Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Romani (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Medal count (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
3 Read about Tom Lantos in D.Funderburk: PINSTRIPES AND (mind)  123 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: More fun via OMRI ... (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: TO MR. KEELER FROM MARIA (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind)  43 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
9 A Hit Gyulekezete (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Marinov/ Valenski postings (mind)  53 sor     (cikkei)
11 Uszas (elotte: Re: Na, ez az Olimpia is jol kezdodik) (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
12 Abortion was: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: UP TO 5 MILLION DOLLAR REWARD - RE: TERRORIST BOMBI (mind)  66 sor     (cikkei)
14 Asian culture (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: A Petőfi Rádió interjúja Neményi Péter Andrással (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Romani (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: HipCat s Homepage! Needs Contributions! (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: ROMANIANS, VLACHS, ROMANS. (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
20 Vocationally Disturbed Executives and Professionals (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: A Hit Gyulekezete (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind)  139 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: Wanted to buy - apartment in Bp (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
28 Olympics: WHY CAN T WE SEE THE HUNGARIAN TEAM??? (mind)  72 sor     (cikkei)
29 Re: UP TO 5 MILLION DOLLAR REWARD - RE: TERRORIST BOMBI (mind)  44 sor     (cikkei)
30 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
31 Re: MARIA EGOROV IS A RACIST LIAR (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
32 Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
33 Reply to Marinov (mind)  49 sor     (cikkei)
34 Re: Origin of Hungarian people (was Re: "scientific exp (mind)  58 sor     (cikkei)
35 MARIA EGOROV IS NOT A LIAR (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
36 Re: Challenges to Ms Egorov (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
37 Re: Uralo-Altaic idioms list by Plamen Malinov (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
38 Re: A Petőfi Rádió interjúja Neményi Péter Andrással (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
39 Re: Maria Egorov s Romani Husband (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
40 Re: ARE THE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
41 Re: MARIA EGOROV IS A RACIST LIAR (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
42 Re: ARE THE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
43 Re: SCM: Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind)  56 sor     (cikkei)
44 Flame (was: "scientific explanation" [sic!]) (mind)  95 sor     (cikkei)
45 Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
46 Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
47 Re: TO MR. KEELER FROM MARIA (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Romani (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The problem is that the Valahs lived south of Panonia in today's 
Slavonia. That is why the first writings are in that language. One day 
it will be proved that there is Valah (Blach) proto Christian 
continuity in those lands and that's why is none elsewhere. 

O cronica, citata de dumneavoastra, spune ca Valahi traiau undeva pe 
teritoriul Slavoniei de azi si erau pastorii Romanilor. Aceasi cronica 
ne spune ca Romani parasesc locul retraginduse in Italia iar Valahi 

Am mai gasit urmatoarea informatie, care cred ca ar trebui lata in 

<The problem is that the Valahs lived south of Panonia in today's 
Slavonia. That is why the first writings are in that language. One day 
it will be proved that there is Valah (Blach) proto Christian 
continuity in those lands and that's why is none elsewhere. >

A. Albu
+ - Re: Medal count (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Steven C. Scheer > wrote:
>no problem with total medal counts . . . Each way of
>doing this would be problematic . . . this may be the
>fairest, after all. Especially if we take into consideration
>that being first, second, or third doesn't make that
>much difference in overall achievement . . . at times
>these differences are but fractions of seconds apart . . . 

I disagree.  If I was to give points to medals, I would giver 4 to a gold,
2 to silver and 1 for bronze.  If the first place winner deserves the
national anthem, he deserves the extra weight in my opinion.

+ - Read about Tom Lantos in D.Funderburk: PINSTRIPES AND (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> =============================================
David Funderburk amerikai nagykovet (1981-1985)
Romániában toltott  evei után kiadta emlekiratait, amelyben leirja,
hogy az erdelyi magyarság szenvedeseit feledve Lantosek a
Ceausescu-palota tobbszori vendegei voltak. ime nehány reszlet a volt
nagykovet "PINSTRIPES AND REDS"  cimu konyvebol:
Selous Foundation Press, Washington, DC/1987.
Inquiries and book orders should be addressed to Pinstripes and
Reds. Post Office Box 1124, Dunn, N.C. 28334.
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 87-82566
ISBN: 0-944273-01-7

"The two main Congressional delegations to visit Romania
between late 1981 and the summer of 1985, were those in 1983 led
by Congressmen Tom Lantos and Sam Gibbons. According to
Politics in America, California Democrat Tom Lantos, who was
born in Budapest, Hungary of Jewish parents, had a reputaion of a
strong anti-Communist. After his visit to Romania in January of
1983, I wondered how he got that reputation.

The Lantos delegation included Congressmen Don Bonker,
Williams Frenzel, and Tom Lantos, along with the wives of several
other Congressmen, and State's Assistant Secretary for
Congressional Relations Powell Moore. I noted in my diary on
January 19, 1983, that the delegation gave a disgraceful performance
which undercut U.S. efforts at reciprocity in the bilateral
relationship. It even undermined the efforts of Lawrence
Eagleburger, who led State endeavors to maintain differentiation and
MFN for Romania. Eagleburger had just arrived in Romania a little
over a week earlier to try to save the special relationship with
Romania by persuading Bucharest to withdraw the education tax

In this crisis context, the effect of the group's presentation was
to reassure the Romanian government not to worry about its most
serious violation of Jackson-Vanik, MFN and Helsinki. Mrs.
Annette Lantos unbelievably said that she thought the Romanian
decree was justified and legitimate. She also said that she thought
Romania and Bucharest looked wonderful - from her car window -
and she was anxious to return to one of her favorite places.
Congressman Lantos said that if offered ambassadorships to
Brussels or Bucharest, he would take Bucharest. They did not,
however, have to live in Romania, and witness the day to day harsh
reality of suffering. And Ceausescu was especially adept at playing
on other large egos. The traveling U.S. Air Force crew said that they
had never had a greater ego abroad than that of Lantos.
The key meeting of the delegation was the two-hour session
with President Ceausescu on January 19th. Ceausescu gave his usual
line: "... you need me more, so I'll go it alone if necessary,"
which put the guests on the defensive. Ceausescu said that Romania
had lived without MFN before and would live without it again if
need be. He claimed that he would accept no conditions in order to
keep MFN. He argued that the U.S. would lose more if MFN was
withdrawn. Other Ceausescu statements sought to justify the
imposition of the education tax decree, and to maintain that
emigration was not part of the U.S. Romanian Trade Agreement.
Congressman Frenzel mentioned concern over the MFN-trade
relationship with Romania, and the problem created by the education
decree. Frenzel also stressed his hope that MFN would not have to
be withdrawn.
Lantos emphasized the great wisdom and leadership of
Ceausescu in international affairs, especially disarmament and
peace. He praised the so-called independent foreign policy of
Romania. And unlike Eagleburger, he said that if the decree was
implemented chances of passing MFN would be
Also, Lantos almost alone among U.S. officials of any stripe
said that he hoped Romania would get multiyear MFN, i.e.
guaranteed for several years and thus eliminate the burden of annual
MFN review by the U.S. (Lantos, however, voted in April 1987, to
suspend MFN for six months.) 
Lantos affirmed that the Hungarians were treated no worse than
the Romanians and thus their complaints of cultural genocide were
not justified. The Lantos's expressed surprise that nothing
derogatory was mentioned about their Hungarian background. To
top it off, Lantos said that if a Democrat President was elected in
1984, he would persuade him to visit Romania in 1985. Others in the
delegation told me that they were surprised by Lantos's extreme
homage to Ceausescu and said that he was usually tougher than on
this occasion. My concern was whether Ceausescu got the
impression that being so praised he would not then have to worry
about getting a deal to pay Romania for emigration through

