SCM 534 1996-11-29 Re: Nomen est omen?
SCM 533 1996-11-28 Re: Comaneci [was:Re: Csa ngo /Ceangai people...]
SCM 533 1996-11-28 Re: Comaneci [was:Re: Csa ngo /Ceangai people...]
SCM 530 1996-11-25 Re: Comaneci [was:Re: Csa ngo /Ceangai people...]
SCM 530 1996-11-25 Comaneci [was:Re: Csa ngo /Ceangai people...]
SCM 530 1996-11-25 Re: Nomen est omen?
SCM 360 1996-06-06 Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsv.
SCM 355 1996-06-01 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province
SCM 347 1996-05-24 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province
SCM 346 1996-05-23 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province
SCM 345 1996-05-22 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province