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1 megejgyzes okra-hoz (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
2 Polpetti (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
3 FW: Lencsefozelek (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
4 TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
5 TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
6 RE: polpette (mind)  63 sor     (cikkei)
7 HIX NYELV (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
8 TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
9 TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +4641613115 f (mind)  123 sor     (cikkei)
10 TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +3016776986 f (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)

+ - megejgyzes okra-hoz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Nem lehet a nagy bevasarlokozpontokban kapni, lassan mar semilyen egzotikus,
tenyleg egzotikus dolgot. Okra-t Ceylonban is fogyasztanak, Afrikaban
kevesbe lattam.
+ - Polpetti (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Amit a sarki kifozdeben polpettikent arulnak, az szerintem inkabb nevezheto
gordonnak, de hatha vegszuksegben megteszi: 
serteshus vekony, nagy szelet, ra egy szelet fott, fustolt sonka, (talan
vastag szelet gepsonka, vagy sonka felvagott megteszi), feltekerve,
rantotthusnak bundazva, jol megsutve. Amikor megsult, szoktak kettevagni es
reszelt sajttal megszorni.
+ - FW: Lencsefozelek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Egy megkesett, de nem elkesett, nagyon finom lencsefozelek, tovabbitva:

Lencsefozelek Csabus modra

Szalonnat olvasztunk, majd a zsirjat felretesszuk. A sult szalonnadarabokat
a beaztatott lencse, baberlevel, fustolt hus, kolbasz, egy kozepes fej
reszelt voroshagyma es keves so tarsasagaban feltesszuk vizbe foni. 
Puhara fozzuk. A szalonnazsirbol rantast keszitunk 2 gerezd fokhagymaval,
piros paprikaval izesitve. 
A rantas hozzaadasa utani osszefozes utan - mielobb mar majdnem kész - 2
evokanal hazi keszitesu reszelt tormat rakunk a fozelekbe. 
Finoman utanasozunk. 

Puszi: Andika
+ - TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +31314360041 is delayed in the scheduling queues because:
    Blocked by concurrent jobs

The job will be processed as soon as possible.

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX KONYHA *** #1040
+ - TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +31314360041 was rejected because:
    REJECT: This number is inaccessible via our service at the request of your 
intended recipient

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: +31314360041
         JobID: 16127
       GroupID: 16127
        Sender: konyha
Submitted From: localhost
    Page Width: 209 (mm)
   Page Length: 296 (mm)
    Resolution: 196 (lpi)
        Status: REJECT: This number is inaccessible via our service at the requ
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      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

The following documents were submitted for transmission and are
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purged when this job is removed.  Documents may also be manually
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Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc8514.ps.16127    24024 PostScript
docq/doc8515.ps.16127    18561 PostScript

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX KONYHA *** #1040
+ - RE: polpette (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Sziasztok, szia Zsolt!

>A polpetti nevu etek, teljes leirasara lenne szuksegem.
>Mibol, mivel, hogyan keszul?

Eloszor is: helyesen polpette (egyesszamban polpetta), ami
husgombocokat/fasirtgombocokat jelent. Nem tudom, pontosan milyen
polpettere gondoltal, mert ez is olyan Olaszorszagban, mint megannyi mas
kaja: ahany taj, annyi szokas... 

Van ket eredeti olasz receptem, leforditom Neked:

1. Polpette al basilico (bazsalikomos fasirtgombocok) - ez egy sziciliai

Hozzavalok: (4 szemelyre)
300 g daralt hus (lehetoleg borju)
3 dl besamel martas (nekem ez soknak tunik - de meg nem probaltam)
1 csokor bazsalikom
2 tojas
50 g reszelt parmezan
100 g liszt
so es bors izles szerint

Nyomkodjuk szet a daralt hust, es finoman keverjuk ossze a besamellel,
soval borssal. Adjunk hozza bosegesen a finomra felvagott bazsalikombol,
majd keverjuk hozza a tojasokat es a parmezant. Addig gyurjuk, amig homogen
masszat nem kapunk. Dionyi gombocokat formalunk, lisztbe forgatjuk es bo
olajban kisutjuk. 