The way Lantos played the game is perhaps best indicated by
the following examples. In the meetings with Romanian officials, he
praised Ceausescu's independent foreign policy. Outside the
meetings, he admitted that Romania's foreign policy was not so
independent. Inside the meetings, Lantos said not a word about
human rights. The meetings constituted the time he could have been
some help to the thousands imprisoned, persecuted, and not allowed
to emigrate.
After the sessions, Mrs. Lantos handed me a list of families they
wanted us to help get out, saying to my wife that one of her pricipal
concerns back in the office in Washington was to get three
Romanian families out of Romania since their relatives frequently
visited the office. But the task of getting them out was made much
more difficult by the public performance of Lantos in Bucharest.
Back in the U.S., the Congressman was the first to advertise
politically, the accomplishments made, and concern shown, during
the trip.
Probably one bright spot during the Ceausescu meeting with the
Lantos delegation was Congressman Bonker's performance. On two
occasions, Bonker said that the holocaust occured because no one
spoke out. Bonker spoke out with a modicum of firmness. In
response to Bonker's statement that he was concerned, Ceausescu
answered that Bonker was misinformed. Ceausescu said that unlike
the U.S., Romania pays its priests and pastors of their salaries.
During Bonker's presentation, Ceausescu looked down and rifled
through the Capitol Hill guidebook given him by Lantos and was
visibly irritated. As on other occasions when he was hearing
uncomfortable things, Ceausescu stuttered and clicked his mouth
and jaws while stumbling for words to come out. 
Even though Bonker worked directly with human rights issues,
and Lantos was apparently preoccupied with establishing his
credibility with Ceausescu, concern expressed by all members of the
Lantos delegation for human rights, emigration, and the education
tax decree would have strengthened America's hand vis-á-vis
Similarly, U.S. interests and those of the suffering people in
Romania would have been better served by a joint expression of
such concerns." (...) /pages 175-178./
> =======================================================
+ - Re: More fun via OMRI ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Louis B. Wooding > wrote:

>Perhaps you forgot charter NATO member Greece...so to speak.  Is
>this country to be kicked out of NATO because of it's Orthodox
>Christian affliation?  Or are you suggesting NATO should be composed
>only of those nations which are Catholic or their Protestors and that
>Rome and Constantinople will be at odds again just like way back in the
>days of old.

I was suggesting no such thing.  I only wrote: "one could look at it
....".  Now I grant you that the case of Greece and Turkey goes against
this trend.  I submit their early admission was an anomaly caused by the
desire of containing Communism.  I'm sure if the West saw itself
threatened by leaving out Romania and other countries wanting to join
Nato, it would ignore all their shortcomings just as they did with
Turkey and Greece.

>Does this mean NATO member Turkey (muslim) must cede
>Istanbul back to the Eastern European faction so that it may have it's
>natural capital city again...in order to fullfill your model of NATO
>(Rome) versus East Europe (Byzantine)?  

This is a bunch of grandstanding I am not interested in.

+ - Re: TO MR. KEELER FROM MARIA (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Could you give me a reason to do so?.
+ - Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Peter A. Nemenyi > wrote:
| Szucs Istvan irja:
| >Hol vagtalak, es milyen tettekrol beszelsz? Semmifele
| >szandekom nem volt teged "vagni"  es nem is tudom hogy
| >vagtalak volna, mivel meg mail kozelben sem voltam harom
| >hete. Igenis szandekomban all es allt segiteni, es nem ertem
| >hogy mit mondtam vagy tettem amit kifogasolsz.
| Nezd nincs modomban visszanezni hirtelen az SCM. archivumot, de
| ugy remlik nem eppen pozitivan nyilatkoztal ugyemben. De ajanlok
| valamit. Utanezek es ha en tevedtem, ugy bizhatsz abban, hogy 
| bocsanatodat fogom kerni. 
| NPA.

Jo, nezz utana. Allitom hogy nem mondtam olyant ami a te
ugyedet erintve barmilyen szempontbol negativ lenne, azaz
nem itelne el teljesen a feljelentgetoket, es az ellened
folytatott eljarast. 

Hogy ne kelljen utanad keresni, ha arrol van szo, hogy azt
irtam hogy a veled keszult interview igazolja hogy a Petofi
radioban nincs kezzel iranyitott liberalis cenzura, ezt
allitottam,  fenntartom, de semmit nem von le a te ugyeddel
kapcsolatos allasfoglalassal, nem is ellentetes vele. Nem
tartom es nem is tartottam titokban hogy sok kerdesben
szogesen ellentetes a velemenyunk, de nem hiszem hogy lyan
megnyilatkozast talalnal a reszemrol ami nem teljes
mertekben elitelne a politikai boszorkanyuldozest
ellened. Ebben azert vagyok biztos, mert ezzel kapcsolatos
velemenyem az elso perctol kezdve hatarozott es valtozatlan.
En, es ugy hittem te is - ezt fontosnak tartottad, ebben
az ugyben, mert itt nem liberalis konzervativ, vagy
nacionalista antinacionalista, filoszemita, antiszemita, stb
ellentetrol lenne szo, hanem ennel alapvetobb dologrol,
politikai uldozesrol, a gondolat es iras szabadsagarol

+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Ivan Marinov  > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs wrote:
| > Pro life as in supporting people to choose not to have
| > abortions, while allowing them to make their own choices.
| Oh, I see. Something like that "don't kill him, but kill him if you 
| want".

Again, I don't think that there is any killing of a person
being involved, but leaving that aside it is .. I think you
should do X, I would like you to do X but I respect your
right to do Y.

+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>Again, I don't think that there is any killing of a person
>being involved, but leaving that aside it is .. I think you
>should do X, I would like you to do X but I respect your
>right to do Y.

Hey, guys!  How about some Hungarian content in this thread about 
abortion issues?  Changing the subject header would also be helpful.

+ - A Hit Gyulekezete (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ugy latszik ez a szekta nagyon nepszeru lett Magyarorszagon.  Megtudna
mondani nekem valaki, hogy ez eredeti magyar szekta, vagy kulfoldrol
behozott?  Mi ennek az amerikai megfeleloje, ha van ilyen?

Pannon J.
+ - Re: Marinov/ Valenski postings (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Oliver Fiorini >

>There seem to be quite a number of postings bearing the names of two
>Ivan Marinov and Maximilian Valenski.

I'm only one person, but I like using more names.

