok konnyites is volt (
kereszteny feleseg stb.)
A masodik zsidotorveny az szigoritott. Mar az elso is kizarta az
ujsagirasbol, ujsagtulajdonbol a zsidokat( lasd a Szinhazi Elet
>>Az amit ezen a neven tartanak szamon az 1936 bol szarmazik. A
>>kesobbiekhez kepest szinte artatlan kis torvenyecske volt, megtiltotta
>>a zsidoknak az ingatlanbirtoklast egy meret folott amire nem emlekszem,
>>meg eltiltotta oket bizonyos palyaktol.
Maximalis tevedes !!!!!
1936-ban semmifele emgkotottseg nem volt, sot meg a Felvidek
visszafoglalasaban zsido tisztek is resztvettek- mint behivott tartalekos
tisztek. Amit irtok fent abbol SEMMI sem stimmel. A foldbirtok korlatozasa
meg az 1939-es torvenyben sem szerepel ha nem tevedek. ( 1939-ben amikor
nagykorusitottak foglalkoztam a gondolattal, hogy veszek egy cca 120
holdas birtokot- amennyiben ez tilos lett volna aligha merult volna fel a
>Én abban a hitben éltem, hogy a zsídó vallásúak egyetemi felvételének
>korlátozása a huszas évek elejére datálódik (21-re emlékeztem..), ami
>korai Horthy rendszer reakciója volt hogy a bolsevik diktatúra vezetésé-
>ben résztvevő zsidó lumpenértelmiségiek, khm, izé.... túlreprezentált-
Bizony ez sem stimmel. Az un. numerus clausus- mert igy hivtak a
rendelekzest, CSAK az orvosi karra vonatkozott, ahova csak az osszletszam
20 %-a lehetett zsido a felvetelnel. Minden mas karra - pl. jogra- minden
korlatozas nelkul vettek fel zsido hallgatokat, egeszen 1939-ig, amikor is
a felveteli letszmaot 6 %-ra csokkentettek- de 6 5-ot meg akkor is
fellvettek-es az utolso pillanatig jartak zsidok egyetemre.( pontosabban
1944 szeptemberig.) Megjegyzendo az is, hogy az orvostanhallgatokat
egeszen 1942-ig felmentettek a munkaszolgalatra valo bevonulastol es a
rabbikepzosoket 1944 szeptemberig nem bantottak !
>>>Ezen okok következtében a "viszonylag demokratikusan hatalomra ke-
>>>rult kormanytol indult el" kifejezésed teljességgel értelmezhetetlen.
>>Hat en ugy gondoltam erthetoen fogalmaztam, vagy legalabbis en er-
>>tettem, amit irtam. Probaljam meg ujra, vagy hagyjam annyiban ?
>Te azt állítod, hogy demokratikus körülmények között születtek ezek
>a törvények, én azt mondom, hogy nem. A Horthy-régime korai 2-3
>évének keménysége szerintem összemérhető a Kádári, 56 utáni évek-
>beli viszonyokkal. Késöbb sem lett demokratikusabb állam belőle,
>csak konszolidáltabb.
Anelkul, hogy az osszehasonlitast szerencsesnek tartanam
megjegyzendo, hogy Horthy idejeben valasztott Parlament volt- igaz a
valasztas a videkeken- falukban nyilt ( un. lajstromos ) volt- de volt
tobb part igy a Rassai fele liberalis part, vagy Szocialdemokrata part es
a Kisgazda part. A Parlament tobbsege persze nem lehet mondani, hogy
baloldali beallitottsagu lett volna...de ami a lenyeg- nem egypart
rendszeres diktatura volt- hogy a felsohazrol ne is beszeljunk, ahol meg a
zsido egyhaz kepviseloje is resztvett.