2. Polpette al forno (fasirtgombocok sutoben)

400 g vegyes daralthus (sertes+marha)
350 g finomra vagott hagyma
2 szelet tejben megaztatott kenyer
300 g joghurt
1 pohar szaraz feherbor
1 egesz tojas + 1 sargaja
oregano, so, bors, olaj

Egy edenyben keverjuk ossze a daralt hust a kinyomkodott kenyerrel,
fuszerezzuk soval, borssal, oreganoval. Formazzunk kb. dionyi kis
husgombocokat. Egy tuzallo talat olajozzunk ki, es teritsunk el az aljan
egy reteg hagymat. Helyezzuk ra a husgombocokat. Locsoljuk meg a borral, es
tegyuk be a 200 fokra elomelegitett sutobe. Kb. egy oraig sussuk, kozben
idonkent forgassuk meg, hogy minden oldalon szep szinuk legyen. Verjuk fel
a tojasokat, keverjuk ossze a joghurttal es ontsuk a husgombocokra. Addig
sussuk, amig fel nem szivodik a joghurtos szosz. 

Leggyakrabban termeszetesen _paradicsomszosszal_ eszik a polpettet, de most
nincs keznel ilyen receptem. Szerintem "normal" magyar fasirt-alapanyagbol
is elkeszitheto - persze pirospaprika helyett oreganot kell beletenni.
Szvsz. fokhagyma is mehet bele, karara nem valik. :-) 

+ - HIX NYELV (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Elnezest kerek a crosspost-ert, es egy kicsit talan off is a dolog, de
jo lenne, ha minel tobben tudnatok rola.\
Szeretnenk inditani egy uj forumot a HIX-en. A lista elsosorban a magyar
nyelv csinjat-binjat taglalna, hiszen rengeteg kerdes fogalmazodhat meg
ebben a temakorben, ugyanakkor szivesen latnank mas, kulfoldi nyelvi
erdekessegeket is. Helyet kaphatnanak vegre az olyan temak a HIX-en, amelyek
pl. a magyar nyelv es a net kapcsolatat boncolgatjak. Ezzel mentesulne sok
mas lista [TIPP, GURU, WINDOWS,...] az ilyen kerdesektol.

Ahhoz, hogy a lista beindulhasson, legalabb 100 jelentkezore van szukseg.
Kerem, hogy akit erdekel a dolog, irjon egy levelet "OK" subjecttel a
kovetkezo cimre: 

Elore is koszonom!

		/-/unter			-[HE 1.15beta7;]-
+ - TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +441413321199 was rejected because:
    REJECT: Sorry... based on past failures we think this fax machine currently
 has problems

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: +441413321199
         JobID: 26627
       GroupID: 26627
        Sender: konyha
Submitted From: localhost
    Page Width: 209 (mm)
   Page Length: 296 (mm)
    Resolution: 196 (lpi)
        Status: REJECT: Sorry... based on past failures we think this fax machi
ne currently has problems
       Dialogs: 0 (exchanges with remote device)
         Dials: 0 (consecutive failed calls to destination)
         Calls: 0 (total phone calls placed)
         Pages: 0 (pages transmitted)
      TotPages: 0 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

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Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc1464.ps.26627    29873 PostScript
docq/doc1465.ps.26627    18562 PostScript

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX KONYHA *** #1040
+ - TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +4641613115 f (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +4641613115 failed because:
    DCS sent 3 times without response; too many attempts to send

