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[boogie-lindy] verseny (mind) |
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Fwd: World Salsa Federation Newsletter (mind) |
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Fwd: [tanc-L] HELIKON TSE 30eves JUBILEUM (mind) |
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Boogie-woogie A,B, Lindy Hop,
Free Style Hobby Rock and Roll
Nemzetközi verseny
II. Jókai Kupa
Idopont: 2002. Március 16. 17:00 h
Rendezo: Tornádó 2000 SE
Helyszín: Jókai Mór Muvelodési Központ
2040 Budaörs, Szabadság út 26.
Kategóriák: Boogie-woogie A és B, Lindy Hop,
Free Style Hobby Rock and Roll
Nevezési Határido: Március 8.
Nevezési cím: Tornádó 2000 SE / Draskóczy Réka
1035 Budapest, Szello u. 10. VIII.23.
Fax: 240-4793
Rajtszámkiadás: 16:00 - 16:30 h
Nevezési díj: 1000 Ft / páros / kategória
További Információ: Kovács József 06 / 20 / 342 1018
+ - | [boogie-lindy] verseny (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tengeri----- Original Message -----
From: Jóri Rita
To: Boogie-lindy (E-mail) ; Oktoboogie (E-mail)
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: [boogie-lindy] verseny
Akkor tehát 2002.március 2.-án VERSENY!
Paraméterek: Helyszín: Forgách u. 9/a SING-SING
Kezdés: 15 óra Boogie-Woogie
18 óra JACK&JILL
Közte közös kajálás:-)))
Nevezési díj: BOOGIE:még bizonytalan(lehet,hogy csak
valami ital vagy gyümölcs)holnapra megmondom
JACK&JILL 400 Ft/fõ (Szombat esti
láz belépõ!) Boogie-ban indulóknak nem kell!
Egyéb tudnivalók: Nem hivatalos verseny,nem kell versenykönyv és bárki
indulhat bárkivel!
Hozzatok minél nagyobb szurkolótábort!
Ha bármi kérdésetek van írjatok!
+ - | Fwd: World Salsa Federation Newsletter (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>From: Isaac Altman >Salsa Federation Newsletter
> "The #1 Leader in Setting Standards For Salsa In the 21st Century"
> March 22, 2002
>in this issue
>DanceSport To Be New Event In The 2002 Junior Olympics!
>Tito Puente Jr. To Attend Southwestern U.S. Salsa Festival!
>WSF Syllabus Tapes
>Amateurs and Professionals! Get your Bronze, Silver and Gold Tapes showing
>all the steps used for WSF sanctioned Salsa Competitions. These tapes are
>the standard used all over the World. For a very limited time, (until
>March 1, 2002) you can buy the enire set for only $65. You can't order
>this online. You must call toll free 1-888-825-7768 to place your order.
>Shipping and handling in the Continental U.S. is $8 and $15 everywhere else.
> Hello Dance Lovers ALL Over The World
>This month's newsletter is filled with the latest news and updates that
>matter to you. We are sending you this newsletter due to the important
>changes and additions that have taken place recently.
>DanceSport To Be New Event In The 2002 Junior Olympics!
> Just recently through the efforts of Isaac Altman, the AAU Salsa Dance
> National Chairman, DancSport will be included in this years Junior
> Olympics to be held this summer in Knoxville, Tennessee. The AAU has
> named Altman the National Director for Ballroom/DanceSport. Not only will
> Salsa be an event, but so will the International Latin, Standard, and
> Showdance dances. The Junior Olympics includes ages 6-22. Joining the AAU
> is $10 and once you are accepted to go to the Junior Olympics, the cost
> will be $100 per person to enter as many different dances as you like.
> This year, Altman is going to qualify as many dancers as possible. There
> will be a team competition, and school figure competition included as
> well. This has been a dream for many young dancesport competitors for a
> long time. Now the dream of winning a Gold Medal at the Junior Olympics
> can be a reality. For more information, you can email Isaac Altman at
> or call toll free at 1-888-825-7768.
>Tito Puente Jr. To Attend Southwestern U.S. Salsa Festival!
> The fabulous singer and musician, Mr. Tito Puente Jr. will be attending
> the Southwestern U.S. Salsa Festival in Anaheim, Ca. on March 15th and
> 16th at the Crowne Plaza Suites Hotel. The Super Stars of Salsa will be
> revealing their secrets at 20 workshops that will blow your mind! Dancing
> to 2 top California DJ's and the pulsating Salsa Orchestra Un Solo Son is
> bound to make your hips move in ways you can't even imagine! The All-Star
> Latin Show will entertain you with the rhythms of the world. A full sit
> down dinner will satisfy your palate until the excitement of 4 United
> States Qualifying Salsa Competitions begin. Reservations are still being
> accepted, but act fast! Discounts for groups of 25 or more. Join us for a
> weekend of fun, competition and entertainment.
>cc>Full Story
> The largest North American publication of its kind, Dancebeat, is now
> devoting a section of it paper to Salsa. This section will be called the
> Salsa Beat. Subscribers receive their issue delivered right to their
> mailbox. If your not familiar with this publication, go to the article
> link for the full story and a preview of the paper on the internet. This
> is the only Salsa publication that comes in newspaper form that I know of
> in the United States. Check out this months issue!
>ebeat.com>Full Story
> More exiting news about the World Salsa Federation and Willy Chirino in
> our next newsletter coming soon!!
>dsalsafederation.com>More on this topic
> :: <mailto: >email us
> ::
> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=6z8a8qn6.m5igzqn6.zjxjuqn6&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wor
> ldsalsafederation.com>visit our site
>phone: 305 271-0606
>This email was sent to , at your request, by
>dsalsafederation.com>World Salsa Federation.
>Visit our Subscription Center to
>ankyra.com>edit your interests or
>View our <http://ccprod.roving.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>;privacy policy.
>Powered by
+ - | Fwd: [tanc-L] HELIKON TSE 30eves JUBILEUM (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>From: Horváth Róbert >
>Üdv mindenkinek!
>Szombaton Zalaegerszegen a tánc ünnepe lesz!
>Ismét öregedett 5 évet(vagyis a pontos forduló 2001. okt 06. volt)
>a Helikon Táncklubklub(jelenleg Helikon TSE).
>Nagyszabású bemutatóval - új formációk, egyéni bemutató számok,
>régi- volt táncosok, torta stb. majd éjjel alapitványi bál.
>Az érdeklodés óriási, duplázni kell az eloadást - 2002. március 9.- és
>nagy valószinuséggel
>Zalaszentgrót város is igényt tart a teljes musorra.
>Az alapitványi bálra is 400 jegy elkelt már, és még mindig jönnének!
>Kevés klub mondhat magának ennyi évet !
>Dunántúlon csak a Savaria elozi meg - mindössze egy évvel született meg
>Az alapitó táncpedagógusok: Rimányiné Kiss Anikó és Sarlós Dezso. A
>z alapitó táncosok (6 pár) között volt Rozsmán Ibolya (Gallai Gáborné),
>aki a klub muvészeti vezetoje 1980 óta.
>Sok sikert a jubileumi musorhoz, BOLDOG SZÜLINAPOT HELIKON!
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