A Horthy fele kemenyebb korszak csupan nehany evig tartott ( 1923
ig mondjuk ) az sem volt kifejezetten zsidoelelnes- inkabb
kommunistaellenes volt. A polgari beallitottsagu zsidoknak,
ertelmisegnek,orvosoknak stb absolute semmi bajuk azzal nem volt.
Igaz ugyan, hogy foleg kitert, de zsidok-szuletesuknel fogva, voltak
alalmiallasokban sot az un. kormanyfotanacsosi rangot is elertek- ami
meltosagos ur megszolitassal jart...
Bizony meglepo, hogy ennyire nem ismeritek csupan egy 60 evvel
ezelotti idok tortenetet sajat hazankban...Persze enyhito korulmeny, hogy
az "atkos"-ban minderrol nem tanitottak, vagy ha igen akkor erosen
elferditve a valosagot. Horthy maga messze nem volt nazi, erosen
angolbarat volt, nemetellenes volt. Altalaban a magyar arisztokracia
tulnyomo resze nem volt nazierzuletu. Szalasi hivei eppen a
lumpenproletariatus soraibol kerultek ki-es magat Szalasit Horthy birosaga
bortonre itelte a 30-as evekben. ( mint egykoron Hitlert )
+ - | Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Florenta Banateanu > wrote:
>2. And a question: how many referanda have been held in Europe before and
>immediately after WWI?
I don't know... One referendum I do know about was held in the city and
region of Sopron (Odenburg in German). This part of Hungary was to be
transferred as part of the Treaty of Trianon to Austria as part of
Burgenland. The residents of the area demanded and got the right to hold
a plebicite.
When the city was originally told that it will be transferred to
Austria, the students of Sopron sent out a call to the rest of the
country calling for their support. A contingent of students from the
Technical University of Budapest (Muszaki Egyetem) answered the call and
a contingent went to Sopron and stood guard so that the Austrian
gendarmerie would not enter. There was a brief clash and three students
were killed. This tragedy shook up both the Hungarians and the Austrians
and they agreed to jointly request the plebicite.
One of the students killed in Sopron was my great uncle, Tibor Vamossy.
Charles Mikecz Vamossy
BTW. as you may have guessed, Sopron voted to remain Hungarian.
+ - | Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Many people have sex at home..
On 16 Nov 1995, John Bowling wrote:
> Date: 16 NOV 1995 02:51:47 GMT
> From: John Bowling >
> Newgroups: soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.ukrainian, soc.culture.soviet,
> soc.culture.magyar, soc.culture.polish, soc.culture.romanian,
> soc.culture.czecho-slovak, soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.baltics,
> soc.culture.usa, alt.current-events.russia, alt.current-even
> Subject: Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!"
> In article >, Jaffo > wrote:
> >
> >:I agree; this whole shit does not even remotely belong to
> >:alt.sex.homosexual and similar groups. Tak chto, rebyata, sidite v
> >:alt.culture.russian (ili, esche lucshe, v
> >:alt.cretins.who.have.nothing.to.say) i ne zasoryaite set'.
> >
> >Are you implying there are no homosexual Russians?
> >
> >I think that's very narrow minded of you. Homosexuality, while more
> >popular in America, is not an exclusively American phenomenon.
> ^^^^^^^^ What????? ^^^^^^^^ describes a hemisphere,
> not a country! I am a U.S. or A. citizen, not an American.
> Is someone from Mexico NOT an American. They certainly ARE Americans.
> >
> >Now that Communism has loosened up media censorship in the former Soviet
> >Union, Russians can enjoy pornography, pedophilia, sodomy, and all kinds of
> >American indoor sports!
> >
> >I would think the gay community would take a nod from the Billy Gramm
> >crusade and use this opportunity to force their lifestyle on unsuspecting
> >Russians.
> >
> >In much the same way they have forced it on us here in America.
> ^^^^^^
> It was never forced on anyone. Did some guy FORCE you to have sex with him?
> If that happoned, it was probably a heterosexual who was into a power/control
> trip, like most rapists.