>As far as I can see, they  do not support abortion and  seem to advocate
>values, whatever they mean by that. Our violent world, most certainly can
>use any
>approach which would allow us to live out our lives peacefully. To me that
>the choice of religion and beliefs without self styled zealots forcing their
>on the vulnerable.  True, a society must have moral values. The question is,
>values should we adopt ? Almost every religion has a ready made case for the
>"Only" truth,   -"Their" truth.  -

You're absolutely wrong! Moral is not a religious question. There was 
moral, when there was no
organized religion yet. Religion simply explains some moral concepts in 
an easier and more
understable way, but religion didn't invent moral. You can be a 100 % 
moral person and at the
same time an atheist.

There is only one moral, moral is something objective, not subjective. 
There's no our moral and
their moral, there's only one moral.


Ivan Marinov - Maximilian Valenski

"The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole, 
and separately, in each country, each government, each 
political party, and of course in the UN. I have spent all my 
life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society 
without any objective scale is a terrible one indeed. But a 
society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy
of man either." (A. I. Solzhenitsyn)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 9D 85 B7 63 7D 85 14 C1  4C 36 CB 5E 92 70 FE E3
+ - Uszas (elotte: Re: Na, ez az Olimpia is jol kezdodik) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Aszem a tegnapelotti Tages Anzeigerben olvastam a kovetkezot.
Szegeny svajciak sopankodtak a praktisch nonexistent svajci
uszosport felett, es a magyar uszosporttal vetettek ossze. A
parhuzam megdobbento: Magyarorszagon csak 200-al tobb igazolt
uszo van, mint Svajcban, 5288. Ebben benne van mindenki, a teg-
nap leigazolttol kezdve, aki eppen most tanul uszni.

Ha hozzaveszem, hogy a 300 ezer fos Zurichben majd' tobb az
uszoda (nem furdo, versenyuszoda), mint a 2 millios Budapesten,
akkor mar kezdem en sem erteni a dolgot...  :-)

+ - Abortion was: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs > wrote:
| >
| >Again, I don't think that there is any killing of a person
| >being involved, but leaving that aside it is .. I think you
| >should do X, I would like you to do X but I respect your
| >right to do Y.
| Hey, guys!  How about some Hungarian content in this thread about 
| abortion issues?  Changing the subject header would also be helpful.
| Joe

I agree with the latter,  not neccessarrilly the former. I
like to discuss issues that are not neccessarrily specific
to Hungary, with other Hungarians. I don't think that this is 
an inappropriate forum to do so, even if the question is not
specific to Hungary.


 (Istvan Szucs) wrote:
>In article >,
>E.G.Engelbrecht > wrote:
>|  (Istvan Szucs) wrote:

>| Mexico border and carried out raids until the Mexican Government declared wa
>| in order to extend the US border west of Texas to the Pacific.  And did you 
>| declare war on Libya before bombing it?  How about Vietnam? or Cuba? or
>| Somalia? ...

>| Like I said before, the US government has quite a history of state sponsored
>| terrorism based on its own definition of the word. 
>| Clean up your own act before you start a crusade to clean up the rest of the
>| world.

>SWhen did I say I supported those policies? In what way am I
>resonsible for them?
>In what way does one side make other injustices ok?

I don't think you understand my point.

It is necessary that there be a global police force.  Eventually one would hope
that this is carried out by an international government (ie UN or its
but for now this is carried out mostly by the US with International agreement. 
Police forces need to have the ability to carry out violent actions in order to
be effective.  These actions are usually measured and controlled to ensure that
they are not excessive but none the less they would be unacceptable if the 
general public carried them out.  The invasion of Kuwait to re-establish its 
soverignty was an example of such an action.

My point is that if the term "terrorism" is used to describe military actions 
against military forces such as the bombing in Saudi Arabia then one could
extend it to include all policing actions of the UN which involve military

My argument is that the word "terrorism" should be used only to describe
military actions against unarmed civilians and not military targets.

>BTW you are writing from the UK right?

What difference does this make?  It was the US which called the bombing in
Saudi Arabia "terrorism" and proclaimed it would make every effort to stop
"terrorism" in the world.

Based on this argument then they should start by withdrawing their armed 
forces to American soil and forever not partaking in military exercises
without first declaring war.


E.G. Engelbrecht                            School of Mechanical Engineering
E-Mail:      Cranfield University, U.K.
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+ - Asian culture (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Some of you may be interested in AsiaWest FRIENDS, which is located 
at http://www.asia-west-friends.com/

Lots of Asian girls who seem to be genuinely interested in learning more 
about other cultures.

If you want to know more about people in Asia, including the Philippines, 
Hong Kong, Indonesia, etc, then I recommend you take a look.

+ - Re: A Petőfi Rádió interjúja Neményi Péter Andrással (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter A. Nemenyi > wrote:
>Az FOI. kerveny mar be lett adva par hete. Sajnos az lassan jon vissza!


>Tudod a feljelentgetok azert dobnak
>be kulonbozo vadpontokat, hatha a ceg szimatolas kozben megis talal va-
>lamit ami reven az illetot kar erheti. Gondolom emlekszel Csorna Pista 
>esetere. Kivancsi lennek az O ugyenek a hatterere. Nos elkepzelem, hogy a
>feljelentok abban bizakodtak, hogy feljelentesem reven en is Pistahoz 
>hasonloan el fogok tunni a magyar digitalis mediakrol. A terv visszafele 
>sult, hiszen most vegre van idom irni. 

Hmmm, ez beillik az SOP-jukba.  Viszont a Csornaval nem tudom mi
tortent, mivel ugy eltunt marol-holnapra, mint a pinty.  Azert
sejtettem, hogy mi lehetett az oka, miutan egyszer mar emlitette, hogy 
a szerveren betoresi kiserleteket fedeztek fel.  Ha tudsz valami
reszleteket a Pista eltuneserol, s abbol tobben is okulhatnak, nem
artana, ha megirnad azt itt.

+ - Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

g  > wrote:

>You never know, Jozsi: Tinca... maybe a... Tenkes Kapitany. ;-)

Now how would you know about such an esoteric Hungarian stuff like the
"Tenkes Kapitany"?  That's amazing!  I must have been in my 20s when that
mini series ran on Hungarian TV ("Rakoczi hadnagya").  And that was
eons ago, George! ;-)

>Hm... "recuperating"..., sort of OMRI 'traduttore traditore'. :-)

OK, after Liviu mentioned the Romanian word "recupera", I can see how
Shafir (or whatever his name is?) made that bubu.  So it's his fault,
not poor Tinca's.  Was it he who also was talking about the foreign
minister of Flanders a while back?  I don't recall such sloppyness at
RFE of older days. 

+ - Re: Romani (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, Albert Albu  > wrote:
>The problem is that the Valahs lived south of Panonia in today's 
>Slavonia. That is why the first writings are in that language. One day 
>it will be proved that there is Valah (Blach) proto Christian 
>continuity in those lands and that's why is none elsewhere. 

You mean not in Transylvania (Dacia)?