    ---- Transcript of session follows ----

Dec 17 03:19:19.18: [17471]: SESSION BEGIN 00074638 4641613115
Dec 17 03:19:19.18: [17471]: SEND FAX: JOB 7881 DEST +4641613115 COMMID 0007463
Dec 17 03:19:19.18: [17471]: DELAY 2600 ms
Dec 17 03:19:23.10: [17471]: <-- [17:ATE0V1Q0X4S0=0H0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.27: [17471]: --> [16:ATE0V1Q0X4S0=0H0]
Dec 17 03:19:23.27: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.27: [17471]: <-- [32:ATS8=2S7=60&H1&I0&R2S13=1&D2&C1\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.44: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.44: [17471]: <-- [14:AT+FCLASS=2.0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.48: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.48: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FLO=2\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.52: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.52: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FPP=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.56: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.56: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FBO=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.60: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.60: [17471]: <-- [10:AT+FCT=30\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.64: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.64: [17471]: <-- [15:AT+FNR=1,1,1,1\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.68: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.68: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FIE=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.72: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.72: [17471]: <-- [23:AT+FCC=1,5,2,2,0,0,0,0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.76: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.76: [17471]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:23.93: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:23.96: [17471]: <-- [14:AT+FCLASS=2.0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.10: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.10: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FLO=2\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.23: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.23: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FPP=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.36: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.36: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FBO=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.49: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.49: [17471]: <-- [10:AT+FCT=30\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.62: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.62: [17471]: <-- [15:AT+FNR=1,1,1,1\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.76: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.76: [17471]: <-- [9:AT+FIE=0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:24.89: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:24.89: [17471]: <-- [23:AT+FCC=1,5,2,2,0,0,0,0\r]
Dec 17 03:19:25.03: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:25.03: [17471]: <-- [27:AT+FLI="FAX Gateway SUNET"\r]
Dec 17 03:19:25.17: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:25.17: [17471]: DIAL 041613115
Dec 17 03:19:25.17: [17471]: <-- [14:ATDT041613115\r]
Dec 17 03:19:39.80: [17471]: --> [4:+FCO]
Dec 17 03:19:41.23: [17471]: --> [27:+FNF:0000565555008C90804303]
Dec 17 03:19:41.23: [17471]: REMOTE NSF "0000565555008C90804303"
Dec 17 03:19:41.96: [17471]: --> [27:+FCI:"        46 416 13115"]
Dec 17 03:19:41.96: [17471]: REMOTE CSI "46 416 13115"
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: --> [20:+FIS:1,5,0,2,1,0,0,3]
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE best rate 14400 bit/s
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE max page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE max unlimited page length 
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE best vres 7.7 line/mm
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE best format 2-D MR
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: REMOTE best 10 ms/scanline
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE 14400 bit/s
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE 10 ms/scanline
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: SEND file "docq/doc27498.ps;01"
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE unlimited page length 
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE 7.7 line/mm
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: USE 1-D MR
Dec 17 03:19:42.34: [17471]: <-- [23:AT+FIS=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,3\r]
Dec 17 03:19:42.48: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:19:42.48: [17471]: <-- [7:AT+FDT\r]
Dec 17 03:19:42.62: [17471]: --> [20:+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,3]
Dec 17 03:19:59.36: [17471]: --> [20:+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,3]
Dec 17 03:20:06.51: [17471]: --> [7:+FHS:25]
Dec 17 03:20:06.51: [17471]: REMOTE HANGUP: DCS sent 3 times without response (
code 25)
Dec 17 03:20:06.51: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:23:06.52: [17471]: MODEM <Timeout>
Dec 17 03:23:06.52: [17471]: SEND FAILED: DCS sent 3 times without response; to
o many attempts to send
Dec 17 03:23:06.52: [17471]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Dec 17 03:23:06.78: [17471]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 17 03:23:06.78: [17471]: SESSION END

    ---- Unsent job status ----

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Submitted From: localhost
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      Attempts: 2 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

The following documents were submitted for transmission and are
available on the server for reuse until they are automatically
purged when this job is removed.  Documents may also be manually
removed using the faxrm command; consult faxrm(1) for information.

Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc27498.ps         8653 PostScript
docq/doc27499.ps        18553 PostScript

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX KONYHA *** #1040
+ - TPC<101-12-17-02-30-45__23136@hix.com> to +3016776986 f (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +3016776986 was rejected because:
    REJECT: Sorry... based on past failures we think this fax machine currently
 has problems

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: +3016776986
         JobID: 31645
       GroupID: 31645
        Sender: konyha
Submitted From: localhost
    Page Width: 215 (mm)
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        Status: REJECT: Sorry... based on past failures we think this fax machi
ne currently has problems
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      TotPages: 0 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

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Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc31179.ps.31645     6616 PostScript
docq/doc31180.ps.31645    18703 PostScript

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX KONYHA *** #1040