> What some people think of as forcing the gay lifestly is an honest attempt to
> prevent much of the damn discrimination against gay people.
> And don't associate us with a group of religious fools!
> We don't like having religion forced on us, and christians have been
> doing it for centuries! We haven't, don't, and won't do that!
> >
> >Jaffo
> >
> ^^^^^^ just another bigot!
> John, a man who wants freedom FROM religion in the U.S.A.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> John Bowling |Apple II GS can whip the pants off it's little
> |brother (Mac) any time!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
mikeh > wrote:
>Many people have sex at home..
>On 16 Nov 1995, John Bowling wrote:
>> Date: 16 NOV 1995 02:51:47 GMT
>> From: John Bowling >
>> Newgroups: soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.ukrainian, soc.culture.soviet,
>> soc.culture.magyar, soc.culture.polish, soc.culture.romanian,
>> soc.culture.czecho-slovak, soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.baltics,
>> soc.culture.usa, alt.current-events.russia, alt.current-even
>> Subject: Re: "The Russians Are Cumming!"
>> In article >, Jaffo > wrote:
>> >
>> >:I agree; this whole shit does not even remotely belong to
>> >:alt.sex.homosexual and similar groups. Tak chto, rebyata, sidite v
>> >:alt.culture.russian (ili, esche lucshe, v
>> >:alt.cretins.who.have.nothing.to.say) i ne zasoryaite set'.
>> >
>> >Are you implying there are no homosexual Russians?
>> >
>> >I think that's very narrow minded of you. Homosexuality, while more
>> >popular in America, is not an exclusively American phenomenon.
>> ^^^^^^^^ What????? ^^^^^^^^ describes a hemisphere,
>> not a country! I am a U.S. or A. citizen, not an American.
>> Is someone from Mexico NOT an American. They certainly ARE Americans.
>> >
>> >Now that Communism has loosened up media censorship in the former Soviet
>> >Union, Russians can enjoy pornography, pedophilia, sodomy, and all kinds
>> >American indoor sports!
>> >
>> >I would think the gay community would take a nod from the Billy Gramm
>> >crusade and use this opportunity to force their lifestyle on unsuspecting
>> >Russians.
>> >
>> >In much the same way they have forced it on us here in America.
>> ^^^^^^
>> It was never forced on anyone. Did some guy FORCE you to have sex with
>> If that happoned, it was probably a heterosexual who was into a
>> trip, like most rapists.
>> What some people think of as forcing the gay lifestly is an honest attempt
>> prevent much of the damn discrimination against gay people.
>> And don't associate us with a group of religious fools!
>> We don't like having religion forced on us, and christians have been
>> doing it for centuries! We haven't, don't, and won't do that!
>> >
>> >Jaffo
>> >
>> ^^^^^^ just another bigot!
>> John, a man who wants freedom FROM religion in the U.S.A.
>> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> John Bowling |Apple II GS can whip the pants off it's little
>> |brother (Mac) any time!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | Wally succumbs to verbal diarrhea (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
But it's not something THE STEAK wouldn't cure.
And Vlad is already greasing the pole.
+ - | Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Laszlo Katkits ) wrote:
> Noone ever denied, that there were some brave and fine
>Hungarians, who hided and helped jews in other ways. Those people
>were gambling with their own life to do so, they deserve all
>honor. Unfortunately they were not only in minority, but just a few.
>The majority just did nothing. You can say " the majority did not kill"
>but it did not do anything against eighter. If the majority was for
>or against the nazis, can be a matter of discussion, but their
>passivity can't. Those who claim today their opposition against
Most Hungarians were afraid for their own lives. What do you think
dying in Russia and getting frozen alive was much more fun than dying
in Auswitz? Why the hell can't you accept that what you claim
as "The Great Hungarian Antisemitizm" was -- for many Hunarians -- something
remote, very much lokalized at
Budapest and some big cities? Or should all Hunarians be held
responsible for everything done by people whom they never even
heard of just because they were also Hungarians? Is it not you
who is racist after all?
+ - | Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, says...
> Most Hungarians were afraid for their own lives. What do you think
>dying in Russia and getting frozen alive was much more fun than dying
>in Auswitz? Why the hell can't you accept that what you claim
>as "The Great Hungarian Antisemitizm" was -- for many Hunarians --
>remote, very much lokalized at Budapest and some big cities?
1. As it was mentioned several times, the so called Jew Laws
came 6 years BEFORE the german occupation, and 1 year BEFORE
the war, and 3 years BEFORE Hungary joined the war. Why can't
you just face it, the general opinion WAS antisemitic.
2. During the 1960-70 I heard enough antisemitic opinions from
people I never expected, even if the general opinion was a kind of
ashamed and much less antisemitic. The communists hate against
Israel - on the demand of the Sovjet - did not do any good eighter.
3. This antisemitism is on rising again - not only in Hungary -,
any try to deny the past gives more fuel to the new/old nazis.
4. I actually happen to know about a former "nyilas" who occupied
a house owned by jews, changed color of the partybook in time, and
got to remain in the house he occupied. The owners never received any
replacement of any kind. Now, as I heard, the grandson of this man
is an active member in some nazi organization in Budapest.
Will this answers do ? Some of you claim that you don't have to do
with all those stuff. I beleive you, I just don't understand why
are you guys so engaged to defend them, often with the only weapen:
pure denying. And you get mad when somebody remindes you things
you can't possible deny. Now why is this so important for you ?
Why can't you just say: OK it was a long time ago, we don't accept
those things today ? Now there is no war you can claim to be influenced
of, affraid for. Or do you fear for your lives today, for saying
against those new-nazis?
And a final question: Why are you all so certain that it must be
a jew to talk against antisemitism ? All those who claim their
right to speak for any minorities - f. ex. in Trassylvania -, must
imperativly do it for ALL minorities. Ohterwise it will be degraded
to cheap, populistic nacionalism.
Now Zsoter Andras, I know you are not an unscooled person, take all
this under consideration. Shell we discuss this things ? OK for me,
but at the same time: I was accused to write in english for just
giving more publicity to my "law opinion about Hungarians", - the
fact that I answered a message written in English did not count -
, so for all our convenience, let's write in Hungarian as long all
those who might be intrested can follow it.
And just for taking the edge of your message, I repeat a part that
you quoted me:
> Noone ever denied, that there were some brave and fine
>Hungarians, who hided and helped jews in other ways. Those people
>were gambling with their own life to do so, they deserve all
+ - | Update! WWW guide to cheap flights. The WWWanderer. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hello to all my users,
I've finally gotten around to updating The World Wide Wanderer Cyberian
Bucket Shop Guide - a guide to really cheap flights. (*See below for a
description if you've never heard of my site before).
My apologies to those who have been waiting for all this time - I've had
The Rest of My Life to deal with :-) .
But, now there are over 4000 listings on the site, and a new format that
should be compatible with all browsers (even LYNX) - stop on by!
I'm now expanding to include info on really cheap "other stuff that
travelers use". The first thing that I'm checking into is really cheap
long distance. Thus far I've only put one service on the list, but I will
add more as I continue my research.
Check out this site for a really, really cheap prepaid phonecard (USATel
- $0.15/min 24/7 within the USA, to the UK, $0.2375 /min, France $0.37
/min, Canada $0.25/min, Sweden $0.31/min, Bahamas $0.25/min, Taiwan
$0.49/min, Australia $0.35/min, Japan $0.36/min...so on and so forth.
Really, ridiculously inexpensive, even compared to the not-so-bad deal I've
been getting with my other discount calling card.)