+ - Re: HipCat s Homepage! Needs Contributions! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, HipCat  > wrote:
>Please visit my homepage and help with your contributions of Famous 
>Hungarian-Americans and other topics you would like to see on the 
>internet.  Topics include:

How about a table of olympic medals won by Hungarians in all the modern
olympic games?

+ - Re: ROMANIANS, VLACHS, ROMANS. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Dear Antonius,

I definitely agree with you. All I want to point out ia a COMFUSABLE.
When we tolk about the Slavic tribe of VENETI, we do not want to CONFUSE 

it with the Italian VENETI ( VENITIANS).
+ - Vocationally Disturbed Executives and Professionals (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Dear Vocationally Disturbed Executives and Professionals: 

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+ - Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 26 Jul 1996 07:14:48 GMT,  () wrote:

>Gyorgy Kovacs > wrote:
>>Recuperating would be great! However Erdely is in such a bad shape, that if t
>>Rumanian government really wanted to screw Hungary up, they would just hand i
>>back on a silver plate.
>Pathetic!  I don't think you have a clue what point I was trying to make.
>How about checking your dictionary and see what "recuparate" means.

I prefectly sympathise with George... Joe, just because you don't know
Erdely means Transylvania in Hungarian doesn't mean you have to flame

Btw, Hungary would be fucked if Erdely would be given back to it, the
politicans wouldn't know what to do and it would just spawn more
pathetically stupid TV programs like 'Kedd 21'. Anyway, is that still
going? It started when I was in Budapest in January and I predict it
finished at the same time :)

+ - Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Balazs Boros > wrote:
>I prefectly sympathise with George... Joe, just because you don't know
>Erdely means Transylvania in Hungarian doesn't mean you have to flame

What the hell are you talking about?  Where do you get the idea that I
don't know Transylvania means Erdely in Hungarian?  And you obviously
don't know what flame means on these news groups, not to mention you
didn't get my point to George at all.  The rest was OK.

+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan Szucs wrote:

> Again, I don't think that there is any killing of a person
> being involved, but leaving that aside it is .. I think you
> should do X, I would like you to do X but I respect your
> right to do Y.

If X is moral and Y is unmoral, then I cannot defend your right to do Y.


Ivan Marinov - Maximilian Valenski

"The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole, 
and separately, in each country, each government, each 
political party, and of course in the UN. I have spent all my 
life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society 
without any objective scale is a terrible one indeed. But a 
society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy
of man either." (A. I. Solzhenitsyn)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 9D 85 B7 63 7D 85 14 C1  4C 36 CB 5E 92 70 FE E3
+ - Re: A Hit Gyulekezete (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Ugy latszik ez a szekta nagyon nepszeru lett Magyarorszagon.  Megtudna
> mondani nekem valaki, hogy ez eredeti magyar szekta, vagy kulfoldrol
> behozott?  Mi ennek az amerikai megfeleloje, ha van ilyen?

Eredeti magyar szekta. De az USA-ban is van egy rakas ilyen, ott 
altalaban karizmatikus punkosdistaknak nevezik oket vagy radikalis 


Ivan Marinov - Maximilian Valenski

"The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole, 
and separately, in each country, each government, each 
political party, and of course in the UN. I have spent all my 
life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society 
without any objective scale is a terrible one indeed. But a 
society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy
of man either." (A. I. Solzhenitsyn)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 9D 85 B7 63 7D 85 14 C1  4C 36 CB 5E 92 70 FE E3
+ - Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Az alanti valaszommal befejezem a temat, koszonom a turelmeteket!!!!!!
In article >,  ()
>In article >, sodrem > wrote:
>>Gondolom az elet megkimelt Teged es a csaladodat az uldoztetestol.
>A kozvetlen csaladomat szerencsere igen, de eleg sok kozeli ismerosomet
>tavolabbi rokonomat nem; vagy a haboru alatt vagy az 50-es evek AVOs
>kezelese alatt.
Egy ejjel bejott az AVO a lakasunkba, elvittek az Apamat es a mostoha
A testveremet es engem leadtak a hazmestereknek. Apamat elosszor jol
megvertek az Andrassy uton, aztan bezartak a Kistarcsa-i internalo
taborba. Hosszu
ideig volt ott. Azutan hogy kijott minden vasarnap mennie kellett
jelentkezni, az
Isten hata moge valahol. Igy toltotte a vasarnapjait.

>Hidd el, semmi szimpatiam nincs azok irant, akik hozzajarultak a
>csaladod es mas, hasonlo okok miatt uldozott ember szenvedesehez es
>halalahoz.  Ezert is szoktam gyakran megjegyezni az ilyen temaju
>cikkeimben, hogy a zsidok erzekenyseget bizonyos temakban megertem, s
>meltanyolom.  Viszont Neked, Nektek is jobban kene meltanyolnotok, hogy
>erre a nemet nyomas, s kesobb a megszallas nelkul aligha kerult volna
>sor.  Vegulis a kornyezo kormanyok sajat hataskorukben vittek veghez
>azt, amihez Magyarorszagon nemet megszallasra volt szukseg.

Ezt reszben vitatom.
Van egy nagybacsim aki ma Amerikaban el. Ez evben mult el 92 eves. Az O
egyetemista koraban mar nem tanulhatott Mo.-on, az a bizonyos "numerus
clausus" mar ervenyben volt. Becsben es Parizsban tanult es ott szerezte
meg az orvosi diplomajat. Az apja egy falusi pek volt, aki biciklivel a
hatan hordta
ki a kenyeret, a kulfoldi tandijat nem tudta fizetni. De bacsikam hala
kapott munkat, igy ejjel dolgozott es nappal iskolaba jart. 
Mas - - mivel Anyukam beteg volt en a nagyszuleimnel laktam Egerben es ott
jartam elemibe. A sarga csillag a kabatomra volt varva. Az angol
hoz jartam, [Anyukam is oda jart]. Nagypapam jol megfizetett erte. Egy nap
ahogy barangoltam hazza az iskolabol, kabatomon a csillag - a Samassa
teren, par lepessel a Bazilikatol, egy csoport kadett, a tiszti iskolai
korem csodult, fel emeltek a kabatom gallerjanal fogva, lekoptek es  "kis
kurvanak" neveztek. Azt hiszem masodik elemista voltam.

>Persze azt is tudom, hogy tobbet is tehettek volna szuleink,
>nagyszuleink, mint amit tettek.  No de utolag konnyu kibicnek lenni.

Ez igy van.