If you know of any other services that travelers need being offered at an
_extremely_ good price, please let me know (but please don't bombard me
with just anything - the WWWanderer is intended to be a guide for
travelers, not an indiscriminate advertising platform).
Feel free to drop me a line via e-mail:
I look forward to your visit.
Mark Harrison
The WWWanderer
PS. I have cross-posted to all the newsgroups from which people have
responded to me, asking for information in the past. If you feel that
these updates don't belong on this newsgroup, please have an open
discussion on whether or not I should continue to post here - I will
respect the wishes of the group.
* For those who have no idea what The World Wide Wanderer Cyberian Bucket
Shop Guide is:
I've created a new Web site - *The World Wide Wanderer Cyberian Bucket
Shop Guide* - it's a friendly interface to a database of a whole pile of
bucket shops (discount travel agent who get really cheap airfares -20%-70%
below airlines' general prices -by working with consolidators and
The WWWanderer has got listings for flights to places ranging from
Kinshasha, to Berlin, to Jakarta to LA - and just about everywhere in
between. The idea is to make it easy for budget travelers to shop around
the bucket shop market for the best possible deal.
I've never paid full price for a ticket, and I don't think anyone should.
In case this is all new to you... bucket shops sell flights for far
less than the airlines public prices. They do this through various deals -
volume and stuff (I explain it much better at the site.)
There's a lot of research involved in getting the database together, so
every few weeks I'll be expanding the database and putting in updates.
I'll announce on this newsgroup when I've put up more listings.
Please stop by, look around and, if you'd be so kind, drop me a line to
let me know what you think.
My e-mail is:
Thanks! I look forward to your visit.
Mark Harrison
The WWWanderer
+ - | Re: Recognizing unfairness (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Dorin Ungureanu > wrote:
> >
> >You will notice that although britanica mentions both schools
of thought
> >on this issue, they only expand on the theory which holds
true the fact
> >that the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people occurred in
Dacia, and that
> >this process was finished by the time the Hungarians showed
up in Transylvania.
> >Also the assimilation of slavic people is mentioned in this
text. That explains
> >the existence of slavic words in the Romanian language.
> Dorin,
> with your nice last name (!) I expected something else from
> What you showed to me looks like the Encyclopedia editors
lifted much of
> that stuff from Romanian history books. Just like the authors
> various travel books, etc. I hope you really don't think that
> encyclopedist do their indpendent research on stuff they put
into those
> volumes. They just compile things and edit it.
> Joe
The more stupid think in your rethoric is that you build
everythink on lies,fabricated facts,insults,all the infected
garbage.Normal people don't listen to this kind of
absolite propaganda that BTW remind me of "Mein Kampf" or Stalin
or Ceausescu. Common Joe, you would lie 'ntil you die ?
Forget the past, the future is "bright".
Yours, Traian Romanu
+ - | Giftpackages to Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I need to know the address of some American firms that send gift
packages to Hungary. Anyone have some information? It will be
Pete Koerner
+ - | Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Laszlo Katkits > wrote:
>In article >, says...
>>in Auswitz? Why the hell can't you accept that what you claim
>>as "The Great Hungarian Antisemitizm" was -- for many Hunarians --
>>something remote, very much lokalized at Budapest and some big cities?
>1. As it was mentioned several times, the so called Jew Laws
>came 6 years BEFORE the german occupation, and 1 year BEFORE
>the war, and 3 years BEFORE Hungary joined the war. Why can't
>you just face it, the general opinion WAS antisemitic.
>2. During the 1960-70 I heard enough antisemitic opinions from
>people I never expected, even if the general opinion was a kind of
>ashamed and much less antisemitic. The communists hate against
>Israel - on the demand of the Sovjet - did not do any good eighter.
>3. This antisemitism is on rising again - not only in Hungary -,
>any try to deny the past gives more fuel to the new/old nazis.
>4. I actually happen to know about a former "nyilas" who occupied
>a house owned by jews, changed color of the partybook in time, and
>got to remain in the house he occupied. The owners never received any
>replacement of any kind. Now, as I heard, the grandson of this man
>is an active member in some nazi organization in Budapest.
>Will this answers do ? Some of you claim that you don't have to do
>with all those stuff. I beleive you, I just don't understand why
>are you guys so engaged to defend them, often with the only weapen:
>pure denying. And you get mad when somebody remindes you things
>you can't possible deny. Now why is this so important for you ?
>Why can't you just say: OK it was a long time ago, we don't accept
>those things today ? Now there is no war you can claim to be influenced
>of, affraid for. Or do you fear for your lives today, for saying
>against those new-nazis?
I'm just tired of getting clobbered by generalizations that tend to show
one particular side of Hungarian history. A lot of people seem to be ashamed of
the past, which obviously they have a right to, but I also think that
generalizations tend to be malicious (I think attorney general Janet Reno said
that, when at first the Oklahoma City bombings were blamed on
Middle-Easterners, then later on white Americans were accused).
I don't think I'd be ashamed of being a German, if I was one, due to the past.
I certainly wouldn't be proud of it, but to be constantly reminded of WWI and
WWII, would upset me, at least.
I don't know why I should be upset at "Austrians" or "Turks", although "they"
pillaged the country.
I guess, another problem is the closeness of WWII, and even WWI (ie. still
within a lifetime).
It is also arguable how much Horthy or the parliament represented "Hungary" and
the "Hungarians", although I suppose they did.
+ - | Re: "Ha szegyelled, akkor nem is vagy az!" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Egy hossu vita it van az ugynevezett zsidotorvenyekrol, de senki sem
emlekszik a pontos torvenyekre avagy datumokra. It a lista. A torvenyek
szovegei is megvannak a konyvpolcomon. Ha valakit erdekel akkor elkuldom a
szak- es torvenykonyvek cimeit.
1920:XXV. A Tudomanyegyetemre, muegyetemre, a budapesti egyetem
kozgazdasagtudomanyi karra es a jogakademiara valo beiratkozas
szabalyozasaraol. (1920 Szeptember 28. Az ugynevezett numerus clausus
avagy zart torveny.)
1928:XIV. A feletti torveny modositasa. (1928. Aprilis 26.)
1938:XV. A tarsadalmi es gazdasagos elet egyensulyanak hatalyosabb
biztositasarol. (1938 Majus 29. Az ugynevezett elso zsidotorveny.)
1939:IV. A zsidok kozeleti es gazdasagi terfoglalasanak korlatozasarol.
(1939 Majus 5. Az ugynevezett masodik zsidotorveny.)
1941:XV. A hazassagi jogrol szolo 1894:XXXI Torvenycikk kiegesziteserol es
modositasarol, valamint az ezzel kapcsolatban szukseges fajvedelmi
rendelkezesrol. (1941 Augusztus 8. - Az ugynevezett harmadik
1942:XV. A zsidok mezo- es erdogazdasagi ingatlanairol. (1942 Szeptember
Aradi Peter
Depertment of History
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
+ - | An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, please (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler,
First of all, i want to tell you, maybe sometimes i will don't
write so good in english, so please understand my mistakes . I read
not only this letter what you wrote, but many of them what you send to
the Romanians and Hungarians . I'm agree with you because we don't
must live only in past, and we must to do something to change this
mentality . At least i'm not agree with this type of discussion what
Romanians and Hungarians make, some of them are indeed interesting,
but others are so sterile. This problem betwen our countries will not
finish so soon... . I think both of us must to comme to a more deep
understanding of each other, this is only reasonable choice, the other
choice is very clear the WAR .
But, something i will criticize to your way of thinking . What i will
criticize is specific to all people who live in occident . Many of
you, think because occidental countries are superior and others are
almost BARBARIANS, i see many of you don't understand WHY these
countries are in THIS SITUATION .