>Egyebkent a fenti torteneted is mutatja, hogy a riziko ellenere, voltak
>olyanok, akik bujtattak titeket, s a csendorok sem voltak mindig
>olyanok, amilyeneknek azota lefesti oket a hivatalos tortenelem. Sajnos
>en meg olyanrol is hallottam, hogy az ilyen embermentok ellen epp azok
>tanuskodtak 45 utan a nepbirosagok elott, akik nekik koszonhettek
>megmenekulesuket.  Vagy ha nem tanuskodtak ellenuk, mellettuk sem voltak
>hajlandoak.  S hogy mennyire veszelyes volt a zsidok bujtatasa a
>nyilasok alatti veszkorszakban, arrol meg nekem is jo gyerekkori emlekeim
>voltak.  Ugyanis egy faluszeli jo ismeroseink is ezt tettek, s kozben
>rettegtek egesz ido alatt.  Foleg attol, hogy mi gyerekek elpofazzuk azt

Nem ketlem, hogy ez is volt! Nekunk volt egy szomszedunk, akirol kesobb
tudtuk meg (O is "mas vallasu volt"), hogy az mentette meg, hogy masokat
bearult. Ezek utan szeretnem felhivni a figyelmedet arra hogy mikor a
csendorrol irtam aki elengedte az apamat, es amikor e szomszedot
aki eladta a hitsorsait, hogy a boret mentse - - egyes szemelyben irtam!
Nem lehet embereket semmi celbol sem egy kalap ala venni! Tehat a kutya
az egy kalap alatt van eltemetve! Ismerek egy csaladot kiknek hat gyerekuk
van. Egyik sem hasonlit a masikra. Mindegyik egy kulon egyed. 

>Szerintem itt a mar emlitett -- es ertheto -- szupererzekenyseged miatt
>felreerted Nemenyi cikkeit, amik elsosorban mitoszdongetok szerintem.
>Nem emlekszem, hogy o a zsidosagot egeszeben kritizalta. 

Azon az alapon amit olvastam az elmult hat honapban itt, a hungary listan
a Forumon, NPA has an agenda. He is "posessed". He seems to make it his
life's work. A diferencia kozted es NPA kozott: eg es fold! [ Dacara annak
hogy legtobszor nem ertek egyet Veled :)))) Te egy ertelmes embernek
tunsz. ]
En csak arra vagyok "szupererzekeny" hogy az NPA felek azt allitjak, hogy
sem en sem a csaladom nem magyar!

>annak befolyasos tagjait s szervezeteit akik gyakran talan visszaelnek
>a II. VH ota a zsidosag irant ebredt szimpatiaval a sajat szukos erdekuk
>vegett.  Az ilyeneket kritizalni nem anti-szemitizmus.  Sajnos azonban
>sok, egyebkent rendes zsido szarmazasu ember is olyan velemenyre
>helyezkedik, hogy mindenki mas kritizalhato, de zsido nem!  Legalabbis
>nem goyok altal!  Marpedig az ilyen hozzaallas szerintem eppen csak
>szitja az anti-szemitizmust, hiszen a legtobb ember tisztaban van vele,
>hogy jok es rosszak egyforman fordulnak elo minden faji vagy vallasi
>csoportban.  A legtobb embernek eszebe sem jut messzemeno
>kovetkezteteseket levonni egy kereszteny egyen vagy szekta esetleges 
>gyilkossagba, vagy ongyilkossagba torkollo orultsege miatt, de ha netan
>ugyanezt egy zsido egyen, vagy szekta kovetne el, akkor azt meg
>kivizsgalni is vilagraszolo bun, s az anti-szemitizmus megnyilvanulasa!
>(Lasd Tiszaeszlar, vagy annak a bizonyos Solomon Morelnek az esetet.)
>Mielott tul messzemeno kovetkeztetest vonnal le, hadd jegyezzem meg,
>hogy nekem semmi kifogasom az egesz eszlari ugyet ugy elfogadni, ahogy
>azt hivatalosan is tanitjak, de ha tortenetesen az NPA altal emlitett
>valtozat lenne igaz, abbol is csak legfeljebb arra kovetkeztetnek, hogy
>ott egy szingularis, primitiv zsido szektarol volt szo, ami nem jellemzo
>a zsido vallasra ugyanugy, mint amit rev. Jim Jones muvelt Johnstownban
>sem jellemzo a keresztenysegre.  Ami viszont fel szokott haboritani az
>az arrogancia, amivel sok zsido kizarolagos jogot akar formalni abbol,
>hogy a zsidokra vonatkozo tortenelmet "hivatalosan" tanitsa, ill.
>interpretalja.  Aki pedig kerdesesse teszi az ilyen hivatalosnak
>kikialtott tortenelmet, arra pedig kigyot-bekat kiabalnak uton-utfelen.
>Ezt a hozzaallast nem tudom elkepzelni mas nepek tortenelmevel

Az en velemenyem az, hogy tanitani kellene holocaust tortenelmet minden
iskolaban, minden orszagban. Igen tanitani kellene a zsido holocaustot,
a Cambodiait, a Yugoszlaviait, Burundiait, a Kereszteshaborut, a
ugyeket, amit Iraq es Iran csinal a vallas leple alatt, a nep irtast amit
csinalt, a rabszolgasagot amit Amerikaban csinaltak, a rabszolgasag ami
Oroszorszagban volt, a kegyetlensegek amit a Japanok csinaltak koreaban
stb., stb. A vilag az egy nagy falu lett. Emberek nem ismerik egymas
kulturajat es ez mindenfele felreertesekre vezet.

>Igen, kar hogy mindjart nem igy kezdted.  Remelem Te is megerted az en 

I am trying very hard :)

Minden jot kivanok.

+ - Re: Wanted to buy - apartment in Bp (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > ,  writes:
> I am an American - are there any
>problems with American ownership of a flat in Budapest ?

Yes. You will get minimum double priced offers, compared
to Hungarians.  ;-) Foreigners are exploited. It could even
happen if you chose an estate agency.

AFAIK, you have to set up a Hungarian company to own a
Hungarian real estate. As private person you are not allo-
wed to own Hungarian land/real estate. This law might
has been changed recently (because of OECD membership)
so you'd better to ask a lawyer. 

+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Ivan Marinov  > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs wrote:
| > Again, I don't think that there is any killing of a person
| > being involved, but leaving that aside it is .. I think you
| > should do X, I would like you to do X but I respect your
| > right to do Y.
| If X is moral and Y is unmoral, then I cannot defend your right to do Y.
Here is where we disagree. 

+ - Olympics: WHY CAN T WE SEE THE HUNGARIAN TEAM??? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> ==========================================================
[A Nemzet felkeri az olvasokat, hogy Dr. Balogh Sandor alabbi
levelehez hasonlo leveleket, vagy ennek csupan nevekkel modositott
valtozatait az alabbi cimre eljuttatva tamogassak az Amerikai
Magyarok Orszagos Szovetsege intezobizottsagi elnokenek akciojat!]

Dick Eberson,
President, Sports Division
NBC Television Network
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112 July 26, 1996

Dear Mr. Eberson:

Our Federation (National Federation of American Hungarians, NFAH)
is the largest umbrella organization of the more than 1.7 milion
Hungarian Americans, with almost 120 member organizations
throughout the United States. We have received numerous
complaints from our member organizations and friends about your
coverage of the opening ceremonies.

Before voicing their complaint, let me point out that in the Olympic
Games Hungary counts as one of the 4 or 5 "great powers". Both in
the standings of national teams and in the total gold medal counts,
Hungary is listed as #4, behind the USA, the former Soviet Union and
Germany - ahead of nations like France and Great Britain!

Yet, in covering the Parade of Nations, your editors skipped Hungary!
After Hong King, predictably, they switched to an interview with a
US basketball player! Once Hungary passed by, they had switched
back to the parade. I write "predictably", because since I am
watching Olympic Games beginning in 1960 (being a former
Hungarian Freedom Fighter who had escaped from Hungary after the
1956 rebellion), in every single Olympic year, as a rule, they had
never shown the Hungarian team during the Parade.

We never made an issue of this, since Hungary was a communist
country until a few years ago and we attributed this omission to
political reasons. But since 1990 Hungary has been in the forefront
of political and economic reforms, in fact Hungary was the first
nation to open up the Iron Curtain, and this year's Games are being
held in the US., so we had high hopes that this year the 1.7 million
Hungarians will be able to see the Hungarian team! But again, it was
not to be!

Not counting the 1980 Moscow Olympics and the 1984 Los  Angeles
Games where Hungary did not participate [because of direct Soviet
repression], this is the 8th Opening Ceremony in a row that we are
aware of, without an opportunity to see the Hungarian national team!
Due to the steady pattern of exclusion it seems that there is some
sinister plot that prohibits the showing of the Hungarian team.
Interestingly, however, this applies only to the Opening Parade. As I
write this on the evening of July 25, after Krisztina Egerszegi and
Attila Czene won their gold medals in swimming, your commentators
did not spare their praise, and did mention prominently the
Hungarian origin of these athletes!

We believe that a great injustice is being perpetrated against the
Hungarian thletes and the 1.7 million Hungarian-Americans, many of
whom are watching NBC regularly, and would hate to boycott your
network and your advertisers. Therefore, we respectfully request
that after due investigation, your Network explain the situation or
oversight if you will, and find an opportunity during the closing
ceremonies to show the Hungarian team as they were marching into
the Stadium on opening night.

Thank you for your consideration

Dr. Sandor Balogh
Chairman, Executive Committee
fax 518-477- 8647

 (Istvan Szucs) wrote:
>In article >,
>E.G.Engelbrecht > wrote:
>|  (David Gaudine) wrote:
>| >In war both parties can fight each other, i.e. bomb each other's military
>| >bases and so on.  Terrorists hide among the civilian population, giving
>| >no target for retaliation.
>| Does this make the resistance fighters of World War II

>As much as they attacked civilians and civilian targets, yes.

Sounds like our arguments are not so far apart.  You did not specify
in your original post that terrorist targets had to be non-military.
>SO they were attacking military targets..., during a war...

>That places thenm far apart from those attackng civilians in

What defines the existance of a war.  Japan clearly thought of itself in
a state of war when it bombed Pearl Harbour although the US had yet to
declare war.  During World War II most of the countries from which the
resistance fought had surrendered to Germany and so effectively were not
at war any more.  The situation in Saudi Arabia is one where a group of
paramilitaries have declared war on the US.  Though the US had not declared
war on them they felt that they were in a state of war which justified for them
their bombing of the US forces in Saudi Arabia.  So was this "terrorism" or


E.G. Engelbrecht                            School of Mechanical Engineering
E-Mail:      Cranfield University, U.K.
   | ______       __     _____________________________________________
   |__\ O|\ O ___/  \   / WWW Home Page:                              |
  ( ** \=|-\='CG-EGE/---| http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/public/me/me946/ |
   |-=__\|__\__==-\'    \_____________________________________________|
   |  | /          o
+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan Szucs wrote:
>> If X is moral and Y is unmoral, then I cannot defend your right to do 
>> Y.

> Here is where we disagree.

You disagree with me, because you think that moral is someting 
subjective. Good and bad are objective and eternal concepts.


Ivan Marinov - Maximilian Valenski

"The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole, 
and separately, in each country, each government, each 
political party, and of course in the UN. I have spent all my 
life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society 
without any objective scale is a terrible one indeed. But a 
society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy
of man either." (A. I. Solzhenitsyn)
PGP Key Fingerprint = 9D 85 B7 63 7D 85 14 C1  4C 36 CB 5E 92 70 FE E3
+ - Re: MARIA EGOROV IS A RACIST LIAR (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Wally Keeler) wrote:
>On July 23/96 > (Maria Egorov) claimed:
>    [----------------------------------------------------------------]
>    [ I know lots of Hungarians in United States and other foreign   ]
>    [ lands who are presenting the Romanians as Gipses.Advancing the ]
>    [ idea that ROM=ROMANIAN=GYPSY.                                  ]
>    [----------------------------------------------------------------]
>So you know LOTS OF HUNGARIANS. Then prove it, liar. List the names of
>just a few and provide citations to prove that "lots of Hungarians" are
>advancing the idea that Romanians are Gypsies. Prove it. Or are you 
>a RACIST LIAR? Prove your statement, Egorova.
>Wally Keeler					Poetry
>Creative Intelligence Agency			is
>Peoples Republic of 

She's no racist ! She's mentally retarded!

Dr. Laszlo
+ - Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 28 Jul 1996 03:03:53 GMT,  () wrote:

>g  > wrote:
>>You never know, Jozsi: Tinca... maybe a... Tenkes Kapitany. ;-)
>Now how would you know about such an esoteric Hungarian stuff like the
>"Tenkes Kapitany"?  That's amazing!  I must have been in my 20s when that
>mini series ran on Hungarian TV ("Rakoczi hadnagya").  And that was
>eons ago, George! ;-)

I am sorry to break the bad news to you, Joe, but there is no such a
person as 'George.' There is, however, a cyborg with direct permanent
uplinks to The Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, The
World Knowledge Database, and the Electronic Enccyclopedia of Movies &
TV Shows. This cyborg seems to be using a German e-mail address, more
often than not.

>>Hm... "recuperating"..., sort of OMRI 'traduttore traditore'. :-)
>OK, after Liviu mentioned the Romanian word "recupera", I can see how
>Shafir (or whatever his name is?) made that bubu.  So it's his fault,
>not poor Tinca's.  Was it he who also was talking about the foreign
>minister of Flanders a while back?  I don't recall such sloppyness at
>RFE of older days. 

We know that there are nuances of language usage (the working
language) that a person reading a dictionary will never get.



> =============================================================
      Andrew J. Rozsa - Birmingham, Alabama, USA
> -------------------------------------------------------------
          Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.            
> =============================================================
+ - Reply to Marinov (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

van Marinov wrote:
 > I'm only one person, but I like using more names.
  Both names are nice - in any case whether one choose to call 
  himself "Isten ostora" or Torquemada, it would not make any difference!
> You're absolutely wrong! Moral is not a religious question. There was
> moral, when there was no
> organized religion yet.

 I am pleased we agree on something.

> Religion simply explains some moral concepts in
> an easier and more
> understable way, but religion didn't invent moral.

 How neatly and gently it sounds! Religion explains moral concepts in
accordance with the dogma  which assures its continued existence - in most

> You can be a 100 %
> moral person and at the
> same time an atheist.
 Although I am not an atheist, I agre with your statement.
> There is only one moral, moral is something objective, not subjective.
> There's no our moral and
> their moral, there's only one moral.
 Nietzsche would flame you for this! This humble writer only disagrees.