You and others, speak from YOUR POINT OF VIEW, WITHOUT TO KNOW WHAT
THIS region of world has suffered many bad things, many negative
events, these events was so bad...
But, the peoples of this region DON'T FORGET these events . I must to
tell you without exageration, these events are deep writed in the
souls of people, in their minds, is almost GENETIC .
This type of process is happening when somebody suffer(pain) INTENSE
But that's not all, after the second World War, this region was under
Another catastrophe over our heads ... . Milions of roumanians was
The same events... . And you tell us to DON'T LIVE IN PAST ?????......
You will understand that when you will live these events.... Forget
you brother, or your mother or your father who was killed from
I don't want to defend Romania, but read our history to see,
how had live the Roumanians .....
For US, ALWAYS OUR LIFE WAS A FIGHT, against others who always come to
us with INCREDIBLE DEMANDS . All countries around Romania tell us
ROMANIA ? NO WHERE !!!!!! After these people, we must to DON'T
EXIST . Who is indeed an enemy of peace in this region ?
By the way, i want to tell you another thing . Yes, all occidental
countries are civilizated countries.
But, i see nobody of you, don't think how these countries had became
"So Deep Civilizated", so Superior....
Tell me please : France, England, Holland,Germany, Austria and
Hungaria, Italy, what is so specific in the history of these countries
?????? . Is so easy to find : All these countries had a Colonial
Empire !
Hundreds of years they take all what was good in the countries who
they EXPLOITE !!
You write : Why you don't want to join the "GREAT ENGLISH
CIVILIZATION", you end by telling us almost like a menace, if you
don't agree you will be assimilated from this "great civilization" .
Cute, ah ?
Barbarians must to be assimilated if they will don't obey ! Hmmm....
after my poor knowdlege of history was someone who tell us the same
thing and his name was : ADOLF HITLER .
Be careful, i don't want to say, you are Hitler ! I want only to show
you the possible consequence of your idea . You don't tell us
something NEW , so please understand CORRECT what i wrote .
Another thing :
If something is specific to the Occident is this :
You want to impose your model of society to others ! You think
this is healthy ? You think all of us must to be like you ? You
think, we must to take your "model" and to put this "model" in OUR
LIFE.... The fight of others countries against the occidental
influence have like reason this wrong type of thinking...
A lot of countries need indeed a CHANGE, but a change in wich this
country can save the own specific, and to DON'T LOOSE THE CONTROL OF
THE OWN ECONOMY !!!, because the Occident want to be the "BOSS" not
only in his country, but to be the "BOSS" and in "other HOUSE" .
That show me for a long time, because the Occident DON'T HAVE ANY
And your letter show me AGAIN the SAME THING .
I have deep doubts about the Occidental Civilization . Now i live in
Canada, and i see what means this "civilization" at the social level
Here don't exist indeed a "Communion Betwen People", each family in
his appartment, people live here like a stranger to each other, only
money are important, only my pleasure,many people are alienated... .
The Occident is modern, but is without any WISDOM, and The
WISDOM come from TRADITION the really problem is OUR WORLDS ARE IN A
SPIRITUAL WORLD, the base of this world is TRADITION and RELIGION .
The only chance to survive to each other is to take what is Good from
each type of world . If we don't do that, i don't see our future well
Come to Romania, or Hungary, or Bulgaria, or Russia to see this type
of Communion . You will understand how wrong you are when you speak
about US, in YOUR TERMS .
Finish for one time to think all things in terms of : Commodity,
civilization, etc . Go and know these people, ask these people what
they think about life, world, what they feel, what they desire from
For the readers from Hungary( and for you Wally)
Dear Tamas, Janos, Sandor,.........
These people are not real, that means i don't know somebody with this
name, but is a virtual person .
I will be very clear . The key of understanding betwen
Romanians and Hungarians is so simple :
People from Hungary, must to end to put all the time the
teritorial integrity of Romania in question, if you will continue
with this theory, will don't be NEVER UNDERSTANDING BETWEN US .
The real problem is :
Any Romanian will don't accept like a base of disscusion the
Autonomy of Transilvania or a type of Regional Autonomy . The real
problem is to protect the rights of hungarians in Romania more well
with more good laws . Anyway, like a personal comment :
After my father i'm hungarian, my mother is Romanian, always i
consider deep in my soul i'm Romanian, but always i consider i can be
proud because i'm and hungarian . In the light of these affirmations i
want to tell you, i know very well the hungarians from Romania .
Before to comme to Canada i live in a majoritary hungarian region in
Romania, in Harghita, so i want to tell you this:
Indeed in the time of Ceausescu the situation of hungarians in Romania
don't was good. But in reallity we both, romanians and hungarians in
the time of Ceausescu we live at the same level of life, no one don't
had some privillege . After romanian revolution, the situation of
hungarians at the level of rights is not only good, is very good . In
principal cities where hungarians are majoritary exist a CABLE TV
COMPANY, the owners are of course hungarians, and they do a very good
job . Exist a separate channel only in Hungarian language, exist a
separate channel for DUNA TV, day after day the cultural life and
economic life of hungarian community is more good . The people for
example, who drive these cities are only hungarians, they don't need
really an Autonomy, because they have NOW this autonomy , but under
the Romanian law . Almost all aspects of the life of hungarian
community is only in the hands of hungarians
What i find is wrong to hungarians leaders from Romania is because
they have the same reflex to put this teritorial problem . You think
is really wise to put this problem at the table of negotiations, when
you speak with Romanian leaders ? The discussions are about the RIGHTS
wrong this position, when the interest of Hungarians leaders from
Romania is to defend the RIGHTS OF THIS MINORITY ?
Romanian leaders are open to discussion, but when somebody comme with
this position, you don't feel the processus of negotiations is almost
DEAD ??.... Another point is :
How you think , will feel all the Romanians(ordinary people) when
somebody put this territorial problem ???
What is interesting to me, is because always a hungarian speak like,
what feel Romanians is not important, this is "our" problem and we
must to solve this problem . In fact the problem is the hungarian
leaders, don't want to negotiate the protection of hungarians rights,
they want to don't be under the Romanian rule, under
the Romanian law .They want to break a country .
This is the true position of these leaders .
From this position, begin all troubles betwen Hungarians and
Romanians . I said in the begining of this letter because only chance
to have a solution to this problem is to have a deep understanding
about each other, but unfortunately i see hungarian leaders from
Romania - and not only from Romania - don't let a chance to begin
this process of understanding betwen us . The mistake of hungarian
leaders is because they believe the Romanians don't want a solution
for this situation . Romanians want a solution, but under the
Romanian Law .
Anyway our Occidental friend have right when he say, we don't
must to live all the time in past, because we, Romanians and
Hungarians, we have two different point of view of history.
Hungarians consider when the Romanians take the Transilvania in 1918
don't was legal, this was an historycal injustice, Romanians consider
this WAS INDEED AN ACT OF JUSTICE after 8 hundred years
of opression . So, in this situation what we must to do ?? The both
parts will remain at the his own opinion, so that means can't be
understanding betwen these two countries ???
Let, to be sincere betwen us, the times in which we live are
different, maybe for some hundreds of years we'll tell for each other
i'm hungarian, i'm romanian, but the world will became a village,
borders will be only on the maps, i'm sure of that, in 10-20 years the
economical links betwen Romania and Hungary will became very
important, day after day, our level of life will became dependent
from each of us, when Romanians and Hungarians will work for the
prosperity by economical links, many of these problems will dissapear
betwen us . Is only a matter of time .
I wish to all my hungarians friends from all parts of the world, and
for you Wally, an Happy Cristmas
and God to be
with you
Kobori Gheorghe Alexandru