Still. I always find people fascinating who have privy to the "only truth"
and to the 
"only one moral".
What does one have to do to reach this Nirvana of the mind? Meditate on a
misty mountain top between sips of goat milk and spoon fulls of yogurt?
 Or walk amidst the masses of people living their lives out in misery with
 closed eyes and plugged ears? 

A society must have a moral frame work in order to function. A frame work
which recognizes
the dignity of man and does not intentionally harms another LIVING human.
Within the frame work there can be many variations subject to the particular
needs of that society ,community.   
                                    oliver MARK fiorini
+ - Re: Origin of Hungarian people (was Re: "scientific exp (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Liviu Iordache > wrote in article
> "Romeo" > wrote:
> >If you know better, Mr.Liviu, why don't you try to describe us this
> >history.
> The normal way would be for you to (1)open a decent history textbook
> or encyclopedia, (2)read about the origin of Hungarian people, and
> (3)understand what is explained there. Since obviously  you, for
> reasons I don't feel like getting into right now, are unable to
> accomplish at least one of the above three simple, yet necessary,
> steps (and with sincerity I hope is not the 3rd one), I'll do it for
> you.
In the normal way I'm not really interested about where my, or hungarian,
or yours, ethnoroots are. But if you make a reply you must add a content.
So, don't make that mistake thinking you do it for me, you do (have done)
it for you. Or for the other people reading the messages on this thread and
think whatkinf of a message+reply is that?
I got better things to do than trying to follow the above 3 points. If you
got nothing better you may continue, nobody gets angry 'bout that.
> ...consider the Hungarians a Turkish people.
Well, friend, note again that I didn't say that Hungarian are Turkish or
otherwise. The subject of my reply was the emptyness of your reply.that's
it and nothing more.
> Turkish is the most widely spoken language of the Altaic language
> By contrast, Hungarian is part of the  Finno-Ugrian group that belongs
Well thanks indeed. This is a true reply, at least it has a content.
> If you insist I can try to evaluate the IQ difference between
> 's  idiotic Turkish friend and .
	Who are you my friend, kind of an IQ father? Well, if you wanna do that,
just try..nobody dies from that...and even if it dies...
	BTW, if you have some kind of an IQ evaluation hobby better try to
evaluate the IQ of Jesus, Buddha or other like them...maybe you'll learn
finally what relevance has this IQ thing...if you are not yet clarified
with the subject, try getting some friends of yours trained a couple of
years in crosswords and compare their IQ with that of Hawking or whatever
you consider clever...
	But, if you insist, note that your IQ is already (and publicly) evaluated
1.you have tried to reply to the "Turk" friend message;
2.your original empty reply puts you on the same IQ level with that "Turk"
3.you qualified him as idiot; because you done that, you must have been
born with an encyclopedia, or better said, you must have been born in a
package; and that's natural, because a lot of Romanian people bought a lot
of books in a package with other unuseful things before '89.
4.the confusion you made about the subject of my message disqualifies you
as a real partner of discussion (i sincerely hope this is true only in
relation with me).
> Take my word on this one, you would not like the result. 
As it results from above, your word is kinda nothing, you know :)

have you answered to any question?
do you have to?
+ - MARIA EGOROV IS NOT A LIAR (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I did not write the article. My husband, Albert did. He is NOT around to 
give you a response but I assure you that HE IS NOT A LIAR.
+ - Re: Challenges to Ms Egorov (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

And all I want you to do is to give a proper identification to those 
Hungarian scientists. Instead of using "Hungarian scientists", use 
Hungarian Jews.
This approach is more realistic. We do not want to ignore the Jews. DO EW?
+ - Re: Uralo-Altaic idioms list by Plamen Malinov (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"FINNO-UGRIC"  is a FANCY term to describe a people of MONGOLIC + TATAR  
+ TURK descent.
+ - Re: A Petőfi Rádió interjúja Neményi Péter Andrással (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Pannon Jozsef irja:

>Hmmm, ez beillik az SOP-jukba.  Viszont a Csornaval nem tudom mi
>tortent, mivel ugy eltunt marol-holnapra, mint a pinty.  Azert
>sejtettem, hogy mi lehetett az oka, miutan egyszer mar emlitette, hogy 
>a szerveren betoresi kiserleteket fedeztek fel.  Ha tudsz valami
>reszleteket a Pista eltuneserol, s abbol tobben is okulhatnak, nem
>artana, ha megirnad azt itt.

Sajnos nem tudok a teljes tortenetrol informaciot adni es pletykakat
nem kivanok publikalni. De a betoresi kiserlet tortenet az en esetem-
ben is ismeros. Mielott Csorna Pista eltunt koreinkbol, heves tamadas 
alatt volt. Hogy szereplese megszunoben van, az mar erezheto volt. 
Kar, hogy igy tortent.

+ - Re: Maria Egorov s Romani Husband (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I definitely agree with you. All I want to point out ia a COMFUSABLE.
When we tolk about the Slavic tribe of VENETI, we do not want to CONFUSE 

it with the Italian VENETI ( VENITIANS).
DO WE?. 
Some Hungarians are inclined to ignore this fact.
+ - Re: ARE THE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Maria Egorov > wrote:
>FINNO-UGRIC is a FANCY term  used to describe a people of MONGOLIC +
>TATAR + TURK descent.

You're just jealous 'cuz ya ain't got no Finno-Ugric roots...and of course, 
thus ya can't relate to Bird Jaguar, Lord of the Mayas at Yaxchilan.

aka. Bird Jaguar, Lord of the Mayas at Yaxchilan
+ - Re: MARIA EGOROV IS A RACIST LIAR (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Laszlo Balogh ) wrote:
:  (Wally Keeler) wrote:
: >
: >On July 23/96 > (Maria Egorov) claimed:
: >    [----------------------------------------------------------------]
: >    [ I know lots of Hungarians in United States and other foreign   ]
: >    [ lands who are presenting the Romanians as Gipses.Advancing the ]
: >    [ idea that ROM=ROMANIAN=GYPSY.                                  ]
: >    [----------------------------------------------------------------]
: >
: >So you know LOTS OF HUNGARIANS. Then prove it, liar. List the names of
: >just a few and provide citations to prove that "lots of Hungarians" are
: >advancing the idea that Romanians are Gypsies. Prove it. Or are you 
: just
: >a RACIST LIAR? Prove your statement, Egorova.
: >-- 
: >Wally Keeler					Poetry
: >Creative Intelligence Agency			is
: >Peoples Republic of 

: She's no racist ! She's mentally retarded!

: Dr. Laszlo

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+ - Re: ARE THE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

FINNO-UGRIC is a FANCY term  used to describe a people of MONGOLIC + 
TATAR + TURK descent.
+ - Re: SCM: Re: Recuperating Transylvania? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

At 02:21 27/07/96 GMT, Joe Pannon (Pannonescu) quoted Liviu Iordache:
>Liviu Iordache > wrote:
>>Sorry Joe, but it seems to me you don't have a clear point this time.
>>Tinca's interview for Magyar Nemzet was not necessarily conducted in
>>English and ,therefore, "recuperating Transylvania" might be just
>>Shafir's literatim translation from Romanian (BTW, a careful reading
>>should reveal that Shafir's source is, apparently, de Romanian daily
>>"Evenimentul Zilei").
>Since the OMRI news itself contained the questionable phrase in quotes,
>I assumed it was verbatim from Tinca.  It doesn't make sense to me for
>Shafir to do that with his own translation.
Joe, here I have to agree with Liviu - seems to me that it would not make
sense to quote him in the original Romanian either. So, it would make sense
that what the reporter was trying to do was make a literal translation.
Unfortunately, there are some problems with the use of *recuperate* to mean
*take back.* ;-) (see below).
>>Regarding the meaning of "recuperate," my dictionary says: 1.to regain
>>health or strength; 2.to recover from loss, as of money; 3.to obtain
>>again after loss; recover; 4.to restore to vigor and health.--Syn: see
>>RECOVER. From Latin ,re--back + capere--to take.
>Sorry, Liviu, but the only context I ever hear the word is "recuperating
>from illness", regardless of what other possible meaning the word might
>have.  In fact, sounding so similar to the word "recapture", I think
>that's what Tinca really meant to use.
>>The meanings are the same as in Romanian, although #3 is probably the
>>most common one.  
>I think #1 is the most common use, and that's why my Webster mentions it
>ahead of other meanings.

Despite the fact that the infallible (;-)) Webster lists one of the meanings
as *to take back*, which is undoubtedly the meaning of the Latin original
(and thus the Romanian) from which the word is derived in English, using the
word in that sense looks laughable, that's all there is to it. IMHO, the
only persons who would actually use the word in that fashion would be
not-native English speakers who happened to find the meaning in the dictionary!

(N.B. This is not in any sense meant as an aspersion on your or Joe's
facility in English, which is excellent. Mr. Tinca's or Mr. Shafir's,
however, may be another matter).



Johanne L. Tournier
e-mail - 
+ - Flame (was: "scientific explanation" [sic!]) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"Romeo" > wrote:

>> >If you know better, Mr.Liviu, why don't you try to describe us this
>> >history.

>In the normal way I'm not really interested about where my, or hungarian,
>or yours, ethnoroots are. 

You have managed to contradict yourself in just four lousy lines. That
is quite a performance even for newby. 

>But if you make a reply you must add a content.

Now, just because a pathetic sourpuss refuses to see the content it
doesn't mean that the content isn't there. 

>So, don't make that mistake thinking you do it for me, you do (have done)
>it for you. 

No sweat! Really? Maybe you should read again your own request. What
does it mean  to you, "Mr.Liviu, why don't you try to describe us this

>I got better things to do than trying to follow the above 3 points.

Yeah? Like what? Wiping off the drooling thread that's hanging from
the corner of your mouth?

>> ...consider the Hungarians a Turkish people.
>Well, friend, note again that I didn't say that Hungarian are Turkish or

Correct. Actually,  you are too wet behind the ears for having
something interesting to say. 

>The subject of my reply was the emptyness of your reply.

Incorrect. Let's recap the first lines ("subject" is way too generous)
of your reply: "If you know better, Mr.Liviu, why don't you try to
describe us this history."

>> Turkish is the most widely spoken language of the Altaic language
>> By contrast, Hungarian is part of the  Finno-Ugrian group that belongs
>Well thanks indeed. This is a true reply,

I strongly doubt you are qualified for this kind of remarks. So
please, hold on to your sorry "thanks."

>...maybe you'll learn finally what relevance has this IQ thing...

We are in perfect agreement here; even the mentioning of the IQ is
irrelevant in your case.

>	But, if you insist, note that your IQ is already (and publicly) evaluated

Oooops! I'm getting really scared now!

>1.you have tried to reply to the "Turk" friend message;

Well, in my book I replied. Nevertheless, an IQ of 75 is a
prerequisite for grasping any of my replies. Sorry you don't 
qualify :(

>2.your original empty reply puts you on the same IQ level with that "Turk"

OK. Anyhow, don't look up too much with an open mouth. Those levels
are way too high for you.

>3.you qualified him as idiot; because you done that, you must have been
>born with an encyclopedia, or better said, you must have been born in a
>package; and that's natural, because a lot of Romanian people bought a lot
>of books in a package with other unuseful things before '89.

You got me here, wise guy! Now, say slowly after me: A, B, C, D....
And please, for God's sake, stop drooling!

>4.the confusion you made about the subject of my message 

What subject? What message?

>disqualifies you as a real partner of discussion (i sincerely hope this is tru
e only in
>relation with me).

Now, that really hurts. 

>As it results from above, your word is kinda nothing, you know :)

Yes Romeo, I know. Your IQ<75, as it results form above, and,
therefore, is plainly normal that my words to you amounts to nothing.
Same thing as if I'd try to explain something to a cabbage.

Liviu Iordache
+ - Re: A Petofi Radio interjuja Nemenyi Peter Andrassal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Marina irja:

>Azon az alapon amit olvastam az elmult hat honapban itt, a hungary listan
>es  a Forumon, NPA has an agenda. He is "posessed". He seems to make it his
>life's work. A diferencia kozted es NPA kozott: eg es fold! [ Dacara annak
>hogy legtobszor nem ertek egyet Veled :)))) Te egy ertelmes embernek
>tunsz. ]
>En csak arra vagyok "szupererzekeny" hogy az NPA felek azt allitjak, hogy
>sem en sem a csaladom nem magyar!

Azt, hogy Te minek tartod magad az a Te dolgod. En sohasem irtam, hogy az 
a mas vallasu magyar aki magyarul tesz, az nem magyar. Kerek bizonyitekot 

>Az en velemenyem az, hogy tanitani kellene holocaust tortenelmet minden
>iskolaban, minden orszagban. Igen tanitani kellene a zsido holocaustot,
>a Cambodiait, a Yugoszlaviait, Burundiait, a Kereszteshaborut, a
>Palesztiniai ugyeket, amit Iraq es Iran csinal a vallas leple alatt, a nep 
irtast amit Sztalin csinalt, a rabszolgasagot amit Amerikaban csinaltak, a 
>rabszolgasag ami Oroszorszagban volt, a kegyetlensegek amit a Japanok 
>csinaltak koreabanstb., stb.

Erdekes, ezt papoltam en is!

>A vilag az egy nagy falu lett. Emberek nem ismerik egymas kulturajat es ez 
>mindenfele felreertesekre vezet.

Ne mond? Lehet, hogy minket Magyarokat is felreismernek?

>I am trying very hard :)

So do I :-|

+ - Re: BOYCOTT COCA-COLA! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Ivan Marinov  > wrote:
>> You do not speak on behalf of all Christians. I know many
>> Christians who are pro abortion rights.
>It's their right, but I think they are wrong. Most Christians are
>strongly pro-life, as abortion cannot be reconcilied with the basic
>Christian principles.

I guess that depends on how you define basic Christian principles.

+ - Re: TO MR. KEELER FROM MARIA (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Maria Egorov ) wrote:
: Could you give me a reason to do so?.

 : Internet Direct (416)233-2999  1000 lines SLIP, 9600 - 33,600 bps :